This story is mine! No copying! But unfortunately, Twilight belongs to SM. :(
I growled loudly, but despite my anger and frustration, I couldn't help the ache in my heart and my blood run cold.
How could they be so stupid?!
I steadied my shaking hands enough to read the parchment through again.
I glared at the sheet of parchement as I read certain parts.
"Your family have walked into the enemies hands" Only they would be so stupid to walk willingly into an obvious trap. They think they are so strong and powerful, they have no idea. And family? Family sticks together, not fucks off when things get rough. Still, I couldn't help but love them. Damn my traitorous feelings!
"Aro plans their death, but fools them with empty promises" Again, I was not surprised. My kind knew of Aro, the leader of the Volturi. Our kind did not fear vampires, what was the point in fearing something weaker than yourself? But Aro was different. He lead the vampire's, at a single word, all the vampires could congregate and wreak havoc on the world. He was untrustworthy and a sneak, not to be trusted in any circumstances.
We were taught to avoid vampires if possible, just to be careful. We even had lessons on it at Hogwarts. The existence of witches and wizards was kept a secret from vampires for good reason. Somehow Aro discovered our existence and captured and tortured a family of wizards about fifty years ago. The magical world was in uproar, locking their doors at night and putting protective spells over their houses. We knew about vampires, but laws were put in place and held so that they did not know about us. I guess they figured it out.
Of course, Dumbledore stepped in, the Ministry I dissarray, not knowing what to do as usual. No-one knows what was said or done that day, but he walked out later with the family too.
Every witch and wizard from that day forward was told to be extra careful of vampires, to guard their families and houses. Of course, the fear was not uncommon and many laughed the warnings off. Vampires were easily killed if they are on their own, and they very rarely moved in bigger groups of two or three.
"Have to stop this, I know you have some contrasting feelings, but you must do this"
Who was he to tell me what I have to do? I had a thought to stay here just to spite him and show him that I am not his puppet to manipulate when ever he wishes. But I couldn't do that.
To be honest I was annoyed at in for another reason. He contacts me, the first time since god knows when, and doesn't even tell me how my friends are doing. Not even a thing about Harry. God, I missed Harry. I know it's cliche, but we did have that twin thing, where we share thoughts and things. Being twins, I missed him even more, we were like two half's of a puzzle.
But not a word, not a peep. Not from him, or any of our friends. It's charming isn't it?
I stood from my kneeling position in front of the fire place, folding the letter and slipping it into the back pocket of my jeans.
I guess I am going on a trip to Italy.
I took my wand from my front pocket, glad I had expanded it magically so it fit. Sighing, I looked around, wondering if I would ever come back here again. I paused momentarily, glancing at the door that Jacob had stood in mere hours ago.
I was supposed to be heading over to his house, but he would be out. I already knew he would be too busy to spend time with me, just like a few days ago. I wasn't going to try cliff diving again though. No matter how much I wanted to "see" Edward, this particular near death experience shook me from my haze. If I wasn't worth sticking around for to him, he certainly wasn't worth dying for.
Isn't that what I'm doing now?
Again, I sighed, but didn't hesitate this time. Conjuring up a picture of an alley Dumbledore had added on the bottom of the parchment and focusing solely on that, I spun on the spot. I felt the familiar uncomfortable feeling of being pulled and squashed at the same time, but it passed.
He was right, of course. He told me that the alley would be deserted and a safe place to apparate. Tall stone walls stood on either side of me, both ends of the alley open and I saw many people walking past. I held my wand in my right hand, flattening it to my thigh but keeping a tight hold on it. I was in Volterra, the home of vampires. I could not afford to be callous.
I straightened my clothes out, shaking my head and making my hair fall back into place, trying to get rid of the wind swept look. I walked towards the place I needed to be. Dumbledore had graciously given me directions and instructions on how to get this done properly, if they trusted me enough to let me get that far.
I walked out of the alley but immediately stepped back. The sun glared at me, and I shielded my eyes from it. Great, the residant vamps will be hiding then. But that wasn't the thing that made me take a step back.
Hundreds of people were crowded in the stone square in front of the castle. The place I needed to be. They all wore capes and fangs, I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. Everyone was wearing bright red, so much so that it made my eyes go funny.
I cast my eyes upwards to a banner that was coming towards me, and almost laughed at what is said.
"Happy Saint Marcus Day"
Oh the irony. He was one of the leaders of the Volturi, one of the monsters that killed people, and they were celebrating the fact he was dead?
Gripping my wand tighter against my thigh, I jumped into the crowd. I instantly grew deaf as I was surrounded my screaming and cheering and singing. I was bustled around, shoved and at one point, kicked. I shoved back, trying to get to the clock tower as fast as I could. Dumbledore didn't exactly give me a time when he was going to do it.
I shoved through a crowd of red shirted women, earning some colourful language in Italian that I ignored. I kept on getting lost, having to look up to keep my bearings. I hit something solid, and momentarily though I had walked into a wall.
"Watch were your going young miss" I looked up, finding the man with the thick Italian accent,a red uniform on eyeing me with concern. I merely nodded to him, walking passed him and trying to find a way into the line of men. I couldn't. They stood between me and the clock tower, and I will be damned if I let them stop me now.
Following the line and ducking into a little alcove that a family had already taken refuge in, I looked for a way through. I ignored the frantic muttering in Italian, saying how I wasn't in the spirit because I wasn't wearing red. They obviously didn't know I understood Italian. I ignored them though, walking away from them, but keeping close to the wall. If I sneak around, I can remain unhidden and still get to where I am supposed to be going.
I remained in shadows as I skulked around the wall. I froze, even stopping my breathing as a guard looked right through me, inspecting the area for intruders. I carried on after he returned to the bustling crowd.
I cringed as the huge clock struck twelve, the crowd screaming for some reason. Still, it made a good distraction for me.
