A Love Letter Written in the Middle of the Night


I based these stories on Yonaka Ni Kaita Love Letter(Which translates to my title), by Home Made Kazoku (a Japanese band). So I don't own that nor do I own Naruto or its characters.

He couldn't sleep, which was definitely a first. Shikamaru sat up, rubbing his eyes. He looked at the clock, which indicated that it was 12:30. He'd been in bed for hours now, wanting to get enough sleep to wake up early enough to see her. Now he realised it was her that was keeping him up. He had nothing but her on his mind. He needed to let it out.

Shikamaru looked over at his desk and saw his notepad on top. An idea formed in his head.

"This isn't going to work," he groaned as he got out of bed. He sat next to his desk and took out a pen.

He looked at the blank piece of paper. "This is stupid," he said aloud, but started writing anyway.

Why are you always on my mind?

I mean, you hurt me, you insult me, you even tried to kill me (not that it was personal or anything, but it was still troublesome).

You and I are almost complete opposites. I'm relaxed, you too tense. I yawn, you shout. I'm a cloud person, you a star person. We can be as different as day or night.

Thing is though, is that your changing me. Changing me into something...troublesome. I'm awake at 12:30 in the morning because of you, I'm willing to get up for you, I even put up with your violence to be with you. Even though it would be easier to sleep under the clouds, I'd rather stay with you.

Is it because you hit me, because you insult me, because we're so opposite that you're on mind? If that were so, Ino would be there too. Maybe because we have some similarities too. I mean, you're smart, and everyone says I am too.

Shikamaru chuckled slightly and continued to write:

Guess that's where it ends. Then maybe it's because you're beautiful, and though you can be mean, troublesome, and act like an old hag, you still show me that occasional glimpse of care and softness, the far better side to you.

I guess it could be all these things, maybe things I still haven't thought of.

Or maybe –

He paused before he wrote any more. He wanted to stop writing but his hands suddenly felt as if they went onto auto pilot.

Maybe it's because I love you, Temari.

He put down the pen, and picked up the paper instead. He read over and over, thinking that it wasn't him. He knew though, that it was. He knew that this was what he felt.

Shikamaru awoke when his head hit the ground. He realised that he had fallen asleep on the chair and was pushed off it. A figure loomed over his head and Shikamaru's eyes struggled to focus and see who it was.

Shikamaru released a nervous sigh and tried not to blush.

"So," the silhouette began, with a very forceful tone in the voice. It immediately changed into a much more playful, more feminine flow.

"You think I act like an old hag, huh?"
