Disclaimer: I do not own naruto yeah
(Outskirts of Unknown Village)
'What am I going to do with you?' Naruto thought as he rubbed his temple. He had brought Tayuya to his camping site after he had discovered her. He sighed for the umpteenth time as he wathed over the sleeping girl. Suddenly as on cue, the girl slowly opened her eyes. When she did open her eyes, she was shocked looking at Naruto. She then backed away screaming
"Stay away you bastard! Don't you see, I hate that fucking place! So leave me alone, you fucker!" Naruto looked at her questioningly, then became surprised.
"Woah there! Your not in trouble or something, I just happen to past by when I saw you." He said defensively. Tayuya glared at him and huffed.
"Tch. You expect me to thank you?" She looked at Naruto nodding. She then made "the finger" at him and said. "Then fuck you! I give no shit to anybody."
Naruto looked at her blankly. "Ok… so where will you go now? Since you practically ran away from your village." He asked.
Tayuya huffed. "It's none of your fucking business bastard."
"Ok, your on your own then. This where we part ways." He said as he stood up and began to walk away.
Tayuya face grew red. She stood up and follow him. "Wait!" She said.
Naruto looked back and saw her catching to him. "Hmm? What's wrong?" He asked.
Tayuya tried to find her words then spoke up. "I… uh… I want to travel with you!"
Naruto looked at her blankly. "But I thought you said-" He was cut off by Tayuya.
"I know what I said! I just want to follow you as thanks for saving me! You jerk!" She said as she tried to kick him in the stomach. Naruto just dodged it.
"Ok, ok! No need to get cranky! So what's your name girl?" 'Even though I knew it from the start as to not raise suspicion.' He thought.
"My name, sir, is Tayuya! What's yours?" She asked.
"Na- Minato, Minato Namikaze." 'Shit almost said my name out loud! I'm not Naruto anymore I'm supposed to be My dad.' He thought as he answered Tayuya.
"Minato Namikaze? As in THE Minato Namikaze? The Yondaime of Konoha?" She asked.
"Well, yes, yes I am." He said while he smiled.
Tayuya was shocked. "You gotta be shitting with me! What are you doing here?!?!" She shouted.
"Uh… I'm just passing by I guess." He said with a shrug.
"Shouldn't you be ruling over your oh-so-beloved village?" She said sarcasticly.
Minato rolled his eyes. (A/N: I'll be using Minato for the Naruto minded Minato since there will be confusion later in the chapters.) "No, I wouldn't." He answered simply like it was the obvious answer in the world.
Tayuya was shocked then stopped walking making Minato look back. "Why?" She asked. "Why leave your village? You, loved by all people, one of the strongest in the continent. Leave?" Tension rising.
Minato just sighed. 'I need to make a legible reason here…' "Because, Tayuya, It's the same reason why you left, I suppose." He said.
Tayuya looked at him strangely. "But I didn't tell you why I left!" She said angily.
'Shit!' Minato thought as he pounder how to escape this situation. "Why did you leave the village then?" He aasked.
"Why the fuck should I tell you?!?!" she yelled.
Minato just waved his finger at her and winked. "Trade secrets."
Tayuya glared at him. " I hate you…"
Minato just laughed. "Just tell." He replied.
Tayuya sighed. "Fine. But I warn you it gets sappy you know,"
"Sure, whatever, just tell." Minato said getting frustrated.
Tayuya then told her story about her childhood. Minato just listened without questions.
"And that's my stupid story." She said.
"I see… well I guess I could-" just before said anything noises came from their south.
"I wonder what that noise is?" He said to himself.
Just as the noise became louder, Tayuya's eyes widened. "Shit! Their here… We got to run from those fuckers!" She said as she took Minato's hand and ran to the opposite direction only to meet a gang of bandits blocking their way.
"Oh look what we have here, it's Tayuya- chan. Come along now, mommy's waiting." He said smiling.
"Fuck you! Go to hell fuckers!" She replied.
