AN: I know… it has been VERY long ago since my last post…. I should die a horrible death and suffer. But I have no excuses and won't crack my mind of thinking of some either (( even though I did… try )) Since it has been so long, do expect my writing has changed ( A LOT ) I'm a cruel person.

Disclaimer: Why I even do this… beats me, anyhow, not mine, not ever, would love it though.

Normal POV

'Sasuke hadn't made a move at all since three days ago. Is he getting bored of me? A-am I being tossed away soon?' Naruto began to panick 'T-this is what I wanted right? I… I wanted to leave him… right?' Clutching onto the table as he stood beside it and looking with shocked eyes forward 'No… NO this is not what I want at all' Beginning to slowly hyperventilate as the thought scared him to no end.

Sasuke rushed into the kitchen in worry as he heard a loud no "Naruto!" He yelled out in worry and grabbed the male by his waist to turn him around to only see him hyperventilating, trying to get air in his lungs "Naruto!" Quickly kissing Naruto on the mouth and breathing air in so he could calm down and doing it over and over again.

After a while when Naruto's breathing was finally normal he stopped and cupped the smaller male's cheeks, looking at him with worry in his eyes "Hey… You oke Naruto?" Gasping as he saw a few tears in the male's eyes "N-naruto?"

"Uh… S-Sasuke, p-please… I can't take it anymore" Naruto clutched onto Sasuke as he kissed him deeply, he needed to confirm it. If Sasuke pushed him away, it would mean that he didn't want him anymore, if he didn't then everything was still oke.

Sasuke's POV

Seeing Naruto hyperventilate like that is something I never want to see again, ever. It scared me to no end. When he said that he couldn't take it anymore, a pain shot through my heart. What can't he take anymore? Is he going to say that his health is going backwards by staying with me? That is just cruel, because he knows I would let him go for his health.

I was panicking in my mind, but didn't show it on my face. When he kissed me however, I gasped and let him take control of the situation for a little bit. Recovering quickly and taking over. Holding him closer to myself, I was beginning to lose control over myself.

I, someone who did Naruto almost 24/7 if I could, was losing myself. Especially since I had controlled myself for three days already. I should have known that this would happen. It also seemed that Naruto really couldn't life without me.

I smirked darkly in myself before I looked Naruto deep in his eyes "What, Naruto, can't you take anymore~?" I wanted to hear him say it, say that he needed me inside him, thrusting and loving his body like no other can and never will. I want him to scream "I love you" as I drive him over the edge. Naruto… you don't know how much I love you for making me be this cruel towards you.

Stroking his cheek lovingly and putting on a worried face as I gently kissed him on the eyes as I saw a few tears slipping passed his closed lids "You know you can tell me anything don't you, Naruto~?"

Opening his beautiful cerulean eyes that looked like the stormy ocean with all those emotions passing through them "Naruto?" I asked as suddenly his eyes became deter minded.

"I… I've had enough Sasuke… I… can't take this anymore" A pang shot through my heart, this wasn't supposed to happen! "W-what Naruto? What did you just say…?" I had to make sure that my mind was playing tricks with me, I really thought I heard him say that he had had enough… That couldn't be true… could it?

Looking better at Naruto's features I saw him trembling and clutching his fists as he looked down towards the ground "Y-you h-heard me…" He whispered softly, but it sounded more like a lightning bolt to me "I'm leaving and nothing you can do will stop me!" His eyes startling me slightly as he rose his face to look me in the eyes, those determined eyes full of fire, how long ago has it been since I saw those…?

Smiling gently, or at least I thought I was, I thought that this time I really had to let him go. It was all over, my hard work was now gone. Strange right? For someone who worked so hard and did so much to prevent him from leaving me, would let go so easily right now. Thinking back at it, maybe I should have said "I love you the time I actually did stop him, maybe… maybe this would have been all different.

Stroking his cheek on last time "Naruto, you don't have to leave" Getting up and clutching my hand together to remember the softness of those plump cheeks of his and walking towards the door. Before I closed it I smiled again "But don't forget… I love you more then you can imagine" Closing the door behind me and walking towards the stairway to get outside of the apartment building.

As I was finally completely outside I took a deep breath through my nose and looked up. Noticing that there were tears in my eyes. It made me laugh bitterly as I walked on. In a way I had hoped Naruto would storm after me after he had heard my confession, but maybe it was really all in my head, why would he chase after me? He had no reason to.

