Stavri. Thank you for patiently waiting~ Your support means a lot to me :)

AzureDawn. Thank you for reading~ Indeed, it is sad that we are not treated to a more fulfilling ending. I'd like to think that is where the fan response comes in. I have not given up on this fanfiction at all. Thank you for reading and waiting~

Chiyo And Osaka Fan. I apologise for that 'soon' to be many months later than my previous update, but nonetheless I hope you enjoy this humble fic m(_ _)m

whitley. Thank you for reading~ This fanfiction is still alive and kicking even with my infrequent updates. I am happy that my writing style entertains you, again, thank you for reading~

Yuuno-kun. Thank you for reading~ I'll share something fun. My weakness is Tsundere! I think I really enjoy writing characters with that disposition as a result of my liking to it. Enough of that though. Regarding Tamao and Nagisa, I'd like to leave their story for another fic that I am working on. As for the service hmm, I tread carefully with that but if you enjoyed it I am most happy~

Redline57. Thank you for reading~ I shall keep your kind words and advice in mind at all times~

Alexis. Thank you for reading~ I believe in pacing my stories akin to real life or at least as much as I can so if you wish to read further, in time all will be revealed~

Komuro. Thank you for reading~ I'm happy to read that you are writing a YayaxTsubomi fic of your own~ It seems pretty interesting and I think you should definitely post it but that is up to you to finally decide~ As for Spanish or English hmm… I can understand Spanish somewhat thanks to a certain special someone I know. So if you ever plan to post do not hesitate to share it in the language that you are most comfortable with~

Author's Note: Hello, dear readers and writers!

I am currently writing my dissertation for college and soon I'll have night classes starting up. This will keep me busy, but remember I am always writing even if I don't make a new post. It has certainly been a while since my last update, I do apologise for that. I thank you for reading and reviewing. Honestly, without reviews a part of my enjoyment in writing this would disappear. It's fun to read the reactions and suggestions; I am always open to this. Constructive criticism is always appreciated!

Disclaimer: I do not own Stopani!

I hope that you enjoy this chapter~


Chapter 4

Tsubomi slowly opened her eyes and turned her head to the bedside table in search of the miniature clock. She smiled in delight at her timing, this morning she rose earlier than her usual time by a half an hour. Moving to prepare for her morning shower, she found that her body was coated in a thin layer of perspiration. The pink haired girl didn't recall feeling warm in her sleep but, did not recall her dream either. Well, as long as it's nothing as confusing as yesterday, she said to herself. After collecting a fresh change of clothes, she prepared for a lukewarm shower and eased her mind for the day ahead.

Hikari stood before Yaya and shook her shoulders lightly.

"Wake up, Yaya-chan." She said softly but, coherent enough for the slowly waking girl to hear.

"Good morning, Hikari-chan." said the dark haired girl simply and quickly moved for a change of clothing and into the bathroom.

Hikari watched her roommate with a look of surprise. Yaya-chan seems different this morning, she seems happier. The Etoile said a silent prayer of thanks. It's good to see Yaya back to her old self, even if it's a bit. While Hikari was musing to herself, Yaya had already finished her morning shower.

"That was quick, Yaya-chan" she said, surprised at the timing.

"Not really, Hikari-chan. I took a decent ten minute shower. You're acting like Tsubomi-chan now," said Yaya with a chuckle as she finished dressing.

Tsubomi-chan… it seems that they've grown a lot closer. I wonder if Tsubomi is part of the reason for Yaya-chan's state? Hikari still questioned, both curious and happy at the change.

"Well, I'm going to wake Tsubomi this morning again, if she hasn't already beaten me to it."

Yaya said with a salute and walked of in the direction of the pink haired girl's room, leaving a questioning Etoile behind. The dark haired girl reached her junior's door and knocked lightly. She paused before answering this time, unlike yesterday.

"Come in, it's open" called the voice from the other side of the door sounding certain of the dark haired girl's appearance.

"Are you sure?" asked the Alto lead from the hallway.

"Huh?" then realisation dawned on the junior. "O-of c-c-course it is!" she said uneasily, being reminded of her state the previous morning.

"I'm coming in~" sang Yaya as she walked into the single room.

Tsubomi met the eyes of her senior with pink tinted puffy cheeks, her physical state displaying her mild annoyance and embarrassment. Yaya looked at her junior with a grin, enjoying the different expression this morning.

