I didn't want to take up space on every individual chapter for an author's note, thus I'm beginning this fic the way many books begin: with a forward from the author.
To begin, I'd like to say that this will be my first WIP that I know I will seriously commit to as I post it. What I mean by this is that I will with certainty finish this fic. In the past, I have started smaller projects that lost their magic before even halfway through the work. I've realized that I need to stay focused as a writer, and thus should not be beginning projects and giving them up, at least not after publishing them for fans to read. This is very unfair to readers and leaves me feeling shameful of myself.
I am also currently working on a Harry Potter novel length fic. Currently it is almost 50,000 words long. I mention this because I want all prospective readers to know that this is not my only project and thus I must allot time to work on both works. I'm writing this fic as I go along, whereas my HP piece will be completed before I post it on the web.
I won't ask readers to be patient with me as I update. This, in my opinion, is rude. Oftentimes authors give the excuse of being busy with real life. I fully understand this, but at the same time I feel that once a writer has committed to a story, it is their obligation to see it through. If my updates, at any point, become fewer and fewer in between, I will not object to readers contacting me. If anything, it will give me a reason to continue to write.
Continuing on this, I also would like to say that I am not an author who begs for reviews. For me, page hits mean the same thing as a written review. It would be quite hypocritical of me to demand a review when many times I myself do not leave one. With that, I will not stop any readers from flaming me. While I sincerely hope I do not give anyone a reason to send me hateful reviews, I cannot stop anyone from doing so. If my work really is that terrible for you, and you feel the need to let me know, I cannot stop you from voicing your opinion.
As a writer, for many of you who have never read any of my works, I am very much a romance writer. What I mean is that I absolutely abhor unnecessary drama. Piling on the angst between two central characters, to me, only shows immaturity on the part of the writer. A good story is never completely suffused with melodrama. It's the joy and the beauty of the relationship that balances out the occasional drama that attracts readers. As well, it keeps the story continuing at a relaxed but engaging pace.
I don't how long this story will be. At this point it could be anywhere between 5 chapters to over 50. It all depends on how far the plot can continue without becoming exhausting for the audience.
The title of the story, Avec Toi, C'est Mon Destin, is French for (roughly) My Destiny is with You, (literally, With You, is My Destiny). The titles of all the chapters will be based on some other art, be it a line from a poem, song, artwork name, book, etc.
With all this said, I'd like to welcome you on my newest endeavor, a love story between Jacob Black and Edward Cullen from Stephanie Meyer's Twilight saga. Where it goes and how far, only time can ever know.
Summary: A love story between Jacob and Edward, beginning with an unlikely imprint and futile denial. Because every author in this fandom must write the Jacob imprints on Edward romance fic.
Disclaimer: Twilight belongs solely to Stephanie Meyer. I am merely borrowing her characters for some creative, fan-based writing. No opinions or original characters or storyline in the following story in any way reflect her opinions.
Semper fidelis,