hey guys.. i know its been a long time but iv been really busy with college and eh other stuff.. hope this turns out alrite.. next chapter shud be up soon.. Jenn

"Edward can you place Edward Jnr down beside Carlie please?" he put him down and came and sat beside me.

"Babies I have something to tell you" they looked between myself and Edward trying to identify what was coming.

"Guys this is your daddy, Edward Cullen" I pointed to Edward, he tried to cut in but I refused to let him speak.

"When Edward and I were younger, we dated and when we were dating I got pregnant and then you guys came along" I said them cleverly leaving out everything that happened between Edward and I.

"Why wasn't daddy here all the time?" Carlie interjected always the smart one

"He wasn't here because I never told him you existed" I whispered not sure if they could here me.


"I'll explain it to you later okay?" I smiled while trying to hide my tears.

"Excuse me for a minute" I left Edward there with Carlie and Edward jnr i knew he wouldn't hurt them afterall they were his kids too.

I hadn't realised how long I was missing until I walked back into the sitting room to see Edward chasing my kids around the furniture.

"Edward" I called and two heads snapped in my direction.

"We need to talk" I looked at Edward and Edward jnr..

"Not you baby, Il put on Spongebob"


"Mommy" Carlie whispered

"Yes darling"

"I thought you said we could only watch Spongebob today when we cleaned our room?" She asked

"Well this is a special occasion your daddies here" I smiled and she went and sat beside her brother on the couch.

I walked out of the room and Edward followed right behind me.

"Tea or Coffee?"

"Tea please you remember the way I like it"

"Ya with a shot of Vodka" I laughed

"Damn straight"

I went to the liquer cabinet and pulled out the baileys, if he was going to drink then so was I. I made him his vodka tea and myself and Irish coffee and sat down at the table.

" So Edward when do you leave?" It was my first and most important question.

"Im actually here for two months recording a new song" He smiled. Fuck I didn't want the kids to get attached and then have him leave. I knew I wasn't being fair.


"Bella, can I ask you something?" I nodded not really feeling up to talking anymore.

"Why'd you do it? Why'd you leave?"