An: This story is a 'spin off' from my pervious story, A Wrinkle in Time. For those who have read it, you know it's set in a completely different timeline. So please don't leave comments saying it's not accurate….its a different time line thus essentially different characters.

I was inspired to write to this due to my obsession with royal families.


I, Concubine

The shuttle had just arrived carrying with it, the hopes of an entire people. Her parents wait for her at the docking bay and while others were excited about her arrival, mother and father are not.

Since she has left, the family has seen an incredible increase of wealth and power, but also stares and silent humiliation, as the price of their success has been paid for by their daughter's body.

A crowd gathers and all eyes are on the docking bay.

The doors open and she arrives.

Beautiful. Proud. Bold. Daring.

This is how the others see her.

Her parents see nothing more than a beautiful whore. Covered in Vulcan gold and diamonds.

As she moves closer, they are surprised to see how much their daughter has changed.

Vulcan chains accentuate her hips and thighs.

Kissed by the Vulcan sun, her skin has darkened.

Rigorous Vulcan discipline has made her eyes more alert.

Centuries of Vulcan concubinage is reflected in her moment.

Her humanity has been lost and replaced by a distorted soul looking for a way out.

As the woman makes her way to her parents, the crowd is hushed. They want hear what this mysterious woman, who has seize the imagination of her humble world has to say.

She opens her mouth and lowers head.

The Vulcan Prince has trained her well.

"I have returned."


"Put me down! I am too old to be carried around anymore!" Nyota grumbles to her servants.

The servants place her on the bed. It is to be her last resting place.

Surrounding the bed are her half-human half -Vulcan offspring and their children. The result of an unnatural union between her and the Emperor.

As she looks at them, she sees her disappointed mother and father, both of whom disowned her after the Vulcan took her.

Still as they stare at her, their faces reveals no emotion. Nyota thinks of her life and of the world, she left behind.

Struggling to sit up in bed, Nyota's servants provide water for her to drink. The old woman takes a slip and gives it back.

One would not know by looking at her now, but the old woman in the bed was at one time the most beautiful female on Vulcan and conqueror of the stoic Emperor's heart.

Now, she was only a dying concubine whose mind was filled with regret, lost hopes and deterred dreams.

Everyone was silent as Nyota opened her mouth to speak.

"When I look at this empire, I think of the world I came from and the world I helped to create. I want to die knowing that I was not forgotten. I want people to know me and know that I was more than just a concubine. I had hopes. I had dreams. I had a future. It was taken and turned into this. And while I am no longer angry or ashamed, I do have regrets."

The youngest of Nyota's grandchildren moved closer to bed.

Nyota asked the servant to place the child next to her and the Vulcan child curled up to his grandmother. Her words had moved him as they always did.

Looking at her children, three in total two boys and one girl, Nyota sighed.

"I am dying. This you all know. I can feel death looming over me, breathing down my neck and waiting patiently until the last breath escapes my lips so he can bring me back to my parents. I must face them again. I must finish what I started so many years ago when I emerged from the shuttle, a new woman; a corrupted one."

Nyota then turned to the window. Raising a wrinkled fingered she smiled lazily.

"I remember when I first arrived to Vulcan. I remember entering the palace from this entrance and looking in this very same direction. Now I will die looking back at the place where it all started."

Her children and grandchild exchange looks. They were not human and so Nyota's words so full of emotion were confusing.

Nyota shook her head.

"No, I need to speak more correctly. It didn't start on Vulcan, but rather on Earth." A tear rolled down her cheeks. "How did I get so far from home?"


(80 years ago)

The Vulcan Empire, the largest and most powerful in the galaxy, spread its dominance and influence throughout. Vulcan Kings ruled with an iron fist and those civilizations that did not yield to the Vulcans were taken over by force.

And this was the way it was.

Earth was no different.

It was invaded back in 2050, by Emperor Solkar who wanted to create an intergalactic 'highway' that would connect the Milky Way to the near by galaxy of Orion.

Humans at this time virtually had no idea that they weren't along in the universe, until Solkar and his armada attacked.

In just one night, Earth defenses were over run and the most beautiful human cities were destroyed.

Humanity was enslaved and this united humans in ways never seen before.

Petty differences such as race, religion, and nation were set aside for the sake of the common goal, to take back Earth from the Vulcans.