Looking down as I crossed the street, I wasn't really paying attention, maybe I was a bit suicidal after losing the one I obsessed over the most, but after I heard that yell of my name and that push against my back all went black for a while and everything seemed to go in slow motion. A car was horning loudly and then there was the crash, that loud crash that will never leave my mind

What had happened? That voice… It was Naruto! Getting up immediately and turning around to see what had happened. What I saw made my body freeze, everything moved so slow as I heard people screaming and cars stopping and people calling on the phone for some sort of help.

I wished I was dreaming, until the truth came crashing hard onto me, this was no dream, this was a nightmare that I was really living through. Naruto, My Naruto! Running as fast as I could towards the puddle of blood that was gathering around the body that was laying as if it was a corpse on the ground. Being careful as to not move his body, but to still check if there was a pulse.

Before I could comfirm that there was, I was roughly pulled aside by men in white "No! Don't pull me away! I need to check! I need to check!" I fought ruthlessly to get back towards my Naruto, he had to be alive. "Calm down sir! We are from the hospital, let us pro's do that" Three men were trying to calm me and hold me down "You don't understand! He's my…" I felt so tired, did they sedate me? I have to check if my Naruto is still alive!

Struggling against the darkness that was clearly winning, I could still somehow make out that they were trying to resurrect Naruto.

I couldn't believe it, He can't be dead! Ohw god, if you can save him, I would love him so much more then what I have until now, I will not even try to interfere with his social life and just trust him…. Just save him…

Normal POV

"Hold him still! Or else he will surely die this time around!"

"Can't we just sedate him more!"

"He's already heavily on meds! If we give him more, who knows what will happen if he finally wakes up!"

"It's already a myrical that he's even alive after all that!"

"Not to mention the coma of two months he's been in!"

A lot of struggling sounds and gasping were heard outside the room. Sasuke sat outside that particular room, his head low as he clutched onto his head. A man ready to jump up and destroy the door that was locked from him to go to what was behind it.

"SASUKE! SASUKE! WHERE ARE YOU!" He could hear the sound of a hoarse and unused voice that was screaming for him to enter. That was the final straw of what he could take. He hadn't heard that voice for two long months and now it was calling for him. Getting up as fast as he could and knocking on the door as if his live depended on it "Open the f**ing door! Let me in! He needs me!" He kept on drumming until finally one nurse opened it for him. Not even looking at the nurse, he ran as fast as he could towards the thrashing Naruto.

Grabbing the hands that were wildly flailing around and holding them close to himself as he gently put Naruto close to his own body, whispering sweet words and stroking the blonds hair as he did so.

It had a calming effect and Naruto stopped thrashing around "It's going to be alright… I'm here" Sasuke whispered in his ear. The doctors wanted to get rid of Sasuke, but as it seemed that he had a calming effect on the boy they didn't have any other choice but to let him do what he was doing. Sasuke looked up and looked at the poor man as if they were an annoyance "Your doctors right, why is he thrashing like that and still not healing eh?" He glared at them as his anger flared.

They scoffed and one walked forward "We think it's a psychological thing that's tormenting him, as the last thing he saw was you almost being ran over by that car, maybe he thinks you're dead and needs the reassurance that you're in fact still alive and healthy" Sasuke's glare worsened "Then why am I not allowed to be with him for so long?" The murmers that went through were not a good sign. 'Docters, useless beings!' Sasuke scoffed, he hated them. It was as if they knew something about how their relationship was before and even though he calms Naruto down, they still didn't allow him with him. Glaring, if possible, harder, but this time outside towards the sky. Blaming himself for what had happened.


After being kicked out of the hospital, reluctantly and not without a fight. Sasuke went towards the only place he wanted to be, because his house was to empty and lonely for him he had stayed at Itachi's place for those last two months. Not that Itachi was happy with that, but he didn't kick him out either way, knowing how his little brother would feel.

Entering the house after Deidara opened it for him "You look worse than yesterday…" He heard the blond say in a caring voice, it brought a small smile towards his face at the gentle ness of it all. He had noticed, they were walking on eggshells around him, treating him as if he could break any second now. Trying to cheer him up every time and pointing out if he looked worst or better "I hope he wakes up soon…" Sasuke said in a far off sounding voice, closing the door behind him and living like a robot that has been put on auto pilot. This has been Uchiha Sasuke for the last two months.


Ah, the end~ I'm cruel… so so cruel (( only of chapter 6, don't worry ))
I notice that I have changed a lot… seems like I've become colder in my writings….
God I sure hope not, anyway please review and tell me what you think.