Seeing the opening, I ran towards it, rounding the corner and pressing my back against the hard stone wall, breathing heavily. I waited for a second to see if anyone had seen me and was coming after me, but found myself alone.
Pushing off the wall, I walked deeper into the dark alley, knowing that this would be the make or break deal. I silently slid my wand into my pocket, freeing my hands and keeping my concentration on finding them.
It was a few minutes later when I spotted them. Another alcove dipped into the wall, and it was also hidden in shadow. But I saw the flash of red as they turned to face me. I knew they were there.
I took a deep breath, changing my course and walking towards them.
"Careful pretty girl, don't want to get hurt now do we?" A voice from within the darkness spoke, the rich and deep words signalling he was indeed a vampire.
I stopped in my tracks, hoping this was the best way to go about it. I folded my arms across my chest, jutting out my hip.
"Careful vampires, what's the matter, scared of a little sun light? I thought you'd want to celebrate St Marcus Day, after all, he is one of your leaders" I sneered. I found the silence rather painful, my heart thudding like a jackhammer in my chest.
Harry would have been proud. Sirius.... not so much.
"And what would a human such as your self know about such business?" The shadows emerged, appearing to be covered in head to toe in black, even their faces.
"I know a lot more than you think. I want to see Aro" I added, reminding myself that playing with vampires is dangerous. Besides, my wand is in my pocket, and there was no chance I could get it out before they killed me. The wizarding world remaining a secret so more important than my life.
They laughed as they continued to walk towards me, seemingly attached to one another, both moving exactly the same.
"Why would Aro want to see such a creature besides to quench his appetite, and-" He paused to take a deep breath -" you would make a delieghtful meal"
"Yeah I've heard that one before" I waved the comment off, knowing it was supposed to scare me. Honestly, since when is being told you smell nice been scary?
"Why do you wish to speak with Aro?" A second voice said, his voice louder and more serious than the others.
"That's between me and him" I clenched my teeth, knowing that they wouldn't let me in until I showed them who or what I was.
Before I could even move, my back was thrown against the wall, an icy hand holding me against it tightly, squeezing my throat. My feet hung from the ground, but I didn't struggle. The red eyes bore into mine as if searching for secrets.
"What is your business here?!" He seethed, bearing his teeth. Even in the darkness, they shone brightly.
"None of your business!" I spat back, my words fading as he squeezed me tighter, stopping the air flow.
"Felix-" The other began.
"No! She knows too much, besides she walked up to us and spouted all of this. She must know the law" The one called Felix said, turning back to me.
"She has to die" He said slowly, a smile appearing on his lips.
"What is your name pretty child?" He crooned, his smirk contrasting with his words. His hold on my throat slackened slightly to let me speak.
"Bella Swan" I wheezed out.
Immediately, I was dropped back to the floor, the two shadows even closer than before. I rubbed my throat as I stood up straight, glaring at them.
Frantic whispering filled the alley, but it sounded like a mere hum to my ears as it echoed quietly off the walls. The words got louder and louder but they spoke too fast for me to understand.
"Felix, Aro would want to see her" The other said quietly, and I'm not sure if I was supposed to hear it. The other one, I assume to be Felix, sighed angrily.
The alley was silent for a second before one of them grabbed my arm, dragging me along while the other walked ahead. I tried to take my arm back, but he merely growled in warning.
"I want to see him you idiot, why would I run?" I spat, my logic making him drop my arm.
We walked the way I had just been, and I spotted the guard that had very nearly caught me. We turned down another alley and stopped. The one in front bent down, sliding over a large drain cover and disappearing into it.
I almost snorted in amusment. The headquarters for the infamous vampire army is in the sewers?
I sat down, ignoring the sneering question from Felix if I wanted any help. I sat on the edge, and scooted forward, angling my body so I wouldn't drop awkwardly and break a few bones. I felt the air rush by me as I fell, but landed on bent legs, straightening out and dusting my clothes off.
A loud metallic grinding made me cringe and the little light that had iluminated the place was gone. Not a moment later though, the candle brackets were lit, creating pools of light against the walls as far as the eye could see. I shivered as the cold set in and I mentally berated myself for forgetting to bring a jacket.
Without even a request I was thrown over someones back, the wind rushing past me but it felt like I wasn't moving at all. That was rude.
We stopped abruptly and I was set back on my feet. I swayed a little but I steadied myself, looking around. We were in some sort of waiting room I suppose you could say. Leather couches sat in the far corner, along with coffee tables and magazines. And they thought that they were scary? They read Closer magazine for Gods sake!
"Oh Felix, Demetri you're back" A girlie voice ring through the room and I was shocked to find that it wasn't a vampire. What was a human doing down here?
Another shock. So this was Demetri? One of the best trackers in the world of vampires? I have read about him. I wracked my brain for some recognition of Felix, but came up empty. Maybe he was new.
"Can you go and tell Aro that.." He stopped as a door on the far side of the room opened, a tiny girl walking in. She would have looked beautiful had it not been for the evil smirk and red eyes. Her short brown hair hung to her shoulders, but she looked about eleven. Way too young to be a vampire.
I realised with a start that this was Jane. There had been many stories of the vampires that made up the Volturi guard, Jane was apparently one of the most feared vampires out there, especially with her power of making you feel terrible pain just by looking at you.
A swell of pity welled up inside of me for this child. She never asked for this life after all. The pity faded when she spoke.
"Who's this?" She pointed to me as she came to stand in front of us.
"Jane, please can you go and tell Aro that-" He began but she stamped her foot childishly.
"I am not your slave or messenger!" She yelled shrilly.
"That Bella Swan is here" He finished so quietly I barely heard him. Jane's crimson eyes darted to me for a moment before the evil smirk appeared on her face again and she nodded, disappearing.
The door opened again, and closed with a loud thud.
I stood there, waiting and rather bored. Honestly, I expected more of vampire HQ
"He expecting you" She smirked at me as she reappeared, holding the door open as I got shoved in the back, making me move. I hated the way her eyes danced with malevolence and sadistic glee. Is this a trap?
