Disclaimer: I do not own Sisters Grimm. I don't now and never will. (SIGH!!!)

Ages: Sabrina- 17

Puck-4,019 (haha, He looks 18)


Red- 14

Mystery Character- 16

Chapter 1- Prologue

I was walking to my locker and pushed past a bunch of annoying girls who had no lives. I mean leave me alone. I opened my locker and looked at the mirror. I rolled my eyes. I remember at 12 years old that I was TERRIBLE with makeup. But I looked pretty good, not to be conceited. I mean black eyeliner is sexy. But with black leather jacket with skinny jeans and a black and sky blue tank top is just… damn. I heard my locker slam shut.

"What?" I snapped coolly to whoever it was. I looked up into a pair of green eyes and I rolled my eyes. He tussled my blond hair.

"What the hell Puck" I snapped angrily now. He smiled mischievously and I instantly recoiled. Something bad was going to happen…now! I backed away and he stalked forward.

"Stay still Grimm! The pixie obviously likes you," he said snickering. I growled and I shook my fist threateningly. He rolled his eyes until I pushed past him.

"Go to the car Puck" I snapped.

"No, ugly!" That was it I smacked him and growled and he stalked outside. What a child. I stalked down the hallway with my messenger bag hitting my thigh annoyingly.

"Sabrina come here now!" screeched my younger sister Daphne. I looked back at the bulletin board she was standing at. I unwillingly walked back to where she was standing.

"What Daphne, Puck's waiting" I sighed. That annoying fairy boy is so in trouble for rushing me. Daphne turned to me with wide eyes. She held a flyer in her hand

"Daphne stop shaking it so much. I can't read it," I said. That was the understatement of the century. I could barely tell what color the flyer was.

"It doesn't matter what it says cause I'll tell you. Our school is having a musical. And it's a Broadway musical on a smaller scale. Guess what it is?" she asked excitedly. The possibilities ran through my mind.

"Is it Hairspray? Or Lion King? Or Mary Poppins?" I asked. She shook her head excitedly and I finally caught sight of what the flyer said.

"It's Wicked!!" she said. I groaned quietly and I was crying inside. Why this show?

"Are you serious? Well I'm not signing up!" I said. She grinned sheepishly and before I could ask she was sprinting towards the door. Even in high heel boots I ran as fast as her. As she got in the Maserati I grabbed her arm.

"Daphne did you do something?" I asked her steadily. She smiled again but a little agitated. She yanked away and got in the car and sat next to Red. I got in the passenger seat and smacked Puck for adjusting the mirrors to all face him.

"So Daphne did you tell her?" asked Red excitedly. She brushed back her brown hair and looked at me. She looked away quickly at me evil death glare I was giving Daphne.

"Calm down Ugly. She couldn't have done something that bad. But if she did I'm proud of her" said Puck. I glared at him but he was unaffected. All he did was smile…idiot.

"Lets hear it Daphne. What did you do that will make me extremely pissed off at you for days?" I asked. She looked guilty. There was no other way to describe it.

"Well…I did…sign…you up for…the musical. I…signed us all up," she stammered. Puck burst out laughing.

"Are you serious? Grimm is going to sing? I have to be at auditions," laughed Puck. I smirked and looked at him and he looked suspicious.

"Sorry to burst your bubble but she signed all of us up…including you," I said. I started to laugh while Puck turned red. And then I noticed that I had to sing in front of him…this was bad.

"DAPHNE GRIMM YOU ARE SO DEAD" we both screamed and she cowered in terror.

Thanks for reading. And please R&R.