Summary: Everyone knows Albus Dumbledore has issues. Not everyone knows he has issues with solving his issues. 100-word drabble.

Prompt: trust

Support Groups Aren't Very Supportive

"My name is Albus Dumbledore, and I'm obsessed with trusting people! It's a curse! I know that some people in this world are sleazy, bastardly scum, but I can't help but trust every person that comes to me with some stupid sob story."

"I need help!" he cried abruptly.

The group stared. A man rose timidly, and said hesitantly, "Um, sir? This is an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. The meeting for How to Lose Friends and Alienate People is across the hall."

Dumbledore rose and strode out the door. This was what he got for trusting that bloody doorman for directions.