Author's note: A big thank you to everyone who has read and reviewed this fic. On Friday, November 6th I will post the introduction and prologue of the final fic in this trilogy arc, X-Wing: Resurrection of a Rogue.

Chapter 20 - Redemption of the Exiles

"That's impossible!" Darvix snapped. "Darth Bane has been dead for a thousand years!"

The cloaked figure approached Darvix, lightsaber still active, "I was a follower of Darth Revan's teachings. When I learned of the True Sith through his works, I ventured to this space to learn more. Instead of finding the knowledge of the Sith, I learned that Revan was a traitor to our cause. Furthermore, I learned of his last prophecy: a descendant of Darth Revan's closest aide who would bring the knowledge of Revan's treachery back to the Republic. This is something I cannot allow to happen."

"So you've been keeping yourself alive through the Force for a thousand years," Darvix noted, "just for a chance to kill me? It'll be a shame for all this time to go to waste, old man."

"The knowledge held by Darth Revan and the Exile poses a tremendous risk to the True Sith," Darth Bane replied as he inched closer to Darvix. "Revan's prophecy spoke of you: you would be the one to deliver this information into the hands of the Jedi who is said to be the one that will create the new Jedi Order. Your very existence endangers the Sith, Descendant. For that, you shall die by my lightsaber!"

Kasari watched in horror as the Sith Lord lowered the hood of his cloak, revealing an extraordinarily deformed human face. The man's eyes glowed an inhuman yellow. It was clear that Darth Bane had become completely corrupted by the Dark Side of the Force. Without warning, he lunged at Darvix. In one lightning quick movement, Darvix eluded the attack. Kasari heard the sound of two lightsabers coming to life. Both were in Darvix's hands. One blade was a deep emerald green, much like Master Skywalkers. She immediately recognized that lightsaber being the one he had built shortly after becoming a Jedi Master. The other was a color she had never seen before in a lightsaber: an orange as vibrant as a Tatooine sunset. Darvix stood in a low crouch, both blades extended away from his body. It was the first time she had ever seen Darvix using the weapon of the Jedi.

"Stay back!" Vik ordered. "You're just going to get in his way!"

Kasari ignored Vik, immediately reaching for her lightsaber. Vik grabbed a hold of her, wrapping his arms around her to keep Kasari from assisting Darvix, "He's going to be killed!"

"Don't sell him short!" Vik said. "This is Darvix in his element."

As Darth Bane lunged forward again, Darvix managed to elude him, deflecting the red lightsaber blade with one of his own. He called upon the Force to speed his movements up. His blade technique had always relied on pure speed. Darvix had never been the strongest dueler, but what he lacked in strength he made up for in speed and technique. He skirted around Darth Bane's attacks, parrying each movement with precision accuracy. Every now and then, he would sneak in a thrust of his own, only to have it brushed off. Darvix couldn't help but feel that he was in over his head. Despite his speed, Darth Bane seemed to be matching his every movement. He had to find a weakness in his attack and fast.

"You're slowing down, old man!" Darvix yelled at his opponent as he brushed off another attack.

"You're arrogance will be the end of you!" Darth Bane spat. "You cannot appreciate the strength the Dark Side lends me!"

"That's where you're wrong!" Darvix said. "I've reveled in its presence. I know it is nothing more than a crutch for your foolhardy ambitions!"

Darvix motioned as if he were going to move to the left, but suddenly broke right. Darvix thrust the orange lightsaber in his left hand towards Darth Bane, who responded by attempting to parry it away. Darvix couldn't help but grin, he had fallen for his trap. He quickly performed a backflip, thrusting his right hand forward. As the green lightsaber blade moved in a circular arc with Darvix, it sliced through Darth Bane's arm, severing it from his body. He quickly recovered and lunged at his assailant, thrusting both blades through his torso before moving them outwards and away from the initial penetration. With a thud, Darth Bane fell to the floor. The upper part of his body landed in one spot, while his severed waist and legs landed in another.

"I'll see you in hell," Darvix said between breaths as he turned off his lightsabers.

