/:Authors Note:\\

"Chapter 24 already here?" you might be asking yourself right now.
Yes, yes indeed it is.

Nyanko-Sama - thank you for the suggestion about changing font while re-reading my draft, I did find some more spelling errors, though I am positive I overlooked some anyway. :/

Thanks to everyone who has reviewed ^^ And "nagged" at me to get my shit together ;)
You are all the reason why I'm still updating ^^

This chapter contains a lot more... how should I put it... smut? At the very least there are some explicit scenes, it will all become clear when you read it.

I hope you will all enjoy! :)





Love is friendship that has caught fire.
It is quiet understanding,
Mutual confidence,
sharing and forgiving.
It is loyalty through good and bad times.
It settles for less than perfection
and makes allowances for human weaknesses.

/Ann Landers

/Keigo's p.o.v.\



I know that it is in the middle of a school-week, I need to get up early in the morning and go to school, but when I was invited out by Grimmjow I couldn't say no. Why should I? If I wasn't here, I would be sitting at home in front of my computer anyway, and still not get into bed until late. Might as well be here, with my friends. It is only the second time that I am at Szayel and Ilforte's mansion - it still creeps me out that they have so much money. Does it seem like I am using them for their money?! I mean, I haven't asked them for anything! I never would! But... It can't be easy to come from a rich well-known family. I am sure many has tried to take advantage of their fortune. It's not like they are trying to hide it, living at a place like this. But they seem so at ease; all of them do, actually. I kind of feel like I am intruding. Where did that feeling come from? This isn't the first time I hang out with all of them, yet this is the first time I feel like I don't belong. With just Grimmjow it is fine, even though it is different now. There is always that underlying thought, reminding me that he actually likes me more than just as a friend. But I can push the insecurities away when I am with him, because we are always talking about things that calm me down. We play games, which demands full attention and I can't be side-tracked from that. But now, here at the Granz Mansion, we don't play videogames. I'm sitting off to the side, watching them as they play pool. I had already tried and failed miserably, but they... They are so good at it. It is different seeing them all together like this. I know I am the odd one out, and I appreciate that they still include me, but... I don't belong here. They are all laughing at something. I can see Tesla and Szayel shaking their heads at some joke I didn't hear. And Grimmjow is giving Ilforte a high-five, both smiling so happily and carefree. I feel this odd sting in my chest. I'm ashamed to admit it, but seeing them together makes me... scared. I have no right to be upset. I am the one who pushed Grimmjow away, the one who still keeps him from getting too close. If he decides not to wait for me, wait for something that might never come to be, I can't blame him. But it hurts. What do I have that Ilforte doesn't have? He is a lot of things that I am not. He is confident, relaxed, smart and has a sense of humor and a sharp tongue. And he is obviously a gorgeous man. While I am just a stupid teenager, afraid of my own shadow. I always misunderstand everything and end up being the laughing stock. Granted, it's a lot better with these guys than it ever was in school, I'm not really complaining about the company. But what of the day that Grimmjow realize that he is wasting his time on me, what will become of me then?


"Gah!" I hate it when Nnoitra does that! He is way too good at sneaking up on me. But... Could he be right? Am I jealous? Jealous of Grimmjow and Ilforte's relationship? I suppose I am. Perhaps what I need is an opinion from a third party. "What..." I swallow and try that again. "What does Ilforte have that I don't?"

"Hm?" I force my eyes away from Grimmjow and Ilforte and focus on the tall male next to me on the couch. He wears a confused frown, obviously he hadn't expected my question.

"He's everything I'm not," I continue, hoping that no one else can overhear our conversation. Nnoitra's frown remains on his face, but with every word I speak I seem to wipe away his confusion. "They're, like... made for each other. And I'm-"

"They broke up for a reason." His dark eye bore into mine, showing no trace of lying or joking. "That ye're different from Ilforte is a good thing." I could have counted up all my differences from Ilforte and point out just how wrong he is about it being good, but I decided against it. "Ya seem troubled." Why is it that Nnoitra can see right through me?

"I just don't understand why he would be interested in someone like me." It was the same words I had confronted Grimmjow with aswell, but he hadn't given me an answer. "After someone like Ilforte, and Shuhei... I am just pathetic."

"Ya'know... Ya shouldn' compare yourself with others." He wasn't looking at me anymore, but I know he was completely focused on the conversation. "You'll drive yourself crazy." I know he is right about that, but I can't help it. Compared to Ilforte and Shuhei I am just a loser, anyone can see that. "He ain't with them no more," Nnoitra continued. "Ya don't need to think he ever will be again either."

"I'm n-"

"I know ya like 'im, though I can't tell if it's friendship or something else. I ain't no mindreader. But I can tell he is crazy 'bout you." I am completely stunned, couldn't think. Why is Nnoitra always the one pulling me out of my own darkness? "C'mon," he was saying, standing up. "I'mma teach ya how to play pool so you can beat Blue'n'Mighty."

"You wont tell him what I just said?" I felt so ashamed.

"I might if ya sit there mopin'," he threatened but without any real hostility; I knew he wouldn't say anything.




Nnoitra is actually a good teacher, though he needs to work on his patience. At least now I know how to hold my fingers before I attempt to strike the ball with the ridiculously long stick; why can't it be shorter? I will never become a professional at pool, but maybe I wont be losing immediately next time. I'm still practicing when through the corner of my eye I saw Ilforte saunter towards us, a secretive smirk on his face. He always has this aura of confidence, something I can admit to be jealous of. I might not be jealous of his long hair and somewhat more womanly features, but I can certainly see why he is attractive. Wearing all white complements him well, though to say he looks innocent would be a lie; if anything he looks like a demon ready to pounce, albeit a beautiful demon. Nnoitra's sniggering brings my attention back to the pool-table. What am I doing?!

"Looks like you're getting better at it, bro," Ilforte compliment as he comes to a halt next to the table. I mumble out a 'thanks' but keep my attention on the task at hand. I'm not threatened by him at all - I shouldn't be! - but I feel so inferior. It's not fair to take my own insecurities out on him, he has done nothing wrong - like Nnoitra said, I shouldn't compare myself with him. Especially not since I don't even know if I really want to be with Grimmjow in that way. "I just recieved some awesome intel from a certain someone over there, that you, Nnoitra, appear to have found your sweet side and hit it off with that cute one from the party." Cute one? Does he mean Kon?

"Fuck off."

"Don't be like that. I'm happy for you, bro."

"I ain't tellin' you shit, blondie, so fuck off." Despite the words, I can tell that Nnoitra isn't really upset. While I move around the table to aim for another ball, I've got a better view of the two males; there is something I am missing here, some secret they are dancing around, I just can't figure it out. "Didn' they tell ya to not bring work home?" That seemed to have hit a sore spot, earning an annoyed grunt from Ilforte.

"You're the one who put ideas in his head." Obviously I am not supposed to hear this conversation, because Ilforte glance at me as if debating whether or not he should say more. In the end he shook his head and glared at Nnoitra. "Really, you shouldn't be telling my customers at the bar that they have a crush on me." I slip and completely miss the ball. Nnoitra had done what?!

"Looked like he needed a kick in the ass to cough it up," Nnoitra shrugged.

"He is straight and in a vulnerable state, and you put ideas in his head that doesn't belong there."

"Plah!" Are they going to fight?! Nnoitra is towering over Ilforte, neither of them are giving in... What am I supposed to do? I can't go between them, they will make minced meat out of me! "Like ya weren't flirtin' with 'im."

"I... I wasn't!" Ilforte sighed loudly and pinched the bridge of his nose; seems like most of the hostility had died down by now, but I was ready to dive down beneath the pool-table if I needed to. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fight."

"What'cha worryin' 'bout anyway? What'cha got to lose?"

"How about my dignity?" Looking at Ilforte I can see that he is struggling, maybe even in pain. Not physical pain, but mentally. I feel so stupid now having been jealous of him mere minutes ago. I thought he had it so easy, but I realize now that his gift of beauty is also a curse. His dark amber eyes suddenly meets mine and I realize that I have just been standing here like an idiot. Should I apologize for listening in? He gives me a weak smile. "I apologize. You didn't need to hear all that, bro. We're all good here, even if it doesn't look that way."

"Why would a straight guy have a crush on you?" What am I saying?!

"They don't." I can tell he is uncomfortable. "Rather call it curiosity. Or temptation. Maybe I should just grow a beard..." Oh my god... Ilforte with a beard. "And cut my hair short." That would be so... wrong. "Let's forget about that!" he exclaims, a smirk back on his face. "Let's play a round and see how good of a teacher Nnoitra really is."

While Ilforte is setting up the table I catch a glimpse of Grimmjow over at the other table. His eyes meet mine for a split second before he re-focus his attention to the pool-table in front of him, where he is probably owning Szayel; the photographer does have an annoyed look on his face, so he must be losing. Why does it feel like he didn't want me to know that he was looking?

"It's your break, bro."

Right. I am playing pool right now.




Who could have known that playing pool with Ilforte and Nnoitra could be so much fun. I lost every time, but I don't mind at all. I don't know why I felt so out of place earlier, because this is great. Having friends, doing random thing that I normally wouldn't consider, and being accepted for who I am. Yes, they keep telling me not to scream when I get excited - I am working on it! - but they haven't ignored me once. In fact, I think I am the one doing the ignoring sometimes, and that is usually when one of them appear from out of nowhere to pull me back in. I really do appreciate that. I like how casual it feels, yet so welcoming. The way they add me to a conversation without making me feel like they just include me to make me feel better, or how they allow me to be a part of their group without making too big a deal out of it. Everything just flows. It is easy and simple, yet so special. I wish I had met them sooner... Maybe I should be grateful to Mizuiro for ignoring me in school; if it weren't for that I don't think I would have ever replied to Grimmjow's message that day, and then I wouldn't have been here right now, playing pool with guys a few years older than me. This is the last game too for the night, and I am trying to use everything I have learned so far. If I can just make this one shot...

"Winning?" a husky voice whispers into my ear.

My arm flies forward, the stick connects with the white ball that goes flying. My eyes widen in dread as a surprised sound leaves my mouth, and I watch the ball fly through the air seemingly in slowmotion, before a well-manicured hand catches it mid-air. Oh my god... Oh my god!

"You almost gave me a heartattack!" I snap towards Grimmjow, whom is still standing very close next to me, and I point a finger accusingly at him. He looks just as surprised as I felt. Then I point towards Ilforte, whom is still standing there with the ball in his hand. "I could have killed him with that ball!"

"Ah, don' worry," Nnoitra sniggers. "Ain't the first time blondie is caught with balls in his hands."

"Shut up, bro!"

"His head is too thick to crack anyway," Szayel added from the other pool-table, and one by one they start laughing about the whole event.

"You scared me," I pout at Grimmjow.

"I just, I..." he stutter. It could have gone badly with that ball flying through the air like that, but thankfully nothing had happened. It would have been my fault. But I decided that if the others can laugh at it, so can I. "Sorry..." Then he looked at the pool-table and a small grin appeared on his face. "I take it you aren't winning?"

"Only because you scared me!" I insist, but I already knew I had lost; both Ilforte and Nnoitra are too good at pool.

"Well, I think it's a good time to stop anyway." He points at the clock on the wall - almost midnight. "Time to get going."




We are already on the road when I decide to ask him.

"Were you avoiding me?" It didn't sit well with me, the words left an ill-flavored aftertaste. I thought I had already told him that I didn't want it to be awkward between us, at least I thought I had insinuated that. He looks a little guilty, so I know I had been right. "Why?"

"I just... didn't think you'd want me hanging over your shoulder all evening." I am bad at reading signs, but I can definitely tell that something is bothering him. "You seemed to be havin' fun, though. Right?"

"Yeah, I had fun." But something had been missing. "Is this because of... you know...?" Why can't I say it? Am i afraid? ...Yes. I am afraid.

