hiya, so Im back with the sequel to New Girl New Rules. Ive decided that this story will be updated every saturday as it gives me more time to get the writing done what with having school in the way and everything..For those of you who haven't Read New Girl New Rules it is not essential that you read it to be able to follow this story.

Eh I would like to say thank you to Sweetlil'cullengirl who came up with the name for this story. And I would like to say sorry to Jasmine as I am unaware if she got the copy of this chapter that I send to her..

oh i was listening to colplay fix you while writing this chapter, Oh and the pavillion is actually a place in cork in Ireland, I love it..


To say my life had changed in the past five years would be an understatement, I had the most gorgeous set of twins. One boy One girl, the only thing missing was there father but that was due to a choice I had made. I wanted him to continue his life and to date he did.

Unlike what I expected Edward had not become a doctor like his father, he had become a worldwide famous musician. He was a solo artist and often used his piano in his works. Had I not known Edward I would have thought all his songs were about someone else, but I knew they were always about me and I very rarely found myself being able to listen to his songs without being brought to tears.. In the early stages of his career his songs all revolved around love, now there was always a poignancy about them as if Edward story had yet to be told. As sad as it was I was still truly in love with Edward and often wondered why he had never tried to find his children..

At Christmas time I would always send Carlisle and Esme pictures of there Grandchildren. I didn't do it to spite them and show them what they were missing. I did it so they would know there grandchildren were alright. I never once sent a picture with me in it. Just incase Edward ever saw it.

"Mom" Carlie called from the kitchen.

"Edward wont give me my spoon back, I cant eat my yoghurt without my favourite spoon" I rushed into the kitchen to see Edward clutching Carlie's spoon to his chest..

"He won't give it back" She whined and I could see the tears begin to form in her eyes.

"Edward" I scolded.

"Can I have Carlie's spoon sweetheart?" I didn't want him to cry.

"Yup" he immediately handed me back the spoon and I gave it to Carlie. I didn't fail to notice that he stuck out his tongue when he taught I wasn't looking.. Just like his father.. I was always comparing little things the kids did to Edward.. Not only had Edward and Carlie been born with Copper hair like there father they also had many facial similarities. To any onlooker these Kids didn't resemble me at all with Bronze hair and green eyes.

"Bell's" Jacob called from the door. I really didn't see why he didn't just use the key I had given him. When I left Forks Jacob made it his mission to find out where I was going. He never told The Cullen's but he had informed Charlie that I was safe. Things between me and Charlie were still very awkward but he was taken with his grandkids and came to visit every so often..

"Coming" I yelled.. I put Carlie back in her seat..

"Be good" I warned as I went to get the door..

I opened the lock and there stood Jacob soaking. I hadn't realised it was raining. Jacob became my best friend. He was the reason I went to college and was now studying to become a teacher like I had always wanted to be. I had rearrange a lot of my courses so I could be in school at the same time the twins were. It was hard but I proved to myself that having children hadn't changed as much as my life as I thought it would..

"Jacob come in, there's a change of clothes in the spare room" Yes I know how this looks.. To my kids Jacob had become a father figure but they had never called him dad it was always "unkie Jake"

Jake had a combination of his clothes in my house. He watched the twins all the time and often ended up covered in more dirt than my two combined. I didn't understand how he accomplished it, but he often did. It was sometimes quite amusing.

"Give me a sec to change" He ran into the spare room and was back out moments later all clean and dry.

"So Bell's where are you off to, tonight?" He asked with interest.. It wasn't very often that I went out, but today it was my friends 21st birthday.

"Its Angela's birthday, were going to some gig, I wasn't really around to get the details. I'l be ready to go in about half an hour so don't worry. The twins are having yoghurts so they should be fine for the moment. Take a seat Il be back in awhile" I rushed into my room. I pulled on the short lace black dress I owned and place a pink belt around my waist. I added my new black and pink shake skin heels. Now the important part. Hair and Make-up. I normally never made much of an effort but it was a friends birthday.. I ended up leaving my hair down with Waves in tack..

I applied my make up flawlessly and even thought I knew I wouldn't try anything with anybody tonight. It still felt nice to be all dressed up. I walked back into the sitting room to have Jacob turn and look at me. His mouth momentarily opening but he closed it as soon as he realised.

"Wow" was all he said.

"Be quiet, you'll make me blush"

"Edward, Carlie" I called and both came rushing into the living room..

"Mommy You look pretty" Edward Jnr stated.

"Thank you honey, Now sweetheart's Mommy's going out, do you promise to be good for unkie Jake?"

"Promise, Love you mommy" Both cooed at me. I bent down so I could give each one a peck on the cheek.

"Love you too" I made my way to the door. Giving one last loving look at my twins.

"Enjoy yourself Bella" Jacob called from the couch his eyes still on the t.v

I closed the door behind me and made my way down the stairs that led to my apartment.

I was meeting Angela and the Pavillion at half eight. I had a Half hour to get there. I was so glad it was only two blocks away not that I was there often..

I was waiting on the corner. Two doors down from the Pavillion, when I heard a group of girls talking.

"I can't believe Edward Cullen is playing here tonight"

"Me neither, I would have thought he considered himself bigger than that"

"Me too" Some other girl agreed.

Wait did I here right? Edward Cullen? As in my Edward Cullen? What if he recognised me?

"Bella" Angela called.

Well, I clearly didn't have time to worry about that now. I plastered a smile on my face all the while wondering whether I would survive this night.

Well that was the first chapter of Same Girl New life.. So let me know what you think!!