Darvix collapsed to the floor, allowing both lightsaber hilts to fall to the ground. As he lay there trying to catch his breath, he could hear Kasari and Vik rushing towards him. Darvix rolled onto his back and looked up at his two worried companions. Somehow, he managed a smile. His two companions wrapped him in an embrace, thankful that he had not been killed at the hands of a long-forgotten Sith Lord.

"Sorry," he said. "I guess I'm a little out of shape."

"Snide observation: It seems that your meatbag companions care for you deeply," HK-47 said as it approached them. "Query: Are you sure you don't want me to kill them?"

"I thought I told you to shut up," Darvix groaned. "Why don't you get us into the Ebon Hawk now?"

"Resigned acknowledgement: Oh very well, meatbag," HK-47 replied. "Statement: This beeping trash-compactor will lower the entry ramp for you."

Darvix glanced to the side of HK-47, where what appeared to be a four-legged utility droid was staring at them. The droid issued a series of electronic beeps as it looked directly at Darvix.

"Explanation: This is T3-M4, a utility droid that Master Revan insisted on keeping," HK-47 explained. "Direction: Please follow the droid to the Ebon Hawk."

Darvix stood and glanced at the small droid for a moment before following it to the freighter. The droid engaged one of its mechanical arms and inserted it into a socket beneath the Ebon Hawk, causing the entry ramp to lower to the ground. Part of Darvix was amazed that the hydraulics on this ship still worked after all the years it had laid dormant. Darvix was unsure about how he was feeling as he slowly walked up the ramp. Ten years of searching for answers was finally going to bear fruit. Was he relieved? Was he anxious? He wasn't sure.

He had entered into what appeared to be a utility area. Along one wall was an old swoop bike. Darvix doubted it was still functional. Nearby were empty work benches and storage crates. He slowly walked towards the center of the ship, coming to a stop at what appeared to be the crew lounge. There were some old seats and a holoprojector, all of which had remained unused for four-thousand years. Darvix continued further, walking past the empty crew quarters and hyperdrive bay. He glanced briefly at the cockpit of the freighter, the controls dark and lifeless. Long ago, this had likely been an active place, where both Revan and the Exile spent countless hours and days. What had they done here? What were they thinking about as they sat in these seats?

Shaking his head, Darvix retreated from the cockpit, running his hand along the cold durasteel walls of the ship's interior. As he backtracked his steps, he noticed a door that he had missed earlier. Darvix stepped towards it, raising his hand to key the door's control. He hesitated for a moment. Every fiber in his being told him that what he was looking for was beyond this door, hidden within this room. Was he ready to take this information in? Was he ready to finally have the question that had been bothering him for nearly fifteen years answered? He took an unsteady breath before finally opening the door.

Within the room Darvix spotted only two things. The first was a computer terminal, still humming and active. The second was a large tube with a transparent cover. Darvix slowly approached the tube, pausing a few moments before finally looking through its cover. Within it were the pristinely preserved remains of a woman. She looked to have been in her mid forties when she had finally died. Her black hair spilled around her nude form. Darvix didn't need to search for information to know exactly who this was: The Jedi Exile, Darth Revan's most trusted aide. Darvix glanced at the entrance of the room, where both Vik and Kasari stood.

"It looks like she was wounded badly," Darvix said quietly. "She probably placed herself in hibernation so she could die a painless death."

As Darvix stared at the deceased Jedi Exile, the nearby computer terminal came to life. Darvix glanced at the screen, surprised to see a video of the Jedi Exile. Was this taken just prior to her death?

"Greetings, Descendant," the Exile said. "It seems a little odd to greet you like that…Perhaps an explanation is in order, if you haven't already figured it out."

Darvix turned towards the screen, his jaw slightly dropped. Why hadn't this clicked before now? Suddenly it all made sense.