War waged for years as humans decided that they would rather die than to be enslaved.

However, Vulcan proved to be too powerful and there was nothing that anyone could do.

The Vulcans who colonized Earth kept their distance from humans who they used either as their servants or as their intellectual pets.

Despite this however, several noble houses emerged among certain human families. Families who proved their loyalty to the Vulcan elite and the Emperor use this noble houses as middle ground to control the humans.

I was born into this world, so full of chaos and despair.

My family was not from any of the noble houses, although my father was a high-ranking servant in the House of Ndogo.

It had been his hope that Antar's son Jabari would make me his wife. Thus, elevating our family's status and giving my father great pride.

I was the only child.

The day that my life changed forever was the night Jabari talked with my father and agreed to take me on as his wife. Upon hearing the news, my father was excited and couldn't believe how his fortunes had changed. Although Jabari had seven wives, each one were provided for and their families wealth increase as a result. Polygamy was still widely practice in Africa and was socially accepted.

It would seem as though my dreams of becoming a communications officer at Starfleet would stay a dream.

Starfleet. I can laugh at it now. Just a puppet organization for the Vulcans. Another way for them to control their empire. Though at the time I wanted to join, but when Jabari made his intentions known, I knew I would not get that chance.

I did love Jabari ever since I was a child despite the fact that the man was twenty years older than myself and was controlling.

Nevertheless, as a good African girl, I humbled myself to the wishes of my family and accepted.



"Your majesty, I understand that you are taking a trip to Earth to view your family's holdings." Stonn lowered his head at the presence of the young prince.

Prince Spock stood above Stonn. His appearance was heavenly, dark looks made him exotic even by Vulcan standards and his presence was commanding, much like his father.

Still, he was agitated though as Vulcan he could not show these feelings.

"My father is sending me to Earth as a way to teach me about diplomacy and how to interact with humans." Servants attended to the prince.

"Your father is sending you to visit Antar who is leader of the House of Ndogo. He is the overseer of your family's holdings in the eastern part of the African continent." Stonn read from the order decree from Emperor Sarek, Prince Spock's father.

"Why allow humans to oversee our property? I thought the entire planet was ours?"

"In theory, it is, but your grandfather thought it would be best to establish noble houses among the humans. It allows them to think they have power; it keeps them content and allows us to do our job of ruling them easier. Humans are strange in that they want power no matter if it's real or not."

"Humans are illogical."

Stonn nodded his head. "Yes, indeed."


The woman lowered head and waited for her parents to answer her.

Both mother and father exchanged looks of disgust.

How could she have done this?

"It has been a long time since I've seen you. I miss you both." The woman raised her head and saw her father's face.

"Why did you come back, Nyota?" He asked. His voice was full of anger, but at the same time sadness.

"The Emperor has sent me to supervise the project studying the effects of the Red Matter at Starfleet. Since, I am going to be on Earth for a while; I decided to see you before going to San Francisco." Nyota's voice was full of hope and she wanted so desperately to reach out and hug her father.

But as the concubine of the prince, she could not let any man touch her.

Not even her father.

"Let us go home to have some privacy." Nyota's mother Ainra suggested.

"Yes, away from all these stares." Her father agreed.

Upon taking Nyota as his concubine, Prince Spock gave her parents control of the House of Ndogo and reestablished it as the House of Uhura.

The servants ushered both Nyota and her parents into a small shuttle that would take them straight to their mansion, where her brother Nassir awaited her.

"I was made aware that you given birth to a son." Nyota was desperately trying to make conversation with her parents who made it clear they weren't in the mood for formalities. However, Nyota's position as concubine meant that she outranked them and her parents would have to submit to her will.

"Yes, your little brother is about five years old. I had to have a son so that your father could have a successor to the House of Uhura. Women can't inherit." Ainra didn't want to look at her daughter in the face the humiliation was too much.

"What is his name?" Nyota smiled. She always wanted a little brother.

"Your father has named him Nassir."

Nyota was dumbfounded. How was she going to get her parents to talk to her and get them to understand the truth? How could they accept the Prince's wealth and gifts and hate her at the same time?

Were they that ashamed of her?

"When will Prince Spock be crowned Emperor over us?" Her father asked harshly.