"Watch your tongue girl, or we might be not so merciful. Besides we have you surrounded."
"I don't want to! Can't you fucking get that?!?!" She said, her body shivered in nervousness.
The bandit just shook his head. "tsk. Tsk. Tsk. I guess we have too take you by force."
Minato then decided to intervene.
"Hey, don't you know what your doing is sexual harassment or do I need to put that in your empty head of yours?" He said looking at the bandits.
"You shouldn't mess with us punk! Don't you know that girl there is valuable to our client?!" He retorted.
Minato looked back her only to see her shivering. 'What have these bastards done with her?' He thought as he readied himself to battle. "You shall do no harm to the child."
The bandits glared at him. "Are you mocking us? You dare defy us? Then die! Kill him, get the girl later!" He pointed at Minato.
Then all the bandits charged at him. Minato grabbed Tayuya and shunshin'ed out of the field. The leader was surprised, then turned into anger "Chase him!.". On a clearing Minato placed a bewildered Tayuya on a branch of a tree. "You need to hide for a while I have to deal with these bandits, ne?" He smiled at her and vanished to the clearing.
He landed at the center of the clearing just as the bandits surrounded him. The leader glared at him then grinned. "You won't be able to escape boy. Now die!" the bandits charged at him all around. Minato created a Kage Bunshin beside him and grabbed it by the wrist then spun around. While spinning, the clone kicked the bandits surrounding them. After spinning twice, the clone landed and toss the original to the air the took two kunais out to attack. The original who was up in the air cupped his hand and made a giant swirling ball. He the dived in. The clone fought the bandits surrounded him then on cue smiled before it dispelled. The bandits where at loss, but then they heard a wind being cut in the air, they looked up and all they saw is a big swirling ball. "OODAMA RASENGAN!!!" the ball collided with the ground, dusts flying all over the place. When the dust cleared, Minatostood in the center of the large crater.
"That's all of them… Tayuya you can come out now." He said as he looked where he hid Tayuya. He saw the leader of the bandits holding her hostage, smiling like a madman.
"Hehehe… You thought you won eh? Well, your wrong! You want this girl? You want her to live freely so badly? Then sacrifice your life in exchange!" He said in glee.
Minato looked at the Tayuya who said "Don't do it! It's better if I die by this fucker than letting a great man die!"
"Quiet you!" He said as he place the knife at her throat. "So what's it gonna be? Your life or hers? Either way, it's a win- win situation for me." He said then cackled.
Minato sighed then replied. "Fine. You win, release the girl then kill me." He then stood a few meters away from him. The bandit then smiled. "Gladly!" He released her then ran to Minato, positioning his knife, ready for the stab.
Tayuya looked on horror as she witness the death of the Yondaime. She screamed in desperation. "MINATO-SAN!!!!" The bandit stabbed Minato through the heart then looked at him. But was shocked at the reaction he was given. Minato was smiling the made a half seal tora sign and said "Bunshin Daibakuha." The clone exploded, and so is the bandit.
Minato suddenly appeared before the surprised Tayuya. "I knew that would happen, so I made a exploding clone to switch with just in case." He said smiling while scratching behind his head. Tayuya punched in the gut, then hugged him, surprising Minato. "T-tayuya?" He asked.
"Don't do that again you jerk! You almost made me cry… bastard." She said, tears streaming down her face.
Minato was lost 'Is this the aggressive, swear- like- a- sailor Tayuya?' He thought. Then he hugged back. "I'll never do that again, I promise." He said.
"You sure?" Tayuya asked innocently.
"Of course. I never go back on my promises, that's my nindo." He said smiling 'I promise Tayuya, I promise.'
"Come now let's sleep for the night. Tomorrow, we travel." He said as he walked back into camp. Tayuya following him, smiling for the first time since the flute incident.
A/N: Well, that's my second chapter. Meh, I swear I get fewer review every new stories. Review please. It took all my time and efforts for a story. So there.
Pairings? Uhhh… secret but you know the one of it. Just for surprise hehehe….
That's all for now. Later!