"I've acted selfishly lately, thought I should give ya some space." What if I don't want space? His eyes are glued to the road ahead of us, but I can see torment on his features from where I am seated. I am hurting him somehow. It isn't my fault that he... is interested in me; or is it? Either way, I don't want to hurt him. I also don't want to give him false hope, because I can't stand liars and I wont lie to anyone.

"I don't want space," I tell him, ignoring the fear and how weird this whole conversation is. I can see how confused he is; I understand, so am I. I don't know what I want, but I do know that I don't want to lose him. "I want things to be like it always was." That didn't sound right... "It's better when you are you," I try again, feeling my hands shake violently; I hide them between my knees so he can't see that.

"Are you saying you want me to be all over you?" When he puts it like that... "I thought, after what I did..." What is he trying to say? "After what I said..."

"You mean about you letting me take advantage?" I ask, confused, and I feel my confidence leaving me quickly. "Or... what you said on the phone last weekend?" ... The most embarrassing phonecall in my life... I know I am blushing madly, but even Grimmjow has a tint of red on his cheeks, I can tell even in the darkness of the car.

"Both," he finally admits. "Look, you get that I really like you, right?" His voice turned defensive, maybe even a little hostile. "If I don't distance myself just a little, I can't guarantee that I wont say things like that again. Are you fine with that?" Is he fine with that, I wonder.


"Coz' I-... What?!" He glanced at me quickly before looking back at the road; I am grateful that we are in a car, actually, because I don't think I could have said any of this if he was looking me in the eyes.

"I said I'm fine with that." I am not fine with having him ignore me.

"Wait... Fine with me doing and saying weird things, or distancing myself?" he asked tentatively. His hands are gripping the wheel so tight I fear he might break it.

"I'm..." Why am I shaking so much? "I don't want you to give me distance." I couldn't say it. Couldn't say that I want him to be as close and personal as he had been. Couldn't say that I appreciate everything he tells me, that he encourage me to find out more about myself than I previously thought possible. Couldn't admit that I also like him, because if I did then I can't tell him that I am unsure of my feelings. "I'm being unfair to you," I hear myself say, unsure of who gave the order to speak.

"No, you're not." Although he looks grim, he sounds sad. "If I was a girl you could say either yes or no, that simple. But because I'm a guy, there is a lot to think about. It's not just a relationship, but a lifestyle. It's unfair of me to put that on you. In a way, I feel like I am taking advantage of your insecurity."

"B-because I am inexperienced?" I hate it.

"If you're fine with me being open about my feelings, I can at least promise you that I wont push you into anything. Deal?" He sounds almost desperate.

"Deal." I can definitely live with that. But there is one more thing... "I don't think that you are taking advantage of me, by the way." His brows crease up and I know he is considering my words. "Or how should I put it..." I am really not good with words, and my voice is trembling. "You aren't taking more advantage of me than I am of you. I mean, how am I going to figure out my feelings and boundaries if you keep a distance from me?" Clearly going on a date with a girl hadn't helped me clear my mind. The only other option I can think of is to explore it further with... Well, with Grimmjow. As long as it wont ruin anything between us.

"Baby steps," he nodded seemingly at himself. "I hear ya."

We didn't say anything for the rest of the ride home, but it was far from quiet. I had a million thoughts inside my head, all screaming at me, berating me for one thing or another. One voice is telling me that I am a hypocrite, that I fear losing his friendship more than I fear losing a possible relationship. Another voice is calling me a coward for standing behind my inexperience, cursing at me that if I never take a step forward I will never gain anything. A particularly loud voice tells me that of course I am not gay, I can't be! While a more soft voice is coaxing me, encouraging me to explore the possibility. I feel like everyone is pushing and pulling me in different directions and all I want to do is crawl into a tiny ball and hide, become invisible. The voices are so loud and scary...

"Talk to me."

A wave of calm washes over me at the sound of his voice. His voice. The only voice that isn't judging. He is patient, understanding, not demanding. I look over at him and find his blue eyes meeting mine; I hadn't even realized he had stopped the car. A quick glance out through the window shows me that we are already at my home; how long have we been here? He is still looking at me, waiting, but I don't know how to explain everything that is going on inside my head. Where do I even start? I can't leave him hanging, though, I have to give him something.

"I am just trying to sort through all my thoughts," I confess; that's about as much as I can say.

"Mind's in shambles?" I knew he would understand. "Trust me, I'm there too." That actually makes me feel a little better knowing I am not the only confused one here. "But the one thing I am sure of," he continues, smiling reassuringly, "is that I wont let you out of my car before you give me a hug." I did demand of him to act like he did before, and a hug always somehow ended our days together. I'm not even hesitating when I unbuckle my seatbelt so I can move over to give him the requested hug. His chest is so warm against mine, and through the fabric of our clothes I can feel our hearts beating. One of us, or both of us, have a fast heart-rate, but it is impossible to tell them apart. The only thing I can really focus on is how his warmth and his personal scent makes me so relaxed, like I am melting against him. Like a snowman melting in the warming sun. When he releases me from his embrace, he grins widely at me, and I feel re-energized. "Now out'a my car before I demand a kiss aswell." Feeling the tension disappear, I give him my best attempt to look challenging. I am only playing, but I ask myself if there isn't a part of me that wants him to take me up on that challenge. He ruffles my hair gently with that same grin plastered on his face. "Teasing ain't cool, pup."



/End Keigo's p.o.v.\




"Keigo!" Chizuru ran into the classroom where Keigo was sitting alone and eating a sandwich; she was practically bursting of joy. Running up to his desk she stood there with a blush on her cheeks, holding out her hand towards him, palm down and... "Look what Lisa gave me!" He finally understood what she wanted him to see. A ring. A rather simple looking ring in either silver or white gold, Keigo couldn't tell the difference, of two thin links encircling each other. "She asked me yesterday!"

"You're engaged?!" She nodded enthusiastically. "Wow, congratulations!" Her joy was rubbing off on him.

"It was so romantic!" She sat down on the chair in front of Keigo's desk, bringing out her own lunch from her backback and using Keigo's desk as her table. He didn't mind, though, it was nice to have company. She was telling him about their romantic dinner, the walk along the river and through the park, and how Lisa had stopped her at a secluded place to present her with the ring. "She is the best thing that has ever happened to me!"

"I am very happy for you," Keigo smiled, though what seemed to come so easily for Chizuru was also what was clouding his mind lately. And she picked up on it, of course.

"Something is on your mind," she pointed out, going from over-joyful to showing friendly concern. "What is it?" Maybe she could help him. He wouldn't exactly call her a friend, but she notices him and at least cares enough to talk to him about her own personal life.

"I don't really know what to say," he admitted. "You remember my friend, right?" She nodded. "Well... He kissed me."

"Yay!" she cheered, animatedly. "See, I told you it would work out!"

"The thing is..." He gulped down the embarrassment; whatever he is feeling right now, he was sure Chizuru had also felt at one point in time. "I sort of freaked out on him. And then I went on this date with Rurichiyo, I'm sure you've heard that by now. But I didn't really like her. Do you think it was just because I don't like her that I didn't like her kiss? Or is Grimmjow just a better kisser? Or-"

"Keigo!" She had a serious look on her face, one that made him gulp a second time. "Did you hear what you just said?" He hadn't, because he had rambled out everything as fast as he could before he chickened out. She cleared her throat before clarifying. "Basically you said that you liked kissing him."

"But what does that mean?" He was desperate for an answer. "I mean I... I like girls!"

"Can't you like both?" He hadn't even thought of that. "What is so wrong about it? You are fine about me and Lisa."

"Because if I am gay my father will kill me." He let his head sink down until his forehead bumped the desk. That's it, isn't it? That is why he can't get to terms with his feelings, because he is scared of what others would think of it.

"But you can't live your life just to please your parents. You have to live it for you."

"But I don't know what I feel!" His frustration was giving him a headache. "I'm scared." Admitting that actually lifted a small burden from his chest.

"What did you tell your friend?" she asked instead, patiently waiting for his reply.

"I said I wasn't sure of my feelings."

"And how did he take that?"

"He said he understood." But if that had been Keigo, he wouldn't have taken it that easy. "I think I am hurting him, though."

"Of course you are hurting him!" she scolded, but she also seemed to understand Keigo's reaction. "He obviously has feelings for you, and in a way you shoved them back in his face."

"Everything is so easy when I am right there next to him," he continued, feeling ashamed of his own mixed emotions. "But when I am alone, all I can think about is what could go wrong. That I will ruin our friendship no matter what I do. That in the end he will move on and forget about me. And I..."

"Sounds to me like you already know what you feel, but you are too stubborn or too afraid to admit it." Keigo lifted his head and met her eyes, his heart beating wildly inside his chest. "I don't want to lose Lisa either," Chizuru continued. "But I guess I didn't start out as her friend. I see where you are coming from, but if your friendship is meant to last then it will, even if your relationship doesn't." She smiled a little, despite the seriousness of the conversation. "If you ask me, you are already in a sort of relationship." When Keigo stared at her dumbfounded, she laughed. "Haven't you heard of a 'romantic friendship'? It is when you for example hold hands with your close friend, cuddle together, hug and maybe even kiss each other, but without any of the sexual stuff."

Keigo's jaw went slack and as he sat there with his mouth open and eyes widely staring at the girl in front of him he realized that what she was saying was true. This had been going on since he started hanging out with Grimmjow, and he never even thought about how it may translate to the other male until now. It could be considered that Keigo had encouraged his friend, even unintentionally lead him on. He felt even worse about himself now.

"I don't think you should leave him hanging," Chizuru continued, breaking Keigo out of his thoughts. "Just tell him what you told me. Tell him what you are afraid of and maybe he will have the correct answer for you."

"You are right. I should talk to him." If he could only make his mouth form the right words next time he is with him. This is the moment that Kon decided to enter the classroom, looking giddy and a little embarrassed. "Hey Kon," he greeted as the orange-haired male took a seat at the desk next to him. "What is it with you?" He had his suspicions.

"I, eh..." Kon scratched the back of his head. "I haven't said anything until now, but... I think I am going on a date."

"With Nnoitra?!" Keigo blurted out, for a moment forgetting that Chizuru was in the room and had no idea what they were talking about. She was, in fact, looking at Kon with disbelief written all over her face.

"Yeah..." There was a slight blush on Kon's cheeks. "Ah, but don't tell anyone else!" he freaked, looking between Keigo and Chizuru with pleading eyes. "I don't know if it's a date, but I think it could be." He slumped in the chair, staring up at the ceiling. "How did it all turn out like this," he asked no one in particular. "What were you two talking about anyway?"

"About Chizuru being engaged," Keigo replied before he had to re-tell all of his fears and worries; Kon already knew some of it, after all. She didn't seem to mind that he had blurted out her secret, in fact she appeared happy, just like she had when she first enter the classroom.

"Really? Congrats!"

"Thank you!" She told her story again for Kon and the three of them spent the rest of their-lunch break inside the classrom, enjoying the feeling of not being alone.






That afternoon when Keigo came home to his empty home, he decided to make an early dinner for himself. He never had liked being alone, but it is what it is; his sister had a lot more friends these days too, and her boyfriend took a lot of her time. And soon enough, she would be moving out. Maybe Keigo should find a place of his own too... At least then he wouldn't need to follow his parents rules, or worry about them finding out things he rather they didn't. But in order to move out, first he needs a job. Perhaps he could get a job at the bookstore again, though admittedly it wasn't what he wanted to work with. The game store was also a possibility, and the owner knows him as a regular customer anyway. That is unless he decides to go to university. Either way, he needs better grades in school, and now is the time to get those grades. This is why, after he had eaten, he sat down to do his homework. The exams would be coming up, and even though he usually knew more of the answers than he replied to he would take safety before assumptions and study for it this time. If his teachers again thought he cheated he could always suggest that they place him somewhere else where he absolutely couldn't spy on anyone elses papers; why do they always assume that he is cheating when he gets good scores on tests? Either way, he wouldn't let that stop him anymore. Once he had done his homework he sat down to practice on the synthesizer he borrowed from Shiro; the sticky-notes with the notes on actually helped out a lot. Most of the lyrics were good, all he needed to do was learn to play the notes that Renji and Shiro had written down for him, and of course learn to sing with it. It still made him blush even sitting at home alone, singing to himself playing on the keyboard, but he would have to suck it up. He made a promise, albeit he got forced into this whole mess, that he was going to sing at the graduation, and he would do it even if it sounded horrible. Maybe he could ask Shiro to beat extra hard on the drums to deafen Keigo's voice just a little bit more.

