Well Hello everyone,this is my first ever fanfic. Well I hope you guys like it.
Disclaimers: I do not own Happy tree friends, Mondo Media does.
As the sun was rising up from the ground to shine a new day,people woke up from their slumbers as they got up fom the ground to make breakfast for their families,while some just stay in bed not giving a damn about it and sleeping through the day. As the sun shine right through your window beaming at your eyes. You start to groain from your awsome dream you had. Then you pull the covers over your head to not get bother by the sun.
RING!!! The alarm clock rang throughout the the clock rang a few more times,you smash it with your bare fist and get up from your bed. As you went down the creaky stairs,sleepy,you walk into the kitchen to make some coffee. As you walked up to the coffee machine to make you some ,tasty coffee you suddenly remember to get the mail for your parents.
You bolted out the door to the mailbox as your neighbor greeted you. After you said hello to your neighbor you check the mail to see if they were any for you. As you went through each mail,you were saying in your mind "Nope,Nah,Bullshit,Real Crappy,Wait what's this?" There in your hands was an envelope send to you. Then you went inside and put the other mail on the table as you went to kitchen to get a knife. As you pull one of the drawers,reach in to get the knife,slamed it shut,and started to ripped the envelope into pieces,you finally get to read the letter.
"Dear Reader"
I will like to congrat you for being a winner! The Joy inside of you as you read the first sentence. Then you went on reading the rest of the letter." Have you ever imagine going to place far away from your troubles?" You nodded your head as you remember the troubles you had in the past."well then today is your lucky day then. Cause you can win an all expensive paid-trip to your own Paradise Getaway! But there's one catch if you want to win. You.. yes I mean YOU have to compete with 23 other contenders to reach the grand prize! So come on down to the abandon warehouse at 4:30pm before your too late."
Signed,Your Host. As You read it. You started to think if you should go or not. But then it was only for a trip. As you went upstairs to start packing ,the phone rang but you didn't answer,as you threw clothes,your mp3 or ipod,your other personal items,then SLAM! As you slam the door and locked it then you threw your closed breifcase into the the backseat and drove off to find the location.
Ok since you know that there's gonna be 24 contenders in this Game Show I'm gonna need 10 OC's from you people,since my two chracters are gonna be in it. There's no due dates or anything,so take all the time in the world if you have to. Surprise me with your chracters. If I like your chracter I'll Pm You to tell you that your in. I'll see you guys later.