"Prior to our deaths, Revan revealed one final prophecy. He spoke of a descendant of my lineage who would carry out one final mission for us. I suppose it goes without saying that Revan was speaking of you. He shared this prophecy with the inhabitants of the Taris Promised Land, saying that my descendant would arrive one day to free them of their bonds and allow them to return to the surface. The prophecy stated that you would rediscover the Star Maps and locate Revan's final message on Lehon. Ultimately, that would lead you to my final resting place, the Ebon Hawk.

"It was prophesized that you would recover the information hidden within this ship's computers and return it to the Jedi Master who will create the new Jedi Order. I am sorry that this knowledge has been hidden from you, for I know that it has likely caused you great hardship and strain for a long while. We simply could not allow anyone other than yourself to find the information within this ship."

Darvix motioned for Vik to access the ship's computers and record logs. The data was here, now they just needed to make a copy of it.

"The history texts have likely branded myself and Revan as exiles," the woman continued. "No doubt the truth of our existences has been lost to both time and the meddling of corrupt individuals. You must know that there is much more to our story than you could have ever imagined. The records aboard this ship tell the truth about us, but perhaps you would like to hear them in my own words.

"No doubt you know that Revan was a Dark Lord of the Sith. After defying the Jedi Council's orders and leading the Republic's charge against the Mandalorians, Revan disappeared into unknown space, only to return years later as Darth Revan. What you do not know, however, is that it was not Revan, but his apprentice Darth Malak who led the insurgents during the Jedi Civil War.

"Darth Revan had been captured by a young Jedi named Bastila Shan, who worked tirelessly to turn Revan away from the Dark Side. She succeeded, and Revan returned to the ranks of the Jedi once more. Revan would fight alongside the Republic and the Jedi against Darth Malak and his Star Forge, and it would be he who would slay Darth Malak and destroy his superweapon. Revan was a redeemed Jedi who had gone from being the Sith Lord himself to the savior of the Galaxy."

"As for myself," The Exile was beginning to look weaker and weaker in the video, "I was one of Revan's most trusted Generals during the Mandalorian War. After the war was over, Revan and his followers left to the unknown reaches of the Galaxy. That is, all of his followers except for myself. I returned to the Republic and to the Jedi Council to face punishment for defying their orders. I was stripped of my connection to the Force and branded an Exile. They feared that my actions would influence others to follow me. They feared that I would destroy the Jedi Council's status quo.

"They had been wrong to refuse assistance to the Republic during the Mandalorian War. That is why I defied their orders and joined Revan's forces. Many followed my example, and this was the true reason they feared me. I was a threat to the established manner in which the Jedi handled their affairs. As such, I accepted their punishment and went into exile, wandering the Outer Rim for years. I was in exile while Revan returned to the Light Side to save the Republic. I was in exile after Revan vanished after the Battle of the Star Forge. By the time I returned to Republic Space, the Jedi had all but been wiped out. In my ensuing journeys I discovered several force-sensitive individuals who I trained as Jedi in a way that I saw fit.

"Not long after my return, I discovered the existence of a Sith academy in the ruins of Malachor V, the system that I single handedly destroyed while I was in the service of Revan. It was the pupils of this Academy that were responsible for the destruction of the Jedi while I was in exile. I confronted Darth Traya there and killed her, destroying the Academy as I departed. Once more, I returned to the Republic where I began work on rebuilding the Jedi Council."

"It was then that I married one of my companions and apprentices, a Jedi named Atton Rand," the Exile continued. "We had a son together…It was shortly after her birth that Revan came into my existence once more. T3-M4, the utility droid who allowed you to enter this ship, had tracked me down several years earlier and assisted me in my quest to destroy Darth Traya's academy. He informed me of where Revan had disappeared to after the Battle of the Star Forge.

"With a heavy heart, I left my husband and son behind to pursue Revan. I finally found him years later, deep in the heart of Sith territory. He had discovered the True Sith, adherents of the Dark Side that existed for millennia before the ancient Sith Empire. We learned that they were going to invade the Republic and destroy the Jedi once and for all. It became our mission to end that threat, and to destroy the True Sith Empire. Little did we know that we were doomed from the start.