The clock struck eight by the time he decided to stop practicing and start up his computer instead. Logging into the Brickwall Community page he smiled at the current picture presented for him. The front page was just what the name suggested, a brickwall, and each brick would show the picture of his friends, starting at the top with the one he interacts with the most, the second brick shows the one he interacts with second to most and so on. And as of right now, Mizurio was no longer among the first ones. Grimmjow held the first place, of course, because they would still send each other silly messages there even though they could just text over the phone or call each other. Number two was actually Szayel, mostly because of all the photos he would take whenever they were all together; when he posts pictures on the page and adds who is on the photo, that photo will also come up on those peoples pages, and lately Keigo had been on several of his pictures. Actually, because of Szayel, Keigo's albums had tripled in size. And he wasn't even on all of the photos - Szayel simply added his name because he was somewhere in the general area at the time the picture was taken. But Keigo didn't mind at all, it made him feel even more accepted and appreciated. Third on the list was, believe it or not, Nnoitra - the giant Grinch often sent some funny meme or pun, and Keigo would send something back. Then it was Tesla, whom Keigo didn't really interact with all that much while they were all hanging out, but he regularly sent messages to ask about Keigo's day, and gladly told him about his own. They sometimes talked about the University, since that could very well be Keigo's next step in life, and Tesla was the only other student in the group, aside from Grimmjow. Ilforte came next; for some reason he would write and ask Keigo to say a specific number or color every now and then, but he never said why he did that. Kon was there too, for that matter, and Chizuru, both having passed Mizuiro's name as of late. All in all, Keigo was glad to see all of his new friends at the top of that brickwall.

He was a little curious to see what his old friend were up to these days, and for that reason he went to Mizuiro's page. He mostly posted pictures of landscapes, like the view of the sunset from his window; Keigo knew exactly where the photos were taken because they had spent so much time together in the past. Some photos were of some get-together with Ichigo and the rest of that gang, mostly without the girls but Rukia would be there too on most of the pictures. Upon seeing Ichigo's scowling face, Keigo came to think about Shiro and Renji again, and out of curiosity he tried to find them on the page. He did so through Kon's page - who else would have apricot-colored hair and a grin like that! Once he found Shiro, Renji was an easy find. Feeling rather brave, he decided to send both of them a friendrequest; they are in the same school-band now after all, and they did express that they would help him at school if he needed it. To his surprise, Renji accepted the friendrequest almost immediately, though he didn't write anything. Even if he would never be able to call them anything but associates, he could at least be happy that they weren't ignoring him or throwing insults at him.

Feeling like he had accomplished what he set out for, he now turned his attention to the webcamera that Grimmjow had insisted to buy for him. He hadn't really used it yet, but he knew that Grimmjow would appreciate it if he did. So he started it up, put his headphones on his head and started the chat program that Grimmjow had found. It would register the webcam immediately, and once he entered their private room he would be able to see his friend too. Grimmjow was already online, and the moment Keigo came on he wrote in greetings. Smiling at the immediate response, Keigo entered the chatroom. On screen he could now see two squares that he could move however he wanted to, one presenting his own face, and the other showed him the blunette, whom was a little startled by the appearance of Keigo's square popping up on his screen, that much was obvious by the look on his face.

"Oh, I see you finally set it up, pup!" He was grinning widely as he said it.

"Isn't it weird seeing yourself talk all the time?" Keigo was frowning at his own cam-image; he would never get used to that.

"Nah, not really. I minimized mine so I can only see a few tiny pixels anyway."

"Wuaah! How do I do that?!"

"Just drag the edges. You can minimize it or enlargen it." Keigo did as instructed and minimized his own facecam-square as much as he could, but he left Grimmjow's the size it was. Behind him in the near distance he could see the white cat sprawled out on top of the couch, belly up and legs spread in all directions, just owning the entire couch. "What are you smiling at?" Grimmjow asked suspiciously.

"Your cat."

"Oh, yeah she pushed me off from there earlier." The bluehaired male glared over at the cat. "I'll get back at her somehow." Keigo enjoyed watching his friend interact with his cats, it was like he was talking to children sometimes. He would never admit to being a crazy-cat-person, but Keigo knew the truth. "So, how about we play that game I have been talking about? Up for it?"

"Sure!" He had in fact downloaded the game, but he hadn't started it yet. "I still need to set up my character, though."

"That's fine, I've been busy doing that too. You can customize whenever you feel like it, so it's all good." Grimmjow was grinning widely again. "I tried creating an image of myself. I think I've almost got it down now."

"So you want me to make mine look like me?!" The pressure... Normally Keigo would randomize or make it look as silly as he possibly could, but... If Grimmjow took it that seriously, maybe he should make an effort too.

"You don't have to, but it would be cool."

"I'll try." Starting up the game, he was quite pleased by how the webcam images laid as an overlay on top of the game, that made it feel a little more interacting and personal to be able to see his friend's face while playing.

In the end, Keigo ended up using his own face-cam as a reference to create his character, and though it wasn't exactly a mirror image he was rather pleased with the result none the less. When he met up with Grimmjow in the game-world they could both appreciate the noble attempts. They played for a few hours, time going by so fast that they barely noticed it. When they did realize how late it was they shut the game down but remained in the chatroom a little longer, at first talking about nothing in particular, just random things that had happened in the game and things like that. But Grimmjow did have a question.

"So, since it's Friday tomorrow, and I assume you're still home alone, I was kinda wonderin' if you wanted to stay over." His voice didn't express it, but the way he was glancing sideways away from the camera and how he bit his lower lip after talking all suggested that he was hesitant to ask. "I understand if you don't want to, it's just, you know..." Yes, he was definitely nervous to ask. And for once Keigo felt like he was in more control than the blunette.

"I'd like that," Keigo decided to interrupt Grimmjow before he talked himself out of the suggestion. After his chat with Chizuru earlier that day, Keigo had a few things to consider, and what better way to do that than with the person it concerns.

"Are you sure?" The blunette didn't look convinced.

"Yes." Keigo does appreciate the concern, but not how Grimmjow is seemingly dancing around him to avoid problems. Sometimes he rather want his friend to push him out of his fear, push him to see things more clear rather than shy away from it. But if Grimmjow wont push him then he needs to push himself. "Are you picking me up?"

"Of course. Name the time."

"School ends at around four, because I promised to stay behind and practice a little with Shiro and Renji. And I need to get home after that to drop off my books and get changed."

"I can pick you up at school," Grimmjow was quick to offer. "I can borrow Nnoitra's truck, he can drive mine if he needs to. That way you wont need to leave your bike at school."

"Alright, if you think he will be fine with that." It never ceased to amaze him how close they all seemed to be.

"Of course it's fine! As long as he gets his truck back in the evening he wont object." And so it was decided. Grimmjow even made a show of texting Nnoitra in front of the webcam, asking if it was okay, and waited until he got the response back that it was indeed fine. "I'll take you to see Nnoitra's apartment tomorrow," the blunette sniggered. "But I'll let you get to bed, it's really late now. Goodnight, pup, and I'll see ya at four outside your school." The blunette blew a kiss at the webcam, followed by him playfully sticking out his tongue between his teeth.

"Goodnight, kitten." He didn't blow a kiss but there was no way he couldn't smile at the antics.

After shutting off the chat-program, Keigo sat there for a few more minutes, staring at his screen in deep thoughts, again reminded by what Chizuru had said about romantic friendships. Is that what this is? He remembered Grimmjow talking about his previous relationships, and if memory served right then a romantic friendship is what he had with Ilforte. If that is the case, wasn't Nnoitra wrong when he said that being different is a good thing? If this is just a replica of their relationship... Or perhaps there are some similarities between them that reminded Grimmjow of his relationship with Ilforte, and that's what lead him to believe that he likes Keigo? Or could this just be the beginning of something else? If it is not a romantic friendship, does that imply that they would take it one step further?! Obviously... But that is a scary thought all on its own.

He shook his head; this is certainly not the time to be thinking about such complicated matters. Tomorrow. Tomorrow he would see what happens. Unless he freaks out again... No, tomorrow is the day, that is decided. Checking the Brickwall Community page quickly he noted that Shiro had also accepted his friendrequest, and even left him a message.

From: WhiteDemon
To: Delicate_Raizer
Title: Yo!
Message: Ya better bring that singing voice tomorrow!

Even that short comment was enough to make Keigo smile. He had always been afraid of Shiro because unlike Ichigo, whom would always look bored and barely acknowledge anyones presence, Shiro was the complete opposite. His eyes would pierce everyone around him, making them feel uncomfortable, and his grin would make their skin crawl. Keigo had been the target of this several times throughout the three years they went to the same high school, and he had always feared that Shiro might start up something, rile people up just to get a fight going, but it never actually happened to Keigo. Maybe Shiro just likes to scare people. Now that he thinks about it, Shiro and Nnoitra are quite similar on that aspect, with the creepy stares and grins. But now that Keigo has gotten to know that Nnoitra isn't all that scary, maybe he had also misunderstood Shiro all this time. Maybe... But there is no doubt that he feels uncomfortable around the scary third of the Kurosaki triplets.






"I can't believe you are dating Hiyori," Renji complained as they walked into the music room where Keigo was already waiting. From the sound of it, Renji was extremely displeased, or maybe disappointed, but Keigo didn't know why.

"What?" Shiro grinned at his redhaired friend. "She's feisty! I like that." He was clapping Renji's shoulder, but the redhead moved away from the touch. Keigo noted the frown on Shiro's face, but it was gone in an instant; something is definitely not right between them. "Maybe she has a friend that would be good for you. We can go on a double date. I don't think she has many female friends, though."

"I don't want to go on a double date," Renji muttered between clenched teeth.

"Well fine! Lets just forget 'bout that now and do what we're here for."

Yup, it was definitely going to be an awkward hour in the music room... In fact, if Keigo hadn't been in the room he didn't think any of them would still have been here, judging by how tense it was between the two. It didn't make matters better that when they exited the school-building an hour later, Hiyori was waiting outside. Renji took a quick turn and left a different path, not so much as a word of goodbye, with Shiro calling for him. Keigo stood there awkwardly looking between the two, more confused about this than he was about his own situation with Grimmjow. Shiro was still glaring at Renji's retreating back when Keigo decided to bid his goodbye.

"I'll, uhm... see you on Monday."

"Yeah..." It didn't seem like the words registered on Shiro, as he was still glaring after his friend.

Deciding not to ask, Keigo walked to his bike, glancing over at the parked car along the road. Grimmjow was there, leaning against Nnoitra's truck, looking every bit as confused as Keigo. Even though he doesn't know Shiro and Renji even he had picked up on the tense atmosphere. Keigo glanced back towards Shiro and saw him walking off with Hiyori, an arm resting over her shoulder. She is a year below them, but she is well known at school; she is basically the female version of Shiro and Ichigo all in one. Though, Keigo had a hard time imagining them as a functioning couple. Maybe he should ask Renji about it later, but he would let the redhead cool off first.

"What was that about?" Grimmjow asked as Keigo was placing the bike in the trunk of the car.

