Well hello everyone is waiting to see who is going home and who is going to win. Well it might happen now or in part 3. I like to say thank you to everyone for reviewing and reading and let's see what happens now in Paradise Getaway!

Ch.34 The Final Killdown Part 2

Dark Hollow raises his sword as Rhyme pulls Flaky out of the way as the sword hits the wall as it sticks. "Fuck! Get back here so I can rip you piece by piece!" Dark Hollow said pulling the sword with much strength as it breaks the wall and then chases after them. Rhyme and Flaky who still had tears going down her eyes made turns as they went down stairs with steam going out and then stopping as they walk slowly. Dark Hollow running turned to where the stairs are at and went downstairs. "Flaky….Rhyme…come out so I can tear ya apart." Dark Hollow said laugh manically as Rhyme and Flaky with her mouth covered hiding as Flaky looks and picks up a pipe and looks at Dark Hollow walking slowly sniffing the air, searching for their scent. Rhyme walks slowly toward the dog not making a sound as he reach toward the large sharp knife as Dark Hollow turns quickly and swings the sword as Rhyme back flips over the sword and dashes and punches Dark Hollow in the face as Dark Hollow backs up to where Flaky pops out and smacks the pipe across Dark Hollow's face as then the mask starts cracking.

Dark Hollow backs up as he starts screaming in pain as he starts to feel pain struck throughout his body. "I think I found his weakness Rhyme" Flaky said pointing at the mask as Dark Hollow looks at them and raises the sword. "Ok we need to teamwork and get that mask off and kill him quickly." Rhyme said as he starts moving in one direction as Flaky moved to another. Dark Hollow looks at them back and forth quickly waiting for them to make the first move. Steam then blows clouds as Dark Hollow got an idea and starts attacking the pipes as steam starts blasting out which covered the room as Rhyme and Flaky looked around can't see anything as Flaky who is backing up feels an evil disturbance as Dark Hollow laughs evilly. "Well I guess we meet again porcibitch it's time for your life to end." Dark Hollow said as Flaky with an angry face deflects the sword attack as Rhyme with a broken pipe impales it into Dark Hollow's back and then Flaky smashes Dark Hollow's face three times with the pipe as the mask began cracking more as Dark Hollow felt more pain than ever and then rips the broken pipe out of his back and stabs Flaky in the stomach and lifts her up from the ground and then impales her to the ground as she hears laughter and then Rhyme takes the knife out and impales it on Dark Hollow's neck as he tears it down breaking his spine as Dark Hollow elbows Rhyme in the face and pulls the knife out of his back and walks slowly toward Rhyme and grabs his neck and lifts him into the air and them impales his stomach with the sword and then twists it to make more pain inside of Rhyme as he starts struggling.

"You can't stop me Rhyme…every pain I feel you'll feel the same way." Dark Hollow said as Flaky pulls the pipe out of her stomach and drags herself and impales it into Dark Hollow's foot as Dark Hollow screams in pain and lets go of Rhyme who falls to the ground as he rips the sword out of his stomach and then grabs the dog and slams his face on the broken pipe which breaks a piece of and then steam blasted out burning Dark Hollow's face as his mask starts melting slowly. "Ahh!!" Dark Hollow screamed as Flaky helped out Rhyme with the strength she had left as Dark Hollow stopped moving as they looked at each other and smiled weakly as they got out of the room and went upstairs slowly to find a first aid on the ground. Flaky walked slowly first and opened the lid as she picked up different medicine and other materials to heal some of the wounds. Flaky turns to see Rhyme sliding down the wall slowly as Flaky treated him first then herself as they walked to the bedrooms as she laid Rhyme on the bed as she looked outside where birds are flying by and waters flowing. Trees being blown by the winds. She turned to Rhyme who was looking at the ceiling and then the roof as they heard doors open. They looked up to see the host there looking around the room as Rhyme growled as he gets up and walks toward the host with the knife behind his back as his other arm is clenching his stomach.

