Katie Bell could not sleep. She knew that if she went down to the game tomorrow tired Oliver would have her head. But she just couldn't sleep.
So she went down to the Common Room only to find already occupied.
"Oliver?" Her voice was full of humor, he always told the whole team to not stay up on nights before games.
"Katie," he nodded towards her. "You should be asleep." he told her, his voice deadly serious.
"What about you, you filthy hypocrite." She said laughing.
He didn't smile, "I am an insomniac. But only on nights before games."
Katie raised an eyebrow before walking over and sitting down next to him. She leaned into him, her head on his shoulder.
"Katie Bell, what the hell are you doing?" He sounded amused. She shrugged against him
"When I was younger, I was always told that if somebody couldn't sleep then to stay with them until they do."
"That's stupid." Oliver scoffed.
"Bastard," She laughed.
"Bitch," he laughed right back.
They sat like that for a few minutes before Katie's eyes began to droop.
"Tired, Bell?" Oliver asked through a yawn.
"Tired, Wood?" Katie asked in a mocking tone.
Suddenly something came over Oliver as he kissed her.
What? Are you expecting some big description on what happened while they kissed? Well guess what, I'm not going to give it to you. Just guess what happened, you filthy perverts.
Ten minutes later the pair was asleep on the couch, supporting each other's wait. Katie's head was on Oliver's shoulder and his head was on top of hers.
"Called it," came a small chuckle from the dark as a certain red headed twin named George Weasley received a galleon from a certain chaser.
A/N: I am really happy cuz there's only one of me, look at my smile I'm so- lol inside joke. So this was my first Katie/Oliver fic and I just love this couple for some reason. I'm thinking about writing one where he visits her while she's in St. Mungo's.... Just in case you guys didn't catch on with who George was with it was Angelina.
Prelibatezza Ciao!