I'm back!!! And I brought my new story with me!

I wont be long but I have to say this: this is how I imagined things if the Riptocs would be taken into the TLoS world. So there will be changes from the original stuff; appearances, histories, etc.

If you end up hating me for this, I don't care, I'll still be posting up chapters for this story =P

Well, I've said enough, so here you go!

I don't own any Spyro characters. Enjoy!

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The Ripto Chronicles: Ripto's Games


Over nine generations ago, there existed another race of creatures along with the dragons, cheetahs, and moles. They were known as Riptocs. These creatures had lived in peace with the other races that inhabited the realms. Although they were short in stature, they were a force to be reckoned with. They were masters in hand-to-hand combat; a single riptoc could be quite the challenge for an adolescent dragon.

As the years passed by, the relationship between the dragons and riptocs grew stronger and they formed an alliance, combining their great powers together to win many battles over those who sought to disrupt the peace. This alliance not only made their battle prowess incredible, but it also strengthened the separate races.

The riptocs began to teach the dragons how to fight in close quarters combat using their claws, tails, and horns, should their magical abilities falter. With their help, the dragons did not solely focus on their magic and began to grow much stronger physically.

In return for their teachings, the dragons had willingly offered the riptocs their ways in magic. There was one problem with that however. Riptocs did not have the natural ability to use magic or breath elements at will. The greatest minds that both sides had to offer got together to try to solve this problem… and they did. They had created a special item that will channel magic and allow its wielder to control it however he or she saw fit. The item they created: the staff.

At first, many riptocs were skeptical about it; after all, it only looked like a wooden stick with a crystal on top. However, after explaining and demonstrating how it worked, their faith in the weapon grew and many decided to take lessons in controlling the magic. Others however, had decided to stick with their trusty blades and axes, which was perfectly fine for they needed physical strength as well to make an unstoppable army.

Many more years pass and the alliance between the two races continued to grow stronger. The weapons became more advanced; magic had become second nature to the riptocs, same with the dragons and their newfound strength. Everything and everyone seemed to be at peace and got along very well… all except for one.

Amongst the dragons, there was one who despised the riptocs to no end. In battle, this dragon was known to be the wreaker of havoc to enemies, the conqueror of battles, the bane of all evil. He had a strong build, three horns on his head, large spikes that ran down on either side of his body, pale chest and wings, a deadly sharp tail blade, piercing golden-yellow eyes that seemed to glow brightly in the dark, and, what stood out the most, purple scales covering his body. His name… was Malefor.

No one knew why he had such a deep hatred for the riptocs; in fact, no one even knew that he hated them to begin with.

Oh how he wished that he could just kill them off one by one, he would truly like nothing more. But Malefor was no fool. He knew that if he took the life of a riptoc or two, the trail would eventually lead back to him and they would eliminate him. No, he needed to plot, to bide his time.

Finally, after months of plotting, the purple dragon got his chance to put his plan into action. It was right after a major victory over some rampaging golems that threatened to destroy their civilizations. Once again, it was Malefor, using his immense powers, who had saved the day. The riptoc leader, Rift, had invited the purple savior for a great celebration to honor him. Of course, Malefor gladly accepted the invitation and planned to plant the seeds of doubt in the minds of the riptocs.

During the celebration, Rift and Malefor shared a conversation.

"So Malefor, are you enjoying yourself so far?"

Malefor put his glass of fine wine down and smiled at the riptoc leader, "Indeed I am Lord Rift."

Rift chuckled, "Please, no need to be so formal, just Rift will do."

"Very well then, Rift. Listen, there's something I-"

"Hey dad!" a young riptoc said, unknowingly interrupting Malefor. He approached the two friends. He looked to be just entering adulthood. His skin was red in color, covered by a wizard's robe. On his head was a single horn that swayed left then right, ending in a very sharp, straight point.

"Ah Ripto my son," said Rift, "Come here, there's someone I know you'll enjoy meeting."

Ripto sighed, Not another boring, old… he thought. When he reached the table, Ripto looked up and to the left of his father. His eyes widened as he realized who he was looking at. "Y-You're… You're…"

"Malefor," the purple dragon finished for him, chuckling at the same time.

"Yeah!" Ripto said with excitement. "Ancestors! It is such an honor to finally meet you! I've heard so many stories about you and even got the chance to see you in action! I've admired your strength in battle for so long and now… I finally get to meet you!"

Malefor smiled, "And you honor me as well. It is not every day one gets to meet the son of the riptoc leader."

