Two months later

December. Who gets married in December? My dress looked like a summer dress, but it was perfect. Plain and white, just like me. I had to giggle at the thought. Alice and Rose stayed at my house the night before; they were still sleeping. I woke up because of my phone was going off. I got a text from my soon-to-be husband, just saying that he loved me. I got up and walked to the bathroom and called him.

"Hey, sorry, did I wake you?" he asked, as he answered his phone.

"No, not really. I was already awake. I'm nervous. Do you think we are moving too fast?" I asked, feeling guilty. I didn't want to upset him; it was just how I felt.

"Baby, I can't wait to be married to you. Why are you nervous?" he asked lovingly.

"I don't know. This really isn't my thing, and I just want to make you happy. I don't want to ruin it for you," I said, taking a breath.

"Babe, the only way you could ruin this for me, would be if you didn't show up," he said with a chuckle. "You can trip, fall, or argue with me, just as long as you are Bella Cullen by the end of the night," he said proudly.

"I don't plan on falling down. Charlie said he will have a good hold on me," I said with a giggle.

"Is he going to do the father/daughter dance with you?"

"Yeah. He said he wouldn't miss it. You were right."

"Wow; mark that on the calendar. I didn't think you would ever tell me that I was right," he said as we both laughed. "I miss you," he said with a sigh.

"I miss you more. I can't wait to have a whole week with you, sun, and warm sand. It is going to be so nice. The Bahamas! I have always wanted to go there; I'm so excited!" I said, feeling better about the whole thing. "Are you sure that you are able to take the month off?" I asked hoping it wouldn't be too much. He had told me a few weeks back that he was taking the whole month off. He said it would work out better that way, because with the wedding, honeymoon, Christmas, and then New Years, it would be better to take it all off at once, instead of going back and forth. We talked a little while longer before we hung up. I had to laugh when he told me not to get caught by Alice or she would have my head.

I wasn't all about the wedding, but Edward was, and I couldn't deny him this. He was too old fashion. I didn't tell anyone, but this whole week had been hell for me. I was feeling sick with worry that we were making a mistake. I felt bad because Emmett and Rose were all about it and couldn't wait. I know that I loved Edward and I wanted to spend as much time with him as I could, but realistically, we haven't even known each other for a year yet. I just felt rushed. Doing the double wedding wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Rose and I did more agreeing than disagreeing. I think that helped me a lot, because I didn't want to fight with her. We really had the same taste in things, too, which surprised me. We immediately agreed on the cake, and even the music. I liked it because the wedding was the same. We only invited family and close friends. Still, this wedding was more stressful than Alice's, because we had months to plan hers.

I decided to get into the shower. We agreed on an early wedding because the only flight available for Edward and I was at five in the evening. We wouldn't get there until eleven at night, but I didn't care. Emmett and Rose were going to Hawaii. They both have always wanted to go there. I heard the weather was beautiful then. At first, they didn't know if they were going to go on a honeymoon, but they finally decided to, because who knew when they would get the chance once the baby was born. I have to admit that I had fun shopping for clothes to take with me. I never really enjoyed shopping, but this time it was so much fun. By the time I got out of the shower, Rose was awake and in the bathroom with me.

"Nervous?" she asked me. I didn't know what I was. I think I was getting excited, but I really didn't know. I just shrugged and smiled. She was glowing. I couldn't be nervous around her because she was so happy. That, and I don't know why I was nervous about people looking at me, because by being around her, no one would look twice at me. "Do you think two hours is going to be enough time to get ready?" she asked me, turning the shower back on.

"It will be for me. I was thinking of just curling my hair and then pulling back the sides so my hair isn't hanging in my face. What do you think?" I asked as Alice walked in.

"Good morning, my beautiful brides," she giggled. We both laughed with her.

"Morning Alice. Would you help me with my hair?" I asked her as he face grew more perky.

"Bella, I think your idea sounds great. Morning Alice," Rose said.

Within an hour and a half, we were both ready to go to the church. The limo arrived right at nine. The wedding was at ten. Before I knew it, it was time to walk down the aisle. Esme and my mother helped us put on the final touches.

"Charlie, Carlisle, come see our beautiful girls!" my mom called, opening the door to the room we were in. When they walked in, they both had the same face. They looked so sad, but at the same time, they looked so proud.

"My goodness, you both are breathtaking," Carlisle said, holding his hand over his heart.

"Um, yeah, I agree. You both look out of this world," Charlie said, sounding like he was getting choked up. Alice came in, telling the mothers that it was time for them to take their seats.

