A group of students peeked into the advanced classroom of the Spiritual Arts Academy.

"That is really him?"

"He's way different than I expected."

"He's kind of cute."

"Nah. Too plain."

A male student walked over. He had black hair and green eyes. He was slightly older than a twenty.

"What's going on?"

One student turned around.

"You didn't hear?"

"This kid came over the last day of the entrance exams and passed with grades only comparable to Gin Ichimaru!"

The younger student looked in and laughed.

He brushed passed everyone and walked over to the boy.

The kid sitting down was practicing caligraphy.

"Hey, cousin. So you decided to come?"

The boy, no older than fifteen, glared up, golden eyes flaring.

"No. I stole this uniform and decided to sneak into the Academy."

"Take a chill pill, Yori," the kid said sitting on the table. "No wonder Auntie Shiori worries about you so much."

"No. She's still hormonal now. And it isn't like Uncle Chojiro doesn't panic when he sees Asuka wearing your mom's old Shihakusho."

Haku, second child and first son of Chojiro and Nemu, groaned.

"You'd think she was walking around naked or something. Dad always told us stories about how he fell in love with Mom at first sight. Asuka tried on her old uniform and he freaks."

Yori put away the caligraphy.

"You can't blame him. Asuka has every guy eating out of her hands."

Haku looked out the window. Deep down, he was jealous of Yori sometimes. He had the hair color of his mom but the younger girls loved his golden eyes.

"You could have any girl you want."

"I'm waiting for my own beautiful."

"Beautiful what?"

Yori glared.

"Your face might stay that way if you keep doing that."

"Well you're acting ridiculous."

Yori stared at the desk.

"Mother and Father...I want something like they have. Everyone in the Department are still afraid of him but when Mother's around he turns to jelly. And if Nori's around-"

Yori laughed and brushed back his short hair.

"He can't stop smiling."

Haku remembered how Mayuri was when Yori was being born.


Nemu had taken Haku to the Department in order to get his opinion on some training programs for younger Soul Reapers.

He had just turned eight and was still wearing the jinabori his dad had gotten him.

"Mom, can we visit Aunt Shiori?"

Nemu had decided it would be better for Haku to believe Mayuri and herself were brother and sister.


She knocked on the Captain's office.

"What?" an irritated voice asked.

"Mayuri-sama, it is I and Haku."

"Come in."

The Captain, now with his ear attachments shorter and rounder and his chin with a longer attachment, smiled. His hair was styled into "horns," which when viewed from the front looks much like a Pharaoh's crown.

Shiori had made the new attatchments for their first year anniversary and he never left home without them on.

"We were wondering if we may visit Shiori."

"Just you two?"


Haku laughed and hugged his uncle.

"I missed you."

"Good boy. Now, remember. No matter what..."

"Don't let Auntie Shiori out of the bed."

They went to Mayuri's home, where three people were playing cards in the living room.

"Welcome back," Hanataro Yamada said jumping up. "Shiori just woke up a little while ago."

The four went upstairs and into Mayuri's bedroom.

Shiori was sitting up in the bed, rubbing her swollen belly.

Mayuri went over and kissed her.

"My Beautiful Shiori. How are you?"

"I'm good. Our little Onmitsukido is amazing."

Haku looked up at his mother.

"What does she mean?"

"The Onmitsukido are the special strike corps. They fight a lot."

Shiori massaged a spot.

"This guy is trying to kick his way out."

Mayuri rubbed his face on the spot.

"My son, you're going to be as attractive as your mother and strong as me."

"No. He'll be handsome and strong like you."

Mayuri gazed into her eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you too, my Mayuri."

Hanataro checked Shiori's vitals.

"We may have to induce the labor soon."

A few hours later, Haku was having his ears covered by Chojiro in the living room.

Shiori was having the baby in the nursery downstairs and screaming.

Nemu and Mayuri were helping with the delivery.

"Dad! I can't hear anything!"

"Trust me son," he muttered. "Its better that you don't."

Asuka was just starting out her job at the Fourth Company and was one of the assisstants of Captain Unohana.

"Almost there, Shiori."

Mayuri held her hand tight.

"Hear? Soon he'll be here. Just a little longer."

When the sound of an infant's crying rang through the house, smiles burst up everywhere.

Mayuri kissed Shiori's sweating forehead.

"You were brilliant."

Haku was finally let in an hour after the baby was born and everything was cleaned up.

He walked over, looked at the baby, and leaned over.

"His head looks funny."

Chojiro shivered and covered Haku's mouth.

"H-He doesn't-"

That didn't stop the glares from the new parents.

~~~End Flashback~~~

"I still don't believe the stories that Father was cruel and ruthless. Sure, he gets in his moods but all Mother needs to do is make salmon and he's swell."

"People say my mom was silent and nonemotional."

Yori arched his eyebrow.

"No way. She's so perky."

Shiori Kurotsuchi appeared behind them, holding a small bundle in her arms.

"You two are causing a scene you know. Everyone here is talking."

"Mother, please leave."

"I'm a teacher here."

"Then why is Nori here?"

Shiori bounced the baby.

"Because. He hates being away from me."

Suddenly, the Captain of Squad 12 was at her side.

"That's right. I'm not the bubbly person everyone knows and loves when you're not near."

"Gross!" Yori yelled covering his eyes as his parents kissed. "If you're going to do this, burn my eyes out first!!"


Author's Note:

Its so sad but I think this story had a good run. Hope you enjoyed it! Don't worry! Shiori and Mayuri will be in my story 'Love the Way You Are!'
