Disclaimer:I do not own Naruto!

~Invisible Bond~


(Sneak Peek)

~*Chapter 9: AMBUSH!*~

"Ah~! That was so good! Thanks for the meal, old man!" Setsu sighed, satisfied with a familiar fox like grin. He then turned toward Hinata with a familiar mischief and teasing grin. "I didn't know you can eat so much ramen too, Hinata-chan~!"

Hinata blushed in embarrassment because it was true. Next to her were about fifteen bowls of ramen, while Setsu merely had about eight. It awed Setsu how much the Hyuuga Heiress could eat so much ramen, but he didn't thought much about it because he thought ramen was the gods of food. He had never tasted something so good in his whole life! In fact, he began to admire Hinata even more by the amount of ramen she ate.

"I'm glad to see you haven't lost your appetite as usual, Hinata. Not to mention you too as well, Setsu. I haven't seen a kid eat that much ramen since Naruto first came here as a child and ate the same amount as you did," Teuchi, the ramen stand owner, said with a chuckle.

"That's right! I've never seen a boy eat that much ramen before till that day," Ayame, Teuchi's daughter, said with a laugh; her brown eyes sparkling with amusement.

Setsu perked up from the name. "Naruto? Isn't he that same boy you and Kurenai talked about three days ago?" He asked curiously toward Hinata.

Hinata nodded, blushed upon Teuchi's and Ayame's knowing smiles.

"I didn't think he could be anymore cooler!" Setsu grinned, completely oblivious the obvious blush on the Hyuuga Heiress's cheeks. "If he loves this awesome ramen and eats a lot of this amazing stuff, then he is the best!"

Teuchi, Ayame, and Hinata looked amused upon Setsu's enthusiasm and admired expression. They could definitely see Naruto and Setsu getting along great with each other.

"Come on, Setsu-chan," Hinata said, as she began to get up and brought her wallet out. "We should get going,"

"Aw~! Just one more?" Setsu begged with a pout.

"No, Setsu-chan," Hinata said, firmly with scolded eyes, but still held a twinkle of amusement. "That's enough for one day,"

Setsu pouted even further but nodded in defeat. "Ok, Hinata-chan. See you later Ojii-san, Ayame-neechan!" He said and waved goodbye to the two kind humans after grabbing Hinata's soft hand.

"Come again anytime Setsu!" Teuchi chuckled.

"See you soon, Setsu-kun!" Ayame smiled.

"They were nice humans. I didn't think there would have that many type of humans," Setsu said, slightly skipping along with large grin.

Hinata looked down at Setsu with sadden and understanding eyes. "Not many humans are like that, true, but there are still humans who are kind and sympathetic toward others. In fact, Teuchi-san and Ayame-chan are people you can definitely count on and are the kindest people I know besides a few others," She said.

"Do you think they would accept me if they saw my Yokai form?" Setsu asked nervously, yet curious.

Hinata smiled warmly at the cute azure eyed boy. "I'm sure they will. They aren't as prejudice as most humans are. In fact, I think they would have accepted you gladly," She said. 'Just like they accepted Naruto-kun, especially how much of Setsu-chan's personality are almost similar to Naruto-kun's,'

Setsu looked at Hinata with slight doubtful look. He wasn't sure if that was true or not. He was so used to having humans reject him wherever he comes across them for so long that it was almost impossible to believe there could be humans who would accept him. It was still a shock to the young kit that the Hyuuga Head, the Hokage, and Kurenai had accepted him along with Hinata-chan.

'But then again,' Setsu mused. 'Hinata-chan is something else entirely,'

Since he first saw the teen, he thought of her as an angel who was descended from the heavens. It became even more so because of how easily the Hyuuga Heiress accepted the young demon. He found himself more relaxed and happier than he ever felt before, but also really confused and a bit scared.

'I know I can finally understand and accept that I see Hinata-chan as my mother, but why am I having trouble grasping that fact? What is love of a family in the first place? Do I really see her as my mother?' Setsu thought as doubt and anguish began to seed through him.

In all honesty, he wasn't even sure he can answer his own questions. Being alone for so long then having to see his own kind being murderously wiped out from those retched cloaked humans… Setsu didn't know what to feel except to lash out and block everyone out by being cold and stoic toward them.

He held back a groan as his head pounded in frustration. 'Why does this have to be so hard to figure out?' Setsu wondered with a whine echoing in his head.

"Hinata-chan? Is that you?"

Setsu immediately tensed in alert and his eyes narrowed into cold azure slits as he turned where the unfamiliar voice came from. He kept a tight hold of Hinata's hand, but not too tightly to hurt or alarm her. He slowly came up in front of her in protective and silent stance with his familiar stoic, cold masked expression toward the ninja behind them.