"Well I guess you won huh?" The Host said as Rhyme growled "Yes I know it was difficult killing Dark Hollow and my last friend. So where's the money?" Rhyme said as The Host smiles and looks at him as then Rhyme felt a sharp pain as he was lifted in the air. "The….Money…belongs to me!" a voice said as Rhyme turns slowly to see Dark Hollow burnt as part of his mask is destroyed as he was growling and huffing making it hard for him to breath as he was in critical pain as he raises the sword far deeper inside and then throws him to the ground. "Now that new spine I have order." Dark Hollow said as he jabs his arm into Rhyme's back and rips out his spine completely as he rips off his and puts on Rhyme's as Dark Hollow snaps his neck on different sides smiling as he grabbed Rhyme and threw him across the room smashing into glass as Flaky covers her mouth as the host stands there smiling. Rhyme bleeding badly as Dark Hollow smashes his face on the ground cracking his skull as Flaky runs out with the pipe and smashes it on Dark Hollow's head as Dark Hollow smacks Flaky sending her back to the ground.

"It's not going to work this time!" Dark Hollow said as Dark Hollow walks and steps on a tile which is push down as ninja stars shot out and impaled into Dark Hollow's neck legs, and slices off one of his hands as Dark Hollow screams in pain as he struggles taking the sword out of his other hand as Flaky grabs a broken glass and stabs it into Dark Hollow's head as his brain starts to break as Dark Hollow coughs up blood as Rhyme couldn't move and starts losing a lot of blood. Dark Hollow grabs Flaky and slams her head on the wall and smashes her head on the ground as Rhyme grabs his leg and snaps his teeth on Dark Hollow's leg as Dark Hollow screams in terrible pain and grabs Rhyme and lifts him.

On the ocean a bunch of cop boats and helicopters are heading toward the island as they start closing in to which the watch on the host's wrist started beeping as The Host looks and sees that a bunch of cops were heading there as The Host runs up to the roof and finds a suitcase with a rocket launcher inside as he puts one of the bullet inside and aims it at the helicopters coming toward them. The helicopters now getting closer and closer to the building as the pilot began speaking to the others. "Ok we're now getting close to the extraction point. We must get in and capture this asshole and send him to jail. Now everyone…" The first pilot said until he was interrupted by the other. "Sir…we may have a problem." The other said as the first turned back to see a rocket launcher being shot and then straight toward his helicopter. "Oh shit!!" The pilot said as the missile hits the copter blowing up as it spins out of control and smashing into another one as it heads straight toward the building as Dark Hollow is about to kill Rhyme.

"Get ready to see your piece of shit brother in hell!" Dark Hollow said as the first helicopter smashes into part of the building under them as the second floor started breaking and then collapsed a little bit as it starts breaking making Dark Hollow fall dropping Rhyme to the ground as they start sliding toward the first floor as the blades kept rotating hitting the wall as Dark Hollow uses his other knife and stabs it into the ground as Rhyme grabs his leg as then the other helicopter came toward them. "No! I'm not going to die today!" Dark Hollow said as Flaky falls to the ground as the first helicopter blows up and then the floors starts breaking and going to the side as she starts sliding and then grabs the ceiling supporter as Dark Hollow grabs Flaky's legs. "You're not going to escape this time bitch." Dark Hollow said as Rhyme climbs slowly and impales his arm into Dark Hollow as pain inflicts in both of their bodies as Rhyme rips out the knife and stabs it into Dark Hollow skull. Dark Hollow hits Rhyme as he grabs him and then grabbed his other arm and stabs it with the knife into the big wound of his slice hand.

