I do not own Naruto, sad I know but someday I will get over it. Until then please enjoy my wishful thinking.
Stunned. Shikamaru clutched the tree branch for dear life. His eyes were transfixed on the kunoichi in front of him. Unable to avert his stare else where. "Kami" he mumbled to himself. When setting out to fulfill his mother's demands, this was not what he had expected. This will be troublesome, he know it, some how, this would be troublesome. Instead of being rooted to the ground and gaping like a fish, Shikamaru should be rounding up the expecting doe for his mother. But as it was, Shikamaru was hidden in the leafs of a tree at the edge of the forest, blushing at 2 am.
Her graceful movements flowing along to an unheard tune; effortlessly dancing on the surface of the lake. Soft blue illuminated her swiftly moving hands. Chakra manipulated strands of water circled around the pale beauty. The reflection of the moon upon her, giving her a faint glow. She was breath taking. Her hip length indigo hair gently swaying in the night air. Exhaling a forgotten breath, Shikamaru studied her curves a little more closely as the performance come to an end. The kunoichi unaware of his presents, stood at the center of the lake; nude. Lifting her face to the sky, a slight blush stained her cheeks, eyes shut, Hinata sighed. She looked enchanting.
Snapping out of his trance, Shikamaru slipped out of sight and back to the Nara family grounds; before she used her bloodline. Abandoning his search for the doe, Shikamaru retreated back to his room and awaited slumber to take him away from his pondering.
The next morning Hinata stood at Shikamaru's front door. "Oh what a bother, this is so troublesome." He mumbled. A slight blush crept across Hinata's cheeks. Why did he ever agree to teach her how to play shougi, its not like they were really friends.
While rubbing the back of his neck, Shikamaru steps a side to allow Hinata access to his house. Flashes of the night before flood his thoughts. "W-w-we can d-d-do this an-another time if y-y-you want, Shi-shikamaru-kun? Di-did you not sleep w-w-well last night?" Shikamaru was ripped out of his thoughts at Hinata stuttered questions.
"No. Today is fine. Come on in." The slight blush that graced his cheeks was the only visible sign of his discomfort. 'Did she catch me. Oh this is so troublesome. Its not like I planned on finding her training at that hour.' Silently,Shikamaru wondered the reasoning behind Hinata's blush. Stealing a quick glance at the lady at his side. "Why do you ask, Hinata-chan."
"You look slightly tired, Shikamaru-kun, thats all." Hinata's blush thickened as she focused on a spot on the wood floor. Signing in relief, Shikamaru led the blushing water dancer that haunted his thoughts, into the setting room. Taking a seat next to the shougi board, Shikamaru gesture for her to follow suit. Sitting across from the shadow nin Hinata began to fiddle with her coat zipper. Shikamaru sighed. 'This is so troublesome. Well I might as well get this done and over with.' Shikamaru began with teaching her the basics.
Hinata's subconscious nervous ticks, at first, were driving Shikamaru insane. But as the weeks went on, he became accustomed to her forefingers tapping each other. Or the way her cheeks seemed to always have slight tint to them. Hinata's was even beginning to complete full conversations with out stuttering.
Glancing at Hinata, he decide that she wasn't all that bad to hang out with. She wasn't loud or pushy like Ino or Sakura. Her soft voice was even some what enjoyable to listen to. Her choice of topics were some what refreshing. She was surprisingly intelligent. Picking up shougi quite well, even proving to be a formidable opponent. Shikamaru won must of the time, but still enjoyed the company.
Across Shikamaru, Hinata sat with her legs underneath her. Her rice bowl laid on the floor to her left forgotten. Subconsciously resting her chopsticks on her chin, pondering her next move. Shikamaru chuckled lightly, taking in Hinata's facial expression, watching as awareness washed over her. "Shikamaru-kun, it seems that you have won again." Shikamaru's smirk wasn't because he had won, there was just something about Hinata's appearance that he couldn't help but smile at. Arching an eyebrow at the shy girl across from him, he suggested another game. With a slight blush, she agreed.
Loose strands of hair tickled Shikamaru's face as the gentle summer breeze made its present clear. Sighing in contentment, Shikamaru gazed up at the passing clouds. Avoiding the much needed training, Shikamaru laid at his favorite 'cloud-watching' hill envying the clouds.