"I don't know. It was weird." Maybe Renji simply doesn't like Hiyori? Whatever it was it was probably best left alone. Another random thought popped into Keigo's mind as he was walking towards the passenger side, where Grimmjow was still idling. "I just realized something." This actually shocked him. "I haven't been mugged lately, or had my bike destroyed." Could that be because they had seen him with Grimmjow and the others?

"Well, they better not start again," Grimmjow added loudly, standing at his full height as threateningly as he could be. "I will beat the shit out of them if they do."




Keigo had been thinking hard all last night and all day, and it was Chizuru who had made him open his eyes. This attraction he felt towards Grimmjow wasn't just because his bluehaired friend had an amazing body and the looks that would make any super model jealous. He had come to understand that he also very much liked Grimmjow's personality. It had taken some time to come to terms with it, and it absolutely scared him to hell and back, but he could possibly blame that on the fact that he had never felt this way for anyone before and didn't know how to interpret the feeling. However, having realized that he does have a more sexual attraction to him also brings on a whole lot of new problems. Sex. He may be prepared to admit his desires, but he is certainly not ready to delve into action. Admittedly he hadn't done his homework on this subject, but he could imagine that it might be a painful experience, and he really does not like pain. Yet... That is what people do, right? He can hear Grimmjow playing on the synthesizer in his room, can imagine being that keyboard... The blush on his cheeks threatened to become permanent if he didn't stop imagining these things. But he had promised himself that he wouldn't back out. Grimmjow likes him and was ready to take that step, so why can't he? If their friendship was going to die it would have done so already. Right?

Stepping out of the shower and drying himself he half regret not bringing his clean clothes into the shower-room. But another part of him tells him that he made the right choise. He would own up to it, there was no way around it now anyway. So with a deep breath, praying that the blush wouldn't re-appear the moment he stepped out, he opened the door and walked into his room with nothing but the wet towel around his hips and the dogtags Grimmjow had given him a while back. Oh he wished he had brought a camera, because he was certain the reaction looked as hilarious as it sounded - the moment he walked into his room Grimmjow's hands seemingly hit random keys on the synthesizer before it went completely silent. While rummaging through his drawers looking for a pair of boxers, he glanced over his shoulder to see his bluehaired friend shamelessly ogling at him. Feeling a little self-conscious he quickly turned his attention back to finding clothes before he said something that he would later regret. He had expected it, or at least hoped that the other would look at him, but he hadn't quite imagined to see that hunger in Grimmjow's eyes. Finding the boxers he had been looking for, he slid them on beneath the towel before bravely letting it fall. At least this is as naked as he had already been with his friend, it shouldn't be a problem. Only this time he is aware of the stares, and of the feelings between them.

"Wow, you really are a tease." He did have a grin on his face as he said it, Keigo could see that from his current sideway-glance. "Wish I could get even, but running around in my boxers probably wont do it." Was that a test? Or did he truly think that?

"What makes you think that?" The blush returned with a vengeance, especially when he saw the sparks in Grimmjow's eyes. The phrase 'careful what you wish for' came to mind.

"Hm, as I said. Tease." Like a playful cat, ready to charge, Grimmjow stood up and met Keigo's widening eyes with a crooked smile. "Will you flip out if I come closer?" The only answer Keigo could give was to shake his head and gulp down his nervousness. It only took him three long steps to reach Keigo, but he made sure he did it as slow as possible. Once he stood in front of Keigo he reached out and tugged at the chain around the brunette's neck, fingers lightly touching his bare chest which in turn made the teen release a breath of anticipation. Intense blue eyes searched Keigo's, guarded because there was no way he would know what emotions was swimming through the brunette's system. In the end he chose the safest path and took a step back, instead poking his head into Keigo's wardrobe. "Hm, mind if I pick something out?"

"N-no. Go ahead." With a light shade of red tinting his cheeks, he watched as his older friend rummaged through his clothes. He should probably feel embarrassed, maybe even offended, but he didn't. Grimmjow handed him the clothes he picked out, piece by piece and waited until he had put everything on. First the military green pants, but before he could button up the top button Grimmjow handed him an orange t-shirt. Playing along he put both his arms into the sleeves and started pulling the t-shirt over his head when his breath caught. Fingers was tracing patterns down his lower abdomen, warm against his tingly skin. Frozen in time, afraid to move, he waited for what was to come, all of his attention focused on those fingers. A tug at his pants, buttoning the last button, and the fingers were gone, and his t-shirt was tugged completely over his head, revealing a pair of electric eyes and a satisfied smirk on what he knew was soft lips.

"Payback for teasing me." The smirk shrank into a small smile, but his eyes remained as intense as ever. Holding a military green short-sleeved shirt towards Keigo, he waited until the teen had recovered enough to accept the shirt before he leaned closer again, whispering the words against Keigo's ear. "You shouldn't tempt me like that." A short breathy laugh tickled Keigo's ear and he had to force himself not to lean into it. "You know I'm an impulsive guy, I'm not made of stone. But..." Keigo swallowed hard, feeling his adam's apple bob. Grimmjow had moved slightly, standing with his front to Keigo's side, breathing into his ear, almost touching; it took every ounce of willpower not to tilt his head towards the taller male. "I can be hard as a rock."

He let out a nervous laugh as the blunette started moving away from him, assuming that his face must be red as a tomato right about now. Wow, he was not prepared for any of that. It was probably best to heed the warning, because he was truly not ready for that kind of closeness just yet. Truth is, he was terrified of it.




Grimmjow had planned ahead of time, and he wouldn't tell Keigo where they were going, much to the brunette's dismay. It kind of reminded Keigo of the first time they met at the Festival, the anticipation and not knowing what was next on the menu. Though it may put him a little on edge, Grimmjow had promised that it was all safe and nothing to worry about, and he chose to trust his friend. As it is January and winter, snow still on the ground, Keigo was dressed in his winter jacket, but Grimmjow only wore his leather jacket, claiming it was all he needed. They were mostly in and out of stores at the Karakura market district, buying some random things just for fun. After that they headed to a small restaurant Grimmjow had frequented a lot; if Keigo was more of an eating-out person, he would come back here for sure, it was delicious! And to top it off, he loved the carefree attitude. To be out and among people with his best friend, having a ton of fun, being as childish as they wanted because neither would point finger at the other. He had never felt that kind of freedom with any of his other friends from school. The other times he had been out with Grimmjow he had tried to act a little more mature, being nervous because he was certain the friendship wouldn't last, but today all those prohibitions were gone, completely forgotten. And to his great joy, Grimmjow seemed to be having just as much fun, almost like he too had been under a great deal of pressure the other times and today he was free. Because the secret was out? Could that be it? It must be. Though there was nothing suggesting they were more than friends. Grimmjow remained at a safe distance, didn't let his eyes linger too long and didn't say anything inappropriate. The one having trouble with not lingering was Keigo; he couldn't stop admiring his bluehaired friend. That genuine smile on his face, the alert and sparkling eyes that would react to every subtle movement around him - especially if they were made by Keigo - and his confident yet casual body-language. Keigo realized that it is not just simple admiration, and he isn't just attracted to this man. It is desire. It had taken him too long to realize it, but he can not deny it anymore; he doesn't want to deny it. But before he dares to think about that further, they still have one more thing to do before going to Grimmjow's apartment - return Nnoitra's truck.

It was a normal apartment building and because it lay so close to the train-station and the market it had a garage beneath the building to not block the entire road with cars, hence why they are currently going into the building to Nnoitra's apartment. Although it was advanced enough to have a garage, it did not have an elevator, making them walk up seven floors before Grimmjow came to a halt in front of a door. After three loud knocks they heard Nnoitra's unmistaken voice from inside telling them to get their asses inside. Grinning at the antics of his friend, Grimmjow opened the door and shoved Keigo in first before following. The apartment was rather small, but for one person it wasn't that bad; even if Nnoitra just happens to be a giant. Speaking of said giant, he was currently sprawled out on top of his couch with the TV on but it didn't seem like he was watching anything in particular.

"Yo, lazy Spoonhead!" Grimmjow removed his shoes before going in, and Keigo followed his example, making sure he wouldn't upset the host for any reason. Oh sure, he might be on Nnoitra's good side but you can never know how long that lasts. "I'mma borrow your toilet for a second!" His response was a low mumble, and as Grimmjow disappeared into another room Keigo was left standing there and looking after the blunette.

"Yo, mutt." Being addressed by Nnoitra the teen turned towards the host questioningly. "Lookin' a bit lost there."

"Ah, sorry!" He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. Nnoitra sat up from the couch and patted the seat next to him, signalling an invite to take a seat.

"Haven't bitten ya yet, wont start now," the blackheared male grinned. But it did lighten the tension and Keigo accepted the offered seat. As he sat down, Nnoitra shifted to the opposite far end of the three-seat couch, keeping his eye on the brunette. "What've you guys been up to?"

"Hm, nothing much. Been to town and ate at a restaurant, that's about it." At that moment Grimmjow came out from the bathroom, looking refreshed. Keigo's eyes followed the blunette as he walked over and landed on the seat between them with a sigh of relief.

"I have never needed to pee as badly as that before in my entire life!" Grimmjow threw one arm over the back of the couch behind Keigo's neck, seemingly unaware of how that might look. Keigo's cheeks was tinted pink upon feeling the contact of Grimmjow's hand on his shoulder. He glanced at Nnoitra and regretted it instantly - the giant wore this all-knowing smirk, his eye meeting Keigo's. Grimmjow seemed unaware of this exchange of looks, but Keigo knew that Nnoitra could see right through them. "So how was it to drive my baby?" The brunette knew that by 'baby' Grimmjow meant his car.

"Keh, tiny ass car, barely fit inside it."

"Not my fault that you're huge." The familiar bickering between them was by now quite relaxing, as weird as that might sound. Despite the knowing looks from Nnoitra Keigo felt safe and happy in their presence.

Keigo mostly listened to the two men talk while looking at the TV; a program about african wildlife that was quite fascinating. But every now and then his eyes would slip to that of the knee that seemingly at random would thud against his own leg. That knee would lead up to the thighs that the teen knew was well trimmed, lean but strong. And between those thighs... He knew what was there and it petrified him. And yet he couldn't pretend that he wasn't in some ways longing to see more than clothes covering the blunette's body.

"Don't let me keep ya," Nnoitra's voice cut through Keigo like a bolt of lightning, reminding him of where they were. Looking up at the darkhaired male he knew that he had been caught staring. Glancing at Grimmjow it appeared as if it again had only been Nnoitra who had seen him, because the blunette was looking in a different direction. "I'mma get an early night anyway. Need'a be up early in the mornin'."

"Right," Grimmjow sniggered. "Kon is coming over tomorrow, right?"

"None of yer business, Blue."

"Come on, you know I want you to be happy." Keigo looked between the two males, wondering why it felt so different all of a sudden. Grimmjow's sincerity left no room for jokes - Nnoitra's expression turned neutral, but his bodylanguage turned defensive. For a moment they sat in silence, just looking at each other, until Grimmjow decided to break the moment and stand up. "Let's exchange cars, it's getting late."

Keigo was first at the door, pulling on his shoes quickly and ending up waiting for the others to get their shoes on. Once they were all ready he opened the door and froze, staring into a pair of enlargened grey eyes staring back at him in surprise.

"Ke-Keigo?!" The shorter male looked like he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"Mizuiro." He hadn't expected to see his old friend here outside of Nnoitra's apartment. He could feel Grimmjow's chest pressing into his back to see outside the door; his presence was warming and encouraging, giving Keigo enough strength to not falter. Then he saw the taller woman with Mizuiro, and her green hair caught him a little by surprise. She wasn't exactly like the ladies he had seen his old friend with before.

"You know that boy?" the woman asked with a voice that did not quite fit with her body.

"Yes. He's... an old friend." Mizuiro was the one who faltered. "Who are your friends, Asano-san?" That fake smile was back along with his mannerism that Keigo disliked.

"Grimmjow." An arm stretched out around Keigo's waist, greeting Mizuiro with a firm yet short handshake.

