This is heaven. Surrounded by my family and friends celebrating our new life. I could not be happier.
Alice's planning is flawless. I knew I could count on her. If there's anyone who could pull off a wedding in a month, it was going to be her. I couldn't ask for a better sister.
The food was great, the music was great, and everything was wonderful. I sit there in my happiness, just looking at all the smiling faces of my favourite people in the world. Elizabeth is sitting on Leah's lap, being fed her dinner, and consequently spilling it all over herself in the process. I smile as I watch Leah clean up yet another spill.
I look at Edward, who is also watching our daughter be adorably cute. He looks at me and smiles.
"Have I told you how beautiful you look?" he asks, stroking my cheek. I shiver slightly at his soft touch. He had, many times.
"Yes," I say, giggling. He grins and pulls me in for kiss. For a moment I forget everyone around me, as I often do when I'm kissing him. The world around me just falls into the background. Then I hear a glass clinck and Alice's voice telling everyone to shut up. I ignore her.
"So, if they're quite done sucking face, I would like to begin the speeches." I break the kiss and turn to glare at her. She pokes out her tongue at me, to which the crowd laughs. "So, Jacob, if you'd like to start…" She pokes Jacob on the shoulder and sits down. Jacob stands up and gets out a piece of paper from his pocket. In a typical Jacob joke, it's connected to a red handkerchief, which is connect to another one, and another one, and he keeps pulling it out of his pocket. He gets to end and pulls out a flower, which he gives to me with a bow. I giggle. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Leah put her hand to her forehead in embarrassment. Then he starts to talk, finally.
"Well… when Edward asked me to be his best man I was like… 'what do I do?'. And he was like 'just be on time and wear a tie'. So I was driving to his house and I'm met with road works and red lights and stop signs and more red lights and I was like 'well at least I've got a tie…'." The audience laughs, including Edward and I.
"But seriously bro, congrats. You deserve all the happiness in the world. You helped me though some pretty shit times, and you were always there for me. I love you man. In like, a non sexual way, don't worry Bella." He winks at me, and I laugh.
"Short and sweet I always say, so on that note, I shall wrap up this speech with an original quote from the man himself: 'Some day I want to find a girl who'll love me for the person I am inside. You know, the one you know you'll spend your life with, from the very first time you see her. The girl who's your best friend, who knows you inside out, who you'll never stop loving.' What a fruit loop. Congrats again man." He says finally. He goes over to Edward and hugs him while the crowd claps. He hugs me as well.
Alice stands up now.
"I have to warn you, my speech isn't as funny as Jacob's. If you could call that funny…" Jacob pretends to be offended, and Alice sticks her tongue out again. Then she grins. "Bella. I couldn't be more privileged to be your maid of honour. You're the reason I'm here, alive. I owe you everything. You deserve happiness, and more."
"I could see that you loved him from the very first time you described him. If it wasn't your blushing that gave you away, it was the fact that you gushed about him for ten minutes straight," she says with a grin. Everyone laughs at my red cheeks. Trust me to be the literally blushing bride. "Then I saw you two together and I knew that in that in year's time I would speaking at your wedding. You just had that unmistakable bond that stays there forever. And I look forward to speaking at your 50th wedding anniversary. Here's to you guys!" she giggles. Everyone raises their glasses with Alice and laughs. I hug her enthusiastically.
"Thank you," I whisper.
"It was my pleasure sweetheart," she whispers back.
The festivities continue, and after we finish out dessert (sticky date pudding… mmmm…), Alice drags me to the dance floor, Edward as well, and announces that we are about to dance our traditional 'first dance'. I roll my eyes, but don't argue. No point really. The song is of course, Sweet Disposition, the song we first danced to as a couple. I smile at the memory. It's a bit fast for this sort of dancing, but we manage. Edward does all the leading of course. We twirl around the floor, and I feel like nothing could be more perfect than this moment. I forget that people are watching us, and get lost in the music and twirling. And after the song finishes, he leans down to kiss me passionately, like he did all those months ago. People clap and cheer, and I'm reminded again of that night, the night her first kissed me. When he announced his love for me in front of everyone at my birthday party, and I blushed just the same.
Alice hugs us both, and everyone else moves to the dance floor and starts dancing to Good Charlotte's Last Night. Alice definitely went through my playlist or something. Or Edward's, since we like all the same stuff. We go through many songs, and I'm getting tired. Then, a very familiar melody starts to play. I slowly turn to Alice, who is grinning very widely. Then, as this very, very familiar tune continues, my voice floods the hall. The little…! Alice has put Hello Hello, my most known song into the playlist! Edward laughs loudly as I fume at Alice.
