A/N: Welcome to the final installment of The Life Of A High School Boy, the epilogue! I almost cried while I was writing this. It's such a good but sad feeling to finish a long story. I hope this helps for smoother ending for you all. And thank you all for the lovely reviews you's have left me, they really made me smile :)

And good news, I got my A Level results yesterday…a B and three D's, which is enough for me to get into uni! Soon I'll be officially a uni student :D

Ichigo sat in the park, surrounded by his friends and family. The sun was in full beam and spring was on it's way. Life couldn't get much better, especially after the news they had received just one hour ago.

"Cheers to the judicial court system!" Renji shouted, raising his glass of cola.

"Cheers to prosecution lawyers!" Grimmjow followed.

"Cheers to Ichigo's roundhouse kick!" Isshin cried, causing the gathered crowd to laugh.

The Arrancar trial had been that morning. Both those responsible for Grimmjow's stabbing and those caught in the Las Noches trial were had been sent down for numerous charges as well as Sosuke Aizen himself. It appeared that the hard evidence against the man for the attempted murder was too solid for even his lawyers to break apart, and their testimony was unneeded. Also, on top of that, he was being charged for other charges that the raid of Las Noches had unveiled, these included huge drug dealing and trafficking schemes that the Arrancar had dabbled in as well as the possession of illegal weaponry. It was safe to say he was getting life imprisonment. To top that all off, both of his right hand men, Kaname Tosen and Gin Ichimaru, had been tracked down and captured.

Grimmjow took Ichigo's for the hand and squeezed it, planting a kiss on the top of his head.

"We're finally free," he whispered into his ear, "Well, as free as we can be." He corrected.

Ichigo laughed. He was in to much of a good mood to really care at that moment.

"So...Rangiku said, looking around the group, "Who wants to come round mine tonight to get drunk?"

Yuzu gasped, "But you're all underage! It's illegal!"

"It's never stopped us in the past," she winked.

One by one people agreed. Ichigo looked to his father, who nodded his consent before turning back to his daughters.

"Ichigo? Are you coming?"

"Of course, who do you think I am? Uryu?"

"Very funny Kurosaki," Ishida quipped back, "Was that premeditated or did you think that up on the spot."

"Your face was premeditated."

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"Neither does your face!"

Grimmjow watched the exchange, laughing at Ichigo's mischievous smirk and Uryu's look of pure annoyance. Everything had been so good lately, he could almost forget what had happened just a month ago.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by an unexpected kiss. He looked at the orange haired teen and returned his smile.

"I love you Ichigo Kurosaki."

"I love you too Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez." Ichigo replied as gently kissed him again.

This was the good life.

MisaxMisa: Thank you my dear readers, I love you all!

Ichigo: Much appreciated.

Grimmjow: Thanks for stopping by.

Urahara: I love you!

MisaxMisa: Wtf... o_O