The door closed with a thud behind us, and I shivered against the cold. Another cold, stone, damp lay ahead of me.
Once again, I was thrown over someones shoulder. I huffed in annoyance but let them, at least it was quicker this way. After only a few seconds I was set back on my feet and once my vision cleared, I saw a rather large and ornate door in front of us. I hope this is where Aro is.
We walked forward, Felix and Demetri on either side of me and Jane dancing ahead to open the door.
She took one last smirk at me, pushing the door open and letting us walk through. My eyes immediately found the three thrones on a platform at the front of the room, but only one leader was there, the one I wanted to see.
I small smile appeared on his face as the doors thudded closed behind us. I kept my eyes contact with him, remembering all the stories about his skin and eyes. They were right, they were milky, his skin almost translucent. I guess vampires do age after all.
Several gasps filled the room and I had an idea to whom they belonged but I paid them no mind. This was a mission, and there was a very good chance that I was not going to make it out of this alive. Still, I do have a habit of living when I was supposed to die. I hope I have one of my nine lives left.
Felix and Demetri walked forwards but stopped a meter in front of the platform as Aro rose and walked down the steps to stop in front of me. We kept staring at each other as he held out his hand expectantly. I saw Felix, to my right, put his hand in Aro's for a second. I was confused before I remembered what professor Lupin taught us about Aro after Snapes lesson.
Has soon as he touched your skin, he would know every thought that passed through your mind. Every single one of them. Every memory and experience was then his.
He repeated the act with Demetri, his eyes trained on mine still, but his smile growing every second. He waved them off after a second, a breeze the only indication of their lack of presence. He stood watching me for a second, walking back and forth before me, his hands clasped in front of him.
"Bella, Bella" He shook his head as he stopped pacing to face me fully.
"I have heard lots about you, my child. It is a pleasure to finally meet you" He smiled wider but I remained stony. I ignored the "child" part, feelign the anger and irritation well up at his guess of my naivety and innocence.
"Aro" I merely nodded, my hand instinctively flexing above the pocket that held my wand. Having a vampire this close was... uncomfortable to say the least. I ached to at least have my wand in my hand, just the feel of it makes me feel stronger and safer.
He chuckled, eyeing me like a farmer would observe a cow at a cattle market. The thought made me shiver. What had Dumblefore got me into?
"I see your past proceeds you. Here you stand before me, and yet you feel no fear" He chuckled and I resisted a retort, clenching my teeth together. How did Dumbledore stomach this man? I had spoken one word to him and I already hated the man.
"However, I am curious about you" He began again, stepping back, much to my pleasure.
"How did you know where to go to find my men?" He asked, his red eyes piercing into mine but instead of being hypnotised, I was revolted. Human blood made that colour, humans died for this monster, thousands and thousands of people.
"Instinct" I answered, brushing my hand against my thigh and relaxing a little as I felt my wand still there.
Aro chuckled, shaking his head "How did you know where our little Head Quarters was?" He asked, his eyes shining like a child's.
"Lucky guess" I shrugged. I heard growls from behind me but ignored them, as did Aro. He remained in good humour, not letting my obvious lying annoy the hell out of him like it would have anyone else.
I didn't have time for these pointless questions, I have a mission to do. But I realised with morbid horror, I have no idea how to do it.
I resurfaced when Aro stepped forwards again and I resisted the urge to step back.
"Why are you here?" He asked, and I had to admit that it was a fair question. I can't just say- please don't kill them, he wouldn't listen.
I remained silent, mentally cursing Dumbledore and his little letter. I hated to admit it, but I would rather be here at least trying to help than sat at home useless and unaware of the situation.
"Forgive me young one, but I have gone through all of the Cullen's minds" He waved his hands to his left and I followed them, only sparing a fleeting glance at the people i had once called family, the ones that had abandoned me. Why was I here, helping them when they left me for dead?
"I am curious about your... fault" He words carefully, causing more growls to errupt in the room. I bristled at the words.
"And what fault would that be?" I spat back, trying to keep a civil tongue but failing.
"Forgive me my child, I was merely referring to the fact that you are immune to Edward's ability" He smiled as I flinched at his name, the simple word bringing round a whole other spasm of pain through me.
"I was wondering if you are the same with mine" He smirked innocently, but I saw the evil there, the plotting and the conniving. He was somehow going to use what he hoped he saw.... but for what?
"No! Leave her alone Aro! She has nothing to do with this!" I gasped as I heard Edward yell, his voice filled with anger and frustration I have only ever heard him use when dealing with the James situation. I guess he didn't want to see me after all, not even to see me trying to help them.
"On the contrary Edward, isn't this whole situation about this one" He brushed his hand against my cheek and I cringed away from the frigid temperatures of his skin, more growls echoing from the walls of the stone chamber, sounding even louder and feral than they would have otherwise.
"So, Bella...." He held out his hand, palm up, expectantly and I glanced at it for a second.
"Oh I'm sorry, my ability is-" He began, his hand still staying in the air.
"I know what your ability is. With skin to skin contact you can see every thought that person has ever had" I rolled my eyes tiredly. I didn't need to hear from him what I have read countless times in defence and charm books.
I spared a glance at the Cullen's again before checking my mental shield, remembering to thank Dumbledore and Remus for the lessons. I placed my left hand on top of his, barely even touching his skin. The room fell silent, no-one breathing besides me.
I watched his face carefully, but found the smile fall immediately, his jaw becoming slack. He gripped my hand in his tightly and I couldn't stop the wince, gritting my teeth against the whimper that threatened to escape from my mouth. Jesus, for an old dead guy he sure is strong.
"Stop it! You're hurting her!" Edward yelled behind me as he probably heard my hissed as he squeezed my hand even tighter. Aro kept his grip on my hand for a moment later before letting, his face stony and if I may say so... scared.
I held my right hand to my chest, rubbing it with my right one, trying to ease the pain and throbbing.