Nyota moaned.

"Bada," she said softly, "Emperor Sarek hasn't made his decision; remember there are two princes, Spock and his older half-brother Spock."

"Armand, please don't." Ainra said sternly. "For now let's enjoy our daughter's visit."

Armand grunted and turned away. Nyota was heartbroken; her father truly did not love her anymore.

When they arrived at the estate, Nyota's eyes widen, it was so beautiful.

In true African fashion, animals such as chimpanzees, giraffes, and peacocks walked about in the front of the estate. It looked like a zoo, with lions in cages and other animals freely roaming in the grassy area near the mansion.

"I love it mother." Nyota attempted to muster up a smile. "I am sure Nassir has a great time here."

"He does."

"We had to change some things since Prince Spock evicted the House of Ndogo. That family had no taste when it came to extravagance." Armand with his husky voice joked cruelly.

The House of Ndogo made Nyota think of Jabari, she hadn't heard about what happen to him and his family after she left.

But from the silence of her parents, it couldn't have been good.

"Whatever happen to Jabari?" Nyota found herself whispering, for some reason she thought that mentioning Jabari would be taboo.

Ainra and Armand exchanged looks. In fact, even the servants who heard her ask the question appeared uneasy.

"After your beloved Prince Spock made a fool out of him in front of the other noble houses by attacking him and then claiming you, Jabari committed suicide." Armand snapped.

Nyota's heart skipped a beat. Jabari, a man with such pride, wealth, and a love for life would commit suicide. It was a painful thought.

The servants opened the doors to the shuttle and the family walked up to entrance of the estate.


Nyota coughed. The sickness was making it harder for her to breathe let along talk. The small grandchild sitting in her bed went to sleep, but the rest of her family listened now more intensely than before. No one had ever heard the story behind Nyota and Spock's union. Spock surely didn't speak of it and to hear Nyota speak so negatively was interesting to say the least.

A tear streamed from Nyota's eye.

"Jabari, I killed you! I didn't know how that night would affect both you and me." Nyota coughed again and her servants poured a cup of water and presented it to her. Nyota moved the cup away.

"No, I don't want any." She mumbled.

T'Rina, Nyota's daughter took the cup, "Mother, it is only logical that you drink this."

"Logic be damned! Damned it! May it and the Vulcan that invented it burn in hell!" Nyota spat and the small child stirred.

T'Rina and her brothers, Syon and Tarek although stoic in their appearance, exchanged worried expressions.

"Let me have my child." T'Rina reached and picked up the sleeping Vulcan child away from its grandmother.

"Don't leave! I am not finish telling my story!" Nyota demanded.

"I must return home soon mother, my husband is waiting for me." T'Rina pleaded. She was married to Soran, a Vulcan from a prominent noble family and needed to see him.

"I am your mother and I want you to stay. Who knows how long I got." Nyota coughed again, this time more painfully, "This disease is eating me alive. What's your problem? I'll be dead soon enough."

Syon, the oldest leaned in next to his mother.

"Proceed, we will say." He whispered gently and gave his siblings a harsh look.

Nyota smiled.

"You know me too well Syon."


Emperor Sarek the father of Prince Spock was a walking contradiction.

He spoke of peace, but use violence to achieve it.

He spoke of spreading the wealth, but on Earth, only a few had it.

And he spoke of love, but secretly did not love his queen, T'Rea.

What my parents didn't understand was that the Vulcan royal family was a house divided. Sure, it appeared stable on the outside, but it was crumbling on the inside. And it was all Sarek's fault.

Most humans didn't know that Sarek had a fondness for human women and his secret harem was filled with them. They also didn't know that Prince Spock, Vulcan's golden boy was half-human. It was a secret that many would kill to have, a member of the royal family in whose veins flowed both human and Vulcan blood. It was a disgrace to everything Vulcans stood for. Purity. Strength. And logic.

While, now my children are not subject to such prejudice, eighty years ago being of mixed heritage could spell your doom on Vulcan.

But Sarek could not help himself. He was in 'love' with Amanda, Prince Spock's mother.

She was beautiful and was from a merchant family whose dealings with the Vulcans brought them in close contact with the Emperor. It was rumored that with one look, Sarek demanded that he have her and took the young human girl away from her family.