"I had enough of your shit!" Dark Hollow screamed as then the helicopter came closer to them. Rhyme kicks Dark Hollow's other arm which let go of Flaky. "Run Flaky run! And never look back!" Rhyme screamed as Flaky nodded and pulled herself up and started running and opens the door as Dark Hollow and Rhyme struggled. "You're dead fucker!" Dark Hollow said as Rhyme punches him and grabs his throat. "If I'm going to die then I'm taking you with me then" Rhyme said as Dark Hollow struggled and then looks at the helicopter and then at Rhyme. "Game over fucker." Rhyme said as Dark Hollow screams. "NOOO!!!" Dark Hollow screams as the helicopter smashes into the building where the two are at as they helicopter blows up into pieces. As Flaky starts moving back and forth as windows breaks and shatters everywhere as the roof starts collapsing as Flaky starts running through the hallways as rocks smashes down. Then the helicopter appears with Evil Flippy inside with another pilot who opens the door. "Get in sir so we can get out of here!" The Pilot said as the Host shoots another missile and then throws it to the ground as he jumps into the helicopter and the pilot slams the helicopter door and then Evil Flippy started working the buttons on the copter and then the helicopter leaves the building as it starts to crumble the ground.

Flaky running down the hallways saw more of the roof falling down as she jumps as half of the building falls down as it was gone in an instant. Flaky sigh and relax until then the rest started cracking and breaking. "Why me?" Flaky said getting up and running to the stairs as she runs down the stairs only falling through as the stairs break on top of her. She starts pushing most of the rubble off of her and then saw the cracks going everywhere as she saw the glass doors. Her skin bleeding as she rips a piece of the destroyed stairs out of her leg. She throws the wood into the pile and starts limp running toward the doors as she pushes the doors only to see it's lock as she backs up and busts through the glass shredding part of her clothes and skin as she starts limp running toward the ocean as the rest of the building collapses to the ground as piles of smoke and dust then went through the jungle as Flaky couldn't see anything.

The smoke cleared as Flaky looked around and saw the ocean as she got closer she started waving her arms in the air as the police saw Flaky and they got closer. Flaky saw that they were coming as she knew she is safe as then she was tackled to the ground by a figure. She looks up to see Dark Hollow badly burnt and part of his body rip as bones and body parts were shown as one of his arms and legs are gone as he started huffing for breath. "Well…we meet…once again…bitch. It's time for you…to die!" Dark Hollow said raising his sword as his head is blown off by a sniper who put his gun down as the boats got closer toward the porcupine. The cops came out of the boat and walk toward Flaky and Dark Hollow who twitch as he stopped moving. "Ms…are you ok?" The sheriff said as Flaky slowly nodded and collapsed into his arms as the cops came toward her as they start lifting her body to the boat and then grabbed Dark Hollow's body and put his dead body on another boat as they push the boats back and then they drove off as the cops from the helicopters went and search around the destroyed building and found Rhyme who was crushed under the helicopter as blood was everywhere. They check around the helicopter as a hand grabs the cop's legs and shouts as the cops go around seeing Rhyme whose top half was still out as he was badly burnt and couldn't speak as half of his body was torn off. Then he passes out as then the camera turns black.

Then bright light was getting brighter and then muffled word as then beeping sounds were made as they started going softer and softer and then quiet as hours have passed as eyes started going around the room as then a green bear was there smiling at the person along with a brownish-bear with a chain around his neck and then a deer with make-up over his face wearing a strip shirt and then a Dalmatian with a cap and tank top smiling at the person with a bear with a orange jumpsuit and afro smiling at her with a yellow bunny with bracelets and a necklace as then a purple beaver with buck-teeth also smiling there as his arms were in his pockets along with another yellow bunny with pink slippers smiled as then a voice was made as a doctor came in as then everyone was gone as then an anteater went up to the patient and check to see if it was okay. "Well Flaky I see that you're alright. But I have some news for you." The anteater said checking on his clipboard. "What's that doctor?" Flaky said "Well since you passed out the police found another patient that survived the building collapsation. A deer with half of its body torn off and lose quite a lot of blood. But he died last night after his surgery. He wishes you a good life and to have this." The anteater said as he puts a necklace of him and his cousin Mime as Flaky had tears come down as the doctor then opened his mouth to tell Flaky other things. "You also have visitors that want to see you." The anteater said as Flaky was surprised as six animals came in and walk toward her. "Well I guess you're happy to see us huh?" said a bunny as Flaky saw Spotty next to Disco who were happy to be back with each other as Luna and Mime were sad to see that they lost their loved ones as then Flaky saw Toothy in the back smiling as he walk toward the porcupine as Flaky backed up from the approaching beaver.