"The only person that I couldn't read the mind of...." He trailed off, his eyes rather wild as they stared at me. I held his gaze, knowing he referring to Dumbledore. I panicked for a second, hoping he would keep his thoughts private from Edward, and that he didn't connect the dots. The last thing I needed was for the wizarding world falling apart because of me.
He shook his head suddenly, staring at the floor "Of course not" He took a deep breath, looking back into my eyes.
"How?" He asked, looking at Carlisle, Edward and then me. For the first time, I turned to the Cullen's as Aro stepped towards them, leaving me stood on my own.
They all stood there, the men in front of the women. Carlisle, Jasper, Emmett and Edward stood, all tense and glaring but noticeably nervous and scared as Aro approached. Rosalie, Esme and Alice were similar, but they watched me. I met their gaze with hard eyes, not letting their pleading eyes and looks sway me again. I would not let them manipulate me like a fool like they did before.
With that thought, I looked back to Aro who was walking to Carlisle.
"You came here for my help Carlisle, and I will help" He put a hand on Carlisle's shoulder and I saw all the Cullen's tense, their eyes settling on the two.
"Aro plans their death, but fools them with empty promises"
What had they asked his help with?
I kept my eyes from Edward, keeping him in my peripheral vision as I watched the others. They all nodded, but I saw Edward frown. Aro was blocking his thoughts from him, he was lying, and Edward knew it.
I waited.
He said nothing. Before, he would call someone out when they hid their thoughts because it was obvious they had something to hide. Did he really care that little for his family? They were all believing him, even Alice nodded, clinging to Jasper's arm for dear life.
Aro sighed, turning and walking back towards his throne. He seemed to glide instead of walk, and I knew my time was up. He had gotten exactly nothing from me, and now had the seven vampires he wanted and a "human" too. I had to do something now.
"You can't kill them!" I yelled, causing Aro to freeze on the first step. He turned to face me, shock apparent on his face before his expression smoothed to one of neutral interest, but I saw the anger leek in there too.
"I have no idea wha-" He began, sounding condescending and venomous all in one.
"I would have thought that after all these thousands of year you would have at least learned to lie properly!" I yelled again, stepping forwards. Growls erupted again, but I ignored them. If he killed me now, which he probably would, it save him from doing it later I suppose.
He waved off the growls, walking towards me, his face eerily calm. He stepped close to me, his breath wafting in my face but I shuddered away. Instead of the floral and delicious scents I had come to expect from vampires, he simply smelt stale and... old.
A sadistic smirk appeared on his face, looking more like a vampire than the Cullen's ever had "Very good my child" He complimented me, waving his hand for something. growls and snarls filled the room and I span to see that each and every one of the Cullen's were being restrained by cloaked figures, their faces hidden from me. Every one of them struggled against the holds, every single one but Edward. I had to look away as I found his eyes fixed on me, letting the guard hold him there.
"You can't do this Aro!" I screamed at him, silencing the growls and snarls, making Aro laugh. Oh I could name a curse or two I could aim at him right now.
"Oh my child, you are so young and naive, so innocent to the world around you" He chuckled condescendingly, turning and blurring as he sat in his throne, watching me like an owl, not even paying attention to his so called "friends" that he was planning on killing.
Innocent? He really did have no idea. After all me and Harry have done, fighting and defending, I was far from innocent.
"Aro, how could-" Carlisle began, his voice empty of it's usual authority and assertiveness.
"What are the ground for their execution?" I interrupted, stepped closer to the platform, glaring at the vampire who smirked back at me.
He laughed again "Isn't it obvious? They broke the rules, the rules our kind must obey and follow or risk the consequences. They knew what they were doing when they told a human, they know the rules and the punishment!" He yelled at me, standing despite only just sitting down. The whole room was silent following his outburst, even the guards watched quietly.
"That's bull shit! I never told anyone anything, and never will!" I yelled, frustrated that they were in this mess because of me.
No, they were in this mess because they came to Aro for "help".
"That is not the point! What if you had?! I do not expect you to understand our laws, human" He spat the title at me, more growls reverberating around the room. This was getting out of hand, I had to stay in control of the situation and right now, Aro had me under his thumb.
"What if they weren't the ones that told me?" I asked, causing Aro to smirk sadistically.
"Oh yes, I saw how clever you were, young one, discovering their secret by yourself" He nodded condescendingly. If he didn't stop calling me things like that.....
"No. What if I knew about you before I met them?" I asked quietly, watching Aro's face shoot to mine, his features blurring with the speed.
"Bella-" Edward began, pain ripping through my chest at the sound of his voice so I cut him off.
"Your laws are a moot point, you have no reason to execute the Cullen's. They have done no wrong. They didn't reveal the secret" I said evenly, needing to know if my argument was standing up or if he was just going to ignore his own rules.
"It does not matter, they knew you knew of us, and they should have dealt with you accordingly" He spoke, sounding rather pompous.
"But-" began, willing to beg on my hands and knees if need be. They can't die, not now, not like this. Tears formed in my eyes as I realised that this was it, I had failed and sentenced all of us to our deaths. I definitely wouldn't be allowed to live after this.
"Enough! My decision is not up for debate. Nothing you say will sway me" He waved lazily and I felt cold arms wrap around mine, pinning my own to my sides tightly. I didn't struggle, but his words reminded me of the letter.
"Do what you must to succeed" That is what he said to me. Do what I must. But did that include.... I had no time to second guess myself, it was now or never.
"Dumbledore!" I screamed, a single tear rolling down my cheek. I cursed myself for showing such a weakness in front of these people, and even more angry that the vampire holding me back was stopping me from wiping it away.
"What?" Aro gasped, appearing at the base of the platform, his mouth and eyes wide with shock or fear. I wasn't sure which. I cleared my throat, hoping I was doing the right thing and that I wasn't dooming everyone.