"What, I don't get a 'Good Morning?'" asked Yaya, still looking at the girl before her.

The pink haired girl wore a look of surprise on her face, whether from the surprise of the question or her inability to remember the morning greeting, she wasn't sure.

"Good morning, Yaya-senpai" she greeted and then turned her golden eyes away from the brown ones before her.

"Good morning," greeted her senior with a smile and outstretched hand which ruffled her already unkempt hair. "We have a scheduled hair brushing this morning. I see that you've remembered."

"Saying it like that makes me sound like an animal or something." the pink haired girl mumbled moodily.

"What'd you say?" asked the senior, ruffling the hair before her once more.

"We're going to be late, Yaya-senpai." She said simply, giving in to her new fate.

"You should've been more honest about being keen on me brushing your hair." She said, now rubbing the pink haired girl's hair.

"We have the choir performance soon, so we can't afford to be late." the younger one continued, as if she never heard her senior.

Yaya was surprised by the other girl's reaction; it was unlike her at least in the sense of her being ignored. Yaya grabbed the little hand at her side and led the girl to the dressing table. Waiting until the junior sat down in the chair, she reached for the hairbrush near her left hand.

"Ready?" she asked, as if breaking the silence were now sacred.

The smaller girl before her sat with closed eyes, light blush and pouted lips. Yaya took the silence as approval and proceeded to run the brush though the soft, pink hair before her. Perhaps it was due to her hair being freshly washed but, Yaya found her junior's hair even softer than the day before. It was almost therapeutic to run the brush through the other girl's hair. Whether from embarrassment or relaxation, the pink hair girl now had her eyes closed and remained quiet. The dark haired girl slowly crept to the front of her junior and gently brushed the front portion of her hair. Tsubomi, probably not expecting it from her senior, creaked her one eye open while the adjacent eyebrow arched. The A lot lead took a step backward, allowing Tsubomi to see what she had done.

"So, have I done a pleasing job once more? Have I wowed the second in command?" she asked in a song-like voice.

"The only wowing Yaya-senpai will be doing is for the fangirls of the choir, if we're not late." said the younger girl indifferently, far too embarrassed to admit her satisfaction.

"You're not honest with yourself…" she whispered near the ear of the junior.

Visibly, the younger girl tensed and then looked at the floor in the corner of her eye, avoiding eye contact with her senior. Yaya noticed this and opted to take her teasing further. She ran a hand through a strand of hair and held gently onto the tip. Twirling it between her fingers, she then moved to face the second in command her hand still twirling the soft strand.

"Be honest now." She started with a mysterious smile, "Have I wowed you with my ability?" she leaned toward her junior.

The pink haired girl sat rigidly in her chair, her breathing slowed down due to the surprise actions of her senior. The golden eyes shined brighter and cheeks matched the colour of her hair. Yaya observed the reaction with a veiled expression yet, maintained the mysterious smirk on the outside. Tsubomi was not sure what to think of the situation. If she admitted, they would soon leave the room and her uncomfortable feelings would leave her. If she, however, decided to deny it was likely that they would not leave until she did. The pressure of the situation allowed the younger girl to make a decision which was unlike her.

"F-fine." She said softly at first. "Yaya-senpai did a good job…" she mumbled though it was clear to the older girl what she had said.

The older girl stared into the golden eyes for a few seconds more before letting go of the lock of hair and leaning against the dresser. To the pink haired girl, her senior was still at an uncomfortable distance but, she certainly felt more at ease. This did not go unnoticed by the dark haired girl.

"Well, I'm glad that you can be honest with yourself." She said and rested a hand on the younger girls shoulder.

Tsubomi noted the physical contact with her eyes resting on the long, slim hand and then meeting her seniors once more.

"We should get going, Yaya-senpai." Came her short reply as she made her way to stand and then move to the door.

In her haste, Tsubomi lost her footing and fell forward, within reach of her senior. Yaya was still leaning on the dresser and rested her one hand on the younger girls shoulder. With an Archer's nimbleness, she reached out to support the falling junior with her other hand. Tsubomi now rested firmly in the arms of her senior. Her eyes looked weakly up at the confused, concerned ones before her. She tried to understand the concern as she had noticed it before. Has there always been concern in Yaya-senpai's eyes? Is Yay-senpai not bothered by the sudden weight? She wondered as she tried to make sense of her situation. Why so clumsy all of a sudden? Has… her eyes always been that shade of gold? She's pretty small, fits snugly no… is she hurt? Questioned Yaya to herself as she tried to stealthily read the status of her junior.