"Revan was killed, and I was badly wounded…This is why I am making this recording for you to view. I do not have much time left. What I am about to tell you is of the utmost importance, and is information that you must carry home with you."

Darvix felt his heart skip a beat.

"Though we failed in our mission to destroy the True Sith, we managed to deliver to them a crippling blow. I do not know how long that they will be held at bay, but understand this: they still exist. They bide their time for the opportune moment to engage in one last strike. You must be prepared to fight when the time comes. There will be one final battle of good and evil that will shape the Galaxy for eternity. Succeed, and the Galaxy shall enter a new state of being that is so wondrous it cannot be described in words. The Force shall cease to exist as we know it, and all sentient life will be as one.

"Fail and the repercussions shall be felt far beyond our Galaxy. Lifeforms and beings that we have never met, have never known existed shall suffer because of our failure. You cannot let this happen. You must hurry; take this information back to your people. There is more at stake than you can possibly comprehend."

The woman offered a weak smile, "If nothing else, please…do this for both Revan and myself. We have both committed atrocious crimes in our pasts, and we have done our best to atone for them…If this information can save as many lives as we took away, than perhaps we, the Exiles of the Jedi and Republic, can finally taste redemption."

"Do not despair," she continued. "There are many great trials ahead for your people, but the reward for facing them and succeeding are wondrous. Let the Jedi be your spearhead. Teach them to be proactive. It will be them who lead the charge in the great and final battle."

"Revan told me in his prophecy that you would take the name of my son," the Exile said with a faint smile. "He has never lead me astray…I fear that I cannot continue, for I am growing too weak. I must bid you farewell, young Darvix. May the Force be with you."

With that, the screen faded to black. Darvix stood in a stupor. This was more profound than anything he had ever hoped to discover. The True Sith? The real Revan and Exile? In just those few minutes, a lost piece of history came back into view. It was both frightening and encouraging. What Darvix had discovered could only be called this: the last prophecy of the Exiles. This prophecy contained far more than just potential salvation for the Galaxy, it contained something far more intimate to him:

The redemption of the Exiles.

"Darvix, look," Kasari meekly said, pointing at the cylinder the Exile's body was in. Or was in. The body was now gone, as if it had never been there to begin with.

"She's finally become one with the Force," Darvix said. "As has Revan, no doubt."

Darvix and Kasari exited the Ebon Hawk, where Vik and the two droids waited for them.

"Request: Please leave this station soon," HK-47 said. "Explanation: We have one last task to complete for our Master."

"You're going to destroy this station, aren't you?" Darvix asked.

"Acknowledgement: That is correct, meatbag," the droid replied. "Explanation: This was the final task laid out before myself and T3-M4. This information cannot fall into the wrong hands."

"We will leave immediately," Darvix said. "May I make one request?"

"Annoyed inquiry: What might that be?"

Darvix reached to his belt and pulled off one of his lightsabers, placing it in the droid's hand, "If you ever see the Exile in whatever netherworld you might end up in, return this to her. Tell her it has served her family faithfully for many generations."

Darvix glanced down at the shorter utility droid, "You've served your masters well for many years now. I'm certain they both are thankful for the work you have done."

With that, Darvix turned on his heels and retreated towards the Tatooine Gallows. It was time to go home. As Darvix walked away from the Ebon Hawk, he spotted two glowing, blue figures near the ship.

It was Revan and the Exile.


Darvix watched through the viewport as the station burst into a ball of flame, destroying the Ebon Hawk and the information hidden within it. The only copy that existed of that data was safely in Darvix's possession now. Darvix spun around in his command chair to look at his two traveling companions. The information they had recovered had detailed the existence of numerous companions that both Revan and the Exile had worked with during their lives. They had been integral parts of their success. Just like the Exiles, Darvix knew that without both Kasari and Vik, he couldn't have come this far.

"I suppose it turns out we were wrong about the Exiles, weren't we?" Kasari asked.