"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore" I breathed slowly, feeling the guilt well up inside me with every word. I had done it. I had told them. I had sacrificed countless witches and wizards for my own gain.
The cold arms disappeared suddenly, only to be replaced by cold, hard hands on the tops of my arms, way too tight to be gentle.
"You're a-" He gasped, my head shoting up and meeting his ruby eyes "No. But.... he said.... How?" He gasped, waiting for an answer.
I saw an opportunity, and I realised with grim recognition, that it was the only way to complete my mission. The Cullen's would go on, they would live. Me.... god knows what he would do with me. Still, I couldn't just pass by the only opportunity to free them.
"Yes. I never told them. They don't know, I want it to stay that way" I said strongly, pushing the tears back. They were worth it.
Aro simply nodded and I was relieved that I had control once again.
"But-" He began, looking more flustered than a vampire ever should.
"That's how I know so much, how I know of your ability, how I know what you did to that family, forty six years ago. I know all about you Aro, and about your little family here, your guard and their abilities. Everyone of my people know" He told him confidently, hoping to make him feel at least a little fear.
He remained silent, his face unmoving as he stared into my eyes.
"I want a deal" I said quickly, earning more growls, even louder than before. Ignoring them, Aro smirked again.
"You are in no possition to make any demands Bella. You walked in here of your own free will, and you are mine to do with as I please" He stroked my cheek as though I were some lost child of his, his eyes bright.
"Here is what I propose- I kill them as I planned, but.... keep you by my side" He smiled suggestively and I almost vomited right there and then. I thought he had a wife?
"Be careful what you threaten me with Aro" I snarled back at him, causing laughter from the guards the ring loudly in the room, but Aro's smile fell.
"Kill them, and I kill you" I spat at him, knowing he would take me seriously. I watched with amusement as fear flashed in his eyes.
"This is what I propose... Aro" I sneered his name as the guard quietened, realising that their leader wasn't amused by this at all.
"Let them go, all of them. Don't hunt them down, don't keep an eye on them. The only time you see them is when they come to you-" I listed, making up demands on the spot.
"But we are friends Bella-" He interrupted but growls stopped him.
"A friendship of convenience Aro, is not a friendship. You only befriended Carlisle because of the size and strength of his coven. Just think of how much power they would bring you if they joined your guard...." I teased him while also telling the Cullen's the idiots plotting and acts. I hope they got the hidden message.
Finally, Aro was silent for moment.
"And what would you expect to trade in return for this? I will not turn my back on such a large and possibly dangerous coven lightly" He admitted, causing the Cullen's to hiss.
I took a deep breath, steeling myself and hoping for some courage.
"Me" I took another deep breath as I heard gasps "You get me. No ties, no fights, just me" I said quietly, my eyes on the ground. The entire room was silent and I knew I had him, though I wasn't sure if I wanted him to accept or not. I knew Aro, his greed and hunger for power, and I knew he would never turn down the offer of a witch in his guard.
"Deal" He broke the silence, forcing my head up roughly with a hand under my chin. He laughed at the tears that rolled down my face. I wretched my face from his hand, stepping back and wiping my eyes.
"Just so you know Aro, if you break your promise, I break my word. If I hear you've gone after them, or even gone for a visit, I will wreak havoc on the little world you have made yourself. Do not underestimate me Aro, you have no idea the things I could do to you" I snarled, feeling utterly revolted by the idea of using my magic to help him.
He visably paled under my threat, taking a step back too. The other guard members merely watched in confusion as their leader was put into his place by a "human" girl.
"No! Bella, what are you doing?! Are you crazy!" Emmett yelled, and I turned to see him struggling against his captors arms.
I opened my mouth to say something, but what could I say? Nothing. They wouldn't understand, and they never would.
"Bella, may I ask you a question?" I turned back to Aro, watching him for a second and nodded.
"Why did you come here? Why are you willing to risk your life to save them? I saw what Edward did to you, how Jasper attacked you and nearly-" He began to list off everything but that one struck a nerve.
"That was not Jasper's fault Aro!" I bellowed, becoming defensive of a man I thought of as a brother. I never blamed Jasper anyway, I should have been ready for something like that.
"It's his nature to attack and I can hardly hold his own instinct against him can I?" I said quietly, glancing at him , finding his gaze fixed on me, his eyes wide and full of some emotion I couldn't place.
"Would you extend that courtesy to us? Knowing what we.... eat?" Aro smiled as I turned back to him, my face full of disgust.
"No. At least he tries. He goes against his every instinct nearly every day when you happily embrace it. Just because you were made a monster doesn't mean you have to be one" I glared at Aro, finding him praising me with slight annoyance.
"Well, you're going to have to get used to it aren't you?" He spat, stepping towards me. Was this man bi-polar or something? As soon as he remembered I am dangerous to him, he is back being condescending and threatening me. At this rate I'll have to threaten him every five minutes just to remind him.
"Bella, we are not leaving you here!" Jasper yelled, and like Emmett, began struggling
"But you did before, didn't you? You left her in Forks, all by herself. And look what happened.... I saw the vision too. That was all your fault, because you left. Why would it be so hard to so again?" Aro slung his arm across my shoulders, making me shudder and tremble with the conbined force of pain at even mentioning that time, and the discomfort of having him so close.
"Because we thought we were doing the right thing then! We know how wrong we were now and we will not make the same mistake twice!" Alice yelled, but unlike her husband, she sagged in the huge vampires arms. Defeated. I didn't understand what she was saying- "the right thing"? I got it, they got bored and moved away, end of.
"It is not your decision to make anymore. Bella has scarified her life so you may live yours" He said, his arm tightening around my shoulders possesively and I had to force myself not to shake it off. The guards let go of the Cullen's, Jasper running to catch Alice before she hit the floor sobbing. Instead of stepping away, the guards stood beside me and Aro, prepared in case the Cullen's tried anything.
They were free. They could go. My mission was complete.