The time Sarek spent with Amanda caused considerable controversy and T'Rea became jealous.

T'Rea was the mother of the heir-apparent at the time, Prince Sybok.

At first, there was nothing to fear from Amanda's presence, Sybok would inherited the throne and it was believe that Sarek would get rid of Amanda once he grew tried of her, but things didn't go as planned.

Amanda became pregnant.

Sarek was worried that if the noble families found out they would use it against him and so he had Amanda give birth to Spock in secret and away from T'Rea.

When T'Rea found out about the birth of the prince, she was worried that Spock would rival Sybok's claim to the throne. However, Sarek at the time had no plans for Spock inheriting the throne, and instead planned to groom the child to take his place among the nobles. Despite this, T'Rea's jealously got the best of her and she secretly had Amanda poisoned.

Amanda's death sent Sarek into a psychotic rage and he had T'Rea executed. Sarek would regret his actions as T'Rea's father and his powerful noble family declared war against Sarek.

This civil war unknown to those off Vulcan lasted for five years.

It finally ended when Sarek captured Turan, T'Rea's father and the rest of her family and had them all executed for treason.

Such an action considered harsh among Vulcans, was justified by Sarek and his supporters as something that needed to be done.

After that Sybok who was ten years old and whose father felt he was undeserving of the throne was exiled with the surviving members of his mother's family.

As for Spock, Sarek needed an heir and doctored the records to show that T'Rea was the actual mother of Spock. Anyone that knew the truth was sworn to silence or else face a certain and brutal death. Sarek did this for multiple reasons:

He wanted his dynasty to continue unchallenged.

He couldn't allow anyone to know the truth behind Spock's origins, as they wouldn't have accepted a Vulcan/human hybrid to sit on the throne.

Last but not least, because he didn't want to have another bloody civil war.

Therefore, with that, Sarek kept the secret of Spock's ancestry deep within him and the young prince never knew his mother or his half brother that grew up in exile hating him.

A secret that would have devastating consequences.


Three days had passed since Spock talked with Stonn and now he was on Earth. The journey had exhausted him and he wasn't in the mood for formalities.

His personal ship docked at the bay near the House of Ndogo and Antar and his son Jabari awaited him.

"I heard that Prince Spock is easier to talk to than his father. Perhaps he will listen to what we have to say about the expanding our territory." Jabari whispered in his father's ear.

Antar nodded his head. He could see the young prince emerging from the ship.

"Let's us hope so. I can't stand these Vulcans. They say one thing and mean another. We can't trust anything that comes from their lips." Antar whispered. "I am sick of having to pretend to be humble and adore them. They have enslaved the human race!"

Jabari wanted to say something, but Prince Spock was too close to them.

The Prince stood about a foot taller than both men and Antar and his son bowed before him.

"Greetings, your majesty. I am please to see you. We have heard a great deal about you." Antar reached and kissed the prince's robes.

"My father, the Emperor has sent me to inspect his holdings and to talk to you about possibly expanding your territory. You are aware that such a thing will have to be discussed among all the noble houses correct?" Prince Spock asked and noticed a small young woman coming from behind the doorway.

She was dressed elegantly. Wearing a head wrap and a colorful dress that showed how beautiful she was.

Spock's attention stayed on this woman for so long that Antar had to tap him on the shoulder.

"Oh, I see you are looking at Nyota. She is my son's future wife." Antar pointed to Nyota. "Come here child and let him see you."

Nyota walked up slowly and bowed her head. "Greetings, your majesty."

"Greetings, Nyota." He said and Nyota for a brief second thought she heard a more seductive sound coming from the prince's mouth.

She thought nothing of it.

"Let my servants show you to your quarters." Antar motioned to his servants who took Spock's belongings and the crowd headed towards the estate.

Prince Spock who walked ahead of Nyota tilted his head only briefly to catch a glimpse of the beautiful African woman who followed behind him.

Nyota did not notice it, but Jabari surely did.

An: I hope you all like. I was going to make this a one shot, but realize I wouldn't be able to do it justice. I need to go deeper and I think two more chapters might do the trick. Got to remember Nyota is dying as she is telling this story so it can't be long. And PLEASE if you like this story please leave a review or put it on your favorite story list. I want to get many reviews.