A/N: Hey all! Thanks for checking out this fanfic. It's a Taiora, with Mimato. I hope you like it! Tai isn't introduced in this chapter, but he is in the next one. This chapter is shortish for my usual standard. By the way, they're all seventeenin this. Here's the infamous disclaimer we all look forward to.
Disclaimer: Okay, prepare to take notes: I don't own Digimon. Got that down? Scandal, I know.
Why was I in this stupid place anyway? What was there for me here?
I hate the mall so freaking much.
Just then, I tripped over another stranger's foot. I was doing that a lot lately. And in a crowded place like the mall, it was bound to happen several times.
Being Sora Takenouchi meant being an ice-cream lover. So when I saw the ice cream stand across the way, I new what I was doing next. Crossing to the little place, I planned where I would go next. I needed to buy a new raincoat for the coming winter season. It was December first. Then maybe I would already be able to find a Christmas gift for my mother in some shop.
I got my mint chocolate chip ice cream on a cone, and turned off into another direction, looking for some kind of clothing store. When I found one with reasonable prices, I was about to head in, but a store clerk stopped me.
"Excuse me, I apologize, but you can't come in here with that ice cream. It's a store rule." There was a middle aged woman with dark hair talking to me.
I sighed. Did I want to finish my ice cream and come back later, or get out of this mall as fast as possible by disposing of the treat and going into the store?
Still not having made my decision, I threw my arm out to the right, and asked, "Is there a trashcan over there somewhere?"
Then I heard a high-pitched scream.
Whoops. Forgot the right hand had the cone in it.
I looked to my right. There was a girl about my age with pink hair that reached a bit farther than her shoulders. She had ice cream splattered all over her face.
I glanced down at my right hand, which still held the cone. It contained only mint chocolate-chip remnants. Apparently, the actual ice cream had flown from it and made contact with the girl's facial features.
She was seething, shaking with rage. In a low growl, she said, "You are so lucky I don't kill you right now. I would," she continued, nodding, "I would. But my arms are full of boxes and bags."
I looked at the wide-eyed store clerk lady in apology. Then I pulled the stranger girl into the nearby bathroom and said, "Let's get your face all washed up."
The girl glared at me through the green ice cream, and I helped her set her stuff that she had bought down. I got the sink running and she washed off her face. Then she looked at me and said in a monotone, "Was it really necessary to bomb me with melted green desert items, pelting me with the evil black chips they contain?"
I didn't know quite what to say to that. "Um…no?"
"Then why'd you do it?"
"It was an accident?"
The pink-haired girl sighed. "Okay, since you didn't hit and run," she said while I chuckled at the small pun, "I'm going to forgive you. I'm Mimi Tachikawa. Who are you?"
"I'm Sora Takenouchi."
She nodded and said, "Cool. I gotta get this stuff down to my car now. Maybe I'll see you around sometime."
"Yeah," I responded.
With a final "'Kay, bye," Mimi Tachikawa was gone.
A/N: Did you like this chapter? Tell me so, and why! Don't worry if you thought this chapter was a little boring. The next ones are better! Thank you so much!