Summary: Five times Dean was an awesome brother. First instalment is, unsurprisingly, taken from the scene where the title originates.

A collection of five short fics, one from each season, that will be posted chronologically including Tired!Sad!Mad!Hurt!andSick!Sam respectively. This one's by far the shortest—just setting the scene/tone.

Not sure what I'm still doing here...enjoying the fandom, I guess.

Thanks for reading!

1. Tired

"Don't let me fall asleep," Sam mumbles as he stretches out onto the bed.

Honestly, if he didn't want—scratch that—need to fall asleep, he wouldn't have reclined to begin with.

But Dean nods, agrees with what might appear to be absentmindedness. In reality, he just doesn't want to make any promises he has no intention of keeping.

He won't pretend to fully understand what's going on in that messed up head of his brother's, and he isn't about to pry because that won't get him anywhere, but one look at Sam's half-mast, bloodshot eyes and he knows he can't agree to keep him from what he needs most.

Sam needs to sleep.

It's only a matter of time, Dean figures. Until then, Bloody Mary it is.

"What am I even looking for?" Dean asks, flipping through the pages faster than he can even scan them. God, he hates this part of their job. Got something that needs to be stabbed, shot or burned? He's your man. Going through stack after stack of old newspapers and struggling to find the right "keywords" for a Google search? So not his thing.

"Start with 'Mary' and 'mirror' and 'suicide' and narrow it down from there," Sam suggests. It comes out sounding like one big word, everything blending together. Dean glances up without moving his head, sees that Sam's eyes are now officially shut. He has been so fucking tired for the last few days that, at times, he sounds like he's speaking another language.

So Dean pretends he knows what he's doing, and tries to do it quietly. He actually gets kind of into it and digs up some relevant information, but nothing that's going to help them figure out this case. It couldn't have been more than 15 minutes since Sam fell asleep when he gasps awake with a jolt.

So much for that.

Not that Dean's surprised. There's a very obvious reason behind why Sam wants to stay awake. Still, there's a sinking feeling in Dean's chest as he watches his brother blink tiredly at the ceiling.

"Why'd you let me fall asleep?" Sam asks wearily.

Dean can think of a million answers to that question, but the most obvious and least obtrusive is simply, "Because I'm an awesome brother."


Hopefully the second installment will be up shortly. Thanks again for reading.