"Oh," Mizuiro gave a short nervous laugh. "Interesting name. And you are?" He looked up at Nnoitra, whom was glaring. After all, they had met before.

"Nnoitra." That was the woman who spoke.

"Neliel." Judging by Nnoitra's tone he did not like the woman at all. And Keigo was trapped between them, unsure of what to do.

"You two know each other?" Mizuiro was asking.

"We go way back," Neliel informed, her eyes locked on Nnoitra whom simply snorted at her response. "You could say we grew up together." She had this look in her eyes that Keigo disliked, like she was calculating something, or digging to find something. And when she spoke next it was clear why Nnoitra seemed to detest her. "I saw you driving an expensive looking car earlier. But seeing as Jaegerjaquez is here now means that it was not more charity."

"Fuck off, bitch!" If Grimmjow and Keigo hadn't been standing in the doorway the two teens feared that Nnoitra might have attacked Nel.

"Nel, that was quite rude." Keigo was shocked to realize that the one to chastise the woman had been Mizuiro. "Why don't you go inside. I will join you shortly, but I would like to talk with Keigo first, if that is alright." The woman nodded her understanding and entered the apartment next door, closing the door behind her. "Alone, please?"

"Uhm..." Keigo hesitated for a moment, not wanting to lose the warmth from Grimmjow's chest. He didn't want to get upset now that the day had been so good. But if he can't even talk to one person on his own, why would someone like Grimmjow ever want to be with him. "Okay."

"Are you sure, Keigo?" Grimmjow's hand landed on Keigo's shoulder reassuringly.

"Mhm, it's alright." But he appreciated the concern. He stepped outside the doorway and waited until he heard the door close behind him before he dared to meet Mizuiro's eyes again. For the first time in months they didn't look at him as a burden, or an annoyance that had to be dealt with. They almost looked... apologetic. "What did you want to talk about?" Did he really want to know?

"I actually want to apologize." Keigo almost choked on air... Mizuiro is apologizing to him? "I realize that when we started high school you warned me from becoming friends with Ichigo and Sado, and I didn't listen to you then. What right do I have now to tell you not the make friends with these... Well, with these older guys." He was looking at the ground, closed off and guarded, but that he was recognizing his error and apologizing for it shocked Keigo. "You seem happy with them, and it would seem like they care for you too. So... I am sorry for what I have said in the past."

"I... I mean..." Words... Words simply would not come. Taking a deep breath and trying to visualize what Grimmjow would have done right now, Keigo forced himself to relax and bravely met the eyes that was finally meeting his own. "I have never been happier, actually." He recieved a small nod, but there was no emotions visible on the shorter male's features; there never was. "So... Your girlfriend is not really the type you usually go with." Better to take the subject off of himself, because he does not want Mizuiro to know exactly how much his actions and words had hurt him.

"No, I know. When I met her I thought the same, but after getting to know her..." He left that hanging. "I should apologize for her behavior too. She is usually not that rude."

"Don't you think she should be apologizing to Nnoitra?" After all, it was him that she had accused of accepting charity. What is that about anyway?!

"I know, and I will tell her to do that."

"Actually..." Keigo glanced over his shoulder towards Nnoitra's closed door, then back at his old friend. "Don't bother. I don't think he wants to have her apologies." He heard a door open behind him and noted Mizuiro's eyes move upwards to look at whoever was behind Keigo.

"Speakin' for me now, eh?" Nnoitra snorted. But he didn't sound upset. "You're right, I don't want her apologies. I just want her to leave me alone. You tell 'er that."

"I... I will." Mizuiro whispered into Keigo's ear: "Is that guy even human?!"

"Oi, let's get going!" Grimmjow snuck passed Nnoitra and laid an arm over Keigo's shoulder. "We've got stuff to do, and I need to feed my cats before they eat my neighbors!"

"Right!" Keigo laughed; he could just imagine it, the three cats lying in ambush for someone. He noted a small, barely noticable smile on Mizuiro's lips but decided not to comment on it; maybe he regretted abandoning Kiego now. Even if he did, Keigo wouldn't go back - it was too late for that now. "I will see you in class on Monday, Kojima-san." That was the first time ever that he called Mizuiro that, and it did not go unnoticed.

"Ye-Yeah. See you on Monday."

Keigo was smiling all the way down the stairs, following Grimmjow and trailed by Nnoitra. This is where he wants to be, with his new friends. And it finally felt like he had closed an old chapter and could move on. While he was waiting outside for Nnoitra to go into the garage and get Grimmjow's car, he looked up towards the apartment he assumed was Neliel's and thought he saw a shadow in the window that could be Mizuiro. Still looking, huh. It felt good knowing that someone who had tossed their friendship aside was seeing him move on with a smile on his face. He took his bag with spare clothes from Nnoitra's truck before the exchange of keys happened, and after bidding Nnoitra a goodnight he joined Grimmjow at the Jaguar sports-car. One final glance up at the window showed the same silhouette - he waved at it, and for a moment it did nothing. Then it responded with a wave on its own, and Keigo jumped into the car with a wide smile.




After returning to his apartment, Nnoitra sat silently on his couch for several long minutes; meditating was the only way to keep himself from beating his fist through the wall. That woman has a way of pushing all of his buttons at once, making him feel such intense hatred. She had always been like that too, even when they were kids. She probably meant well at some point in time, but that care has turned into spite somewhere along the way; she probably doesn't realize it herself. Or maybe it is his own fault that it turned into this, but he never asked for her to take pity on him. They had the same shitty excuse for a childhood, come from the same crappy circumstances, yet she takes it upon herself to look down on others. To accomplish what? Make them feel even worse about themselves? Because that is what she does to Nnoitra. If she could just stop looking at him with those condescending eyes, stop opening her mouth to speak to him, then just maybe they could pass each other in the hallway without wanting to murder each other. But that seems highly unlikely. Just his luck that she would get an apartment next to him when he thought he was finally free. Meditation wasn't enough. Grabbing his cellphone he started typing a short message, hesitating right at the end. Why? He always wrote to Tesla when he was upset, so why is he typing to Kon? Frowning at his own hesitation he sent the message before he changed his mind.

My neighbor is a fucking B.I.T.C.H. with capital letters.
I have visualized about fifty different ways to kill her.
Popping those balloons on her chest would be first on my
to-do list, but I don't wanna be within five feet from them.

Texting the teen had become a habit the past week, even with random messages like this. It surprised him that Kon hadn't backed out of meeting him yet, he would have understood if he had. He isn't exactly the most trust-inviting person in the world - though his creepy behavior is mostly just an act of self-preservation. How did it get to this? His phone vibrated in his hand only a short moment after having sent his message.

Maybe she's in love with you and doesn't know how to tell you?
And we are still on for tomorrow, right? /Kon

Frowning at the first part of the message he had to mentally suppress a gag reflex; the mere thought of that greenhaired monster drooling all over him was enough to make him want to vomit. But the second part of the message reminded him that everything wasn't doom and gloom. At least not yet.

I rather bathe in acid than let her touch me.
And yeah, we're still on.
Unless you're having second thoughts.

Safer to ask and spare himself from the disappointment of being stood up. The reply came faster than the previous one, putting a small smile on his face.

Oh hell no, I'm ready for tomorrow!
And I'll even fight Balloon B.I.T.C.H.
if she tries to sour the mood! /Kon

He was inclined to believe him, but he doubted that Kon would stand a chance against her; she is quite tough despite being a woman. None the less, Kon had made him think about tomorrow and that was far better than attempting to meditate away anger. Could Kon be the cure he was looking for? No. There is no point hoping for the unachievable. But he will gladly accept this moment of contentment.




/Grimmjow's Perspective\



"I am no longer the Master in my own home," Grimmjow grumpled once they had shut the door behind them. Almost immediately they were charged by the three cats, the white one demanding to be picked up by Grimmjow, and the multicolored cat started walking in zigzag between Keigo's legs as he was trying to get his shoes off. The smaller black cat was standing to the side and just looking at them, but none the less a part of the charge. Cuddling the cat the bluehaired male was reminded of something he had done a few days prior and thought it best to inform the younger before it got awkward. "Uhm, I actually put the consol in my bedroom, coz Kishire was being a little too pushy on the couch lately." The white cat purred at the mention of her name. "I can move it back out here if you prefer."

"No, I don't mind." Looking down at the teen currently smiling and petting Reaper, Grimmjow was a little taken aback by the answer. He shouldn't be, because they were always sitting on Keigo's bed when they were at his place. But Grimmjow has his own apartment, there is no need to be in the bedroom for any other reason than to sleep. Yet the teen doesn't mind. He hadn't expected that.

"If you're sure." He doesn't want to give the wrong impression, it's not like he deliberately placed the gaming consol in his bedroom just to get Keigo on his bed. Not that he would mind. He would love to have Keigo on his bed, and not for sleeping or playing consol games, but for another kind of activity."Go ahead and pick which game you wanna play. I'll get us something to drink and snack on." He needed to busy himself with something before his mind got the best of him. Letting Kishire down he quickly went to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of chips and two cokes. He waited longer than he needed to, listening while Keigo went into the bedroom and started going through his games. Lord, if that guy knew what Grimmjow wanted to do... But he wouldn't. If Keigo doesn't want it he must try to forget about it. Mentally preparing himself, taking a deep breath and exhaling it slowly, he walked into the bedroom and found Keigo sitting there with a game in his hand and a challenging grin. "A fighting game, huh. Ready to get your ass handed to you?"

"The question is, are you ready to get owned?" Feisty. Seeing Keigo smile like that was enough to melt Grimmjow's built up resolve, but he promised himself that he wouldn't ruin it. Not this time.

"Start it up, pup. I will show you why the saying goes that you can not own a cat."

Truth is, they are both equals at the game, making them win and lose almost the same amount of times. Yet this also adds to the friendly challenge between them, turning it into a game of who can win the most games in a row rather than most wins of the night. It was about thirty minutes later that Keigo surprised Grimmjow yet another time that day.

"Truth or Dare?" Grimmjow stared at Keigo in disbelief. Was he really going to involve them in a silly game of 'truth or dare'? "What?!" the teen asked defensively. "You died in game! So Truth or Dare?" Admittedly though, that blush is too adorable to refuse.

"Ah, so it's a punishment for dying." He grinned wolfishly at all the ideas that immediately popped into his head. "I'm game!" He could do that. Besides, Keigo was the one who started it, not him, so he can't take the blame if something goes wrong here. "Truth." Keigo looked a little surprised; he probably expected a dare. So, what could the pup possibly want to know?

"Oh... Uhm..." While Keigo was thinking of a question, Grimmjow was trying very hard not to give in to temptation. It would be so easy to ask for a kiss, but it wouldn't be right. "Have you told your family that you are bisexual?" Not what Grimmjow had expected - apparently it is going to be serious questions then.

"No." Keigo's eyes widened in surprise at Grimmjow's confession, but he shrugged it aside. "What they don't know wont hurt them." Truth is he's fairly sure that his parents would be very angry if they found out. It's none of their business anyway. "In case you haven't noticed, I don't talk that much to them." The last he had heard from them was a short phonecall on his birthday, and that was it.

"How come?"

"Nuh-uh, one question at a time, pup! You gotta win first." He didn't mind answering whatever Keigo wanted to ask, but Keigo initiated this silly game and Grimmjow would follow the rules just to spite the teen. A little teasing had never killed anybody. Unfortunately for Keigo, he lost the next game, so his little interrogation would have to wait. "Well then, which is it gonna be, Truth or a Dare?" Nervousness was practically oozing out of the teen.

"Dare." Grimmjow noted the nervous swallowing; Keigo had a habit of doing that when he was tense. Then why ask for a dare?

"Okay, I dare you to..." He should probably start with something simple so the brunette could relax. "Do a hand-stand against my wall."