"We are not leaving without Bella" Esme spoke up from Carlisle's side, her eyes narrowed as she glared at Aro. I had never seen her so menacing.
Everything happened to fast. Esme crumpled to the floor, screaming and writhing in pain. I knew what was going on.
"STOP IT NOW!" I screamed at Aro, stepping out from under his arm and towards the Cullen's. I glared at Jane, taking a step towards her and reaching for my wand, Esme's screamed spurring me on.
"Jane, stop!" Aro bellowed, watching my with wide eyes as I stopped walking but continued to glare. I felt anger I had only felt a few times before swell inside of me. My family, my mother. Even if they didn't care about me, I would always care about them.
"Aro. I am warning you, one more attack on any of the Cullen's, and I will attack too" I gritted my teeth as I turned to face him, now standing between the two groups.
I stared at me, fear evident in his eyes. He knew I meant it, and I did. I would protect my family.
I kept watching Aro as I spoke, keeping my hand pressed against my wand. Aro's eyes found my hand, and I saw his eyes widen in recognition. He knew. I saw him gulp, his eyes reaching mine again.
"I want to speak with them. Alone" I exuented every word, speaking only to Aro and flexing my hand to let him know that this really wasn't up for discussion. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad if I could manipulate him like this all the time.
He hesitated for a second before he took one last glance at my hand and nodded. Him, and all of his goons exited the room, Jane stopping to glare at me, a smirk on her face. It fell as her ability failed to work and I smirked back as Aro dragged her away, closing the huge door behind him.
Silence rang loudly through the room for a moment before I turned around.
"Are they listening?" I whispered to any of them. They waited for a moment before they shook their heads, their faces in exactly the same strange expression. I sighed, finally allowing myself to breath normally, rubbing my face as I felt mentally tired. I took a glance at my throbbing hand, frowning as I saw the puffy skin. I winced when I tried to move my fingers and gave up. I would need to fix that when I get a moment alone.
"Bella...." Carlisle stepped forward as I raised my head to look at him, not really knowing what to do or say. On the one hand I saw my father, a man I respected and looked up to. On the other, a man who left me when I trusted him, he was the leader and he gave the final word. He gave the ultimate decision to leave.
Still, I can hardly blame them for getting bored can I?
"Listen, you don't have much time. You have to get out of here as quick as here" I rushed to say in a quiet voice, mentally cursing that I couldn't put a buzzing charm on the door for privacy.
"I meant what I said Bella, we are not leaving you here" Esme stepped forward, her glare gone as she looked at me with wide eyes.
"I have given everything for your freedom, and you had better take it and live" I huffed getting thoroughly pissed by their attitude. Was it really so difficult to leave and be safe?
"You're staying here? With them?" Alice asked weakly, peeking out from Jasper's arms, her eyes filled with liquid. I felt my heart pang as I saw her so heart broken, but I shook it off.
"Don't worry about me Alice, I'm a tough one" I smirked as I remembered how scared Aro got when I threatened him. I shook my head as Jasper opened his mouth to ask me why he was so scared. I couldn't explain anyway.
"You can't stay here Bella! He'll torture you" Emmett said quietly, hugging Rose's waist from behind as he watched me.
I frowned, thinking. Was there a way I could get out of here? I smirked as I thought about a possible outcome. It would only work if Aro was as predictable as I think he is. But if I did, then that means that the deal would be broken and Aro would hunt down the Cullen's. Would I risk it? It would basically waste everything I had just worked to do.
"I have no intention of staying here for any length of time" I mused, thinking out loud "The only way I could think of would work.... possibly" I carried on, tapping my chewing my lip as I thought.
"But that would mean the deal would be broken and Aro would be free to kill you" I admitted, caught in my dilemma. Free me and run, making the Cullen's open targets. Or stay imprisoned, knowing I could escape at any point, but don't because I was protecting the Cullen's. Of course, Aro could go behind my back and kill them anyway...
"What are you thinking?" Jasper asked quietly, smiling. I quickly realised that a large smirk had appeared on my face as I planned my escape.
"I'm getting out of here"I whispered back "But...." My smirk faded as I thought of the predicament I had gotten us all in.
"If I run when you're gone, then you'll have to hide out and keep hidden for quite some time" I scratched my head as I sighed.
"Do it. We'll be fine Bella, just get yourself out" Carlisle whispered quickly, his gaze on the door.
"Don't worry, I'll be out of here soon enough" I winked at him, stepping back as Aro entered again, only bringing Felix and Demetri with him.
"You may leave now" Aro turned to the Cullen's, standing between them and me. "Would you like an escort out?" he asked.
I shook my head slightly, glad I was stood behind them so they couldn't see me. Carlisle didn't look at me, but I knew he saw it anyway.
"No thank you Aro" Carlisle said stiffly, stepping back and taking his wifes hand.
"Come now Carlisle, I do hope we can still be friends..." Aro held out his hand as if to be shaken. Carlisle looked at it for a long moment before meeting Aro's eyes again.
"No Aro, you were prepared to kill me and my family, and have imprisoned someone I hold dear to me. I don't think a friendship is possible" Carlisle basically snarled, turning and walking out. They all followed behind him, Rose and Emmett standing on either side of Edward as they walked, as if holding him there.
The door shut and I was hit with the fact that I totally alone. What if my plan didn't work and I really was stuck here for the rest of my life?
"Well Bella, I do hope that you had enough time to sort out your affairs" Aro turned to me and walked towards me, Demetri and Felix blurring to stand on either side of the door so I was stood alone in the middle of the room with my mortal enemy.
"May I see it?" He asked, inclining his hand to my pocket that held my wand. I hesitated, glancing to the two vampires at the door and eyeing them sceptically.
"They don't know do they?" I said as a fact more than a statement.
"Only I know, but they will soon understand" Aro said loosing patience as his gaze was fixed on my pocket. I would be slightly creeped out if I didn't know it was my pocket he was staring at.
I sighed, using my good hand to pull my wand out slowly, holding it in front of me tightly.