"Ah! Iruka-sensei!" Hinata said in surprise upon seeing her once academy sensei, but still gave her old teacher her familiar warm smile.

Setsu blinked as his stance immediately fell from the unexpected welcoming tone and familiarity from the Hyuuga Heiress gave toward the stranger. He almost smacked himself for his long years of paranoid. Of course Hinata would know this man (Iruka, right…?)! This was her home after all!

He could feel himself blush in embarrassment and immediately clammed up in his shy and insecure expression as he quickly ran behind Hinata. 'How embarrassing…!'

Iruka blinked and turned his head toward the blue blur that hid behind his ex-student. "And who's that behind you, Hinata-chan?" He asked curiously with a raised eye-brow.

"Oh! This is Setsu-chan," Hinata said and soothingly ran her hand through Setsu's raven blue and red streaked hair to calm him down. Setsu peaked shyly behind the Hyuuga Heiress. "Setsu-chan, I would like you to meet Iruka-sensei,"

"H-Hi," Setsu greeted shyly at the shinobi.

Iruka looked at the demon kit with a surprised expression, but gave Setsu a warm smile. "It's good to meet you as well, Setsu-kun," He greeted back with smile, hiding his shock upon Setsu's appearance let alone his shy personality. 'If I hadn't known Naruto or Hinata-chan so well, I would have thought Setsu-kun was their son,' He thought to himself.

"So what brings you out here Iruka-sensei? I would have thought you would be in the academy. The classes aren't over today," Hinata inquired her ex-academy sensei.

"Oh I was just about to…"

That was all Setsu caught before his attention was taken away by something from the corner of his eye. It was kitsune, but it wasn't just any normal kitsune. It was a bit larger than any normal kitsune, but that wasn't all. What really caught his attention was the extra tails swinging behind as he/she sneaked under the humans' feet.

'Could it be…?' Setsu thought with widened and hopeful eyes. Not wasting any time, Setsu quickly ran after the kitsune without letting Hinata know where he was going, or sense him leaving.


"So let me get this straight… somehow on that day Minato sealed the Kyuubi, he too gotten sealed in the process?" Jiraiya inquired in disbelief toward his godson.

Naruto and Minato, who was quietly observing his son and father-figure/sensei from inside Naruto's soul, didn't blame the Toad Sage from doubting the story. After all, this situation had never been done before and no one had ever seen the result of the Shinigami Summoning Seal on a Biiju before. That was… until about 15 and half years ago.

"Ok…" Jiraiya crossed his arms and closed his eyes with a concentrated expression.

Minato and Naruto sweat dropped, and had a feeling, being two of Jiraiya's closest students and each bonding with him as either a father or grandfather, they both knew the Toad Sage was going to do something dramatic over the explanation.

"DO YOU REALLY THINK I WAS GOING TO BELIEVE THAT GAKI!?" Jiraiya shouted, hitting Naruto on the head with a white paper fan out of nowhere.

"I-ITTAI! Why did you do that for Ero-Sennin?!" Naruto shouted angrily toward the older shinobi.

Minato smiled nervously with a sweat drop and felt nothing but sympathy toward both his sensei and son.

"Naruto, the Death God Sealing jutsu doesn't leave the caster to be left in the world of the living even if they had some chakra left. The Yondaime is dead," Jiraiya explained calmly, but his two students (both he sees as a son and grandson) could hear the hidden anguish and shakiness in his voice.

Minato his bottom lip as he felt his heart ache in guilt for having his father-figure to still feel the pain of his death even after all of these years. Even so, he knew he never regretted in forfeiting his life for the village… Most of all, for his wife and son… Kushina… Naruto…

'What am I going to do? Ero-sennin would never believe me because I would felt the same thing if someone else told me something nearly impossible as this,' Naruto thought worriedly.

"Don't worry, Naruto-kun, I've already thought about this ahead if Sensei didn't believe you," Minato said, reassuring his son with a gentle, soft tone. He couldn't help but smile (quietly beaming, in fact) upon seeing his only son relax upon hearing his voice. "Now, just do these hand signs to create a jutsu I made for this occasion,"

Naruto mentally nodded and paid close attention to the hand signs Minato gave a vision of inside his head.

After making sure his son gotten the jutsu right, Minato immediately headed toward the seal he had to create for the Kyuubi.

Upon sensing his arrival, two large red fox-slit eyes slowly opened and glowed in the dark sewers of Naruto's mindscape. "What brings you here, Minato-kun?" inquired the Nine-Tailed fox as he carefully nuzzled his nose toward the Yondaime.