Grimmjow ended up helping by holding Keigo's legs in the air, laughing all along. They were having a lot of fun with it, certainly making it more competitive and adding a bit of spice to the whole event. Maybe 'Truth or Dare' wasn't such a silly game after all. Though there comes a point in time when Grimmjow's more reserved part of himself takes a vacation and his more impulsive side takes control, and that happened maybe an hour later. Up until that point it had all been rather innocent dares and a few more questions but nothing too serious. Then he has to open his mouth and say something stupid again. Maybe it was because Keigo had dared him to strip out of his shirt earlier, leaving his torso exposed. Or perhaps it was the question that was far too indecent to ask in such an innocent way that made him forget about his earlier promise to himself - why did Keigo even want to know what Grimmjow's favorite sexual position was? The answer was simple, he had no problem answering it, but the implication alone and then Keigo's blush completely tore away Grimmjow's composure and his wicked self appeared. Had he stopped for a moment and let his emotions subside, he wouldn't have opened his mouth as quickly as he did once Keigo lost in the game and requested a dare. But impulsive as he is, his mouth spoke before his brain registered the words.

"Unbutton my jeans with your mouth." The moment his brain registered what he was saying he wanted to apologize. The fear in Keigo's eyes, the red cheeks... It was wrong. He opened his mouth to take it back but snapped it shut when a hand pushed him backwards on the bed. "Keigo, you don't have to." He really shouldn't. Hadn't he just told Keigo that he had no favorite position, but a favorite activity which very much involves a mouth and a certain region he was sending Keigo much too close to right now? Yet here he is, motionless on his bed, watching his younger friend bend sideways much too slow for it to be mistaken for hesitation, it more looked like he was taking his time on purpose. It took all of his willpower not to roll his hips up towards the brunette, but he would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted to. No, it would already be enough of a shock for the teen when he realize that while it may just be an innocent game to him it is something else entire to Grimmjow. Or at least, his body seems to think it isn't an innocent game. He wasn't sure if he was holding his breath or releasing it when he had a perfect side-view of Keigo's mouth and teeth closing around the flap of his jeans, pulling gently to get it loose from the button, but that image would be imprinted in his memory for a long time to come. His eyes followed Keigo's face as the teen sat back up again with such an innocent smile and his cheeks so red it even contrasted against his lips. To be honest, he thought he might even be blushing himself. "You really shouldn't listen to me when I say stuff like that."

"Oh?" Where is all this confidence coming from? Keigo, despite the blush, doesn't seem fazed at all. He seems... calm. More calm than Grimmjow felt. "Are you going soft on me?"

"Quite the opposite," he whispered, hoping that Keigo wouldn't hear it. "Let's... Let's just tone it down a notch." As much as he wanted to blame the brunette for teasing out his more impulsive self, he couldn't blame the outcome on the teen; Grimmjow was the one who made it awkward. But why is he the only one who appears to be affected?



/Change Perspective to Keigo\



Keigo was having a heartattack.

How did he manage to play it that cool?! Inside he was a chaotic mess of emotions, his exterior was melting and his brain had shut down. Yet his muscles works on auto-pilot, continuing to play the fighting game as if he hadn't just been mere centimeters from Grimmjow's crotch with his mouth. To play 'Truth or Dare' had been a random thought that popped into his mind - it was the only way Keigo could think of to possibly express his new-found (or rather newly understood) desire, and yet it took this long to get something remotely close to showing it, and the one who chickened out was Grimmjow. It was technically innocent - all he really did was unbutton the jeans - but it was the specific area of the button that made it a lot more suggestive, and of course the fact that he did it with his mouth. Of course he knew what was beneath those clothes! And how it may have made the older male feel... A kiss would have been a better dare, yet he should have known that Grimmjow wouldn't have requested that; not after the first fiasco. It would have been Keigo's next dare... because he had made up his mind. But the game was over so he had to figure out another way to confess, or rather express his feelings.

"Pee break!" Grimmjow explaimed, placing his controller on the floor in front of the bed and walking out of the now dark bedroom.

Leaving the controller on the floor next to Grimmjow's, Keigo let himself fall backwards on the bed. He had tried all day to open his mouth and say it, but every time something else came out instead, or Grimmjow interrupted him. It is like something is playing with him, trying to make it much harder for him. It should be simple, really. He knows that whatever he tells him, Grimmjow will somehow understand. It is again his insecurities playing tricks on him. He knows that if he spend too much time thinking about it he will never come to a conclusion, and the more he thinks the more possible problems he will find. Nothing is ever free of problems. Life is filled with problems that you can't avoid. And he can't and wont avoid Grimmjow. Pulling his hands through his hair does little to clear his mind. It is like this, with his arms stretched out above his head, that Grimmjow finds him when he returned to the bedroom. Seemingly sensing that it wasn't time to continue to play the game, the blunette cautiously walked in and took a seat on the bed next to Keigo. The knot in the pit of Keigo's belly was making him feel ill of nervousness, but he pushed that aside and somehow managed to calm himself enough to gain control over his muscles again. Trying to ease the tension he bumped Grimmjow's leg with the side of his knee, making the blunette glance at him from over his shoulder. Keigo wished that would have been enough. That by inviting for something to happen, he wouldn't need to say anything at all. But of course that wasn't to be.

"You alright, pup?" Grimmjow asked, almost as if afraid to hear the answer.

"Do you want to kiss me?" There. He finally asked. His heart was beating so fast he thought it might break his ribcage, it was painful enough. The confusion in his friend's eyes made him question his unplanned approach even more.

"You know I do," the blunette finally replied, his electric blue eyes staring into Keigo's with so many questions.

"Then..." Keigo swallowed hard, feeling his dry throat almost cramp up. 'Don't be a coward!' a voice screamed at him inside his head. "Why don't you?" He knew that there was a blush on his face. He knew that he was trembling both in fear and anxiety, and was sure that Grimmjow could feel it too. He could see the hesitation behind Grimmjow's eyes, how he was forcing himself to stay where he was. Keigo didn't want that right now, he didn't want Grimmjow to be a gentleman. He needed him to submit to his urges, at least a little.

"Do you want me to?" the bluehaired male asked after what felt like several minutes of torturing silence. All Keigo could do was give a small nod, because he thought he might actually get a heartattack if something didn't happen soon. He laid completely still even when Grimmjow eased himself down on the bed, never breaking eyecontact. But Grimmjow didn't kiss him. He laid himself on his side, facing Keigo, just out of reach but close enough to feel his bodyheat. "Tell me why you want that." He asked in a whisper, encouraging yet shielded. Keigo didn't blame him.

"I'm not sure." His voice was trembling too. Shifting so he too was lying on his side, with the difference that he was leaning his head on his lower arm, he forced himself to speak. "I didn't expect you to kiss me that first time." Looking into those blue eyes while talking proved harder to confess. His mind had a way of shutting down, but he bit his lower lip to keep him centered on the subject. "I dreamt about it, but I hadn't seen it coming." This admittance made Grimmjow's eyes widen. "I think... I kept telling myself that I was imagining it, that I was confused because you were so nice to me at a time when others weren't. I didn't want that to go away."

"It wont." The older male sighed at his own tactlessness; he didn't want to interrupt Keigo, the words had just left him on their own.

"I guess you scared me," Keigo continued, a little braver now, a little more calm. "But I have realized that... I wanted you to kiss me even before you did it." He could see the flare of hope in Grimmjow's eyes, and before he lost his confidence again he leaned down and gave a quick, chaste kiss to the blunette's lips. It was only a peck, but at the touch Keigo thought for sure that his heart had exploded. Had he really just done that? Had he really just kissed Grimmjow?! The blunette looked like he had suddenly forgotten how to breathe, how to speak, with his mouth slightly open and eyes widely staring at Keigo. Had he done something wrong? His heart was pounding madly, his brain telling him to say something, anything, but Grimmjow beat him to it.

"Did... Did you just...?" If anything, he looked like a fish gulping for air.

Instead of answering, Keigo slowly moved closer again, trying to decipher the expressions on the blunette's face. When his lips almost touched the other's he both heard and felt Grimmjow inhale a short breath, electric blue eyes staring into his own with such intensity they somehow managed to drain away the last bit of hesitation inside him. Like a magnet he connected with Grimmjow again, this time lingering, keeping his eyes locked with those blue orbs to make sure they understood that he was serious. He was terrified too but ignored it for now. Moving his lips against Grimmjow's seemed to wake the blunette out of the shock he had been trapped in and when he finally engaged himself with the kiss it was as if fireworks went off. Keigo opened his mouth to breath and the blunette took that as an invite, breathing against him before initiating another kiss. The ragged sounds coming from Grimmjow's throat forced out a somewhat embarrassing moan from Keigo, but in turn he saw the blue orbs disappear behind fluttering eyelids followed by another throaty sound.

Wet. No, not wet. Moist. And silky smooth. Perfect. Grimmjow's lips felt perfect against his own. The taste... undescribable. Refreshening like a delicious soda on a warm day. Soft skin brushing gently like a summer breeze, enticing and so addictive. Keigo savoured the feeling, the taste of Grimmjow's lips... devouring him with demanding frantic movements. Eager passion and lust. Desire. Seemingly on impulse Keigo straddled the blunette without breaking the kiss, their noses bumping gently at the changing of angle, deepening the kiss. Chancing a touch he trail his fingertip down Grimmjow's jugular vein, feeling the pulse drum away just as madly as his own heartbeats, feeling the vibrations of a throaty purr. Hands tangle in his hair, massaging, caressing down his neck, his throat, then his clothed chest. At a flick across his nipple Keigo pulls back slightly, breathing hard, eyes staring into electric blue orbs that are searching his. Grimmjow follows hungrily, lapping kisses at him until he once again fell prey to those perfect lips. Falling back down on the bed, Keigo moans into the other mouth as he feels Grimmjow grind up against him. That friction... And again. The vibration from Grimmjow's throaty purrs travels onto Keigo's lips, making him whimper, hopeless against the delightful assault, feeling like he was about to lose all self-control. Strong arms circled his mid-section, hips bucking up and grinding them together, hungry lips...

"W-Wait!" he speaks into the kiss that ended abruptly, all movements stilled save for their heavy breathing. Grimmjow looks at him with hesitation in his eyes, as if he is scared he has done something wrong. He hasn't, all of it was perfect. But... "Can we just... slow down?" He felt the blush attack his face full force. "I'm... not ready for all of that yet." He felt so stupid saying that.

"Yeah..." Grimmjow's eyes lit up again, his hesitation erased once again. "Yeah, of course. I didn't mean to push." He frowned at himself momentarily but shook it off again. Exhaling a heavy breath and letting his arms fall out to the sides, he laid there, relaxed and with his eyes closed, smiling. "I'm just so relieved." He opened one of his eyes and looked up at Keigo. "You're sure of this, right?"

"Would I have kissed you if I wasn't sure?" He could take some pride in being able to turn Grimmjow into mush; a strong, passionate, almost desperate large pile of mush.

"I sure hope not." Both eyes were open, gleaming up at Keigo with such obvious care you would have to be blind to miss it. Is this what it feels like to be loved? "This should have been our first." But if the first kiss hadn't happened, Keigo was sure that this one would have never occured either. He would have never had the guts to explore his own emotions for Grimmjow had he not kissed him that first time.

"So are we...?" Wow, his brain shuts off on him now? After all of that it turns off now... Just perfect. Sliding off from his position on top of his friend, he sits on the bed tentatively meeting the eyes of his friend. 'You just kissed him, damnit!' he was telling himself. 'Stop being such a coward!' Swallowing down his insecurity he forces out the words. "Does that mean that I am your boyfriend now?" His heart was pounding so loud in his ears he was afraid he might not hear the response.

"Well..." With slow movements, Grimmjow sat up and bumped the tip of his nose against Keigo's. "That's what it means to me." Lifting his head slightly he gave a quick kiss to Keigo's nose before meeting his eyes again. "What do you want it to mean?"

