Hey guys uh still not getting many reviews but i know people r reading because i get emails telling me that people have added it to favorites very often and this story got its first flame i would of takin it more seriously if he/she had not whined about my first chap was and actually wrote some helpful advice hek didnt even use an account ......well any way story time. Oh yeah and ill be intro ducing a charicter from a different show from niether Bleach or Naruto there are to of them but one will either be in this chap or next so read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"What the fuck you looking at"yelled Tayuya glaring at Rukia who in turn glared back course of the rest the group currently enjoying their lunches on the roof were drawn to the noise.

"What are you"whispered Rukia drawing grunt of confusion from Tayuya"You used a flute to put soul reaper into an illusion using only a little reitsu while not even in a spirit body of some kind so what are you"

"One of a kind"answered a new voice turning the group saw a beautiful girl with blonde hair tied into a tight pony tail walking up to the group.

"Hey Yugito whats up"asked Naruto.

"Wait you to know her"asked Ichigo.

"Yes he does Yugito Nii at your service"said the cat girl shaking every ones hand before sitting down on Tayuya right side as Rukia eyed her before deciding to drop her questions for now and focus on opening this damn juice box.


"WILL YOU SHUT UP ALREADY"yelled Ichigo and Tayuya while Naruto and Yugito both shook their heads at the scene in front of them.

"Well excuse me am trying to learn contempuary language"said Rukia defensivly.

"Ya well your off by a few hundred years"stated Ichigo rubbing his like she was about to protest when they heard wheels screeching behind when they turned they saw a car drive off leaving a girl in the middle of the road who they saw was Orihime when they got to closer.

"Orihime did you just get hit by that car"asked Ichigo alarmed.

"Maybe"Orihime responded causing all there to sweatdrop.

"What you mean maybe Orhime are you going to be alright"aked Ichigo holding a hand. Orihime looked at the hand before she jumped up the back of her head smashing right into Naruto's face before she she started moving around very wierd causing her breasts to bounce while saying she was fine. Tayuya though noticed Naruto nose bleeding from the collision while he starred at Orihime Yugito seemed to notice as well as they glared at Naruto.

"Naruto"they said at the same time fire burning in thier eyes. Naruto noticed thier glares before realize how bad it looked.

"No No wait let me explain"


Poor Naruto.

"What the happend to you"asked Jinta as Naruto walked into the store followed by Tayuya and Yugito.

"I uh fell down the stairs"Naruto said rubbing the back of his head.

"Idiot"muttered Jinta continuing to sweep the shop floor. Naruto shrugged before he went down to the underground training area followed by his fellow ninja. Before he even got to the bottom he felt a strong spiritual pressure but before he could do anything he saw Chandak run by followed by Yoruichi who had a sword poised to kill.

"The hell is going on"yelled Tayuya almost second later before they could blink Chandak was in front of them with a paw raised as if to one sec. Suddenly he disappeared right as Yoruichi's sword slammed into the ground right where he had been.

"Cmon give up Yoru-chan I won"said Chandak appearing right between her face, the sword and her arms his tails wrapped around her wrists keeping her from moving his face only inches from hers

"So close yet so far"thought Yoruichi when suddenly Chandak stuck his tounge at her.

"He Dies"Yoruichi thought shunpoing away from his grip she reappeared with out her prized jacket instead with uniform had no back or shoulder as white reistu began to form around her.

"Isn't over reacting I mean it's not like I licked her"Thought Chandak with sweatdrop before turning to the teens that were standing there in shock.

"You might want to train far away"

"You feel that"stated Naruto

"Hollow"replied Tayuya Yugito just nodded

"Lets Go"

"That was Orihime brother"said Ichigo shocked

"Here tip when attacking a hollow cut off the head one blow it will keep you from seeing the hollow identity"

"You mean"

"Yes Ichigo hollows were once people"stated a voice from behind, turning he saw Naruto crouched in his window Tayuya standing to his right looking impatient and Yugito leaning on the wall eyes closed, all of them dressed in soul reaper cloths.

"Hollows have been seen all going to Orihime's house we will keep them away while you deal with her brother"said Naruto before they shunpoed away.

"Your soul is m.........Gaaaaahhhhh"screamed one of many hollows as Naruto and the others dealt out swift judgment keeping the hollows a safe distance away while Ichigo went to help Orihime. None of them noticed the two figure's watching from a distance.

"What do think Harribel-sama these new arrivals are powerful"said said woman with a white crown on her head looking at her blonde superior who just continued at the group more specificly the blonde with the red zanpaktou.

"Yes they are someone to keep an eye on"Harribel finally answered before tearing a hole through the air it self creating a rift.

"Come Rose we must leave before they sense our presence"she said as both disapeared.

Ok chap done sry for slow updates but comp problems so review and next chap that charicter will show up

(HINT: she is a main charicter in Rosario+Vampire)