A Marathon of Lessons

A/N: Yes, the sequel to False Appearances is finally here!! To those you haven't read the previous fic: Jessica is Chase's twin sister. She is married to Wilson and they have a little girl named Annabelle. Chase and Cameron are married and you will meet their family in this chapter. I highly recommend that you read False Appearances. If you don't that's okay too. Previous readers: Annabelle is seven now so there was a time leap. Enjoy!

Disclaimer:I really don't own anything.

Chapter 1: Happy Birthday!!

In the backyard of the Chase's house, multiple first graders ran around playing tag. On one table was a bunch of presents along with a cake. It said, "Happy Birthday Simon."

Chase had been in charge of the grill until House kicked him off. Now, he was talking with House, his brother-in-law James Wilson, and friend Eric Foreman. He laughed at one of House's old college stories while keeping an eye on the kids. He watched amused as his wife Allison was running around freaking over every little detail. He excused himself and followed her inside the house.

In the kitchen Allison was getting more paper plates out, even though she had put out more than enough. "Excuse me." He said moving behind her pretending to get something out of the cupboard. He discreetly placed his one of his hands on her hip knowing it would get her attention.

She turned to look at him. "What are you doing?"

"I needed a cup."

"There are plastic ones outside and you are drinking beer out of a bottle. You don't need a cup." She took the cup he had in his hand and put it back in the cupboard. He took the opportunity to pull her close and let his arms wrap behind her back. "What are you doing? We have company."

"I'm not allowed to hold you?" He looked around. "No one is watching. Maybe I should just start yelling at the top of my lungs."

"No." Cameron tried to squirm free but it wasn't working. "Robert, let me go."

"No. Not until you calm down."

"You are starting to annoy me now."

"Love you too honey."

She gave in. "Fine what do I need to do?"

"Leave the plates alone. There are more than enough already."

"Anything else?"

"Enjoy yourself. It is our son's birthday. Who cares if there is something out of place? He's six and doesn't care about the color scheme between table cloths and napkins. Not that boys really ever care about that."

Allison smiled. "Remember when we brought him home for the first time?"

Chase nodded his head. The last six years had gone by in a flash. His son was going into first grade and daughter into pre-school. "It feels like yesterday. Are you going to chill now?" She nodded her head. "Smart woman." He let go of her and led her out of the house.

She took the beer out his hand and took a sip or two. "Thanks."

"Welcome. I was just going to suggest that by the way. Do you want me to get you one?"

"No, I just needed a sip to calm my nerves."

"Okay," Chase turned when he heard a little girl say, daddy. It was his daughter Claire. Chase picked up the three year old who had her arm stretched up to him. "Hey, how are you?"

"Good." She said. Claire was short for her age but made it up by being overly cute. She had her dad's eyes and smile. However, she had her mom's light brown hair. Whereas Simon looked completely like his dad except for his mom's smile.

"Do you want to go play with Simon and all the other kids?" Chase asked. Claire shook her head in a big no. "Okay, you can hang out with me and mummy." Claire smiled and rested her head on Chase's shoulder before yawning.

"Are you sleepy?" Cameron asked her daughter. Claire nodded her head. "Do you want to go take a nap?" Claire shook her head. Cameron and Chase exchanged that look that said everything. Chase would hold onto Claire until she fell asleep. Then Cameron would take her upstairs.

The Chase's house was a nice size. The house opened with a hallway. Directly to the left was a kitchen that overlooked the backyard. There was plenty of counter space, cupboards, and room for a small table. In the opposite direction of the kitchen were a closet, guest bedroom, utility room, and a staircase leading upstairs. If going straight instead of left or right was a dining room and living room complete with a couch and TV. To the right of the living room was a den with a piano, pullout couch, and a bathroom. The living room also connected to a big backyard enclosed by a tall fence. In the yard were a tree house, garden space for Cameron, and plenty of space to run around.

Upstairs, was the master bedroom and bathroom, also known as mom and dad's room. There was also the two kids' rooms and an extra bathroom. At the top of the stairs, was a window that opened up over the living room and dining room. Claire's room was buttercup yellow and Simon's room was blue.