"I want that too," Keigo admitted, feeling like a burden had been lifted from his shoulders. Grimmjow captured his lips in another kiss, warm and soft and so full of love. It left him wanting more, but the blunette backed away with a grin.

"Don't think I'll let you off the hook, though." Grimmjow's eyes turned challenging. "I'm gonna win three games in a row and you shall accept defeat!"

"No way!" Keigo laughed and jumped towards the hand-controls, ready to take up the battle again. "I will be the winner!"



True love is selfless.
It is prepared to sacrifice.

/Sadhu Vaswani



Waking up had never felt so good before. Like he was starting anew in a new world with new possibilities where no rules or opinions could reach him. The moment he opened his eyes he found himself gazing into electric blue orbs and a sense of joy washed over him. Grimmjow was watching him silently, eyes wide and alert, no trace of sleepiness left in them. Smiling lazily Keigo stretched out his hand and tugged gently on a strand of blue hair.

"Are you watching me while I sleep?" he teased while basking in the attention. He could look into those eyes for the rest of the day...

"Yup." His smile was wolfish to say the least. "I was actually thinking about breakfast." Wiggling an eyebrow suggestively and licking his lip with the tip of his tongue he nearly gave Keigo a heat stroke. Is that possible from blushing? He would find out one of these days... "I wouldn't mind an appetizer."

"Gr-Grimmjow!" Keigo pulled the covers over his head, hiding his overheated face. He knew exactly what the blunette was suggesting but there is no way he could survive that right now! He struggled against the hands trying to remove the covers, but loving the short giggle coming from his friend. No - his boyfriend.

"Come on, let me see that adorable blush," Grimmjow prodded at the covers, grinning.

"No!" But the covers were pulled away none the less, revealing Keigo's redness to the stronger male who dove right in and stole a kiss. "That's cheating!" Keigo chastised with a pout.

"Never said I play a fair game." In a swift movement he was hovering over Keigo, his hair tickling the teens bare skin. "But I'm good at rewarding."

Keigo's eyes widened when Grimmjow sank down, connecting his lips to the brunette's throat, raking sharp teeth teasingly against the skin, trailing a trace with his tongue. The feeling sent an electric wave of pleasure through the teen's body and he exposed more of his throat without realizing it, breathing soundly in response. He wasn't held down, in fact Grimmjow wasn't touching him other than with his mouth, yet all of his muscles were unresponsive, immobile, refusing to fight the emotions. Grimmjow's mouth moved down the neck to the tip of his shoulder, followed the collarbone to the center of his chest, trailing kisses downwards, eliciting the neediest sounds he had ever produced to flow out from Keigo's slightly open mouth. Keigo's mind completely blanked when the skillfull mouth left his sternum and dove straight to the left nipple, kissing around it and circling it with a warm tongue. Lifting his chest towards the heat of the mouth he heard the most arousing growl from deep down Grimmjow's throat. His eyes immediately focused on the side-way view he had of the blunette's mouth on him, watched how it worshipped him. The corners of Grimmjow's mouth twisted upwards and open-mouthed he abandoned the nipple, making Keigo's sensitive skin seek the lost heat now that it was assaulted by the cool air. Their eyes locked.

"I would continue, but you didn't want me to do that, remember." Leaving the bed he stopped at the door and turned with a far from innocent grin on his face. "Shall I make us pancakes?" Keigo just stared at him in disbelief.

"I feel so violated..." Yet he smiled, because he didn't mind the teasing at all. He knew that Grimmjow would do anything for him if he asked it.






There is no way that he could impress Nnoitra...

Standing in front of the mirror in the hallway Kon frowns at his own reflection, being 100% sure that he didn't own a single item of clothes that didn't make him look like an overgrown child. All of his t-shirts are too big and has a print of some silly picture or text that would not be appropriate for the situation. Not even the single plain white t-shirt he is currently wearing makes it any better. Curse his wardrobe!

"I look like a freaking geek!" he mutters just as Shiro walks around the corner.

"Well duh, you are a geek."

"Shut up!" He had tried so hard not to get caught, but his mind had been in a different place freaking out while his body lamely stood there.

"Tryin'a impress someone?" Shiro was grinning. "Let me give ya some fashion advise - show off! I mean, ya're not fit like me 'n Ichigo, but at least yer not ugly. How could ya be, ya look like me!" Shiro threw an arm around a frowning Kon and pulled him up the stairs and into the messy room that was the middle triplet's. "Trust me, alright!" Kon watched his brother walk to the wardrobe and pulled out a black tank-top. "This'll do." He then proceeded to pull him along up the second flight of stairs and into Kon's own room, throwing open the wardrobe and rummaging through it until he presented a dark brown button-shirt. "Here. Put it on an' don't complain."

It couldn't be worse than the t-shirt so Kon did as he was told. He prefers t-shirts and hoodies to tank-tops and shirts, but Shiro does know how to dress for an event. Pulling on the tank-top he was a little embarrassed about how it clung to his body in a form-fit manner, obviously meant to show off something he didn't even have to show off to begin with; Ichigo and Shiro are the ones with the muscles! Sighing at his own misfortune he pulls on the shirt aswell but Shiro stops him from buttoning it.

"Nah, ya wanna show off, not hide." Could he even trust his evil brother? Or is he trying to make Kon look like even more of a fool than he already is? "Keep the tank-top by the top of the pants, don't pull 'em down over, an' don't forget to roll up the sleeves on the shirt. It'll get the ladies droolin' for sure!"

"... Fine." But he isn't trying to get some lady drooling... "Are you sure this works for me? I mean..." He threw out his arms to emphasize his lack of muscles.

"Oi, some actually like slim guys, ya know. But they'll think ya are chubby if ya keep hidin' in all those hoodies." He patted Kon's shoulder roughly, grinning madly. "Trust me, it'll work!"

Kon could only hope...




Just after Kon left the house Ichigo stormed into Shiro's room, interrupting him as he was adding notes to the lyrics that Keigo had written so far. Never before had he seen his brother with a grumpier expression.

"Are you going to turn Kon into you now?" Ichigo questioned. "Haven't you done enough damage already?"

"The hell's that supposed to mean?" Even though he felt offended he decided to smirk; nothing would piss Ichigo off more than that.

"First you turn Renji against me," Ichigo started.

"Whoa there, you did that all on your own!"

"Then you go and force Keigo into your stupid band. His own shadow scares him, how is he going to survive on the stage? Did you even consider that?" Shiro kept the smirk in place, waiting for Ichigo's rant to be over. "Now you are telling Kon what to wear! He doesn't even dress like that! Why would you tell him to dress like you if he is trying to impress someone?!"

"I was just giving him an ego boost, looked like he needed it." Honestly, why does everyone expect the worst from Shiro? Sure, he can be mean and likes to scare people, but it doesn't mean that he is cruel. He doesn't hate his brothers, he just don't want to be their friend. Kon, though, he is innocent. An annoying pervert, certainly, but he isn't as confident as he pretends to be and Shiro knows that. "The one in this family that used to care 'bout others was you, but ya seem to have lost that compassion lately." It wasn't often that he let slip that he is more observant than he acts, but Ichigo needed to step down from that high horse he was riding and see reality for what it really is, or it might just come back and smack him in the face. "Now get the hell out of my room, I'm workin' here!"

"You're a bastard, Shiro. Do you know that?" But he did leave the room as requested, shutting it a little harder than was necessary.




Now that is was time to meet, with no questionable doubt that it is in fact a date, Kon has started to wonder how this is all going to pan out. What level of interest is there? Being new to this and only able to go from rumors about how it usually happens, he is feeling a knot of anxiety in his belly. What if this is just a hook-up? That isn't exactly his thing... Sure, he likes to flirt and perve over girls up until now, but he does have his pride and he wont use anyone or be used simply for pleasure. Not that a bit of pleasure would be frowned upon, of course not! But to be discarded like a used napkin would just be too cheap. Though, that is a bit hypocritical of him, considering his attempt to explore this new-found interest at New Year simply because it could be a one time thing... How do you even bring this up in a conversation?! He should have asked through one of the text-messages during the week, that would have been way less awkward than face to face, but now it is too late to do that.

"Come on, Kon, snap out of it!" he mumbled to himself as he walked towards the place they had decided to meet. "You're only nervous. Don't think about it, it'll be alright!" But that is easier said than done. Especially when he spot the target of his obsession walking out from the parking lot. That man... has a way of walking like he owns the world, yet wearing an expression like he doesn't give a shit about it. That expression is never directed towards Kon, though; his features seems to soften whenever their eyes meet. His obsession is wearing white jeans, tight in all the right places, showing off the gently swaying hips that Kon honestly can't stop looking at. On top of that he has his camo-jacket in green and brown, a fashionable scarf in purple wrapped around his neck and his white and black eyepatch mostly hidden behind silky black hair. No doubt a man in all his rights, yet Kon almost dares to say he has a womanly beauty. "Get yourself together!" he tells himself, shaking off some of the tenstion in his shoulders. "You're a predator, Kon! He can not evade your charm!" The man is a delicious treat on two graceful legs! And he has expressed at least an interest to meet even after Kon made some lame attempts to get closer to him. But no matter what he tells himself, he still ends up with a blank mind the moment Nnoitra is standing in front of him. "He-Hello." ... What a lame greeting. Is he supposed to shake his hand? Hug him?

"Yo." The tall man simply smiles and as if sensing Kon's dilemma he reaches out and pulls Kon into a quick hug before stepping away again, leaving the younger male with a slight blush. People that passed them were sending glances at them, some with disapproving eyes that pierced Kon's soul. Nnoitra was the only thing that kept him from running away. "Decided which movie you wanna see?"

"Uh, no." What would be a suitable movie to watch on a date? He didn't think some romantic movie would be appreciated; Nnoitra doesn't seem the type to enjoy that sort of thing. He could just play it safe, and also prolonging the date in the process. Yes. With renewed confidence he made his suggestion. "Why don't we pick out one movie each."

Nnoitra agreed to this, and they ended up renting two very different movies before going to Nnoitra's Jeep. It was decided that they would watch one movie first and then order pizza since it was still too early to eat. When actually stepping foot inside Nnoitra's apartment Kon's confidence faltered slightly. Now he was truly alone with him, no prying eyes or ears that could be listening in. Just the two of them. Removing his jacket he could feel that he was being watched. What was he thinking? Did Kon make a mistake to listen to Shiro? Should he have just gone with his usual clothes? Well, it's too late now. Kicking off his shoes he glance at Nnoitra, whom is patiently waiting for him. He was wearing a purple long-sleeved shirt with a deep v-neck, showing off protruding collarbones - Kon found this very appealing.

"Make yourself at home," Nnoitra said as he walked passed Kon. "Which movie you wanna start with?"

"Hm, you pick." He followed behind the tall male and suddenly stopped dead in his tracks when Nnoitra gave him a perfect view of his rear end while inserting the movie in the dvd player. He might have drooled just a little.

"Want something to drink?" Oh there was no doubt that Nnoitra knew exactly what Kon was looking at... The grin on his lips was enough proof of that.

Kon took a seat on the couch while waiting, telling himself to act normal and it would be fine. After all, he wouldn't have invited him unless he liked Kon for who he is. It's just... How do you complement another guy without making it weird? Kon isn't even all that good at complementing girls! Before he could figure it out, Nnoitra returned, placing different bottles of sodas on the table before startling Kon slightly when he slumped down on the couch and casually leaned towards the middle of the couch, almost touching Kon's shoulder.

"Let's fire it up," was all he said before starting the movie.




The first movie had been awesome. And of course the pizza afterwards! There was a pizza hut just around the corner from Nnoitra's apartment, and they made the best pizza ever! So far this date had been great, at least according to Kon. Now it was time for the second movie... Sitting so close yet not quite touching, talking while watching the movie... Everyone else would get mad and say he was interrupting the movie, but not Nnoitra. He is just the same, which makes it even better and harder not to jump him. He wanted to, but decided to play it safe for now. The scent that was all Nnoitra, so special and unique, filled his nostrils and he wished he could lean into him and breathe it in, but that would be a weird thing to do. But Nnoitra has a strange way of breaking his resolve so easily.

