Disclaimer: I do not own anything; all belongs to the wonderful Kim Harrison!

I always loved the idea of Trent and Rachel together - and after reading so much fanfiction i decided to give it a go. please keep an open mind!!

A sweaty covered Ceri was holding her baby boy in her arms, and her fiancé Quen was leaning forward to kiss Ceri's cheek before turning to the baby with a soft smile. I couldn't help but smile as well, as I watched the happy family at the front of the room. I was currently leaning against a wall that was facing the bed, which had Ceri in it. The door to my right burst open and I saw Trent Kalamack; I had to do a double-take of what I was seeing. He looked disheveled – still good-looking as always. His hair was a mess as if he just got out of bed, he wasn't wearing his suit jacket, no tie, the first few top buttons were undone of his pale green shirt and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. He looked like he was in need of a good night sleep, and he definitely needed to shave. How I hate that he can make terrible look gorgeous damn him!

Trent was unaware of my presence as he walked straight to the bed. He put a hand on Quen's shoulders, and then honest to god he smiled – a true honest smile.

"Congratulations," Trent said to both of them, then hugged Quen, "Boy or Girl?" he asked as he let go.
"A boy – we're naming him Raymond Trenton Dulciate," Quen said with a smile. I don't believe I would ever have an experience like this one to witness Trent Kalamack completely and utterly speechless and shocked. I wish I had a camera – damn! His eyes and mouth were wide open, then as quickly as it was there it was gone. He recovered and had his mask back in place but I could still see his shock as he looked at the baby in Ceri's arms and sighed, "Thank you." Quen pattered him on the back; it was then that Ceri decided to make my presence known.

"Do you like the name Rachel?" Trent snapped his head in my direction and starred at me. He was looking at me as if I just popped in like demon would. But I ignored him as I made my way to the other side of the bed.
"I love the name very much," I said as I leaned closer to the baby. His eyes were open starring at me with those baby blues for a little while then he did a beautiful thing – he smiled at me, I smiled back. He reached out; I held out my point finger and his little fingers wrapped around my finger and shook it up and down firmly. I laughed joyfully – it was like he was giving me a handshake. Just like a businessman, at that thought I looked up to see Trent starring at me and the baby's' handshake – I saw raw emotion hidden in his eyes, he had a smile on his face. It was almost if he was thinking about something – but for the life of me I could only imagine he was thinking about having a child himself. Ding-dong! Realizing I was starring at him, Trent locked eyes with me and his smile disappeared and he looked away, but not before I saw it…longing. He wants children? The murdering drug lord wants to have little mini-me's? Shaking my head I turn my attention back to Raymond whose eye lids were drooping. Raymond gave a little yawn and snuggled closer to his mother's chest and fell asleep. Sighing I straightened up, said my goodnights before exiting the room. After taking the third wrong turn – I acknowledged I might be lost. An exasperated sigh left my lips as I rounded another corner and came to a dead end, well a door that was locked. Terrific! I thought as I leaned against a wall.

"Lost?" I jumped away from the wall to face the person who spoke. Trent Kalamack. Cocking my hip and crossing my arms on my chest, I narrowed my eyes at him. His hair was still a mess – sticking up here and there. I fought the sudden urged to walk to him and pat it down. I guess I was starring for a long time because Trent got conscious about his hair as he started to fix it.

"You look terrible, what haven't been getting your beauty sleep lately?" I teased. And I watched in satisfaction as his ears turned bright red in anger or embarrassment – probably both.

"I have been preoccupied with something important as of lately," he said in a clipped tone than sighed, "Are you lost, I think you are. Go back down that hallway, turn right, right again, and then left, right again, then left. Then that's the exit - good night," and with that he turned and left. He sounded tired he could barely keep his eyes open as he was talking. What business has him so busy he doesn't get any sleep? Shrugging 'why should I care,' I thought as I followed Trent's directions exactly and left the building and found my red convertible, hoped in and sped away to my church.

Trent Pov

Giving my instruction to Rachel, I fought the urge to yawn and close my eyes; lack of sleep does that to a person. I left Rachel and turned down to my private office, opening the door I was greeted with wondrous scents of my plants. Ignoring my desk completely, I walked towards my quarters; I still have a lot of work to do, but I couldn't possibly stay awake for that. I'm still going to have the problem tomorrow and the next day, and the next… I thought as I walked in my bedroom. It was pitching black, but since I'm an elf, the darkness doesn't upset my eyesight. Trudging towards the bathroom I thought that I definitely need help with this…Quen's refused to let me use the treatment. I know I need help. "But who could I trust with this," I said out loud as I looked upon my reflection starring back at me. Rachel was right I do look terrible; I watched my reflection frown – stupid demon witch. Even when she's not here she can make me feel inadequate. Shaking my head I pulled my right collar away from my shoulder to reveal two puncture marks on the beginning of my shoulder. I shivered thinking back to how the bite got there.