"All of us were wrong," Darvix admitted. "You, me, even Skywalker…It's amazing that both of these individuals, who could have been considered the ultimate villains at some point in their lives, both would sacrifice themselves to save us all."

"Now it's our turn," Vik said. "They died to buy us some time and save this information. What we do with it now will end up defining who we are as individuals…It will define who we are as a Galaxy."

"You know," Darvix mused, "ever since Skywalker told me about my blood connection to Atton Rand I held on to this misguided belief… When I was younger I danced with the Dark Side, I let it control me. I couldn't bring myself to admit that the terrible things I did as a result were my fault. Instead, I blamed my genetic relationship to Rand, who I was convinced was a corrupt Jedi."

"Instead you learned that both Revan and the Exile were redeemed and forgiven for their actions," Kasari said, "much like yourself. All three of you faced the bigger picture in front of you and changed your ways. The history texts will now show Revan and the Exile as heroes…Perhaps one day, they'll say the same about you, Darvix."

Darvix shook his head with a smile, "I hope not. I'd rather disappear into obscurity."

"We all know you want to die a glorious death that will earn you a golden statue somewhere," Vik chided.

"Yeah," Darvix grinned. "You're right. What do you say we head home? I'm itching to eat something Kasari hasn't burned for a change."

"Shut up, Dap," Kasari replied.

"Bring the communications array online. Send an outgoing message signaling we're on our way home."

"Communications coming online," Vik said. Moments later, a look of horror formed on his face, "…Dap, I'm looking at the communications backlog that's been stored in the passive databanks. We're being flooded with distress beacons."

"Where from?" Darvix asked, moving over to the console Vik was sitting at.

"Coruscant, Yavin IV, Corellia," Vik shook his head. "You name it; we've got a distress signal."

"We're a ways out; it must have taken ages for these distress calls to get to us over subspace frequencies," Dap said. "What's going on? Is it the Imperial Remnant?"

"It couldn't be the Sith, could it?" Kasari asked.

Vik shook his head, "They're calling it the Yuuzhan Vong."

The Yuuzhan Vong? "Set an immediate course for Coruscant," Darvix said.

"We're not going to make it for another three years," Vik said. "Who knows what will have happened by then."

Darvix frowned and turned on his heels, walking away from the bridge.

"Where are you going?" Kasari asked.

"Flight simulator," Darvix replied. "I'm going to need to brush up on an old skill."

Just like every other joyous moment in Darvix's life, the feeling of success he had been enjoying was short-lived. A crisis was apparently brewing at home, and he wasn't there. Still, he knew that he had much more important task than flying back to the known Galaxy to play hero. He had vital information that had to be delivered to Skywalker. Darvix prayed he was still alive to receive it. Darvix walked into the chamber that stored the flight simulator and picked up a flight helmet, quickly taking a seat within the simulation unit.

Before Darvix powered on the simulator, he paused to think for a short moment. A lot had happened over the last ten years. He had gotten into more trouble than he cared to remember, but he had accomplished a great deal. For the first time in his life, Darvix confronted a challenge and succeeded. The mystery of Darth Revan and the Exile had been solved. Not only that, he had discovered what could be called a plan of salvation for the Galaxy. Still, despite all he had done and the great lengths he had traveled, there were still questions left to be answered. What could the Exile have meant when she said that if the Jedi succeeded, the Force would cease to exist as they knew it? What would be the reward for finally defeating the Sith?

Perhaps at one point in time, Darvix would have been frustrated by not having these deep questions answered. Now, Darvix was satisfied knowing that he had done something of extraordinary importance. Predestined or not, he had taken part in a grand plan that could save the lives of countless people. It was far from complete, and his work was far from done, but he had played a part in it. Perhaps after this he would become just another bit-role player. He may never take part in the grand battle to destroy the Sith. Still, he knew that there was far more for him to do before all was said and done. For now, he could rest easy knowing that he had finally done something to atone for his many mistakes of the past.

Like the Exiles he had chased for a decade, Darvix had finally achieved redemption.





Darvix Zorvan will return in X-WING: RESURRECTION OF A ROGUE