Okay, so I was watching football (Go Spain!) and I got this crazy idea that I hope you'll all help me realise. Hopefully it's doable but I'll need your help.

Here's the general idea:

I want to make 'If we weren't enemies" into a movie. Now, don't think me too crazy, it's not as grand as it sounds. All I'm asking for is two voices; one to read Hermione's letters and one to read Draco's.

Furthermore I think it could be great if some of you felt up to draw some pictures for each chapter.

So here's what I want you to do if this appeals to you (which I hope it does):

Send me a personal message here with your name and who you'll be reading as

Also tell me what paragraph you'll be reading

After this I'll send you my e-mail and you can send me the clip of you reading your paragraph

On September 1st I'll let you know whether or not you're my Hermione or Draco

Now, that was for the voices. If you'd rather contribute with pictures, drawings or mash-ups the process is much simpler:

Send me a personal message describing your picture and which chapter inspired you

Then I'll send you my e-mail and you can send me the picture


Hopefully I'll get some support to make this dream a reality! So please everyone, find your inner Draco or your inner Hermione and send me a lot of great recordings or pictures. I really hope I'm not the only one who's excited about this…