"Sir, Rynn Cormel is here a little early," Mary-Jane said over the intercom. I quickly grabbed the remote to turn off the camera, and as I pointed it and pressed the off button I answered, "Thank you send him in." Not even 10 seconds later, Rynn Cormel walked in wearing a midnight blue silk suit.

"Mr. Cormel, what can I do for you today?" I asked with my usual business smile. Cormel smiled a toothless smile as he sat down across from me.

"I believe I have come to a decision – I think you will like it. I am offering 2 million dollars to your company," he simply stated in a calm demeanor. I could feel shivers flowing over my body but I didn't react to it.

"That's very generous of you," I said as my eyes narrowed slightly. "What do you want in return?" People think I'm suspicious…me? Never. Just cautious. Cormel smiled a big smile then; I couldn't contain the shudder that went through my body.

"I want 51% control of your company." My eyes widened a fraction when Cormel said that. I know a lot of the Vampires and Were's wouldn't want the elves to come back into power, and it shouldn't really surprise me that if he can control most of my company – goodbye elf research. I'm not going to let all mine and my father's work go down the drain for a mere 2 million.

"Thank you for the offer, but I think I will have to decline," I said smoothly. Rynn didn't look displeased or hateful towards me – he looked pleasant. I felt like running very far away from this room right now. Rynn kept smiling at me then suddenly stood and said as I stood up,

"Alright but remember I did offer first, now I think I'll have to make you accept my offer," he said in a lovely voice before jumping over my desk and pinning me down into my seat. I tried to shout, yell for help or Quen. But it was no use he covered my mouth, turned my head and sunk his teeth into my neck. I screamed loud, muffled by his hand. I felt tears well up into my eyes and fall down my cheeks. My neck felt like it was on fire starting from the wound, it was like hot pokers sinking into my muscle, and being dragged down my body. I could here him moaning into my neck and felt his erection on my stomach and I felt bile rising up my throat. God please make him stop. I think god was listening – for once because he stopped just before I lost consciousness, he didn't heal it, but did clean it. Then smiled down at me and said, "Now that's better isn't it…alright I'm going to leave you alone for a few days to decide what to do, and in 7 days you will be my shadow, and don't fret about your dreams…there only dreams…unless you want to reconsider your refusal of my offer?" Rynn didn't wait for an answer before he walked out of my office I didn't know what happened after he left, because I knew nothing as the darkness swallowed me whole.

I splashed my face with water; I've got 3 days left. Can't use the treatment because of Quen…he doesn't want to risk me dying. I mean if he survived it surely I can. But when I think about it, he had something to live for…what do I have to live for - nothing. But what other option do I have – wait around for Cormel to tell me how to live my life and how to run my business; I don't think so. All I need is a doctor or someone I trust, I can get my hands on the formula. Quen doesn't know I already have it in my safe; my private safe. Formula: Check, now who could I trust with this, who would understand my predicament. I looked up into the mirror, and I saw a glint in my eyes as I thought of the perfect person; a certain demon witch named Rachel Morgan. I smirked as took off my clothes and prepared the shower to the right temperature – steaming hot. After my shower I settled into bed naked, I always love the feel of silk on my naked body. I let my mind drift into slumber land; I was hoping god was listening again, as I prayed for a dreamless night. But as usual when you want him most, he's never there.

Trent's Dream.

