The members of Dethklok were sitting in their meeting room, losing their patience. The band meeting was supposed to have started ten minutes ago but Ofdensen had yet to show up.

"Thishe ish ballshe" The grumpy bass player mumbled, leaning backwards in his chair. Murderface's fingers itched to get back to his bass. Either that or to stab something.

Pickles pushed a red dreadlock out of his face. "That duchebaeg. Makin' us wait."

The blond Swede played swift riffs on his guitar out of irritation. "I bets he thinks that he is so great 'cause he has the business suit and the fancy hairs and glasses, " Skwisgaar said.

Before anyone else could say anything the doors to the meeting room slammed open and Ofdensen stormed in.

"Boys," Ofdensen stated sharply. "I need you to listen carefully becauseā€¦

He was cut of sharply when front man Nathan said, "Oh, so you show up late and we have to, you know, listen?"

"Yeahs!" Brunette Norwegian Toki agreed. "Whenever Is shows up lates, Is get yelleds at!"

"Yes, but" Ofdensen tried again but of course he was cut off.

"You think you're special don't ya?" Pickles questioned. " Just 'cause ya got a fancy jaab title."

Ofdensen sighed. "No, now if you will please listen." " I'm not lishtenin' to you, you dildo -licker!" Murderface yelled, slamming his knife into the table.

"SECURITY HAS BEEN BREACHED!" Ofdensen finally managed to get the important news into the ears of Dethklok.

"NOOOOOO!" Was the ear piercing yell of Nathan.

" Yes," said Ofdensen, finally glad to get down to business. "Now, we don't know how or why this person is here but we believe if we evacuate they will give up. So if you would just head to the dethcopter."

"You know I jusht don't undershtand theshe crazy fanshe." Murderface sighed.

"I knows," Skwisgaar agreed. "Theys make the good fans looks bad."

"That's all fine but" Ofdensen was once again cut off.

"I thinks it's not fairs that good fans gets a bad reputations from bad fans." Toki stated with a sad look on his face.

"Alright, bad fans make good ones look bad." Ofdensen said in a rushed voice. "Can we please just"

Once again Charles was cut off, not by the band, but by the meeting room doors being slammed open once again.

In the door frame stood a short girl with several klokateers around her feet.

Pickles, Nathan, Skwisgaar and Toki looked curiously at the girl, Ofdensen slid into a defensive position and Murderface's pupils contracted in fear.

The girl stepped over the klokateers and everyone got a good look at her. She was an average height and weight, not to skinny but not to fat. He breasts were a high B, low C but they were nice and perky. She was wearing a grey tank top that said "G_ F_CK Y_ _ RS_LF! Would you like to buy a vowel?", black skinny jeans and black hightop converse. Her hair was a silky black and fell to her lower back and she had oddly familiar lime, green eyes.

The green eyed girl took a deep breath then yelled, "WILLIAM THEODORE MURDERFACE, GET YOUR SORRY ASS OVER HERE!"

The band members and Charles jumped surprised at the girls us of Mrderfaces full name. All of them turned to look at Murderface who was frozen in place.

"NOW!" The girl added to her last statement.

Murderface jumped up so fast his chair fell over and rushed over to the girl. The men he worked with were thoroughly confused now, Murderface didn't take orders form anyone.

The girl grabbed Murderface's collar and started shaking him fiercely.

" You no good bastard." The girl said giving Murderface another shake. " You had a family reunion without me?!"

" How did you" Murderface was cut off by another shake.

"Grams and the MEDIA told me!" She yelled and then punched Murderface in the face knocking him to the ground.

"All that time I spent taking care of your fat ass and you haven't even sent me so much as a text message in two fucking years!" The girl raged stepping on Murderface's head.

Ofdensen finally stepped forward. "I must ask you to state who you are as well as get your foot of my client."

The girl took her foot off Murderface and turned to the curious spectators.

"I'm Amaya Murderface. This didlo-lickers," She paused to give Murder face a swift kick to the stomach, "Cousin."