Minato warmly smiled and leaned against the demon with trust that many would have been shocked were anyone to witness it, especially how Kyuubi's voice of tone was warm, soft and… fatherly?

What many people didn't know was the history between these two individuals went far back. No one knew the history behind it, and no one will know until much later. Not even Minato's sensei or the old man Sandaime knew of Minato's history with the powerful demon even though they were his father and grandfather figures. The only one who knew was Minato's deceased wife, Uzumaki Kushina.

The history between them was more shocking than anyone would realize…

"I finally contacted Naruto-kun. It's time we told the truth to Naruto-kun upon that night 16 years ago," Minato said, looking determined toward the Kyuubi.

"Do you really think they'll believe us? Jiraiya may believe that you are created from my chakra," The Kyuubi inquired, looking a bit skeptical.

"I have thought of that possibility, but Jiraiya is a Sealing Master and should know you don't have the ability to do so with that seal intact," Minato answered in reassurance, yet expressing guilt upon discussing about the seal he produced to seal the demon inside his son.

Large red eyes soften upon seeing the familiar guilt in Minato's azure eyes. "You need not to feel guilty, Sukoshi-kaze (little wind). It was the only way to free me from that man's control. You did not have any choice in the matter," The Demon King said softly to the mournful spirit.

"That still does not mean I had to seal you! There could have been another way to free you from that man's control," Minato argued back.

Just as the Kyuubi was about to argue against this, both spirits heard the familiar voices of Jiraiya and Naruto arguing to each other and hearing the footsteps as walked through the wet puddle floor.

"Looks like our talk is done… for now. Don't think this is the end of it, Sukoshi-kaze (little wind)," the Kyuubi said sternly.

Minato smiled warmly which made the fox demon huff in irritation at the cheeky Yondaime. When Naruto and Jiraiya came closer into view, the Kyuubi couldn't help but have his expression softened upon seeing Minato's eyes shined with joy and longing. It amazed the Demon Lord how much strength Minato had from not breaking down upon noticing the noticeable anger, confusion and sadness Naruto's eyes expressed toward the Yellow Flash when they first met. Minato knew from the start that there was a possibility that his own son would come to hate him for what he has done… for giving him the hated status as a Jinchuuriki.

"You really need to redecorate the place here," Jiraiya commented as he looked around his student's mindscape.

"Oh, would you shut up," Naruto grumbled.

"Don't you dare ignore that advice, kit! I really don't like living here in this sewer mind of yours," The Kyuubi couldn't help commenting before Minato could. The foul stench was really annoying the powerful Bijuu.

Minato rolled his eyes in exasperation and amusement. He especially had to stop himself from smirking upon witnessing his sensei jumping in shock upon Kyuubi's unexpected voice while Naruto held no restraint from hiding his amusement.

"Really Ot—Kyuubi, until now you've never once mentioned your complaint about the place as far as I know. Why mention it now?" Minato inquired with amusement coloring his voice.

Upon hearing the unforgettable voice of his diseased student and adopted son, Jiraiya whirled to meet with Minato's calm and warm azure eyes. He could feel his jaw drop as he continued to stare at his adopted son's soften face upon meeting his father-figure's eyes. Both Jinchuuriki and Bijuu couldn't help watch something so private between teacher and student as they both looked at one another. Emotions of disbelief, grief, heartbreak, joy, and hope shined within the Toad Sage's dark eyes as he continued to stare (without blinking).

While Naruto still felt a bit conflicted toward the Yondaime, he couldn't help but hope Ero-Sennin believed that the spirit before him was his student. He never noticed it, but now he was beginning to see just how much the Yondaime's death hurt Jiraiya. He realized just how fortunate he was that his grandfather-figure didn't come to hate him like most of the Hidden Leaf Village.

The Kyuubi was beginning to get impatient. "Will someone please speak already?! Yes, m—the Yondaime is still very much alive, although as a spirit; and, no, I have nothing to do with it! May we please run along and get this over with. We're nearly 2 to 3 days away from Konoha and I really want the plan to go forward," he said irritably.

The Namikazes sweat drop at the Kyuubi's small rant.

"Way to ruin the moment, you fuzz ball," said Naruto with an annoyed expression toward the demon.


Yay! Hope you all like the sneak peek of one of my famous NaruHina stories I have written in fanfiction! Hope you all enjoyed it~! Don't expect the new chapter to be up right away though. I've finally know how this chapter will turn out since I've finally found my old notes for this chapter I told everyone about a few years back. At the moment, I'm really busy with the end of my college then heading toward internship. Once I have everything sorted out then will I finally get things finished with this new chapter for Invisible Bond and my other stories! =3 Until then~! ;)

Featured in my tumblr (xxhinaangelxx .tumblr .com).