I was walking down a corridor; I'm not sure where but its long and it had no doors. No there was one door to my left; I stopped in front of it. I recognized it as my own bedroom door. Odd, I opened the door. And indeed it was my bedroom except for the huge mirror on the ceiling above my bed. Frowning I stepped further into the room, and jumped when I heard the door behind he slam shut. I whirled around and I was face to face with my personal tormentor for the past 4 days, Rynn Cormel. He gave me sickly sweet twisted smile as he stalked closer to me, I scurried backwards until the back of my knees hit the bed and I fell backwards. I tired to get away from him but he grabbed my arms, yanked me off the bed and forced me to kneel in front of him. He put both of my hands into one of his, and with the other hand he unbuckled his belt. I struggled as much as I could, I tried to scream but realized nothing was coming out, I was silent but I was moving my mouth trying to force words out, but they didn't come. Rynn's pants dropped to the floor to reveal small patch of black curls on his pubic bone, an erection and balls. My eyes bugged out of my head, and then I started to violently shake my head. No… no… no… no he can't be serious he can't make me do this. I didn't realize Rynn used his belt to tie my hands together; I looked down at myself and only now noticed I was naked. Damn I'm going to bed wearing clothes from now on. Rynn ran a finger down from the corner of my mouth to my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"Open," he commended. I had every intension of keeping my mouth closed but as soon as he said it my mouth complied. It's as if my body is under some sort of spell to obey him but my head remains unclouded. Rynn puts both of his hands on my head and slowly thrusts into my mouth, I could barely see through my unshed tears. Rynn moaned as he thrusted into mouth faster, I squeezed my eyes shut praying for this to end quickly and felt my tears streak down my cheeks. I feel one of hands leave my hair to wipe away my tears; I open my eyes as I feel him leave my mouth. He didn't release into my mouth I think I would have felt that. He picks me up and turns me around so my back is facing him…he couldn't mean. I screamed in my head this can't be happening. Wake –up...please wake-up, but it was no use. He pushed me onto the bed, I landed in the centre. Then I felt the bed shift, his hands grabbed my hips and forced me onto my hands and knees. Tensing my whole body up to what is going to happen now - but it didn't. I felt him grab my penis and he started to stroke, I tried to ignore the feeling of someone touching me intimately, but cursed myself when I hardened. The hand alternated between long and slow strokes to fast and short, and then on occasion would palm the head. I bucked my hips into the hand seeking more friction. I could feel the usual building tension of a orgasm, I was so close – then the hand stopped, I groaned in loss, and was rewarded with a chuckle from behind me, turning my head to see – I felt my ears and cheeks turn red as I just remembered it was Rynn Cormel, a man that was pleasing me…I'm not gay, I don't get turned on by gentlemen. What is wrong with me? Turning my head back I felt Rynn pull my butt cheeks apart.

"Are you ready Trenton?" he asked in a husky voice that dripped with arousal. My body shook with anger and embarrassment, I tried to shout my profanities at him but I found I still couldn't speak, I couldn't even say no. I think he took my silence as a yes because the next thing I could feel was his cock at my entrance – he's not even going to prepare me. That prick! He must have read my mind; I felt his cock move away and was replaced with his saliva slick fingers. My body froze as his fingers pushed past my muscled ring entrance, I felt I weird sensation as he pushed further into me. Not good or bad just weird. After preparing me he removed his fingers gripped my waist and in one long thrust he was deep inside me. I screamed then –loudly. It was like my ears just burst and suddenly I could hear everything. I could shout at him finally.

"You sick twisted son-of-a-bitch, I swear I will kill you!" I spat as thrusted harder into me, I sunk on my elbows letting my head fall forward. I still couldn't move away from him, I could make myself comfortable.

"Ah…You feel so good Trent, You…are…mine," he panted. My ass burned from the friction he was creating, I think I was bleeding. Oh god please let me wake up. Rynn sped up faster; I cursed the groan that came from me. I could feel the build of my orgasm again. What? No… this can't be happening - the man is raping me but I'm getting off on it. How sick am I? Rynn reached around and grasped my cock, I let out a whimper as he began to stoke nice and slowly then faster until he reached the same pace as his. I started to moan and groan as I was nearing my end, Rynn leant forward more pounded into me as fast as he could and bit down on my shoulder. My whole world exploded after that, I felt wave after wave of ecstasy flow through my body, stars flashed behind my eyelids as I squeezed them shut trying to hold onto the wonderful high I just received. My entire body shook from the orgasm, I could still feel Cormel inside me slowing his thrusts, but I didn't pay attention, I blocked it all out. When Rynn removed himself from me I collapsed onto the bed, kept my eyes closed as I processed what just happened. Rynn Cormel raped me, I got off on it. No that wasn't me it couldn't have been. But what if it was…I let out a sob as I gathered up the silk sheet in my hands and pulled it over my abused body. I don't care if I had cummed and enjoyed the end of it, I was still forced into it, and I didn't want it to begin with.

"Don't cry…I'm sorry I hurt you –but I promise it won't hurt the next time, sleep well my beauty I will count the minutes until I have to be inside you again," Cormel said. I shivered and curled up into a ball and cried while I made an oath to never sleep again if I have any say about it. I've got tones of brimstone around, heck I produce the stuff. Then I'll get this bite deactivated then I'm coming to kill you Rynn Cormel - just you wait.

