Yuki took me out for dinner to some fast food place today. It was our second year anniversary and he wanted to keep things on the low, just make it another normal day. We had exchanged weeks earlier in the day. I had got him a new laptop, one he could use for his personal stuff whenever we went on a trip, like for music and pictures and whatnot. He got me an SLR camera with some lenses… yeah, I've been getting into these things now.

"So, what do you want to order?," he asked me coolly.

"Eto… I'll go for two cheeseburgers, small fries and a small drink." I said as I snapped pictures of him and the place.

"Stop that…" he muttered as the a blonde kid with blue eyes greeted him. Yuki looked over his glasses to the menu, then back at the kid and nodded his head, "Hi, I'd like three double cheeseburgers, two with no pickles, a chicken sandwich, two small fries and drinks, please."

The kid smiled, recognizing him immediately but not freaking out, as his eyes moved to me and I just grinned and snapped more pictures of the place.

The kid gave us the price of the order, and Yuki just tilted his head at me, "Hm?," he signaled to the price and I got it, "Oh, right. Here you go!" I said taking out the money, "You can keep the change." I said smiling and turning around to find Yuki staring at me.


"… Nothing."

"Whatever," I said as I snapped another picture of him.

"I should've never gotten you that thing." He said rubbing his temple.

"But you did! I'm just trying out my fish eye lens. Look at how cool the pictures are!" I said as I showed him some of the pictures.

"You lack perspective in those images… also composition. These are just random shots, Shuichi."

"I said I was TRYING them…" I said with a pout as he moved to get the tray with the food and moved to one of the tables.

We ate, we laughed, we made fools out of ourselves in that little time we spent there. Some people came, calmed and asked for photographs, autographs, some of them just wanted a hands shake, some others would just smile. It was a nice time.

We were done eating, and Yuki moves to the register to order ice cream. He got me a sundae with M&M's and didn't order one for him because he gets too desperate eating sweets and it would give him a headache.

We got home, I got out of the car and we talked about our future projects and a mini vacation for the weekend.

He opened the door to the house, and I took of my shoes and sat down in the sofa, opening my laptop and starting to transfer the pictures and he stood up in front of me and said those words and kissed me. I was astonished.

When he said those words, the world felt like it came to a stop. I couldn't breathe, or move, let alone swallow the mouthful of ice cream that I had shoved into my mouth a couple of seconds before. I had heard those words before. I don't know why was I reacting like this. I could feel the blood rushing to my face.

"Did you hear me?", he asked as I just nodded my head, "I love you," he said once again and leaned in to kiss me.

I muttered something and he couldn't get it. He tilted his head cutely to one side as he quirked it left eyebrow as if asking 'What?' and I just pointed to my mouth as more questions reflected on his face. I tried to open my mouth to show him that I still had ice cream on it, but I couldn't even do that… so I forced myself to swallow the ice cream, M&M's and all.

"I love you more," I said with a blush on my cheeks and a grin on my mouth.

It wasn't the first time he'd said that in 2 years… why was I freaking out then, you might be asking yourself. Well… Because it felt perfect. The words weren't only heard… they were felt.