"I warn you Aro, do not try to take it from me. I am bound to it powerfully, such magic that you cannot attempt to comprehend" I told him as he eyed the wand greedily. It was a fib, wand magic wasn't that hard to understand, but I wasn't about to tell him everything and everything about the wizarding world.
I waited, hoping that he would say it. Please say it, please ask.
"May I see some magic?" He pleading, finally meeting my eyes. I internally rejoiced. He was trying to hypnotise me again, but I had to push down the vomit that rose in my throat. He was disgusting.
I pretended to look around the room, idly flicking my wand at things. Silently I thought Petrificus Totallusas I pointed my wand at the two vampires stationed at the doorway. I held my breath as I waited for Aro to realise, but he carried on watching me with fascination. He hadn't even noticed.
Finally, I stopped looking around at turned to him with a smile on my face. He misunderstood my smile, thinking I was happy about being there.
"Show me something that I would be able to use against other vampires" He bounced excitedly on the balls of his feet. Had he seriously asked me to attack him or.... he wouldn't ask Felix or Demetri to help would he? Then he would find out that I had put a spell on them.
"Okay" I said quickly, wondering what spell I could possibly use.
Finally, I decided against a less violent spell, not wanting to pull too much attention to us. There was no doubt that I would have several run in's with vampires before I even made it out of here but I could take them.
Petrificus Totallus I thought as I pointed my wand at Aro, his whole body becoming stiff, only his crimson eyes moving madly in their sockets. I smirked, turning on my heel and running as fast as I could towards the doors. It was slightly disturbing how all of their eyes followed me yet they didn't move.
I opened the doors slowly, and closed them quietly behind me before turning and running down the stone, cold tunnel. Did I even know my way out of here?
I ran as quickly as I could, silencing my footsteps with a simple spell. Unfortunately, my breathing became heavy from all of the running, my heart pounding in my chest. I had never run so fast in my life than I had today. I was lucky the tunnel was just one long one with a door at the other end, no forks in it otherwise I would have surely gone the wrong way.
I found it curious how I hadn't met one single vampire yet. I slowed to a fast walk as I approached the door that led to the little "reception area". I took a few deep breathes before opening the door and walking in.
I was surprised that there was only the human there. I paused, expecting her to look at me, but she ignored me. She just kept typing away at her computer, chewing the end of her pen. I shrugged it off, walking to the door that I had originally came in from and walked through it, closing it again behind me.
Once the door was closed, I began running again. This time, I wasn't so lucky.
I heard yells coming from behind me, from the room I had just exited. I flicked my wand over my shoulder towards it, thinking Alohamora and hoping that it would keep them busy for a while.
I felt a cold breeze coming towards me and I turned my head back to where I was running, pointing my wand towards them. I lowered it as I realised it was Carlisle. In fact, all of the Cullen's were stood there in front of me.
"What.... the hell.... are you... doing?" I panted as I ran again, not wanting to stay stationary for too long and wanting to put as much distance between me and the vampires as possible.
"We heard you and came back. We aren't going to leave you Bella" Carlisle said, running beside me. We all stopped as a loud bang echoed through the stone tunnel.
"Run!" I yelled, not bothering about keeping quiet. They knew I was here anyway.
"Go! I'll meet you up there in a minute!" They hesitated "I'll call if I need you!" I yelled, staring back ahead at the tunnel. I felt a breeze and knew I was alone again.
"Bombarda!" I yelled, pointing my wand at the ceiling, watching the stone burst, the stone cracking and the ceiling collapsing loudly. Running farther again, I saw the drain opening high in the ceiling.
Growls and snarls rang out behind me as well as loud chashes found my ears. They had gotten through, though I doubted it would keep them for long.
Crouching quickly I whispered "Lacarnem Inflamaray"
Fire instantly sprung from the ground. I directed it, spreading it the width of the tunnel and making the blue flames grow until they reached the ceiling. They wouldn't be getting through that for a while. It was water proof and over 200 degrees. If they stepped into it, they would die instantly.
I turned, seeing the opening and ran towards it, ignoring the frustrated snarls as the Volturi vampires met my wall of fire.
Taking a running jump, and mentally thanking Harry for all of those extra Quiddich practices, and Wood for making me and Harry practice extra hard for every game against Slytherin.
My fingers hooked on the edges, my hurt hand causing me to cringe, but I ignored the pain, remembering the vampires that were just meters from me. I swung myself, managing to get my arms and head out, then my torso. I rolled over, pulling my legs out of the hole and laying on the cold stone floor, panting.
I rested for a moment before getting to my feet warily. I frowned as I tried to search for the drain cover to put it back over, but finding it was nowhere to be found. I rubbed my eyes warily, wondering if I had forgotten in somewhere.
Ignoring the drain cover, knowing that it wouldn't stop them for long anyway, I turned and ran again, my legs numbing slightly and I found them moving rather mechanically now. I vaguely remembered the way through the alleys as I ran, finding that they were just as empty as they were this morning. Was it really the same day? It seemed days ago I arrived here.
As I turned around another corner, I was abruptly grabbed around the waist from behind and hauled backwards into another dark alcove. I registered one thing. Cold hands.
"Bella, it's okay. It's just us" I stopped my thrashing before it started, my screech dying in my throat, relaxing as Carlisle let me go. My breathing was still coming as pants as I leaned against a wall and bent over, putting my hands on my knees as I got a stitch. I prefer brooms any day.
I stood up straight, my breathing slightly more normal again. I took a step away, but was unable to move any further as a cold hand wrapped around my wrist.
"Where are you going?" Jasper hissed out of the darkness.
"Getting out of here, what do you think?" I asked sarcastically, trying to get my hand free.
"Then why are you going that way? We have to stay hidden Bella" He reminded me and I rolled my eyes.
"Duh" I whispered "But if you go around by the alleys where no-one is and it's dark, you're an easy target, and they can kill you easily. If you stick to the open where there are lots of people, they can't do anything" I reminded him. The darkness was silent for a moment.