"You okay, clumsy pink?" asked the thoughtful senior, still holding onto her junior.

"Yes…" started the golden eyed girl. "Wait, I'm not clumsy pink!" she finished with a little frown but, still remained in the embrace of sorts.

Before the dark haired girl could return a line, a light gurgling sound erupted from her stomach, effectively ending the slowly growing mood between the two.

"Guess its food time before the event." Said the senior with a sheepish grin.

"So it seems" added the pink haired girl in a sarcastic tone but, her lips carried the hint of a laughing smile.

Yaya couldn't tell if the girl was her usual unapproachable self or simply finding the situation amusing. Either way, she ran her hand down the shoulder of her junior and gripped her hand firmly.

"Since that's the case, let's head on out before this little guy decides to complain anymore." She gestured to her stomach with her free hand.

Tsubomi shrugged, but noted the hand that wrapped around her own. The warm comfort of being embraced and firm support of another hand left the pink haired girl with a growing feeling. For good measure she shrugged her shoulders once more, as if doing so allowed her to forget the feeling. Yaya tugged at the little hand and made her way to move towards the front door. The junior followed her with a thoughtful expression on her face. The two made their way to the door and left the room with an extra step. They walked at a fair pace, one which would allow quick entrance to the line, but not enough to upset the student council society. Both noted the inquisitive eyes that followed them down the corridor. They were so famished that it mattered not to them.

Upon entering the hall, they passed the Miator section and kindly greeted their friends. Tamao and Nagisa stared curiously at the pair's gesture and it seemed that the whisper count had risen as well. Between the two Spicans', it appeared as if they did not notice the atmosphere of the dining hall. Food, it seemed, was the only thing on their minds for now. Tamao and Nagisa watched the two as they walked to their seat next to the Etoile pair. Is it that they have not noticed or just not wanting to notice? The blue haired girl asked to herself and then resumed back to her conversation with Nagisa.

"Good morning, Etoile-sama" came the combined answer of the two Spicans.

"Good morning, Tsubomi-chan, Yaya-chan." Hikari smiled at the two and then continued, "You look happy this morning" she said, her eyes flicking to the entwined hands of the two Altos'.

The two suddenly realized what the blonde implied.

"Ah, Choir events are always fun!" said the Altos' in unison, a weak smile on their faces.

Tsubomi was not aware that Yaya would have mentioned the choir event and neither was Yaya. It surprised the other that the excuse would be the same. Hikari nodded her head in understanding and the topic was not discussed further. The Morning Prayer was said by the blonde princess with her angelic voice, it was another peaceful start to a school day for Astrea Hill.

The church hall was neat and bare, observed only by the two Alto leads'. They arrived early and surprisingly found the hall fully set up but, with no other members present. Even Hikari-senpai isn't here yet, thought Tsubomi as her eyes scanned near the entrance. Absentmindedly twirling a lock of hair around her index finger, the pink haired girl thought of her previous vocal practice. With a sigh, she tried to prepare herself for the choir event but, found herself feeling slightly more nervous than before. I wonder if Yaya-senpai is feeling this way too? As if to confirm her inner question, she turned to her senior to find out. The senior must have sensed the eyes of the younger girl and turned to face her with a grin.

"Yaya-senpai, what are you feeling right now?" was the pink haired girl's question.

"…Huh, what type of question is that?" asked the senior, seemingly confused.

"How does Yaya-senpai feel about the choir performance?" explained the second in command.

"Excited, I guess. " said the dark haired girl with a shrug. "Did you ask me because you are nervous?" the trademark grin grew on her face.

Tsubomi stepped back in surprise, her eyebrows raised on her forehead.

"No…" Tsubomi mumbled with a red face.

"I got it right, didn't I? Be more honest with yourself~" said the Alto lead with chuckle though her eyes were sincere.

"Fine," the junior sighed, "I might be feeling nervous…" she said in a monotone voice.

"Only 'might'?" challenged the older girl.

"Yes, might." Replied the younger girl, with equal standing.

"You're still not honest enough, but that was an improvement." The Alto lead feigned a fangirlish pose with hands clasped at her chest.

