A/N: Okay, this is my first attempt at a Harry Potter fic. I'm not very good at writing things about characters not my own but I'm going to give this a go. Do tell me what you think of it. Comments are wonderful little spots of joy (Unless they're berating me for getting something wrong. Then they're just plain annoying.)
Disclaimer: Yes! I own Harry Potter! *fends off a rabid pack of lawyers* Okay, I don't own Harry Potter. But I did write this story about him! ^-^
Summary: Set seven years after Harry, Ron, Hermoine, etc, etc, graduated from Hogwarts. Harry disappeared just a few days after graduation and has not been heard from since. Since then, Ron has become an Auror and his younger sister Ginny is now a teacher at Hogwarts. Draco, by some strange and unknown means, turned from following in his father's footsteps and amazingly married Hermoine. Both of them work at Hogwarts. The same old crew of staff (with a few additions) is still at Hogwarts. Hagrid still teachers Care of Magical Creatures, McGonagall still does Transfiguration, Snape is still in Potions with Draco as his assistant, Hermoine took over History of Magic from Binns, Trelawny continues to teach Divination, and there are a few others that I will provide names for as the classes come up. Dumbledore continues to reside as Headmaster. And of course, the Defense Against Dark Arts position has been vacated yet again. But the wizarding world is about to get a shock. Harry Potter has returned. And guess where he's been all this time. You get three tries and the first two don't count…
Harry Potter and the Dark Defenses
Prolouge ***Hour of Darkness***
Hermoine Granger-Malfoy awoke during the dead of night with a start. Thunder cracked outside loudly but the man beside her slept soundly through it. Looking at him she ran a hand through his straight blond hair and found herself wishing it was wild, tangled, and black as the night outside.
Suddenly there was a thunderous bang from downstairs and she jumped, clutching at the sheets.
Giving one last glance to her right she clambered out of bed, grabbed her wand and robe, and headed downstairs. As soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs there was another loud knock on the door.
Shivering Hermoine held her wand at ready and reached forward to open the door.
As it swung open she saw a cloaked, rain-drenched figure standing in front of her.
"Wh—Who are you?"
The figure did not answer her question. It instead asked another.
"Can I come in?"
Hermoine blinked then replied, "No."
The man, for that is what it was, tilted his head and asked, "Why?"
"I don't even know who you are."
"Oh but you do Hermoine. You do."
He reached up and threw back his hood. A flash of lightning revealed a pair of glasses, wild dark hair, and emerald eyes. Along with a familiar scar/
Hermoine gasped and took a step back, her brown eyes wide and frightened.
A moment later Draco Malfoy stumbled down the stairs, his gray eyes bewildered and still half closed.
"Hermoine? What's wrong?"
All Hermoine could do was point at the man in the door and gasp.
Draco moved behind her and peered at the man. "Who are you?"
"Surely you recognize your old rival Draco. I'd have thought you would have."
Draco's gray eyes sprang open.
"That would be me. Mind if I come in?"
"Actually I do. What do you want Potter?"
"I just wanted to come say hello to my old friend Hermoine, Malfoy. Nothing more."
Draco's eyes narrowed and he snarled, "Fine. Come in. But you try anything and I'll throw you out Potter."
"Whatever you want Malfoy."
Hermoine finally got over her shock and whispered, "Harry? Is it really you?"
Harry Potter grinned at his old friend and replied, "Yea Herm. Its me."