I finally managed managed to wite a one shot. It was inspired by a youtube video of a baby. So if you can't imagine this just follow the link below.


Like Father Like Son

Kagome was passing the door to the kitchen when she heard something that made her backtrack.

... hee hee hee!

Sesshoumaru's voice and their son Daitaro giggling. What could he be doing that was possibly so funny.

She was curious so she decided to check it out.


She walked into the Kitchen to see their son in his high chair with an ice cream cone and Sesshoumaru encouraging him to do something. But she couldn't hear what. She leaned on the door frame.

It didn't take long for Sesshoumaru to notice her standing by the door and invite her in.

hee hee hee … hee hee hee ... hee hee hee!

"You've got to see this. I've trained him to do a new trick on command." Sesshoumaru opened his arm in invitation.

"Just because he's a dog demon doesn't mean you have to treat him like one. I thought you'd understand that better than anyone." Kagome said sarcastically as she took up a spot beside him.

hee hee hee ... hee hee hee!

"Just watch. You'll see what I mean." Sesshoumaru looked their son in the eyes and gave him a simple command.

"Give me the evil eye son, give me the evil look."

Daitaro stopped laughing to give a serious evil eye that would be able to scare the pants off anyone if he wasn't just a baby.

Then just started to giggle again ...hee hee hee!

"That's me boy." Said a very proud father. He commanded him a couple more times and Daitaro did exactly the same thing.

Gave an evil eye and just kept on giggling afterwards…hee hee hee!

Kagome was too shocked for words. Only Sesshoumaru the evil glare king, would teach their 4 month out son to produce an evil glare on command.

"I guess like father like son." Kagome said to herself as she watched her son and husband enjoy their new favorite past time.


Daitaro Great first son
