You took my hand, you showed me how

You promised me you'd be around

Uh huh, that's right

I took your words and I believedIn everything you said to me

Yeah huh, that's right

If someone said three years from now

You'd be long gone

I'd stand up and punch them out

Cause they're all wrong I know better

Cause you said forever

And ever, who knew?

Bella POV, Age 12

"Happy birthday Bella!" I turned around to see my best friend Edward running to meet me at the front of the school. My face lit up instantly and he grabbed me in a hug and spun me around.

"Thanks Eddie." I smiled as he made a face at his nickname when he set me down.

"You know I don't like that nickname Bella." He put his arm around my shoulder making me blush naturally.

We were silent for a second which was unnatural for us, so I spoke up awkwardly.

"Have you noticed how cold it's getting?" I shivered and he gave me a weird look.

"Yeah." He grinned. "Need a kiss?"

I nodded enthusiastically, and he pressed his lips on mine and instantly a warm feeling spread around me.

It may seem weird, but we always did this. When I was little I had always complained about how cold it was, and Edward decided that to shut me up, he would kiss me.

The kiss was sensational, and it warmed me from my head, all the way down to my toes.

"Ha! I knew you two are going out!" Jessica Stanley's annoying voice broke through my little bubble and I turned red in embarrassment.

"No we're not!" I protested childishly.

But I want us to be. I thought to myself.

My friend Alice appeared next to me. "They're not dating, they're just weird."

"Freaks!" She shouted babyishly and stormed away. I never like her,

"Ah Jessica! Tell us something we don't know!" Alice's older brother Emmett said, slapping Edward on the back.

A package flew out of his coat and landed on the lake that was actually iced over. It started sliding away but then stopped.

"I'll go get it. I'll be right back." He said giving Emmett an exasperated look.

Edward POV

Stupid Emmett. That was a present for Bella. It was her birthday, and even though she hated gifts, I knew she would like this one.

"Hey Edward! Where are you going?" My two friends Jasper and Rosalie called out to me. They were these twins that had a tendency to say things at the same time. It freaked us all out some times, but it fascinated Emmett.

I pointed to the package and continued to walk out there.

"Edward! The ice is to thin comeback!" Bella called. I rolled my eyes and kept walking. I grabbed the package and waved to them.

I started walking back. "See! The ice isn't too -"

I hit a spot wrong and the ice cracked beneath my weight; it pulled me down.

The pain was excruciating. I could barely think, I couldn't even breathe. The current was trying desperately to pull me away, and I did my best to fight it.

I pounded on the ice, desperate to get out, when I saw Bella dusting the snow away.

"Edward!" She pounded against the ice as I pushed against it. Our combined strength wasn't strong enough.

"I love you." I bubbled and the current caught me. I was being pulled away. My eyes started closing.

Edward! Bella's voice ran out in my head.

My eyes snapped open and despite how painful in was, I fought the current. I unwrapped the frame and hit the edge against the ice. My arm went through and I felt so much relief. I made a big enough hole and pulled myself through. It was so cold, but I had to make my way back to Bella.

However, my body had other plans. I collapsed in the snow, and began to drift away.

Bella POV

I watched Edward slip through the ice, and I didn't think twice about running from the horrified crowd.

"Bella! Stop!" Alice screamed, but I didn't hear anyone run after me.

I fell on my knees hard where Edward was supposed to be and I brushed snow away frantically in search for him. I found him finally.

"Edward!" I screamed hitting the ice weakly.

He pushed against the ice to help, but when he met my eyes, we both knew he wasn't going to get out. He bubbled something that I couldn't quite make out and the current whisked him away.

I knew then that he was far from saving, but I didn't want to give up. I had to believe that he would get out of it.

After several minutes of distraught silence I walked back to the crowd hopelessly sobbing over the boy who stole my heart.

Love, life, meaning…over.

An hour later, I was at the Mason Manor. I decided to take it upon myself to let Edward's family know that he was missing.

Edward's mom answered the door, and I looked into those beautiful eyes, and I felt a knife stab into my heart.

"Bella? What's wrong?" Elizabeth Mason asked worriedly giving my dad a scared look.

"It's Edward." I said and began to cry.

"Bella. What's wrong? Where's my son." She asked panicked.

I was too much of a mess to answer so my dad did it for me. "Elizabeth, Edward's gone missing."

"Gone missing?" she asked feebly. "I don't - how could he go missing?"

"He fell through some thin ice. I tried to save him. It's my fault, it's all my fault!" I sobbed uncontrollably and sunk to my knees.

Elizebeth began to cry silently and she held me. "It's okay. We'll - we'll find him. He'll come back he has to."

I stayed cooped up in my bedroom for the longest time just thinking about all the vows Edward and I had made when we were little.

When we were 4 he promised to marry me, when we were 6 he promised to be the first person to sign my cast every time I broke something, when we were 8 he promised to beat up every scum bag that hurt me, when we were 10 he promised to help me through the middle and high school drama no matter what, and on my 12th birthday he promised me he would always be there for me.

Edward would never break a promise.

I took a walk into the backyard. It had been three months since Edward had gone missing, and everyone lost hope. I blamed myself for his disappearance and even though no one said anything, I knew others blamed me too.

I made my way towards the swings slowly and remembered some of the best moments I ever spent with Edward.

"Come on Eddie!" I giggled running to the swing.

"Bella." He took my hand and kneeled. "I have loved you since you were three. Now we are four. Will you marry me?" He asked.

"Edward, but I'm so young!" I said appalled.

"How about I'll marry you when we older?" He asked.

"Will you still love me then? And do you promise you'll marry me then?"

"Of course! And I promise!" He smiled. I smiled too and nodded. He kissed me on the cheek. There was aww's from the back door but I didn't pay any attention I just touched the spot where he kissed me.

A tear escaped from the corner of my eyes. I quickly wiped it away and approached the red swing. And when I looked at it, there was something there.

Sorry for the scare, I miss you.

I read the note and then looked at my present. It was a frame and it held a picture of tiny little Edward on one knee and he was holding my hand.

My proposal.

I smiled. There really was hope. I grabbed my gift and the note, and went back inside.

And that last kiss I'll cherish

Until we meet again

And time makes it harderI wish I could remember

But I keep your memory

You visit me in my sleep

My darling, who knew?

My darling

My darling, who knew?

My darling I miss you

My darling, who knew?

Who knew?