Em pov

Carlisle shook his head with a smirk, even though he had a pained look on his face.

"Today we lost a child. You, a sister."

He paused squeezing Esme's hand for support and comfort.

"Unfortunately, her selfish and narrow-minded attitude ended her up on a path that was destructive, to say the least. Emmett, we see no other choice than the one you chose today. I hold no grudge or anger in your actions. You saved Edwards partner. For that, he and I, as well as the rest of the family are grateful. Even if we are saddened by the death of Rosalie, she chose her fate and what's done is done."

He glanced away from me finally. Then, started looking at everyone's faces around the room. Everyone kind of looked fucking sad. And I get it, I do. But, who fucking cares if that blond bitch is dead? Not me. That's for fucking sure. She hated all of us in this family. She liked the money and the stability, but she didn't like this lifestyle, or us. So, fuck her for that! Esme pulled me from my internal rant.

"We love you all. And we must stand by each other's side as a family. That's what we do, it's who we are. It's how we survive."

She glanced at Carlisle and they smiled at each other. A love so pure. So full of devotion. So strong and deep. I've never paid much attention, because I didn't know what that look meant until recently, when me and Bella looked at each other in the same way. Here I go getting all fucking gooey again!

"I can't thank you enough Emmett. Lilly would have more than likely been killed. And Rosalie was out to hurt me and you. I just can't thank you enough."

He looked up from his piano and at me while he spoke. Bella leaned into me protectively. My woman.

"Dude seriously I wasn't going to let her hurt anyone on my watch!"

He let out a small chuckle.

"Now, we must give Rosalie a proper send off. And, I think it's only right if we do it as a family."

Everyone kind of nodded in unison. Bella had been quiet as a mouse. Alice hadn't said anything, and Jasper was just trying to make sure everyone's emotions were somewhat in check. This had been the easiest going family meeting in I don't know how fucking long. Must be cause the problem causer isn't here anymore. Which is perfectly fine by my standards! Edward smiled. Damn mind reader.

"Ok then. Rosalie still lies in the back yard. I say we burn her there. Is anyone opposed?"

Carlisle looked around the room. But no one said a word. The back yard it would be then.

"It's settled. Let's go ahead and get this over with."

Everyone started moving. We were all getting up, Bella still by my side.

"let's go burn this bitch"

My head snapped towards Alice. She just smiled at everyone. Honestly, nothing in this family surprises me anymore. Literally nothing.

"let's go indeed"

Edward now talking to Alice. Finally, the serious ass tension was lifting. And after everything that had happened today. I feel like were all getting a little resolve to the situation. The mood was lifting. If it was Jasper's doing, he could keep up the good fucking work. I hate the serious ass stuffy shit. I mean I don't think anyone else particularly liked it. But, I fucking hated it!

"We all hated it Emmett."

Edward tapped his head and slapped me on the shoulder like the fucking college preppy boy he is. And, as always, he was fucking right. Everyone agreed in their own way. and in no time, there we were. Standing feet in front of Rosalie's lifeless body.

"Anyone wanna do the honors?"

I looked around to see if anyone was willing to get this show on the road. And, to my surprise, or not to my surprise at all, no one stepped up. Alrighty then. Emmett. You fucking got this. It might even be a little fun. Or maybe not. But, I bet she going to fucking smell like channel no 5 and overly priced hair spray as she burns. Gross. I stepped closer, half afraid she would open her eyes at any moment and start bitching about some dumb shit, like not to mess up her shoes or something. But, as I picked up her dismembered head nothing happened. I placed her head back on top of her torso. Fuck. I don't have a lighter. Oh. Wait, maybe I CAN make a funny right now. Alice eyed my carefully. probably knowing what I'm about to do. Edward suppressed a laugh. Well, he fucking tried too, but he wasn't fooling anyone. Well not any one here. We're all like super smart and shit. Focus Emmett. For gods fucking sake. I prepare myself for my best devastated voice... showtime.

"I can't fucking do this"

I sink my head, and take off, internally laughing so no one could really see me. Bella snapped around to face where I had taken off too and in no time. As if on cue, Carlisle yelled after me.

"Emmett, son if it's too much. I should be the one to do this. I should have never let you."

I ran straight to my room ignoring the commentary of the fiasco waiting for me in the back yard. I got to my room in no time and knew exactly what I needed. I ripped open my top drawer and ahhhhaaaa. Just what I needed to finish the job! A lighter. I grabbed an old t-shirt, jumped back out my window. Snapped a branch. Wrapped the shirt around the tip of it. And set the t-shirt on fire. And, just for cinematic effect, slowly, well slowly for me, took off running back towards the back yard where everyone waited for me to return. I over exaggerate my leg stride and start chanting in my best Gerard Butler impersonation.


