Here's the much-awaited chapter on Georgina. I've had this done since I first started this fic, but I've been waiting to post it. Anyway, enjoy. Oh, and again, her middle name isn't canon.

no rest for the wicked

-ten true facts about Georgina Elizabeth Sparks-

10. When she was born, the nurses always told her parents that they'd "never seen a sweeter child." She rarely cried and always had a smile on her face. When she grinned, a dimple appeared in her left cheek. But Georgina hadn't smiled—a real smile, not a scheming-smile or high-on-coke smile—for almost five years.

9. When she was thirteen and left alone in her house, she considered suicide. When she was fifteen and watched a man die before her, she considered suicide. When she was eighteen and her parents sent her back to military school, she considered suicide.

When she believed in Jesus, it was because He knew suicide was wrong.

8. She was born on December 31st, at 11:59 pm. She hates it. She was so close to being first—but instead she ended up dead last.

7. Georgina actually likes school. Her best subject was English, because it was open for interpretation. There was no one right answer, there were millions, and you could be as creative as you wanted to be when coming up with one.

6. It's stupid, but for a while, she had a crush on Nate Archibald. Of all people. Maybe it was because he was so innocent-looking, so pure and golden.

The Jesus on the front of her Bible looks just like him.

5. Her parents are both social workers. You'd think she'd be a lot less screwed up than she is, with that being true. She chalks up her problems to neglect—because they always had time for the other children they treated. Not her.

4. She shares one thing in common with Blair Waldorf: losing her virginity to Chuck Bass. Only that worked out a lot better for Blair than it did for her, it turns out.

3. Georgina had her first sip of beer when she was nine. She lost her virginity when she was eleven. She had her first snort of coke when she was fourteen.

Now, at twenty-seven, she knows it's time to stop. For good. It's a blow to her pride, but she checks into rehab willingly, if a little nervous. It turns out to be the best idea of her life, and not only because the instructor, Reid, is so damn hot.

2. Georgina mends fences with Vanessa first. She's always been the most forgiving. Then she moves onto Dan, then Serena, then Nate, and, with more inhibitions, Blair and Chuck.

The day they finally let her watch little Evelyn, she whoops with joy.

1. Reid is one of the many, many men she slept with. He's the first she loved. And he's the only one to put a ring on her finger. She gets married in a small ceremony, with only her closest friends. She didn't invite her parents.

But they show up anyway.

She walks down the aisle in happy tears.


Well, here's my squirreled-away chapter on Georgina. I hope I did her justice. She was a hard character to nail down. Anyway, reviews, and suggestions. Up next is Eric, but after that I'm open to anything.