I do not own The Secret Saturdays.


Open to studio, all fixed up, and Nico sitting on the couch wearing a white shirt, sequin Motown 25 MJ glove on his left hand, and jeans.

Nico: "Hello people! I'm Nico. And this is TSSTV. I just got some requests from our fans. I will read them and make them happen." (Lifts up stack of notes). Okay, let's see. This one is from Kitten96. (Reads note) So, you want us to have Zak and Wadi make out with each other in front of Zak's parents without stopping for 5 minutes? I'll get back to that. Now here's one from Logan the Awesome. (Reads note) Okay, for the fudge muffin and feet in subs and smelling stuff, all I have to say is; WTF? Hmmm, me kiss someone. I'll get back to that one. Lock Wadi and Zak in a closet for an hour with a hidden camera. Also, get Komodo to shave Fisk's fur clean off. I have an idea that will work for all of us. We are going to put Zak and Wadi in a closet with a hidden camera. Zak will be unaware of the camera. His parents will be watching what's happening along with the rest of us. If they make out, Komodo will shave Fisk, and we'll throw all of the fur on Zak and Wadi. Now for me kissing someone; if they don't make out, then I make out with Wadi. So let's hope Zak makes out 'cause a really, really don't wanna make out with Wadi. And for you girls out there; I'm single. Now to the show. (Grabs Zak and Wadi and throws them in a closet.) "One, two, three, four, five." (Turns on camera. Image shows up of Wadi and Zak making out.) "That was fast. What do you have to say about this, Saturdays?"

Doc: "He's grounded."

Drew: "Oh definitely."

Nico: "Komodo, if you will." (Komodo shaves Fisk. Nico collects fur, opens the closet, and throws the fur at Zak and Wadi.)

Zak: "Not cool, man!"

Wadi: "Ugh! I'm leaving!"

Zak: "Wadi! Wait!"

Nico: "Well, that's it! Goodbye folks. See you next time on TSSTV. Don't forget to get better ideas in. This was kinda lame. We need better stuff, people!"