"She does have a point" I heard Rose agree, and I was rather shocked. She was actually agreeing with something I said?
"Well come on then" I whispered as Jasper let go of my hand.
I turned and walked again, taking deep breathes as my breathing still wasn't back to normal yet. Besides, when did I know if I would need to run again?
We came to an opening, but I was somewhere different from where I had run. Instead of being behind the line of officers like I had been when I went in, I was already in front of them, right at the back of the crowd. We would go by unnoticed.
I slipped into the crowd easily, finding them too entranced by the days activities to pay any mind to us. We walked through in single file, me in the lead as we made our way through the maze of people.
When we finally walked through the crowd, and into a little square, there were only a few people milling around.
We must have looked a sight. I stood in the center, with Esme and Carlisle on one side, Alice and Jasper on my other, while the other three walked behind me. They kept their eyes peeled but I still saw them before they did.
"Left, the alleyway between the hairdressers and the restaurant. Demetri" I told them, not even looking to check, I could feel his gaze on me. Damn it, he would be able to track the Cullen's. I needed to cast a spell, but how do I do it without making them curious? I can't.
I instantly froze Demetri, just like I had done in the throne room, his eyes following us as we walked past. I knew I had gained at least one enemy today.
"Bella, where are we going?" Carlisle asked curiously, but I could hear the fear. He feared for his family, just like I did.
"I don't know, I've never been to Italy before" I admitted, trying to remember the map Remus showed us one day in class about how to get out of Volterra if we were ever captured. Why couldn't he just give us a copy?
"But we need a car" I said saying my thoughts aloud. They couldn't run in day light, it was too risky, so we were stuck with cars.
I saw a sign with a car on it and instantly headed that way. I stopped as I saw it. It was the biggest car park I have ever seen. Damn Saint Marcus Day and it's popularity. Still, I guess we do have more choice.
"We need one car, it would be better that way so you don't get spilt up" I told them as we walked towards it, seeing little children in red dresses, and boys in red shorts. They had no idea.
After five minutes I was on edge. We had already spent way too much time here than was comfortable, and I felt like Aro would swoop in at any moment.
"A seven seater would be fine" I sighed as Carlisle told me what he had found. We all made our way to it "Alice, you'll have to sit on Jasper's knee" I mumbled to her, not really paying attention, more concerned about how to get out of here. If we get out of here.
When we got to it, I was pleasantly surprised. It was a large family car, so it should fit all of us in, but it wouldn't go very fast. I had heard about the Volturi's car collection, and they had speed on their side. Still, I was a good driver.
"Damn thing is locked" Emmett sighed as he gave up yanking the door.
"Oh for Gods sake! Move!" I huffed, getting rather impatient. He is a vampire, and he can't even open the door. Alohamora I thought, opening the door and making a face at Emmet who just stared at the car door blankly.
"Well? Get in" I sighed, climbing into the drivers seat. There was no way I would let them drive, they didn't know what they were dealing with.
They all climbed in, Carlisle sat up front with me, which I was pleased. He was the one I still respected the most.
Starting the car with another silent spell, I backed out and drove off, reaching seventy before I had even hit the exit. The Cullen's were shocked, but kept quiet. I guess after all they have seen today, my driving wasn't a priority question.
"Are you sure you should be driving that fast?" Rose asked, her voice back to being sarcastic and venomous. I was not in the mood for her or her hate today.
"Sorry. Should I let one of the idiots who were stupid enough to go to Aro for help, drive?!" I spat out, not removing my eyes from the road in front of me, turning sharply while I seethed.
"Point taken" She mumbled back quietly.
"Good. I think you'll find a few things have changed now" I said as I went into an oncoming lane and then back into my own. They remained silent, but they all knew I was right. I had changed, well I had always been like this but I kept that part of me quiet. Every time Edward went fast I wanted him to drive faster, but let him think the adrenaline rush was from fear and not excitement. I love speed.
I braked sharply at the traffic lights as the cars drove past. I looked around and swore loudly, smacking my good hand on the steering wheel.
"For Fucks Sake!" I basically yelled.
"What?" Carlisle asked, totally oblivious to the cause.
"White Spyder on the left and the Blue Porsche turbo 911? Jane and Felix" I added, knowing they heard as they revved their engines. I was trapped, both on either side in front of me, as soon as I went, they would follow. This may call for some imaginative driving.
Smirking as Felix got boxed in behind a pick up truck, a taxi to his right and a tour bus to his left, I stepped on the gas, shooting forwards. I smirked as several cars braked hard, swerving and honking loudly as I drove straight through them. Pressing the gas harder, I checked my mirror, not surprised to find Jane following me closely, dodging between cars like me.
It was only a matter of time before quite a few cars begin to follow us. I wonder who Aro will send...
"Do any of you have a phone?" I asked, probably sounding rather random.
"I need to make a call to Forks, and then.... overseas" I edited, knowing that Jane could hear me. I was handed a phone by Carlisle, and I typed in the number that I had memorized. I sighed, putting it on speaker so I didn't have to hold it.
"How much credit do you have?" I asked who's ever phone it was.
"Infinite, it's linked to a bank account" Alie replied in a small voice. I muttered darkly. They had way too much money.
The phone clicked and I held my breath, concentrating on the windy roads as I waited for it to begin.
"Hello?" Jacob asked hesitantly. I sighed, knowing that this was going to be a very long conversation.
"Jake, it's Bella" I said softly, braking before I crashed into the car in front. I had to slow down or I was going to crash, but I had to speed up because Jane and god knows who else is on my tail.
"Isabella Marie Swan! Where the fuck are you?!" He yelled down the phone and I sighed again, knowing how Jake would over react, especially when I mention the Cullen's.
If I knew Jake like I knew I did, this was going to be a very long conversation.
Okay, tell me what you think or whether or not I should continue it...