Chapter 1: Hinata's POV & Sasuke's POV

Hello Everyone,

Sorry I haven't been making any stories lately. This nogen hasn't been able to make any briliant stories lately. This past month I got an e-mail from a fan of mine Quagomay, this person suggested this story to me so this is Quagomay's ideas not mine. I hope you all like it and please send Quagomay a message if you like this story. :)

"Hey Hinata," called my brother.

"Hey Neji," I said turning to him.

"I can't believe that your going to be a freshmen. Your so going to be fresh meat this year," my brother teased.

"That's not cool Neji. I'm still so nervous."

"Why are you going to try to get to Naruto this time," he whispered.

I turned red. Naruto Uzumaki was just the coolest guy in the village. Ever since he saved Sasuke from Orochimaru and stopped the whole Akasuki by himself. At least that is what I heard. He was just so awesome. If it wasn't for him my jutsu would have never improved. Though one thing is that I'm still shy when I'm around him.

"Hey Naruto," my brother called.

"Where?" I asked excitedly.

As I looked for my one true love I heard my brother laughing. "Hahaha. You are so going to be the best fresh meat any of the upperclassmen will have," my brother croaked.

My face was hot red by then. As he had a good laugh I walked as fast as I could toward the school.


"Sorry," I said looking up.

"Don't worry," smiled a blonde hair blue eyed boy.

Suddenly something in my throat stopped me from speaking nor breathing. I think that I was about to blow up or maybe fart.

"Hey Naruto," Neji said. "Hey what's that smell?"

"I don't know?" Naruto sad. "But sure does smell. Well I better go before I throw up my breakfast. Later Neji and..."


"Hihihi, that's right," Naruto said holding his nose. He left.

"Wow Hinata I think we should get you some help," Neji sighed. "But you should breath first."

"Right," I gasphed. This was the worst. Everytime I would be thirty feet away from Naruto I would do something completely out of charachter. Crap, why does love have to make you act like such and idiot, I thought as I walked with Neji.

I was able to get to class a few minutes before the bell like I always did. When I opened the door I saw Sasuke. He was one of my best friends. Most days he was late but today he was earlier than expected.

"Good Morning Sasuke," I smiled.

"Hey Hinata," Sasuke smiled.

"What are you doing here so early?"

"Just wanted to get here early. Its a little hard on others when I'm late," he blushed. I could never understand why he blushed when he was around me. He's been blushing a lot since this past summer. "So are you ready for freshman year?"

"Yep. This time I was able to see Na-Na," I stuttered.

"Naruto," Sasuke complained.

"Yep. But-"

"Let me guess you did something stupid."

I just nodded imbarassed about what happened.

"You poor thing," he said petting my head. "You should get some help or something."

"Are you sure you aren't Neji?" I tessed.

"Like I would want to be like him. He is just to serious about things."

We both giggled.


"Looks like thats the bell. We had better get to class, " he said walking away.

"Don't we have to meet in the gym?" I asked.

"Right." He turned around and walked the oppisite way that he was going. I didn't think that he could be so slow minded.

Sasuke's POV

Crap, I'm such an idiot, I thought. I finally get to see Hinata this early and I'm acting like a complete bone head. Before I was normal around her and know I'm acting like a stupid idot. Grr,why does love have to make you act like such and idiot.

Me and Hinata went to the gym and saw everyone that was in middle school. I couldn't beleive that we were all in high school.

"Hey Sasuke," I heard giggle girls yell.

Obviously it was Sakura and all her clones, Ino and othe prepy girls. They always stared at me but they just use me to get to Naruto because we were really good friends. I haven't known him as long as I have known Hinata but were still really close.

"Uh," I heard Hinata gasph.

I looked at her and followed her eyes. Just as I thought, she was looking at him. I swear ever since I found out that Hinata liked him he seems like such a jerk to me. Not only because of that but he dosen't look at Hinata at all. Everytime we talk he always gets her name wrong and he's been in all over her classes for the past three years. It makes me so mad.

"Hey Sasuke," Naruto waved.

"Hey," I said just raising my hand.

"He-hey," Hinata blurted out.

"Hey Hihihi," Naruto said coming toward us.

I clenched my fist and said to myself, You jerk her name is Hinata. Get it straight.

"I see that your early for once," Naruto laughed.

"What you got something against me coming early," I snapped.

"No, no. It just isn't like you," he teased.

"Alright magiots shut up and listen up," Ankio shouted. Man she as annoying. Everytime I see her or near her she is just a big mouth. I would give a million dollars to anyone that can shut her up. "This year you guys might have it easy, at least for your classes. Don't expect the upperclassmen to go easy on you because they had it much harder. So suggest you guys get ready for a year of drama."

Author suddenly says: Little did they know that these words would come to pass.

Everyone looked at the sky to see who said that/\.

Author says: Sorry carry on with the story.

Everyone just nodded there heads and looked back at Ankio.

"Anyway, we have your class scheduals up here in the front so look at them and get to your classes."