I asked readers of Sick Days what they thought of this idea, and several people encouraged me to do it. And so… here I am.

My challenge to myself: Take this book, The Final Warning, that nobody likes, rewrite it in Fang's point of view, and make it something people will enjoy.

It's gonna be tough, alright. But I'm doing it.

The first two chapters are about people hunting the flock or something, so I'll fill those in with scenes I make myself. But Chapter 3 is Ari's funeral, just like in the book!

Disclaimer: I do not own Maximum Ride; James Patterson owns that, and most of the dialogue in this story.


This is another one of those books about the six flying kids and their talking dog. You're used to hearing these from the perspective of my best friend, Max. That makes sense-- she's a smartass with a huge mouth. But even though I'm a quiet person, I have plenty to say, too. I have a tale to tell.

And this is it. One of fear and death. Love and rejection and jealousy. Hope and disappointment. Running and staying. Capture and escape.

A traitor turned good.

A group of evil Plexiglas boxes.

A flirtatious scientist.

Wings. Friends. Family.

It's one messed up story.

But it's mine.


I know, it's really, really short, I'm sorry! Seven reviews and I put the next chapter up right away!