Chase gently rocked Claire as she was possibly going to fall asleep in his arms. She was fighting hard to keep her eyes open. Chase smiled and kissed her forehead while listening to a joke by Wilson.

"How's she doing?" Jessica said as she came to stand by Chase, House, and Wilson.

"Sleepy." Chase mouthed before saying. "fine."

House looked at Jessica. "Can you eat or are you still puking everything up?"

"I'm starting to keep things down." Jessica said. "Please stop staring at my stomach. You saw me when I was pregnant with Annabelle. It's not that different."

"The kangaroo is seven. So, it's been awhile since you've had a bun in the oven." House said. "I have to adjust to your new glowing factor."

"Another great reason for the shades." Wilson said referring to an earlier conversation.

"Exactly, plus they make me look oh so cool. Speaking of the kangaroo…" House said as Annabelle ran over to them and hugged her mom's leg.

"Hi Uncle Greg."

"What have I told you to call me?" House said through a grin.

"Brilliant Dr. Frankenstein." All of the other adults rolled their eyes.

"Good girl." House said. "What's wrong?" House asked when Annabelle had a confused look on her face.

"Since were not at the hospital can I just call you Uncle Greg?"

"Yes, but only this one time."

"Do I still get to be your assistant?"

"Yes, now go have fun." Annabelle's face lit up and she ran off. "What?" House asked of all the grown ups looking at him. Around Annabelle, House was different. He wasn't as sarcastic, but if he was it wasn't a mean sarcastic.

"You're cute with Annabelle." Jessica said.

"What can I say? It is that Wilson charm and who can resist those big blue kangaroo eyes." Annabelle had her father's curly brown hair but the rest of her looked like a miniature Jessica. "So Chase, are you going to follow your sister's lead and have another one? Or is she catching up to you?"

"Neither." Chase said. "Allison and I are perfectly happy with two."

Later that night, Chase and Cameron sat cuddled up on the couch watching Simon and Claire passed out asleep on the floor. They had fallen asleep while watching tv. "We should put them to bed." Cameron said.

"Not yet. I want to watch our children sleep just a little longer." Chase said pulling Cameron tighter to against him. "He's six." Chase whispered.

"Don't remind me." Cameron said. She had promised herself that she was not going to cry about it.


"No, he is not in school and we just brought him home from the hospital. He's still wrapped in his blue baby blanket."

"What about Claire?"

"Fine. He's three and we've just brought Claire home. No, he can be four. Three was tough with him."

"It's okay that he's growing up. He's just starting first grade. There is nothing to worry about. We've still got twelve more years." Cameron clutched onto him tighter. "Congratulations by the way."

"On what?" Cameron asked confused.

"You were able to calm down and enjoy the party."

"Oh... That. Thanks." They sat for a little longer. "We should put them to bed."

"Okay." Chase let go off Cameron. They stood up and went over to the kids. "Boy or girl."

"I'll take the birthday boy." Cameron picked up Simon in his t-shirt and pajama bottoms and Robert picked up Claire in her purple pajama outfit. They walked upstairs and put the kids in their beds. Cameron tucked Simon in bed and watched him for a few minutes. She gently brushed his hair out of his face. "You look so much like your father. Sweet dreams my baby boy." She kissed his forehead and stood up.

Standing in the doorway was Chase. "Are you okay?"

She nodded and kissed him in the doorway. "I'm going to give Claire her goodnight kiss. I'll meet you in bed."

"Okay," Chase went over to his son and gave him a goodnight kiss. "You were born six years ago… You were so small…" Where did the time go? "I love you buddy." He closed the door behind him and went to his bedroom. He striped down to a shirt and boxers, brushed his teeth, and got in bed next to Cameron. He wrapped an arm tightly around her and buried his face in her hair. He loved being able to breathe her in as he slept.

"Are you okay?" Cameron asked.

"Yeah, I think so."

"Okay," Cameron knew that Chase had been putting up a strong front. However, she knew that he was just as freaked out by the fact that Simon was six today. "Hey Daddy??" She could practically feel the smile on his face.

"Yes Mummy?"

