Me: Drumroll, please!

Max: -drumroll-

Me: Ladies, gentlemen, and mutants, Matt&Max proudly present... LOSING LISSA!

Max: I gotta admit, this is one of your better ideas.

Me-:Like capturing you, right?

Max: No.

Disclaimer: I don't own jack. Even if I do happen to own it, I'm not claiming it. This disclaimer is for the entire story, so nobody sue me.

Max: Can you even do that?

Me: We'll find out...

(This whole story will be from Fang's POV, unless otherwise noted)

Holy crap. I did it. I convinced Max to settle down, I thought. No more flying around the globe to save the world. No more sleeping in caves. No more eating desert rat. Sure, it had taken a lot of smooth-talking, and we had decided that once the world needs saving, you'd better believe we'll be saving it.

Luckily, the end of the world shouldn't happen for a while. And just watch, it'll happen tomorrow or something.

Of course, there was another condition, which was that we live with Dr. M and Ella, but hey, I could live with that. You gotta love those cookies.

And now, I can live my life in peace. I rolled over in my bed– yes, my bed, not my tree branch– and yawned. I looked up at the clock– 6:30? Really? Damn, it may take a while to get used to normal life. I was about to go back to sleep when I was almost thrown out of bed by the sheer sonic force of the knocking on my door.


School? Aw, crap…

I walked Iggy into the main hall of the school building. Why did Max forget to tell me? Heck, everyone else knew! Probably payback for something I didn't know about yet…

"Come on, Fnick!" Iggy complained. "Describe the place. Describe the colors. Describe the la-dies."

"La-dies, Jeff? Really?" Iggy shrugged. "Okay," I said, "Uh, it's big, it's, uh, red, my God, this place reminds me of High School Musical…" Wait a minute, I thought, didn't Nudge say something, or rather, a lot of things like "They filmed HSM at your new high school, Max! Oh, Fang, aren't you excited! Iggy I wish you could see it…" Great. How long until people start singing, dancing, and giving me a real excuse to kill someone?

"Hello? Earth to Fnick? I don't give a desert rat's roasted ass whether or not they filmed those movies here, I still can't see it," Iggy said, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry. I think Nudge did say that they filmed it here, so be happy, you're in a preteen girl's paradise."

"Great," Iggy said. "How will this work?"

"How will what work?" I asked.

"A teenage girl's paradise in a preteen girl's paradise!" he said. "I'm in trouble!"

"A teenage girl's paradise?" I laughed. "Iggy, stop kidding yourself. You don't even know what you look like."

Suddenly the bell rang, and Iggy and I ran off to homeroom.

"Hey, guys, how was your first fifteen minutes of high school?" Max asked, sitting down in the desk behind me.

"Just peachy, Jeff's full of himself again," I replied. "Where were you?"

"In the office, just making sure one of us is with Mr. Full Of Himself at all times." She smiled. "If he could see, I bet he'd be as conceited as that redheaded snob over there." She motioned at the carrottopped beauty.

"Hey, really why do you think redheads are all snobbish and whatnot?" I asked, defending the unknown girl.

"Come on Fanick," she said, catching herself before she dropped the wrong name, "I thought you were over your–" I stopped her.

I tapped Iggy on the shoulder. "Jeff, that's a backpack. I doubt it'll respond to your, uh, hitting on it. Or whatever you call it. At least find a living thing." Iggy blushed and started to mutter very bad things about me, so I turned back around to face Max. "You were saying?"

"I thought you were over your little redhead thing," she finished.

"Well, I am, thanks to you," I said, giving her a semi-sarcastic "thanks" look. "But there's still no way to tell if she's stuck-up until you meet her."

"Which should be in about five seconds," Max snarled as the Unknown came to say hi. Seriously, she needed to get over her little red hair prejudice…

"Hi!" The girl said, brushing back her hair. "As class president, I'd like to be the first to welcome you to your new high school!"

"How are you president? It's the first day of Freshman year," Max pointed out.

"Well, it's not official yet. But I will be. Anyway, my name is Lis…" She trailed off as she shifted her attention from Max to me. Since she was staring at me, I decided to just stare back. Now that I got a good look at her… Yeah, Max was right, she looked snobby and stuck-up and all that. Meanwhile, Max was looking from her to me to her again, obviously irritated. The "class president" finally broke the awkwardness.


Oh crap…

Max: That was really really short.

Me: Hey, it's the first chapter. They're almost always short.

Max: Riiiiiiiiiight. I do like how you portrayed Iggy, he is like that at times...

Me: Well, in Fanfiction, he's always portrayed like that.

Max: You sure?

Me: Yeah.

Max: I challenge that.

Me: You what?

Max: I bet we can find somewhere where Iggy is a normal, respectable, human-avian hybrid.

Me: Okay, fine. I'll give you twenty bucks if we do.

Max: Awesome! We have a quest!

Me: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?

Thanks for reading! -Matt&Max