Okay, I've decided to take another crack at a Narnia story. If you don't know the first story I submitted to this site was a Narnia story. I hope you enjoy it.

Don't worry, I'm still working on Operation Bolt.

Living in a time of war is always deadly, no matter where or when. War is something that never truly leaves, because it has always been there. Even back when our ancestors were fighting over that last piece of meat, or that last berry or that one beautiful female. However, as we have evolved so have the ways that we wage war. Perhaps the very first of wars were fought with fists and claws, and then they slowly escalated into wooden clubs to maul each other to death. Then we got smarter, so war got larger and deadlier. We started to make swords and armor, bows and arrows, maces and axes. Most think that it is simple coincidence that war is getting worse as we advance, but then again, most people are idiots. I think otherwise though, I know why war gets worse over the years. It is quite simple.

War is alive.

The war that I'm telling you about has been going on for some time now, much longer than I have been alive. It is a heated conflict between two strong forces. Both are lead by strong beings, both are willing to do anything to win. And both have warriors that are willing to die for their causes.

The war that I am speaking of is, of course, the war between Aslan the great king of Narnia and Jadis the queen of Narnia, or the White Witch as some call her. These two strong forces show no sign of giving up until the bitter end, and I'm afraid that in the end, no matter what the outcome there will be a massive loss of life.

But enough about the setting, it's time I tell you about myself. My name is Echo Cobolt, yes I know, weird name. I never really liked it, but my father gave it to me and since he's not alive I anymore intend to keep the name that he gave me. If you haven't figured it out yet I am a Narnian, so I am not in the least bit human. In fact, I am what the Greeks call Vulpes or a true fox. I have the basic attributes of anyone in my species, red fur on my head, back, limps, and tail. I have white fur on my muzzle, under-belly and on the tip of my tail with black fur on my ears, feet and a small mark on my face. My mother often said that I looked like the text-book definition of a fox.

At the moment, I was leaning on a surprisingly comfortable tree simply enjoying the fresh winter air. For my whole life Narnia had been blanketed in a seemingly never-ending snow. Every morning you would wake up to snow, and every night you would snuggle into bed you would look outside and see snow falling. It was tiring to be constantly cold, but I love the snow and how it feels on my fur. During a war it was hard to find moments of silence to enjoy life, and I would soon find out that that moment wouldn't stay calm for long.

I was just closing my eyes when I heard a rustled behind me. Being a canine I have a keen sense of hearing so I instantly perked my ears up.

"Hello?" I asked, slightly worried about the sound. However, after a few seconds there was no response. So I shrugged it off, 'It's probably nothing.' I thought as I closed my eyes again.

Now, I'm not a stupid person, not in the least. I have often gotten myself out of deadly situations by talking my way out of them. But, I must say, ignoring that sound is most likely the single most idiotic thing I have ever done in my life.

What made that sound were two wolves who had, apparently, been stalking me and were about to attack. I never even saw it coming. Before I could even react one latched onto my left ear and dragged me to the ground. The other one, who was much larger, came around to my front and placed his heavy paw on my chest.

I was still grimacing from my ear when I felt the wolf's hot breath in my ear and heard him say "Don't struggle kid, then we won't have to hurt you."

An intense sense of fear went through my body and I followed the wolf's order. I looked up at him and saw that he was cruelly smiling at me with his yellow teeth. Wolves almost always worked for Jadis and they were known for being ruthless and obedient to their queen.

The wolf seemed to sense my fear and said "Don't worry kid; we don't want to kill you. Luckily for you, the Queen wants you alive." Those words helped sooth my fear, despite the fact that the other wolf still had a hard grip on my ear.

The larger wolf saw that I was finding it very uncomfortable to have someone nipping on my ear and said "Let his ear go Arion"

The wolf hesitantly let go of my ear and allowed me to stand. As I stood up I realized that this wolf, Arion, was very young. I'm pretty sure he was barley 18, I'm not much older, but this kid is a teenager.

He instantly noticed that I was staring at him and hardened his expression "What are you looking at, fox?" he said with an evil tone.

In Narnia there is a... how would I describe it, social structure. Some creatures like centaurs are always revered as high class citizens. Most are thought of as normal, like fauns or beavers. Unfortunately for me, some are thought of as cunning and evil. One of the creatures that are thought of one of the lowest of the low is foxes. So when the wolf talked to me in that disgusted tone I was hurt, but I expected it.

"Nothing." I stated as curtly as possible, trying to avoid any conversation with that wolf.

Arion snarled "Your lucky Spear is here, I wouldn't have been content without ripping your little ear off."

I blinked, completely unimpressed by the young wolf's attempt to scare me. "Well then I'll consider myself lucky." I said with the flick of my ears.

The larger wolf was growing tired of this conversation, and I could tell when he said "Okay fox, just because I saved your ear doesn't mean we're letting you go."

I put a concerned look on my face "Letting me go from what?" I asked. The moment I said this Arion pushed me in the direction of Spear.

Spear smiled "The draft."