Hayley rushed towards me drawing her wand. But with a lazy flick of my wrist it flew out of her hand. She decided to use her fist instead and began to hit my chest, but I barely felt her tiny hands. I grabbed her wrist and looked her in the eyes. She glared back with open hatred.

" I HATE YOU, FRED WEASLEY! I HOPE YOU GO ROT IN A GUTTER SOMEWHERE!!!" she yelled in my face, breaking free of my grip, and running down the dirt road.

I looked at Angelina who just smirked and moved towards me.

" She's just a little girl, Fred," she said wrapping her arms around my neck. I looked down at her in disgust and shook her off, running down the road after Hayley.

Then a thought struck me.

I HATE YOU FRED WEASLEY! What if she meant it. What if she never wanted to see me again.

You never cared to hear the other side, so why would you care to keep this thing alive.

I entered the house and found everyone looking at me in disgust, some shaking their heads. Some just glaring at me.

" Fred, how could you. Your my older brother, but I just don't think you'd see anything if someone didn't do this to ya," Ron said, pulling back his fist and punching me dead in the nose. I just sat there unmoving.

" Fred, you know what she's been through. You know better than any of us."

You paint me into the memory of all your pain, but I will not be drawn into the past again. Cause all of this is all that I can take, and you could never understand the demons that I faced, so go ahead and bat your eyes and lie right to the world.

" It's not my fault she couldn't handle what she saw," I said walking over to the stairs.

For what everything you are, your just a little girl.

I laid down in my bed and thought of the first time I had seen Hayley.

" Ginny, who was that?"

" That was one of my idiot brothers, Fred."

" Oh. He looked quiet ghastly, if you don't mind my saying," Hayley said. He had heard Ginny and Luna laugh.

" I don't mind. It's funny. Most of the girls say he and George ' are sooo sexy. They're sooo rich. OMG!!' Its disgusting, I'm glad you don't like him and you shouldn't."

I never meant for you to feel this way.

I never thought that we would have liked each other. We hated each other. With equal fire. I never meant to like her and I'm sure it was the same way for her.

The Decembers were never meant to be our graves.

It was during Christmas break, after we all found out her parents had been killed by Death Eaters. She was sitting outside, freezing her arse off, but she didn't even flinch at the cold. She just sat there, staring at a frozen rose. She had been crying, you could see the trails on her face. I had went outside and sat down by her.

" Hey, Hayley?" I said tentivly placing a hand on her shoulder. She did nothing but lean over and put her head on my shoulder. I didn't no what to do, so I wrapped my arms around her small, shivering, sobbing form and put my face in her hair, kissing her head and telling her soothing words.

It's not a question of who was wrong and what is right, but time cannot heal what you will never recognize.

I realized at that moment that I cared for her, and we became friends, and then more. Everyone wondered what had happened between us, how we had gotten so close. It was the unsaid words that day. But now I wondered if it was a mistake. She was three years younger than me. Naive. She didn't even ask questions when she saw Angelina kiss me. She just assumed. Maybe she was to young. Maybe I was lowering my standards.

'Cause all of this is all that I can take and you could never understand the demons that I faced. So go ahead and bat your eyes lie right to the world. For what everything you are your just a little girl.

So go ahead and cry....

She had been crying when she attacked me. Was she telling the truth when she said the only thing she said? Or was she hurt cause she still loved me? What did her tears mean?

So go ahead and believe that you were right. Keep away the dark to help you sleep tonight.

Who was I kidding, this girl was the Hermione Granger of her year. She wouldn't ever admit she was wrong, or ever go back on her instinct. She hated me again. All was how it should be. The know-it-all hates the prankster.

Go on and decide who is wrong, what is right,cause you know inside.

Let her believe what she wanted. It would have never worked out anyways. It's not like she could understand anything I've been through. She could never be able to do anything girls my age could do for me. I'm done. It's over. Time to move on. Right? Yes, right? She wasn't the one for me.

'Cause all of this is all that I can take and you could never understand the demons that I faced.

So go ahead and bat your eyes and lie right to the world.....but for everything you are....

Three Years Later

" Fred honey? What do you think? Isn't the place corny?" Angelina asked as we stepped through the doors to the Great Hall.

" Yeah, what were they trying to do make it cold in here too," I said laughing. I stopped as I saw a familiar girl walk in on the arm of Cedric Diggory. She was beaming and beautiful in a white strapless gown that hugged her curves and touched the floor. Around the bust and at the bottom was a dark blue design of elegant swirls. her red hair was up for once and it showed off her face beautifully.

Cedric was beaming down at her, his eyes happy.

As they began to dance she stumbled many times. Cedric smiled at her sweetly and placed her on his feet. She beamed at him and blushed slightly. I was mad. That should be me twirling her around like that.

But no, as I looked at her some more, there were flaws. I made my choice, I would stick with it.

As Angelina said...

She's just a little girl.