In civil fashion I threw my make-shift torch, perfectly aimed at the dead bitch. And, just as I knew it would, even from 100 yards away, the torch landed on top of Rosalie. And, just like that, she caught fire and burst into flames. Thick smoke started to rise. And finally, it was ending. My miserable life of trying to please the blond bitch was over. Another chapter closed. My life with Bella was beginning. And even though I sound like an ass. I'm thankful for both. I'm sad it all went down the way it did. But, I don't regret a single second of it. I took a bow. And ran back to Bella's side.

"Real nice touch Emmett."

She bit her lip and wrapped her arm around my waist as I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. We meshed together so fucking well, like a puzzle piece that just fucking fits perfectly.

Everyone was chuckling at my theatrics. I thought I deserved more of a full-on busting out kind-of laughing laugh, but what can I say. Some people don't value a good sense of humor. As the smoke turned to a thick purple we all had our attention back to the flame, which was starting to slow down as the smell of heavy perfume filled the air around me. Thank god for not having to breathe, because yeah, fuck that. I don't think any of us had any kind words to say. Because well, no one fucking spoke. We watched in silence. All taking time to self reflect or whatever. Vampires. So full of ourselves I tell ya.

Bella pov.

I watched as Rosalie faded to nothing more than ashes. I couldn't help but think some of this is my fault. I can't put the full blame upon myself but, some of the blame I feel is justified. These past few weeks have felt like a dream. Literally everything about my life has been turned upside down. And I couldn't be happier. Is that selfish of me? To think of how happy I am, whilst watching a member of this family I so recently joined burn? Maybe Emmett is right. He always says vampires are selfish. Hell, maybe we are. The changes have gone more smoothly for me then I ever could have fathomed possible. It's so messed up, but I feel like I belong here. As I am, with Emmett. I looked up at him. Big mistake. He's so gad damn sexy. I could literally just make love to him forever. Which is exactly what I intend to do. But, not the point. I take in everything around me. All the love in everyone's eyes. Even Emmett's eyes. That goofy ass smile, the cute ass dimple. His eyes are still red, all thanks to the human the big idiot killed. I try not to show sadness across my face as he looks down on me. I know this has been hard for him. Even if he does try to go all 300 funny man on us. With him is where I'm home. I'm completely new to this life style and as part of my new born philosophy I'm trying to sit back and figure out how it all works and how we, as this family work together. I guess slip ups happen. And I can't judge Emmett for that. Because, I myself haven't had a slip up. I can't say one would never happen. No matter how much I try to ensure it doesn't.

"You ok papa bear?"

He squeezed me a little tighter and kissed my forehead.

"With you mama bear, I will always be way better than ok. Even on the worst of days.

I stretched up onto my tippy toes and kissed him. With every ounce of passion, I had in me. A deep growl rumbled from his chest. And, it did things…. To my… lady bits….. I pulled away. Not wanting to just start making love to Emmett here and now. In front of his entire family. Our, I mentally corrected myself. Our entire family. I got out of his embrace. Gave him a reassuring look and walked over to Edward. A month ago, I never would have believed this would be happening. But, here we are. Edward was wearing a blue sweater I had gotten him forever ago and it did look good on him. Blue was always a good color on him.


Was kind of all I could say as I looked toward the ground where I was kicking dirt around with my grey converse. I looked back up, and he had a crocked smile on his face. I could feel Emmett's eyes on me. He was watching me closely I'm sure.


Edwards said with a confused look on his face.

"Even as a vampire, you're still a complete mystery to me."

Well, this is fucking awkward. What did I come over here for? If I were still human, I would be blushing 20 shades of red. But, as a vampire I have a much better poker face than before.

"Yeah, well get used to it. You'll never figure me out eddy boy."

I could feel more eyes on us now. Damnit.

"How's Lilly doing?"

Maybe this won't be so bad. Seems ok so far.

"She's well. Of course, Carlisle is taking great care of her."

I looked to the ground again, pretending to be very interested in the dirt I was moving around.

"That's awesome. I'm so glad you found her. I truly do wish you nothing but happiness. I know all of this is kinda screwed up. But, we both ended up exactly where we were meant too. So, no hard feelings?"

I looked back up, just so I didn't look like a little scared girl talking to him.

"None at all."

I went in for a hug. It seemed fitting. He hugged me back. It was nice being civil. We let go and nodded at each other. I'm not entirely sure why. But, I'm not mad at it.

I turned to walk away, and I could tell 5 pairs of eyes quickly glanced at anything other than me. Making it pretty obvious they had all been watching closely. Nosy fuckers. I walk back over to Emmett who was having a conversation with Alice about something serious.

"We gotta jet back inside babe and get cleaned up. Charlie is on his way."

OH SHIT. I forgot to call Charlie.