(A/N) This one's for Miss Ginny Weasley, who oh so kindly requested a Paul/Bella. Here you go chica.


"Hey Bella! It's great to see you! I missed you since I saw you yesterday! Oh God no, talk about sounding needy." I rubbed my face and sweat smeared onto my hand. "Bells! You look better today than you did in my dreams! Well if I want to sound like an insulting perv that's the way to go." I leaned my head onto the steering wheel and tried to think of a better greeting. I mean, what do you say to your friend's former girlfriend when you're not even sure she's interested in you?

God, Jake is ten times better at this shit.

I lifted my head from the steering wheel and flipped the visor down so I could take a glance in the mirror. Great, not only am I sweating profusely, but my face is all flushed. This is just friggin' fantastic. I'll go down in history as Jake's fumbling, red-faced, perv-boy friend. I leaned my head back onto the wheel and turned the car back on. I cannot face her like this. I'll just go home and come back another day when my balls have grown back.

Somebody tapped on the window and I jumped. Ugh, sissy boy.

I looked out the window and there she was. Bella Swan, I mean. Her dark brown hair looked tousled and her perfect pink lips were curved in a smile. She motioned for me to roll down the window and I did so, eagerly I might add. I swear, I'm falling apart over this girl.

"Hi Paul, did you wanna come inside? Or would you prefer to sit out in your car practicing lines all day?" Ah hell, I've made a fool of myself now. She stared at me expectantly. Wait, did she ask me a question?

"Uhhh, what?" Uneducated too? Boy, I really am racking up the social skills today. She laughed and I relaxed. How that bloodsucker could walk away from this girl was beyond me. Her smile alone was enough to melt me.

"Turn off your car and come inside Paul, I just finished making dinner for Charlie and I think there's enough for one more." I think I moved fast enough to scare her. She actually jumped backwards a step and tripped over her own feet. Her fall backwards was dramatically slow in my mind and despite my super human ability to turn into a werewolf and be all agile and that shit, I managed to trip over myself in my own eagerness to catch her. We ended up splayed in the grass, me on the bottom and her collapsed over my chest like she meant to fall there.

"Oh man, I'm sorry Paul! I'm such a klutz. Are you hurt?" She sounded concerned, it was so cute.

"Nah, I'm okay. Are you alright Bella?" She wiggled around on top of me and I carefully nudged her to the side to avoid embarrassment. She lifted up her left arm and I saw a small scrape on her elbow. Great, you haven't even gone out once and you've already hurt her.

"I think I'll live, it's just a little cut." We got up off the lawn and Charlie was standing in the doorway, looking suitably cautious. "Oh hi dad, I sort of tripped and took Paul with me." He grunted and went back inside. Bella blushed crimson and pulled out of my grasp. I felt like a fool for holding onto her.

"So, dinner?" She grasped my hand from where it hung limply at my side and tugged me towards the house. I caught her eyes and smiled.

"It's a date."