"Hyuuga, what do you think you're doing?" Hinata jumped with a small squeak, tripping over her own feet. As she was falling to the ground, Shiki grabbed her by the arm and jerked her towards him swiftly, catching her in his arms. Hinata blinked; surprised that she didn't hit the hard concrete before realizing what had happened. She steadied herself and found her face near Shiki's. He was staring at steadily without a wavering gaze. Hinata gulped. With a bright cotton pink blush, she pulled away from him and apologized meekly.
"I'm s-sorry about that, Shiki-san." She laughed awkwardly, but continued smiling at the dark haired boy. She liked being around him. He was always nice to her when he had no reason to. Most of the Night Class looked down on her even when she was a level A vampire because she was a timid and gentle person. She contradicted their definition of a vampire.
Shiki merely averted his eyes to somewhere else, seeing Hinata adjust the short skirt falling off her waist. Just a little more adjusting and he was positive he would be able to see the color of her panties. "Hn. Make sure you're not late to class again. You always forget your books."
"I'll try," Hinata replied softly, before heading back to her room. While she began walking away, Shiki noticed how her dark blue hair contrasted greatly with the white school uniform. He noticed the swish of her skirts as she moved her hips side to side and although the nobleman wouldn't say it aloud, Shiki liked how nicely the uniform hugged her curves and how her skin seemed fairer with the white colored fabric. Then again, she is a vampire. His lips twitched in amusement, watching Hinata trip up the stairs accidentally before disappearing into the corridors.
"Admiring the princess again?" Rima inquired, appearing right next to her friend.
"Very funny," Shiki said blandly. There was not a hint of amusement in his tone. Despite the girl being his best friend for years, he would not tolerate her humor at his suspense. He didn't take too kindly on it.
Rima smirked and nudged his cheek with a finger jokingly. "If you don't tell her soon, someone else will swoop in and try to win her heart."
"Like who?" There was a sudden loud yell of, "Hiiiinnaaa-chaaaaan!" before a girlish shriek of surprise emitted through the Night Class's dorm. Shiki frowned. He forgot that damned Aidou had a crush on her.
"Like him."
"Tsk." Ever since he could remember, Shiki and Hinata were always friends of some sort—perhaps acquaintances were a better term for their relationship. Shiki had mainly saved her from her clumsiness while she apologized constantly and thank him for helping out. The latter had always been sort of a klutz. He was fond of catching her in his arms at the formal parties—watching her pale face flush with embarrassment and the expensive dress flutter on the dance floor when she so much as moved. On special occasions, they did talk about current events or what was to be expected of the future, but it never lasted long. He was fine with that. He had some of her attention at least. It wasn't until Aidou began talking to her did he become goaded.
Aidou was arrogant, always bragging about nonsensical stuff or how intelligent he was. The only person that actually gave two cents was Hinata because she most likely felt pity for the blonde. (Or so Shiki hoped.) Ever since then, Aidou had taken an interest to her and made it his mission to bother the Hyuuga. Rima tried explaining that Aidou wasn't trying to bother her but court the Hyuuga. He merely scoffed at the idea and pawned it off as ridiculous.
Shiki shoved his hands in his pockets and shook his head. "Let's go to class."
"Hn." Rima agreed and followed after the Night class.
Alice blue eyes drifted over to the set of steps before Shiki automatically turned away when he heard light footsteps approaching the stairs again followed by heavy ones. She would be okay.
Hinata was giggling ridiculously at something obscene Aidou was drawing.
Shiki frowned and crossed his arms. How annoying. He didn't like how much attention Aidou was hogging and it made irritation flow through his body because Hinata was giving him the undeserved attention. Aidou didn't deserve it. The past couple of weeks with Hinata ditching (she didn't really) him for the blonde was grating his nerves and thinning down his patience significantly. Honestly, he missed it when the blonde would pine after Kaname's attention instead of Hinata. Forget the fact that Kaname was more relaxed without his bodyguard constantly watching over his back every moment.
"Your jealousy is showing, " Rima hummed, playing her fingernails. He narrowed his eyes into slits. She was enjoying every moment of this.
"I'm not jealous."
"You broke your pencil."
The red head glanced at his hand. Indeed, the pencil in hand had been snapped in half without realizing it. Exhaling deeply to calm himself, he stood up and threw it in the trash before walking back to his seat. His eyes darted back to Hinata's spot and found her staring at him with a concentrated expression. Their eyes met; Alice blue clashed with pale lavender. A light rose blush stained her cheeks and she squeaked, averting her eyes before twiddling her index fingers out of a nervous habit.
The word cute crossed his mind before he could even blink. He could sense Aidou flare with jealousy and felt smug satisfaction when Hinata lifted her head up and gave him a shy smile; a smile that had always been reserved for him he would like to thin. Shiki lifted up his hand in acknowledgement. He mouthed the words, "Meet me at the water fountain after class." Her face lit up and she nodded eagerly, eyes twinkling with excitement.
When Shiki returned to his seat, he ignored the arrogant smile that played on Rima's face.
"Don't say anything. I already know what you're thinking."
"Fine, " she said haughtily.
"Shiki-san," Hinata greeted politely. He was happy to find her alone and not with Aidou trailing behind her like a loyal dog. The younger girl twiddled her index fingers together. She smoothened out her skirt to stop her habit and peered at his blank face. She bit her lip nervously. "Did you need something from me?"
"O-oh." She furrowed her eyebrows together and grimaced. "Did I do something to upset you?"
"Will you go out with me?" Shiki asked bluntly.
There was a pause.
"E-Eh? P-pardon me but can you repeat that again?" Hinata stuttered. She looked like a tomato right now. He stepped closer to her and snaked his hand around her waist and tugged her closer to his body. She squeaked.
"Go out with me," he repeated.
"E-Eto…umm…T-This is all of a sudden Shiki-san!" Hinata was getting flustered as she stumbled with her words greatly. Shiki practically heard her heartbeat pick up the pace. "C-Can't I…think about this and g-get back to you in…umm…a week?"
"That's too long." Shiki pressed his lips against her forehead as he murmured this.
There was another silence before a sigh. "I can't win against you…"
"So what is your answer?"
Hinata pouted and stared into his eyes. "Y-Yes."
"I knew you always liked me," Shiki stated in amusement. He was staring at her for a few minutes before leaning closer to her lips and pressing his against them. Her lips were very soft and it molded perfectly against him. His eyes snapped open when he felt himself being pushed away. Hinata's face was flushed red and her mouth was agape.
"I-I-I G-GOT TO GO!" She ran off hurriedly, leaving him behind.
Shiki rolled his eyes. However, a smile permeated his face.
"How cute."