"I love you and our family so much."

"Me too. I love you."

Jessica laid in bed asleep. Wilson was attempting to let her sleep in a little more. He knew the pregnancy and morning sickness were taking a toll on her, even if Jessica wouldn't admit it. He made sure Annabelle was eating breakfast before going to wake up Jessica. He carried his coffee with him and set it on the side table. "Jessica…" He gently rubbed her back. "It's time to wake up."

Jessica opened her eyes and looked at the clock. "It's seven thirty! We're going to be late." She did a double take. "You are dressed."

"I was letting you sleep in. How are you feeling?"

She sat up in bed. "Fine." She crinkled up her nose.

"What is it?"

"Coffee, I can't even stand the smell." She got out of bed and went to the bathroom. She started to puke. Now the morning was complete.

"I don't remember you being this sick when you were pregnant with Annabelle."

"You might not but I do. I spent the second and third month over the toilet puking my guts out" Jessica brushed and rinsed out her mouth. "It's normal." She gave Wilson a peck on the cheek. "Stop worrying."

Wilson followed Jessica over to the dresser where she was getting clothes for the day. "What surgeries do you have today?"

"A young girl came in complaining of stomach pain. Turns out she had some surgery done in Mexico. Now I have to reverse it."

"Is she going to be okay?"

"She will be eventually."

Wilson nodded his head. "I'll see you downstairs." He grabbed his cup of coffee and went to the kitchen where Annabelle was still eating her cereal.

Moments later, Jessica was in the kitchen fully dressed for the day pouring a cup of orange juice. "Morning Sweetie. Did you sleep well?" She asked Annabelle. Annabelle nodded her head and finished her cereal. "Go brush your teeth and grab your backpack. We don't want to be late."

Wilson looked at Jessica as she started to clean up. "I'm sorry. I must be paranoid for no reason."

"It's okay." Jessica said. "You are a father to be. Isn't that part of the territory?"

"I suppose so."

"I'm going to drop her off at camp. I'll see you at work."


Jessica came over to Wilson. She smiled at him and gave him a kiss. "Smile. It's a beautiful day,"

He smiled and placed his hand on Jessica's stomach. "Be good to your mother. I love you Jessica Jude Chase Wilson."

"I love you too James Wilson. Okay, I'm dropping Annabelle of at camp. She's going home with Lilly. You are picking her up—"

"At five thirty." Wilson said. "I do pay attention to you when you speak." Jessica smiled. "Have a good day of surgery."

"Okay," Jessica went over to the shelf and grabbed her car keys. "Annabelle, come on honey!" Annabelle came down the stairs in shorts, a t-shirt, and had her backpack on.

"Bye Daddy." Annabelle said.

"Hey, don't I get a hug?" Wilson said to his daughter. Annabelle ran over to Wilson and gave him a hug. Wilson kissed his daughter on the forehead after giving her a hug. "Have fun today."

"How is my favorite pregnant kangaroo?"

"Hi House." Jessica said, not looking up from a file she was finishing. She was use to House's behavior and comments now.

"You did not answer my question."

"I'm fine. What can I do for you?"

"I have a patient."

"You always a patient. I have rounds." House followed Jessica as she started to walk down the hall. "Are you just going to follow me?"

"I'm not following you. I'm just going this way."

"I can't do all of your surgeries. I have my own patients."

"An old lady who needs a hip replacement is not as important as my patients."

Jessica led House past a glass window. "That girl is dying. She is seven not seventy. The same age as Annabelle."

"What's she dying from?"

"Internal bleeding. She got caught between a fight and was stabbed thirteen times. We've done as much as we could… Now, if you excuse me I have to go tell her mother."

"Can I come?"

"Are you going to be an ass?" Jessica was one of the few people who could actually call House out and get away with it.

"No." His eyes were honest.

"Then you can come." Jessica went into the room to tell the mother that her worst nightmare had just come true. It was moments like this that Jessica hated her job. House kept his end of the bargain.

A/N: Also, I forgot to mention to new readers. Chase now is the head of the ICU. Cameron will still be in charge of the ER as it was in show. You like?