"Look Flaky…I just want to say I'm very sorry for what happened through the whole game and all. I never knew I was being like that. I swear I'll make a change to be friends with everyone again. Please let me have your trust I swear to god I hope to die I won't ever do that again." Toothy said as he pleaded on the ground begging for her trust as Flaky thought about all the bad things he has done through the whole game. "I don't know Toothy I had trust you but you killed most of your friends and made lots of enemies." Flaky said. "Please I don't want to go back to that I want to live a new life and start over and be what I was before the game. Let's go back the way things was ok Flaky?" Toothy said as Flaky looked at the others even Sparky who was talking to Spotty. Then Flaky saw a ghostly image of Rhyme next to Mime who was looking at mime as he turns to Flaky and smiles as he disappears. "Ok…Toothy lets go back to the way they were." Flaky said as Toothy smiled and hugged Flaky and then lets her go. "Thanks…" Toothy said as he left the room with the others talk to her. As they talked Toothy walks into the bathroom as then he saw a figure dashes and knocks him out as the figure was buff and stronger as he looks at the beaver. "I will get my revenge for my brother that you killed…you killed my brother my driving buddy." The figure said holding up a picture of the figure and another animal next to him to which was the Driver as the figure picks up the beaver and then leaves the room as it blasts through the walls and throws smoke grenades as everyone started coughing as they fall to the ground in the hospital. The figure walks toward Flaky as she blacks out.

Mumble talking was heard as then footsteps were made as it got closer to Flaky as her body started getting dragged to where a vehicle was running and there was bodies inside that were moving and alive as Flaky saw they thrown Disco Bear and Spotty inside as she looks up to see the same figure taking her inside the vehicle. "What are you doing?! I survived! Tell me what's going on?!" Flaky said as she gets slapped by the figure. "Shut the hell up! And you'll find out very soon." The figure said as Flaky is thrown in with other people that where trying to escape. "Where the hell are we?!" a green raccoon said with a fedora hat on who was struggling to escape. "Yar…I don't know matey but it looks like we have been taken hostage." A otter said with a patch covering his right eye and has two wooden peglegs and a hook to where it was taken off as then they threw a green bear with an army beret with an army jacket as his teeth were sharpen and neon green as he gets up only to get shocked by a taser to which was the host who smiles. "Well hello everyone and welcome back to some of you. As you know the characters that didn't receive the invitation will now get a chance to compete for even bigger cash. And the thing is other characters are waiting for at the abandon hardware store. And it's very big. But the thing is you guys have twenty days to win before the building is destroyed by explosives. So you guys are ready to play the new game? So get ready to meet your new friends who are from the lovely fans yep so this means submit your Oc's for the next new season of Paradise Getaway!!!" The Host said slamming the big door as the host gets in with the figure and then it drives off as it shows the moon. And then everything goes static and then goes off.

To Be Continued….In Season 2.

Yes! Season one is now over! I will like to thank every single author that has reviewed, favorite, and what else you did in this story. You guys are the best! As you know the winner is Flaky to which might be a shocker to some of you. You have seen twenty-four contenders go at it and kill each other and see one person won. Anyway season 2 will be coming so if you want to submit your Oc's right away and get a spot into season 2 with new contenders and try to win more money and get to get that paid trip. So six contenders have come back which are Toothy, Spotty, Sparky, Disco Bear, Mime, and Luna. So now I'm going to relax and see those Oc's come. And I will need some female Oc's to. So I'll see you guys soon and get ready to see what might happen.

3rd Place: Dark Hollow

Status: Dead

Cause of Death: Head completely shot off by the cops.

2nd Place: Rhyme

Status: Dead

Cause of Death: Died of loss blood during the surgery.

1st Place: Flaky

Status: Alive and Won

Location: Unknown

1/24 Remain

12 original characters and 3 Oc's plus the nine new ones by you guys.

Read and review and I'll see you guys soon.

And this is DDD09 signing out.