"I will say this, the boys look more nervous than you two put together," Alice said with a squeal. That, for some reason, made me feel better.

We had gotten to the end of the church when we heard the music start to play. Alice hugged and kissed us both before turning to walk down the aisle. The wedding march started to play, and I started to walk. I smiled at my father when I felt his grip on me tighten so I wouldn't trip. As I looked away from my dad, I caught Edward's eyes on me. He looked breathtaking and a little nervous. I wondered to myself what would he do if I turned around and ran. I giggled at that thought because I knew I couldn't. I was excited to be married to him. I let out a deep breath as we approached him. I looked at Emmett, and he had total bliss on his face. He looked just like Edward.

Our fathers gave us away, and the boys took our hands. As the minister started to speak, I wanted to cry; I was so happy. I didn't think that this whole wedding thing was a big deal, but it was. I was glad I was doing this for the man I loved. Edward and I said our vows first. I loved saying them. As he placed my wedding band on my finger, I had a tear fall down my face. Edward smirked at me and wiped it away. We stepped aside for Rosalie and Emmett. I didn't hear anything that was said after that, until the minister said, "You may kiss your brides." I had to laugh as I turned to Edward, and he kissed me like that was all he wanted to do. When people started to cheer, I turned and saw my mom and Esme both crying. I just wanted to go give them both hugs. After we were announced as husband and wife, I walked to the back of the church with Edward. We had a minute to ourselves and my husband and I couldn't keep our hands off of each other.

"You look so beautiful, Bella," he said with his arm wrapped around me and his lips against mine.

"You took my breath away when I saw you," I told him as he kissed me again. "Can we skip the reception?" I asked with a giggle. He looked like he was thinking about it. "No, Edward; it was a joke. We have to have our first dance, and I have to have my dance with Charlie," I said. I had to laugh when he looked disappointed. God I loved this man. Our mothers were the first of the guests to come congratulate us. It didn't take long, and before I knew it, we were in the limo on our way to my restaurant. Rose and I didn't want to do the reception there, but because of the short notice, it was the only thing available. I did have to say that Jessica was great, though. She did my job very well, and I decided I would give her a raise after this. She and her husband came to the wedding, but left quickly to get to the restaurant before everyone else.

Edward and I sat as far away from the others as we could. We just wanted it to be us. I heard Emmett and Jasper make comments, but I didn't care, I was beyond happy. What did catch my attention was a bottle of Champagne being opened. I moved toward the rest of them. I heard Emmett tell Jasper 'told ya.' I had to laugh. We did a couple of toasts, and drank almost the entire bottle. Edward cut him and me both off, saying that flying drunk was not fun. I had to believe him, because I have never been on a plane before. When we got to the restaurant, we had a while before the reception was going to start.

"If you guys will excuse us, I need a few minutes alone with my wife," Edward said, opening my office door. Emmett and Rose rolled their eyes. I think they were just jealous that they couldn't have some time alone.

"Bella, don't wrinkle your dress," Alice said with a wink that made me blush. I walked in the office and Edward shut the door. I had to laugh when I heard him lock it. I turned when I felt his hands on my arms.

"Thank you," he said kissing me.

"For what?" I asked, pulling away from the kiss.

"For going through with the wedding. I know you didn't want it."

"I love you. Honestly, I kind of enjoyed the wedding. But don't tell anyone," I said with a giggle. We started to kiss, and his arms wrapped around me tighter. He kissed down my neck, nuzzling the strap off my shoulder. Then he switched to the other side, sliding that strap off as well. I felt the zipper slide down my back next.

"Edward, I really want this, but if it is going to happen, I think we need to pick up the pace," I told him as he had me step out of my dress. He laid it in a chair.

"Don't want to wrinkle it," he said with a smirk while he took his coat off. I smiled as I watched him walk over to the couch where I was sitting. He knelt down on the couch, positioning my legs to where he wanted me. He kissed me as he rocked himself into me. He nibbled my neck and my breasts as I tried to be quite. We could hear people outside the office door.

"Bella, cum. You have to cum with me," he said as his thrusts got faster. It took everything I had not to scream. I couldn't hold it in any more as I started to cum, and just as I was going to scream, he covered my mouth. I couldn't catch my breath as I felt him explode inside of me. When he felt me relax, he uncovered my mouth.

"I love you," I said as I looked into his eyes.

"I love you, too," he said as he kissed me. This was the beginning of my life with my amazing husband.

This is the end...thanks for reading! Thanks to Sally for helping me edit this story so it was more readable!