"Th-thank you! Wow! I have so many questions! So much I want to learn from you! I-" Ripto continued until he was interrupted by another voice, this one belonging to a female riptoc.

"Ripto! Come on!" said the voice. The red riptoc looked behind him to see his girlfriend, Tasha, waiting for him.

"Ah yes, that's why I came here," Ripto mumbled to himself. "Father, I just came to tell you that if you can't find me, don't worry. I'm going to spend some alone time with Tasha. Don't wait up!" He then turned around and quickly met up with his girl. They then left the crowded plaza in search of a peaceful night together.

Rift sighed happily as he watched his son depart. "That boy's going to be a great leader someday. You know, he's already in the Advanced Magic class and yet he's so young."

"Indeed," Malefor said, "He has great potential. I'm sure he will be all you expect him to be." Inside of his mind however, he thought differently. This is exactly why I hate your kind! He said to himself. You are all becoming very powerful very fast. Soon, who will stop you from taking over as the dominant species?! There is no way I will ever serve such tiny, pathetic creatures like you! That is why you must be eliminated now!

"So Malefor," Rift said, breaking the purple dragon from his thoughts, "you were saying something earlier?"

The facial expression on Malefor became saddened. Though he was faking it, it was very convincing. "Yes… you see… our general, Primus, the first of course, has been plotting against you all secretly…" he said quietly as to not cause a panic. Before Rift could respond, Malefor continued, "I overheard him speaking of it to some other high-ranking dragons in our community. They plan to wait for a few years to fully gain your trust then shatter it and attack you when you least expect it."

Needless to say Rift was shocked at the news. He pressed Malefor on for more information and the purple dragon did so, fabricating this false accusation. They discussed this matter throughout the rest of the night. When Malefor had said all he could for now, Rift promised to not tell any dragon that he had leaked this information. Malefor then flew off back to his home, thankful that Rift would keep it a secret from the dragons. The seeds have been planted, he thought to himself, now to watch them grow.

Over the course of two years, whispers went around the riptoc nation about this devious plot. Those whispers became rumors, rumors became speeches, and speeches became demands of action.

During this time, Rift had also fallen into the trap that Malefor had set, believing his lies. Because of this, tensions between the two races increased and they began to separate themselves from each other.

The final straw was drawn when General Primus got word of the heinous accusations that the riptocs had made against him. This angered him and, without a second thought, he claimed war against them.

Soon after, all hell broke loose as the dragon and riptoc armies faced of against one another. The battle was at a stalemate for quite some time… until a mighty roar was heard. Every head turned towards the direction of the roar and there, they saw the purple dragon Malefor soar into the sky and look down upon them. The riptocs cheered for him, thinking that he would be on their side as he had promised so many times. However, their cheers turned into screams of terror as he began to attack them instead of the dragons.

Soon after his appearance, the dragons won the battle. They made sure that not one riptoc survived the massacre. After searching for several days, they had determined that they had become extinct. Malefor smiled inwardly, his plan had worked out perfectly. Plotting the downfall of such a great nation felt…good… he thought to himself, I like it… it's addicting!

Little did he know that by committing this act, he had not only planted the seeds of doubt, but he had also allowed the seeds of darkness within his own heart to take root and grow…

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Elsewhere, miles away from the devastated land of the riptocs, a lone, red riptoc remained alive. He was able to escape the massacre, but at what cost? He had lost everything, his home, his family… the love of his life… all gone. "And it's because of that blasted purple dragon!!" Ripto shouted to the heavens. "I swear! I will get my revenge on him and all other dragons!!!" In order to do that however, Ripto knew he needed more power, but that was not a problem for him. He knew what to do.

Using his magical staff, he created a deep hole in the crust of the earth. He then jumped in, sealing off the hole as if nothing had happened. He continued to dig deeper and deeper, getting closer to the core of the planet. Finally, he could go no longer and stopped where he was. This ought to do, he thought, the closer I am to the core of this planet, the more magic I will be exposed to and the stronger I will become! He then cast one final spell, a spell of ice. He froze himself in his hole with a thick layer of ice, putting him in a state of suspended animation.

There, he waited patiently, allowing the magical energy of the planet to seep into him, making him stronger. He waited there with only one thought on his mind…

Revenge on the Purple Dragon…

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Pretty long for a prologue…

Anyways, this is the beginning of my next adventure for Spyro and friends! I am so excited about this story! Hopefully I will get another break soon so I'll have more time to continue…

Get ready to see some new faces as well! Some new OCs will be making their appearances here very soon! But until then…

This is NoOne, over and out! Till next time!