Losing him

(Sort of a) summary: What was the last moment Fred and George Weasley shared? What did George feel the moment Fred died? Read and find out! NO TWINCEST!

Disclaimer: I (still) own nothing and I'm still angry about JKR killing Fred...

Before turning from each other, they hesitated for a mere second, and then hugged tightly for a moment. Breaking apart, Fred and George Weasley smiled at each other saying, "Good luck," in unison.

They turned around, walking right into the battle of Hogwarts.

Neither of them knew that it would be the last time they would see each other alive. Neither of them knew that one of them was about to lose a twin, and neither of them knew that their other half was thinking the same thing: What if I lose him...?

The thought was painful, yet nothing compared to the reality, as one of the twins was soon to discover.

George hurried forward and joined Neville Longbottom ("Merlin, Neville, what happened to your face?"), helping him to bring down a Death Eater.

When the Death Eater was lying, defeated, on the ground, the earth appeared to be shaking.

George, however, didn't notice this, but suddenly felt a strange coldness running down his back.

Then, without a warning, everything around him began to spin around, becoming strangely foggy and he was pulled off his feet.

The world stood still. Nothing moved, apart from George, who fell to the ground.

Lying on the floor, he felt something heavy on his chest, forcing all the air out of his lungs.

He couldn't breathe.


His brother's voice seemed like a soft echo and suddenly George knew something had happened. Something was wrong. Something was horribly wrong...

"Fred," he managed to gasp feebly.

When the weight on his chest vanished magically, he immediately sat up.

Fred! Fred! What happened!? was the only thing he could think right now, though he was terribly scared of the answer.

When he was up to his feet again he brushed his hair out of his face, his fingers touching something wet. Had he been crying?


The moment George entered the Great Hall, he saw his sister, Ginny, running towards their family. They were huddled around someone on the ground. When George heard Ginny screaming in horror, he felt the ground beneath his feet vanishing. He knew who was lying there on the ground, shielded by the Weasley family.

It was Fred.

Now George was sure he was crying, and, for the second time that night, the earth stood still.

It couldn't be. Fred. Dead.

His brother...His best friend... His other half...

Fred couldn't be dead.

But George's eyes didn't betray him, because, as he approached his family, he saw the body on the ground.

Lost for words, he fell down right at Fred's head. Tears had stopped running down his cheeks.

This was too much.

This was beyond grief.

This was murderous.


Review please... PLEASE!!! ;) Thanks for reading! I know this isn't funny or anythink like that but I promise the next one will be at least A BIT funnier!!