As he settled down between her legs, she couldn't stop her sobbing. It was quiet, her tears hot and constant, until her cheeks burned from the salt. Mikage's lips brushed across her stomach, his teeth grazing the spot after. He was intent on his game, but his eyes snapped to her periodically. The cruel smile her fear gave him made her sick with fury.

Aki's lips. Aki's fingers. Aki's…

His mouth closed over her breast, separated only by her bra. The shock made her arch toward him, though she was trying to pull away. His free hand moved to undo the buttons of his shirt (still stained with the blood of the creature) One by one they popped open, though he continued to draw at her breast. Tiny ripples of sensation danced, unwanted, to her core. She was repulsed. It seemed however, her body did not agree.

Mikage sat up to shrug off his shirt and toss it to the floor, returning too quickly to bite her nipple through the fabric, just hard enough to make her whimper. Again, this evoked traitorous electric waves, strait to her groin and she shook her head.

"Stop!" she cried, attempting to buck him off. The Progenitor chuckled meeting her eyes again.

"There she is." He said, voice low and husky, "No more impersonations of a ragdoll?"

Aya pulled at her bound wrist, numb now from all her struggles. Her twin watched this, mildly amused then hooked the cup of her bra with a finger and forced it up. This time when he rolled his tongue around her nipple, he didn't break their eye contact. His free hand went to her other breast, pushing the rest of her bra up around her throat, and took a firm hold of it. Aya thrashed then as the frightening ripples of feeling became stronger.

Aki's face. Aki's voice...

Mikage's teeth migrated south, pinching the side of her breast before moving to her ribs. She could only tremble, unable to fight him or the warm hum of feeling that was growing in her gut. Spreading down her thighs. And still he watched her. Aya wanted to look away form him, to close her eyes and shut him out, but something in the back of her mind told her no. If she looked away it was only out of fear that he would see how his touch was starting to affect her.

And she still couldn't admit that to herself.

The Progenitor rose slowly then, his fingers sliding up between her breasts to curl around her throat. He lifted her enough that he could force her into another kiss, and nipped her bottom lip when she refused to part it for him. He wasn't very upset by it though, probably having already learned that lesson. Instead, his nuzzled his face into her hair, breathing deeply and tickling her ear with his warm exhale.

"You're not fighting very hard." He murmured against her ear, while his left hand slid down, tickling her ribs and heading lower. Her abdomen clenched in anticipation, but he didn't touch her, not yet anyway. "And you're flushed…panting.." he nibbled at her earlobe, coaxing out a soft involuntary sound. Her eyes shot wide, her jaw clenched, and she was stone still.

No. It couldn't have been. This was disgusting, terrifying, and this was her brother. Her TWIN brother. She couldn't feel this way, it wasn't possible. Mikage chuckled softly against her ear.

"Naughty girl."

"Stop it." She hissed, blinking away more tears. "Please…just stop."

He shifted and she felt his knuckles graze her hip. He didn't reply, didn't need to. They both knew he wasn't going to stop now. Even so, a crushing sadness pressed down on her chest. It slowed her breathing and made her ache. Her tears were now a steady trickle down her burning cheeks. She simply didn't have the strength to sob anymore. His teeth drifted to her throat, rolling the tendons beneath her skin enough she make her groan. It hurt and yet there was that feeling. Pulsing stronger every time he touched her.

And then he decided to get serious.

The sound of his zipper sent a wave of panic strait through her and she rolled to the side crying out desperately. He'd remained between her thighs, so all she managed to do was shift her upper half away, but he pulled her back easy enough, laughing. She shook her head frantically, unable to think of any way to fight him, she began to beg, but his palm clamped down over her mouth and he leaned down, searching her eyes again. She could feel the brush of him, warm and hard, against her thigh, and suddenly couldn't move.

"You are mine." He said each word slowly, precisely as Aya stared up at him. "Do you understand?"

His hand slid from her mouth but she couldn't make a sound. Her lips parted, but all that came out was a shaky, nearly inaudible sound. His fingers sank into her hair, tightening into a painful fist. His eyes narrowed.

"Do you understand?"

"Please Aki…" the words were weak, almost too soft to hear, and she drew a trembling breath, "Please…don't."

Her twin watched her a moment before the anger slid from his face. There was an endless moment when they only stared into each other's eyes and then, with a smile that would make then devil proud, he pushed forward.


"Sir?" Wei knocked hesitantly on the door. He'd been slapped once tonight, his pride could only handle so much. Even if the little brat could snap him in half with the effort it would take to breath. "The chief said to bring Ceres to the laboratory right away. There are many test that they need to…"

But he trailed off as the door opened. The Progenitor leaned against the door jamb. He wore only his dark slacks, unbuttoned and slung low on the narrow hips of Aki Mikage. The boys was built lean, but powerful enough to pose a threat should he choose.

And now adays he did often.

"Uh…"Wei cleared his throat, eyes flicking into the dark room and back to his master. "I have a dress here for Ceres."

The boy snatched it from his hand and tossed it into the room. For a moment he only watched the traces of movement within, then arched a brow and turned back to Wei.

"Is there something else?"

"Kagami sent a set of cuffs in case she-"

"We won't need those." Aki smiled in his dark way and turned back to glance into the room. Deep inside Wei hear a soft whimper, and sniffling, but didn't make of point of finding Aya Mikage. He'd bee standing guard outside their room since they'd arrived. He'd heard the crying. Heard the girl's screams toward the end. He knew enough that he didn't need to see what had happened to her unless she came out here, and part of him hoped she didn't.

"Kagami asks this now, I assume?" Aki yawned, stretching.

Wei only nodded, eyes on the gleaming tile floor.

"Very well. I have had my fun for the moment," the Progenitor sighed, turning to the poor girl they'd kidnapped. He snapped, voice dropping an octave. "Come here."

Wei heard her soft intake of breath at the command, even felt sick when she hurried to comply. He'd never been one to get rough with females, not the way his mother had raised him. When he saw the stiff movements and blank expression, it made his stomach curl.

She didn't meet anyone's eyes, didn't actually focus on anything. Her eyes were dead, staring off ahead at something only she could see. Her wrists were bruised, and he could see the beginnings of a few severe hickeys on her throat.

The Progenitor wrapped his arm around her shoulders, ignoring it when she flinched from the movement and smiled.

"No, Wei. I don't think she's going to be much trouble at all."

I have a few more one shots in mind for after this. But they're a little more…descriptive…than this one. I don't know though.

Let me know what you thought.
