Kana woke up at 9:00 to an annoying noise. "Don't wake up the neighborhood, you idiots!" She called. "Sorry Kena. Jasier is playin' Spongebob on the Wii. I told him to mute it, but he wouldn't listen." 1 of her brothers said, while walking into her room. "It's OK Logan." She said. "But if he wakes up Howler and Edge, everybody wakes up." "Mornin' Kena. 'Bout time ya woke up. Ya slept 'till 9!" Jasier said. Kena rolled her eyes. This happened everyday. What an idiot! Kena thought. She shrugged, grabbed her favorite movie, and headed to her room. She giggled when she heard the doorbell ring. She knew exactly who it was. It was her boyfriend, Jonathan. She didn't hesitate to open the door. "Whatcha doin' here?" she asked. "I am here to watch Lion king 2 with you… and to give you this." He said. He gave her a rose and a note. The note said: I love U. It was written in cursive.
Once the movie was over, Jonathan had to go home. "Mum! Mum, can I go play with Amelia?" She asked her mom. "Well, why not? Grab your bike and ride over to her house." She replied.
"And what if she ain't home?"
"Just go!"
"Because I said so"
"And if I don't listen?"
"Then you get in trouble."
"What if I run away"
"GO NOW" Her mom concluded. "Fine!" She said. She ran off to find her bike.
While on her bike, Kana discovered that…her bike was gone! She was running. About to go off a cliff! She screamed and a lion saved her? A full grown male at that. He looked at her sweet and shooed her off as if saying, 'Go on and play now. You're safe.' She could tell he was the king of the pride. She bowed and ran off.