Kon couldn't help himself - his eyes were glued on Nnoitra as the tall man pulled his shirt off, ever so slowly, revealing skin that had the teenager drooling. 'Oh my god, he's got a six-pack!' Beneath those clothes, Nnoitra was something completely different than anyone would think at first glance. This tall, mysterious and slightly androgyne-looking guy wearing tight clothes, was very muscular and manly underneath that outer layer. To say that Kon was 'pleased' would be an understatement. The understatement of the Century, in fact. He wanted nothing more than to touch that amazing body presented before him, but he was too afraid to do it. Even if he was correct to believe that Nnoitra felt the same way for him, it would be way too inappropriate to touch on the first 'date'. He didn't really understand what was happening to him, but he had never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Nnoitra right now.

"Ya don' mind, do ya? It's just so warm in here." Nnoitra stretched his tall, thin body in a cat-like manner, his muscles playing in the light from the TV; he was obviously aware of how it affected the younger male.

"No, I don't mind," Kon answered quickly. Something shiny caught his eyes as Nnoitra shifted closer to him. Piercings? He had known about Nnoitra's tongue-piercing, but he hadn't expected to find them on his chest and even the navel, along with a tattoo. It worked in favor of the tall man, successfully alluring the teen to the degree of actually drooling, which totally gave away Kon's disguise. "Didn't they hurt to get done?"

"I'm sure they would've, but I ain't sensitive." Nnoitra didn't hide the grin. Kon was staring as if he was starving and Nnoitra was the only food he had seen in ages. The older male lifted his hand and touched the silvery bar that pierced his left nipple. "This one's my favorite."

Kon was completely lost, watching those fingers play with the silver-jewelry, every now and then crossing over the nipple itself; it was driving him crazy. If Nnoitra had been a girl, Kon would have already made a move, but... This is way different. A girl might laugh in your face, push you away, maybe even smack you for coming on to her. But Nnoitra is a man twice Kon's size - he can do a great deal of damage if he wants to. Kon keeps this in mind even as he tentatively shifts closer on the worn-out couch. How should he go about wooring this possibly dangerous man? Should he go all-in and just kiss him? Perhaps not... Glancing at Nnoitra, Kon noted how stiff the dark-haired male had become, and it almost looked like he was trembling; the closer Kon came, the worse it seemed to get. Staying just beyond reach, he decided to take the safest approach and just confess. If only words could come easy...

"Say..." he started, and Nnoitra stopped playing with his piercing, letting his hand fall down on the couch. "If you had a friend who thinks he might be gay..."

"I have friends that are gay," Nnoitra pointed out flatly.

"Well, suppose he told you he has fallen for you..." He gulped down the awkwardness - it would only be worse if he didn't finish what he started. "What would you say or do to him?" Not a confession, damnit!

"Hm, I'd say 'good for you, but my interest lay elsewhere'."

"But would you be offended?!" This certainly didn't go as he had planned.

"... Nah." Nnoitra eyes Kon suspiciously, making the teen giggle nervously. "Tryin'a tell me somethin'?"

"And if..." Gulp. "If I am? Would you tell me your interest is elsewhere?" Shit... Shit shit shit shit SHIT!

Despite his trembling and apparent refusal to be touched, Nnoitra's eye studied Kon calmy, as if weighting his options. It made Kon feel like a piece of meat in a grocery store. He couldn't tell if it was Nnoitra's trembling or his own shaking, but it felt like the couch was vibrating, and he suddenly felt sea-sick. He had fucked up, hadn't he? Nnoitra would never want anything from him, he had only been playing with him, hadn't he? And they say that girls are hard to understand, but Kon would disagree. Girls are easy! Nnoitra... He is the mystery that can't be solved.

"I wouldn't," Nnoitra finally said with a small shrug, playing it cool.

"Huh?" What... What had he just said?! "You..." Kon's mind drew a blank. "You're interested in me?!"

"I'd have thought that'd be obvious." Maybe it had been. But Kon had held on to doubt up until now, to avoid getting into a fight he knew he could never win. "Ya still haven't told me if you're interested, though."

Kon was moving even before Nnoitra had finished talking. What felt like an eternity to him, actually happened in less than half a second - or rather, what should have happened, because Nnoitra threw himself sideways, away from Kon's approach, before he could connect with the older male. Taken aback, confused because he thought it was what they both wanted, Kon find himself leaning towards an empty seat where the other had previously been. What the hell? Nnoitra was frowning, breathing hard and clutching at the couch with bony fingers. It made no sense. Perhaps if he hadn't felt lead-on Kon would have stopped and thought the situation over, but in his confusion he felt not only disappointed but also angry.

"What the fuck?" He glared back at the dark-haired male. "You keep flinching away, the hell is your probl-"

Nnoitra's lips shut him up as they pressed against his mouth roughly, and the hand grabbing the back of his neck prevented him from backing away in surprise. Now he was convinced that he hadn't imagined the trembling; Nnoitra's lips and hand was shaking. And then it was over. Nnoitra pulled away slightly, breathing hard, his frown now gone from his features. Staring at the older male for what seemed like hours, it took too long for him to realize that he had just been kissed and hadn't even reflected on it. He had been passive throughout the contact, and instantly regretted that. With renewed hope, he inched forward, heard Nnoitra take a hasty breath before Kon gave a chaste kiss. Nnoitra was staring at him, a storm raging inside that one eye; a storm of emotions, and perhaps an internal battle that he wouldn't let anyone in on. Kon didn't move away, though. He waited. Waited for a reaction, a response, anything. Neither the rough kiss from Nnoitra nor the chaste one from Kon was enough to experience much of a taste. Kon's body was telling him to move, but his mind told him to wait. Licking his lips caught Nnoitra's attention - his eye following the movement, then slowly made its way up, meeting Kon's gaze again. The world stopped.

This kiss was breathtaking. Gentle and smooth, exploring in a slow fashion that completely blew Kon's mind. It was so sensual it felt like all of his nerve-endings were on fire. And it never seemed to end. Kon wanted to touch so badly, but when his fingertips touched skin he felt the male flinch and immediately pulled his hand back again. Luckily he hadn't ruined the kiss. Seemingly trying to apologize for his reaction, Nnoitra took Kon's hand in his, entwining their fingers. Kon's eyes fluttered shut as a barely audible moan was heard, and he couldn't tell if it was he who produced it or Nnoitra. All of his previous experience with kissing was forgotten and it felt like the very first time again. The very first time his lips touched another's. This kiss put all of his previous kisses to shame, completely erased them from his mind. Erased the world around them. When they slowly separated Kon was sure that time had stopped.

"Blackberry," he smiled, at which Nnoitra matched his smile contently. "You taste like blackberries."

"Coz I like blackberries." Nnoitra decided to lean lazily against the couch, laying his head down but never looking away from Kon.

"So do I." Now more than ever before. Glancing down at their entwined hands, glad that Nnoitra's hand had stopped shaking, all the pent up nervousness seemed to disappear and he started to casually make soothing circles on the skin he could reach. He could stay like this forever. Although he doesn't understand why Nnoitra always flinch away from his touch he wasn't worried about it right now, it was amazing as it was.






The walls separating them were indeed crumbling, and the bridge they were building was still fragile to every step they took to cross it. One fool step could be devastating. It was a risk neither was willing to take. However, love is a fools game. Be too forward and the other will slow down, maybe even run away; be too careful and it will seem like disinterest. One constantly has to try the limits, stretch them, bend them, and then rewrite them. And like they say: it takes two to tango.

With all of this in mind Grimmjow carefully laid down next to Keigo, close enough to feel the other's body-heat but far enough not to touch. Had this been a few weeks ago, lying down and even touching wouldn't have been a problem. But they were now seeing this in a totally different light, doing everything with a different approach; it commands certain strategic stages, slowly pushing forward while constantly prepared to retreat. He laid on his side, facing the brunette, resting his head on his bent arm, glancing down at the male next to him. He badly wanted to touch, but he couldn't risk it.

As if on qeueu the white cat suddenly jumped onto the bed and decided to take a nap atop Keigo's abdomen. The brunette became preoccupied with petting the large fur-ball, and Grimmjow decided to also pet his cat. Their hands brushed against each others, but neither retreated from that. Instead they grew a little bolder. Grimmjow stole a caress of Keigo's hand, waited for a negative reaction which never came. With a small grin, innocent compared to his usual all-out flashing grins, he dared to let his hand slip from the cat and down to Keigo's clothed body. He could feel the teen's breathing picking up, but otherwise there was no resistance. So he started tracing the body upwards until he reached the collar, gently dipping a finger beneath it and touching soft flesh. The pulse beneath his fingers rushed madly, but not in the petrified way. Not enough to make him stop just yet.

Kishire enjoyed the warmth from both men and purred as she was lulled by the rhythm of Keigo's breathing, extending her claws only when she thought they should pay more attention to her; it was keeping Keigo's mind preoccupied from fully thinking about what Grimmjow was doing; though feeling those fingers trace his skin had every nerve in his body on high alert, making him shake a little. He tried not to, because he wasn't shaking out of fear but nervousness and a mild anxiety. There are some rather important questions that needs to be answered and because Grimmjow is aware of how impulsive he can be he needs to know before he lets things go too far.

"You said you're not ready," he started with as soft a voice as he could offer, trying not to sound judging or impatient because he could wait. "I respect that. But may I know what is stopping you?" These things is what will help their new relationship grow. He would never force his needs upon anyone, but he needs to know what is going on inside Kiego's head.

"It's, uhm... a little embarrassing," Keigo admitted.

"You can tell me anything, you know that." He brushed his thumb across Keigo's jaw-line, trying to encourage him to talk.

"I'm so nervous." He could feel the teen trembling.

"I am too," Grimmjow admitted, again tracing his finger down Keigo's neck. "But that's a good thing." He could tell that the younger male was refraining from saying something and he didn't like that. Leaning in, nuzzling his neck, the blunette wanted desperately to prove that Keigo can trust him no matter what. "Please tell me."

"I just don't know if I can play the submissive role!" the teen exclaimed, tense and embarrassed but also freaking out a little.

"Who says that you have to?" Grimmjow inquired, but the implication was lost on the teen.

"Every magazine I have read, every manga, TV show or movie clearly states that I would be the submissive one and I just don't know if I can!"

"Hey hey hey," Grimmjow soothed, giving a feathery kiss on Keigo's cheek. "You don't even need to worry about any of this, pup." Keigo stared into his eyes with clear disbelief. "First of all, we've got hands." He gave Keigo another kiss on the cheek. "Secondly, we've got mouths." He smiled at the blush spreading all over the younger's face and leaned up to kiss the birthmark on Keigo's nose. "And third... Don't listen to some shitty article, alright. This is you and me, we can do whatever we want. We aren't stereotypes." Keigo seemed to relax and smiled shyly at Grimmjow. "I'm just happy that I can finally kiss you."

"Yeah, so am I." Grimmjow planted a kiss on Keigo's lips, smiling when it was answered and intensified. One step at a time, that is how this was going to work. They only broke apart when the white cat demanded attention by standing up on Keigo's belly and headbutted them apart, making both males laugh. Once Keigo recovered from his previous embarrassment, he looked at Grimmjow with a content smile. "Do you mind if I stay another night?" Definitely another step in the right direction.

"I don't mind at all, pup."






/:Authors Note:\\

At least it wasn't another 2 years inbetween updates!

Reviews are appreciated!
Do tell me if you liked it or if you thought it went too fast forward (maybe even too slow?)

I have more planned, this isn't the end yet. At least not quite.

Thank you all for reading! You guys are amazing! ^^

/ Namantos