"Mmmm," I groaned as I rolled over and I felt a pain flow through my body from my shoulder and rear end. What the hell happened to me last night? My eyes popped open as I remembered my dream – is it possible that it wasn't a dream at all. I touched my shoulder blade and I didn't feel any bites, but I could feel a slight sting or I remembered there was a sting from the dream; I quickly made my way to the bathroom to check. Yep I was right no bites at all it doesn't even hurt. I turned around and looked over my shoulder to see my back side. No bruises or scratches. I could've sworn he gripped me so tight that it would have left marks. But then again it wasn't real. It wasn't real I kept telling myself as I made myself presentable. Showering – washing my hair, shaving my face. By the time I was in my closet I felt relatively normal, and that's what scarring me. Shaking my head I gathered a simple suit for the day; a dark grey to black Armani suit, with a crisp white shirt and a silver tie and black shoes. I just doing the final touches to my tie before heading out to the office when I remembered it's a Sunday; day off. Shrugging; I wear suits regardless if I work or not, I frowned when that thought went through my head. Surely I wear something less formal during time-off…nope I truly only wear suits. Just like my father. Sighing I continued my way to the dinning room for some breakfast. Sitting down in my usual seat, I decided to have a different meal this morning as to what I'm accustomed to. Maggie through the kitchen doors and up to me smiling; I can't help but smile back at this woman something about her makes you smile.

"Good morning, Mr. Kalamack the usual this morning?" she asked in a lovely soothing voice.

"No not today…how about a stack of pear pancakes with blueberry sauce and two scoops of vanilla ice-cream," I said when I remembered what my mother used to love to eat a special breakfast on a special day. I need a little special right now. Maggie looked positively surprised to say the least but she regained herself and smiled a huge smile as she went to the kitchen to prepare the food. I don't think she's ever made pear pancakes before and she is always dying to try a new recipe. When Maggie came out with my pancakes I suddenly hit with mouthwatering scent. Maggie patiently waited for me to take the first bite as usual; she'll never leave until I tell her how well she did. Taking the first bite I thought I have never tasted anything as good as this, closing my eyes I moaned.

"It's perfect, thank you Maggie," I praised. She left with a huge grin. I chuckled when I finished my meal. No wonder mum really liked this; it truly is perfect and special. I rather heard then saw Quen pull a chair out from next to me, even though he is extremely quiet, I know he only comes in and disturbs me when I'm finished with eating. So I've gotten quite used to it over the years. "How is Raymond this morning?"

"Wonderful, he woke up and cried once then quieted down as soon as I held him closer, he really likes me," Quen said in a soft voice that was filled with such affection. My god one day and that baby has Quen wrapped around his little finger – good on him. Although Quen isn't the only one, Rachel was another and it wasn't even an hour. Thinking of Rachel…

"Yes I do believe he like's his father Quen," I raised my eyebrow at him then continued, "Since it's my day off I think I'll go for a drive." Quen turned to me and said, "I can't go with you I have to take care of Raymond Ceri is resting…" I interrupted him then.

"Yes I know. Jonathon will be coming with me…stop shaking your head…I know I need protection but I'm only going shopping for a while, I can take care of myself thank you. Quen go look after Raymond he needs you today - not me," I said sincerely, how many times has he played the father figure in my life, I wish there was a way I could tell him that during my childhood it was him I wanted to call Dad. But his not my Dad, he's Raymond's. I started for my quarters; I was half way there when Quen called out.

"Alright but take a weapon just in case." I smirked at that. Oh yes I'm taking a weapon – 2 actually; one that fires bullets; the other - kills vampire bites. Gathering all things I need I left to go to the garage. I had no intention of finding Jonathon, but that didn't mean he couldn't find me – damn.

"Sahan are you going somewhere?" Jonathon asked as I walked down the hallway near the garage. "Yes but don't worry yourself Jonathon I'm giving you a day off I'm taking a different driver today," Jonathon looked rather disappointed by my remark – but didn't question it. Sighing in relief I finally made it to the garage and picked out my favorite car - silver Jaguar XKR-S - I smiled, "Boys do love their toys." Quickly getting in, I floored it out of the garage and went through security at my gate, then sped my way in the direction of Rachel Morgan's church. Hoping she will at least hear me out. Damn I hope god is listening now because I need him more than ever.

Well there it is folks - if you like it, hate it please tell me - so review...don't be to harsh i'm still new at this and hopefully with some wise reviews i can get better thanx.

Next chapter up soon!