Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. Wish I did though.

Thank you to any one who reviewed. It means a lot to mean. Now on to the second chapter of love between a snake and a griffin.

At the Slytherin table three students were glaring at most of the Hogwarts population who were staring at them.

"does any one have a problem with us? No then STOP LOOKING AT US." yelled Bellatrix at the students who were looking at them. All it took was that to make everyone stop looking.

"Finally they stopped." grumbled Lucius. Severus glanced at the Gryffindor table where his beloved Gryffindor sat, or where he used to be sitting.

"Hey where did James go?" asked Severus. The Sytherin got up and headed out of the Great Hall. With a sigh his best friends followed him.

In the hallway Sirius, Remus, and James were walking towards their dorms when they heard footsteps behind them. They turned around and saw three Sytherins.

When James's and Severus's eyes met they both blushed and looked at the ground. Their friends all rolled their eyes at the childish reaction.

"Okay listen," said Bellatrix who was becoming inpatient, " It's obvious that this two love each other."

Bellatrix was always a blunt person. Severus looked at Bella in horror.


Bellatrix sighed and Lucius snickered. Meanwhile James was looking at Severus who was looking at the floor. Sirius and Remus were looking on in humor.

"Sev- Snape is that true?," there James paused, gulped" 'cause I know it's true for me."

Severus smiled and threw himself at James, pulling the Gryffindor into a huge hug.

"Of course it's true. Why else would I stare at you 24/7?" when Sev said this, James smiled and brought Severus into a kiss. When the kiss grew more passionate, they headed of to one of their dorms.

The remaining Marauders looked at the two Sytherins. Sirius then asked, "Who would've thought a Gryffindor and a Sytherin could fall in love." Lucius who had been quiet so far explained.

"It's just love between a snake and a griffin." all of them agreed and the four friends set off to the library, to wait for their friends.

Please review. I hope you like it.