Wincing at the sound of soft footsteps approaching. "Kami, mendoukusei." Muttered to himself. Mentally preparing himself for Ino's loud shrill voice demanding that he should start his training for the day.
"Ohayou Shikamaru-kun. May I sit with you?" Hinata asked, peering over Shikamaru still form.
"Ohayou Hinata-chan. Help yourself." Shikamaru replied, silently thanking kami for his good fortune.
The slight sway of branches from the trees near by were the only sound in the small clearing. Silence between the two leaf nin had a comfortable attribute to their friendship. Neither one felt need or obligation to fill the silence with unneeded babble.
Shikamaru studied the quite nin next to him, from the corner of his eye. He was sure she could feel his stare but she intrigued him. He had studied her before. Listed all of her qualities and categorized all of her behavioral traits. She baffled him. Him of all people! He had studied her, knew her, and yet there was just something there that he couldn't pin point. His mind wonder off and he found himself blushing. Bitting his tongue to force his thoughts away from the water performance. This too was confusing him, forgetting that sight seemed impossible. He found himself enjoying the memories, which was odd, he wasn't really into girls. Not that he liked boys, girls were just too troublesome. And there he was drawing blood in order to keep his mind off the shy Hinata. Ridding his mouth of the bile taste of cooper, he swallowed the blood mixed saliva. Shifting his gaze back to the clouds above, he focused on emptying his mind.
"Shikamaru-kun would you train with me today? Kiba-kun and Shino-kun are on a mission." Hinata whisper. Before he could even think of a way out of doing any physical active, the lazy nin found himself agreeing.
Shikamaru quickly realized that Hinata's ability to be a formidable opponent at shougi, had nothing on her sparring abilities. Taijutsu, being a close rage hand to hand combat left little opportunities to do any real planning. His strengths in combat is the ability to plan. Hinata's movements were graceful and quick. Her ability to think on her feet was quite a gift. How ever deadly Hinata's movement were Shikamaru was still able to beat her, but just barely though.
Hinata thanked him for sparring with her and departed. Grumbling to himself about how Hinata's 'Gentle Fists' weren't all that gentle. Shikamaru started off on his own route home. Cautiously Shikamaru rubbed his ribs, he would definitely be feeling this tomorrow.
As the weeks went on, Shikamaru and Hinata's friendship continued to expand. Their time wasn't only limited to shougi. Shikamaru found her company enjoyable, even sparring wasn't all that bad. On an unusually hot summer night, Shikamaru found himself rather restless. Finally giving up on his tossing and turning and deciding on going for a walk. Maybe star watching won't be all that off from cloud watching. Stuck in his own thoughts, Shikamaru wasn't even aware were his feet had led him. Emerging from the forest Shikamaru found himself staring out a rather embarrassed looking kunoichi. The same kunoichi that haunted his thoughts. But this time she was fully dressed. Well almost, her jacket laid on the ground to her right, forgotten. Hunched over, Hinata was attempting to put her right sandal on. Part of Shikamaru was relieved that Hinata was clothed, She was too innocent; the amount of skin that Sai showed made her blush every time he was around. Hinata would be beyond uncomfortable, she might have even fainted. But another part of Shikamaru was disappointed that he missed her dance.
A mischievous smile played on his usually bored face. Hands placed in his pocket, Shikamaru rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet. "It's a little late to be skinny dipping, don't you think?"
"Wh-what a-a-ar-are y-yo-you do-doing o-out he-here Shi-shikamaru-kun?" Hinata whispered as her face tuned a brilliant shade red.
Shikamaru chuckled. Something about this sight he enjoyed, quite a bit. Taking a few steps closer to an even redder Hinata. Shikamaru's smile only grew wider. Besides his shaky breathing and his loudly thumping heart, he was enjoying himself. "I should be asking you the same thing Hinata-chan." Arching an eyebrow as the distance between them shrank.
A/N: please forgive me if the characters are a little OOC, I am trying to keep them on point the best that I can. If you have any pointers, please feel free to share, I would absolutely love it. Oh heck, even if you don't have pointers I would still love to hear your thoughts!
kunoichi- female ninja
ohayou-good morning
Mendoukusei- what a drag or this sucks