As the second in command took the words of her senior in, she peered disdainfully at the current pose of the Alto lead. "You make a horrible cheerleader, Yaya-senpai" folding her arms and closing her eyes while the pink eyebrows arched into a frown. Hearing no comeback from her senior, a golden left eye opened slowly to search for the presence and was promptly met with an empty space before her. The pair of golden eyes scanned the room as a result of the girl's surprise.

"You shouldn't be looking all over like that~" whispered the taller girl in the little ear before her and snuck her hands closer to the choir robe, searching further until they stopped at the shapely sides. Poking firmly with her index fingers while grinning, she waited on the protest from the pinkette.

"Kya~" uttered the smaller girl and then turned to her attacker with an expression which definitely wasn't delight. "Yaya-chan…" the senior heard her name with an added suffix, rather a mocking suffix considering the situation. Instead of cowering as those who barely knew the second in command, the brunette stood strong with laughter in her eyes. Yaya was not aware of the consequences, she considered the fun aspect of the situation primarily and to her junior this was not acceptable at that moment.

"Have I done anything wrong, Tsu-bo-mi-chan~?" the syllables of the name and added suffix was equally deliberate though Yaya chose to share her teasing in the huskiest vocal level she could, her lips twisted in a smirk as the whispered words echoed into the small ear once more.

Cringing as if intensely enduring something and golden eyes shut tight, the smaller girl was silent in the arms of her senior. Yaya felt the bite of her little joke while observing the reaction of the pink haired girl and seriously wondered if she had done anything to wrong her. Gently breaking the teasing embrace stepping back as she did so, the usually smirking girl joined the silence of the room.

The approaching sounds of animated chatter echoed in the near distance, but to the two girls silence remained in their thoughts. Minutes went by and still, nothing was exchanged between them. To Yaya each passing second added to her agony and wonder. From the position of her junior it was hard to read the expression that rested on her face. What could be affecting her so that I could have done wrong? Considered the Alto lead in her mind as she stared at the robed back before her. She… couldn't have enjoyed that could she? No ways, she laughed inwardly at the possibilities she had thought of yet the idea that her second in command may have enjoyed their previous stance and as a result been confused by it still rang strongly in her mind. Tsubomi hasn't really been close to anyone like that, normally she complains, but that type of reaction… it must be pretty awkward for her. Yaya tried to make sense of the reaction and reasoned as she could though still found unease at her simple conclusion. There was something more to her reaction and Yaya would figure it out, after all they decided to support each other.

"Yaya-chan, Tsubomi-chan~" the light greeting echoed in the church as Hikari entered making her way toward them.

Snapping out of their previous mental states and greeting the Etoile they realised that soon performance time would start. So much time had gone by in what felt like a mere count of seconds.

"Ah, it's quiet …" mused Hikari as her eyes swept over the room, referring to the lack of first year students.

"Um…" said the Alto leads in unison, mistakenly understanding that the Etoile spoke of their silence. Greeted with a confused expression, the three friends giggled at the combined confusing understanding.

Hikari saved us back there, Yaya thought and looked at the younger Alto lead for the first time in several minutes. Still quiet though not as concerning as before, the girl met her gaze briefly. Punctuating it with a weak smile and then looking towards the door as a diligent second in command. The brown haired girl sighed and patiently waited on the first years to arrive, much like Hikari and Tsubomi were doing too.

A surprisingly large group of hopeful first year students entered the church hall. Led by the choir advisor in all her dramatic energy the room soon switched from tense and quiet to a giddy happy state. The choir performance was only a few minutes away and between the leads' and the students of the respective vocal groups it was time to put on a performance that would share and encourage the strength of the St. Spica Saintly Chorus. The three friends steeled themselves for the event and with pure smiling faces they led their teams to the back of the church hall.

"It seems that our little birds are ready so please be relaxed and enjoy the greatness of the Saintly Chorus~" announced the choir advisor with a short clap of her hands. "Then, I will leave you to it~" said the eccentric older lady as she skipped back to her front cushioned seat in anticipation.

Next chapter:

Just a few minutes away from the performance with awkward feelings between Yaya and Tsubomi, can they pull off their performance despite their current feelings? Has the Alto lead understood the reasoning for her junior's reaction? And Tamao seems to have forgotten something…

Suki: I wonder what's happening next…

Yaya & Tsubomi: Wait, you're the author and you don't know?

Suki: Hmm? I do know~

Yaya & Tsubomi: Don't scare us!

Suki: Eh he…. ^-^;;;