"I couldn't resist! Come on, don't be angry! Edward thinks it's funny!" I turn to my husband, who is practically on the floor with laughter. Alice just grins sheepishly at me, and I couldn't hold it in. A spastic laugh burst out, and I'm in hysterics. Ah, Alice. God, I love her. I see her breath a sigh of relief, and start laughing with me. There are others laughing too as my voice fills the space. After I'm over my little laughing fit, I really listen to myself. And I smile. I actually sound good. I never used autotune, yet there isn't one note that's flat or sharp. I grin to myself in quiet satisfaction.
Many more songs play, and people gradually get tired. But then a song comes on that everyone knows and we all start dancing again. My feet hurt from jumping so much, and I'm worried that my heel might snap. But it doesn't, and I keep jumping every time one of my favourite songs come on. Which is practically every single song.
A few slow songs come on, like The Only Exception by Paramore, and I find myself just swaying with Edward, in a teenage slow dance sort of way. I close my eyes, and I could stay here forever, in this moment. I look up sometimes, and I see all the couples doing the same. Alice and Jasper are next to us, and Leah and Jake are not far away. I see Elisa and another guy from the Studio in L.A., Paul dancing as well. I swear I saw them kiss too. Aw, that's nice. Then I see the people who are on the outside, sitting by themselves, looking at all the happy couples sadly. Jessica in particular. After the song is over, I go over to her.
"Are you okay?" I ask her quietly, sitting down next to her.
"Yeah, I just… I don't know…" she mumbles.
"You hate being single," I guess.
"You have no idea," she says slowly, and laughs. I laugh too.
"You'll find someone eventually. There's at least one person in the world who'll love you more than they love themselves. Trust me," I say reassuringly.
"Thanks Bella. And I really am sorry for everything I did to you and Edward. Funny what jealously can do to a girl…" I nod, remembering the inward hatred I'd felt for Jessica when Edward and her were together.
"Who knows, your true love might even be in this room," I joke. She laughs. I wave at her and go back to Edward.
"I don't understand how you can be so…" Edward tells me as I retake my place in his arms.
"So… what?"
"Nice. I mean, after everything Jessica did to us, you forgive her so easily, and now you're sort of friends?" Edward questions.
"Everyone makes mistakes. She's a really nice person once you get past all that. And I'm not the sort of person to hold grudges," I defend her.
"I know…" he grins. I smile too, remembering little fights. I was always the one to forgive and forget first.
"I love you," I whisper.
"As I love you. That's the reason we're here," he whispers in my ear. I smile as I lean my head against his chest.
Everything is slowly winding down. A few people have left, and others are just sort of hanging around, talking casually with one another. I mingle with them, talking for a long time with people who I haven't seen in a while, like Emily, my friend from school, and her husband Sam.
I walk to the bathroom, to freshen up before I do another round of mingling, and I stop when I see myself in the mirror. I mean, I already decided that it can't possibly be me, but it hits me yet again how beautiful the girl in the mirror is.
As I come out of the bathroom, Alice is there to greet me.
"It's time," she says ominously. I raise my eyebrow at her. She grabs my hand in her typical pushy Alice-like way, and tows me towards where Edward is talking with Matthew Bellamy (who is his all time favourite musician; he must be gushing with excitement inside), and grabs him as well. She drags us both the centre of the room.
"You guys will take your leave now. The car will take you to a hotel, where all your bags are. You'll stay the night there, then board your plane tomorrow. I'm not telling you where you're going Bella, Edward's organised that part. Ready? Good." Edward grins at my expression, and I could tell he knew that I was speculating about where we were going.
"They're leaving!" Alice yells in a sing song voice, and people start to gather, as we walk hand in hand to the door. People rush in front of us with cameras, and as we step out the door they throw rose petals around us. Edward opens the door of the car for me, and also helps me get in the car. Good thing I only have to wear this dress once.
People are waving and shouting goodbye, and I can see Alice crying. Aw, bless her heart. I will repay her for this one day. I blow her a kiss as we drive away.
I sigh and lean my head against Edward's bony, yet so comfortable, shoulder. I start to fall asleep, but Edward taps me before I can. I look up at him.
"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asks. I think for a minute. Have I left something behind? Have I kissed him enough times? Have I not said something? Ah, yes. I see.
I go to my bag, which Alice has placed here, and grab my phone. I dial the number I already know by heart, and press call. After 7 rings she picks up.
"Hi mom."
The end! Oh gosh, I can't believe it's finished! Sorry I took so long to write this one, but I really wanted to get it right :) Look out for the sequel, which I hopefully shall be writing soon :)