Nico: All I really want is to be your-

Luchia: Boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boy boyfriend

Nico: Oh how I despise boy bands that try and take the thunder of the original Backstreet Boys and NYSYNC… but this song is just SO ADDICTING

Luchia: Let's get back on topic Nico, I don't think any of our reader want to waste their time with this…


Luchia: *sigh*


Luchia: Introducing…

Nico: The newest chapter of 31 Days… (EXTRA LONG FOR YOU PICKY PEOPLE)

Luchia: Chapter 11: Days 14-15: An Unexpected Proposal

Nico: Doki!~

Amu's P.O.V

We stood there in silence for what seemed like days until Ikuto turned around and begun packing up his violin.

He slung the case over his shoulder and kept his back facing me, and started walking away.

"W-wait!" I called to him.

Ikuto paused for a moment and looked back, "What."

I stood my ground and took a deep breath, then looked him straight in the eyes and said, "We need to talk."

His face remained blank as he swiftly turned back towards me and slinked over to the bench where he shrunk down to my height.

"You and me... it was an accident," I began, "I'm it's not right for us to go any bit closer than we are now."

Ikuto's expression didn't seem to change as he simply sighed and looked up at the stars, "it's know?" He dropped his gaze to my face, his eyes shining, as if they were filled with tears, "I'm sorry."

I myself felt like crying. His once blank expression turned cold and depressing, I felt a stab in my chest just looking at him.

"I-I...I gotta go," I quickly turned around and started shuffling down the stairs as fast as I could.

I was halfway down when I felt a hand pull me back. I turned around to see Ikuto grasping my arm, a serious expression on his face.

"I love you Amu," He told me, "And nothing is ever going to change that. I'm not giving up until you realize that you and I were meant to be. I don't care how long it takes, but I want you to know that I'll always be here for you. Unlike your Fiancé."

I mentally flinched; I had no response to that statement, so I just shook my arm out of his grip and kept walking.


Freezing in place, I squeezed my tear filled eyes shut and knelt to the ground, my arms covering my ears, "Stop it! Please...! My heart can't take this anymore!"

'It's time...'


Suddenly I had no control over myself as my eyes widened and one word escaped my mouth in a whisper, "Feisu."

I understand now. I get it now. This is my chance to end this, or start it new. Feisu was right.

I slowly stood up, my legs shaking and my breath shallow, "It's over."

My eyes glanced down to the engagement ring on my finger and brushed my hand over it. I slowly took off the ring and stuck it in my pocket. Turning around, I put both my hands up and managed to stutter out.

"One week. That's all I'll give you to win me over. I'll forget all about him for one week and that's it. And if you fail we're going straight back to the way before and nothing would have happened. But if you succeed... Ikuto... then..." I trailed off. Took a deep breath. And spoke again, "Then you'll need to explain to Tadase why I'm leaving him...or whatever."

His face immediately lightened up as he walked down to me and hugged me from behind.

"I promise I'll win you back, no matter what."

Day 15:

Utau's P.O.V


Kukai shrugged as lounged on the living room couch, "She somehow managed to get them to come to an agreement. One week, that's all she's giving him."


Kukai flipped his phone open and closed randomly, "Does it really matter? It worked, so now we have a week to bring in the big guns and get them together once and for all."

I sighed and slumped down next to Kukai, "I should've been the one to do it though..." I crossed my arms and pouted.

"Oh Utau," He chuckled, "It's fine, but don't you find it odd?"


"Kaede loves Ikuto," Kukai explained, "She probably loves him the most out of all of the fangirls. And yet she went out of her way to get Ikuto together with her biggest love rival. Don't you think that's odd?"

I stayed silent for a minute until responding, "Because she wants him to be happy, I guess."

Kukai considered it for a moment and shrugged, "Well whatever, the only thing that matters is that the plan is working."

"Hn," I nodded and smiled, "But we need to figure out what they're going to do and where they're going to go."

He pulled out a piece of note paper, "Already covered. Today, they're going to..."

Ikuto's P.O.V

"Almost there," I whispered in her ear, my hands covering her eyes, "And... open your eyes," I lifted my hands away and smiled as I heard her gasp.

We were standing in the middle of a huge greenhouse the size of a very large mansion. Trees were planted closely all around the area, and exotic flowers covered almost every inch of the walls. The grass was neatly cut to the tips of our toes, with a few daisies popping up every few feet. The entire building somewhat resembled the Royal Garden, except it held no tables, or tile pathways, or even people except us. In the exact middle of the area was a large cherry tree that lay atop a small hill, its branches reaching out to the tops of smaller trees below. Below the tree I brought Amu, and showed her the pic-nic setup I arranged.

"Well to tell the truth I got some help on this from a certain birdie hah," I slightly laughed, "But this place was my idea. What do you think?"

Her face was still wide-eyed with the shock of the beauty of the room in the middle of such a huge city, but she still responded, "It's amazing! I'm surprised you could actually pull this off!"

I raised an eyebrow sarcastically, "What's that supposed to mean?"

She just stuck out her tongue and sat down on the pic-nic blanket and smiled, "I feel like a pre-teen again haha."

Amu began taking out the bentos that she had made herself, "You're lucky you told me to bring food, I don't think I want to dare tasting your cooking, guys can't cook for their lives."

"Who says that?" I asked her, "I must say I'm very good at making rice balls."

"Onigiri?" She laughed, "All you have to do is heat it in a rice maker and roll it! That's not cooking!"

"Well it still tastes good," I argued, smiling, "Maybe I should make some for you some time."

She just nodded, giggling, "Ok Ikuto, sure."

Amu handed me my bento and winked, "But for now take MY cooking."

I took the box and opened it to reveal just 1 piece of fish shaped takoyaki.

Immediately, Amu burst into laughter, falling onto her side and hugging her sides. I stared at the takoyaki for a second until me myself began laughing too.

"I-it's chocolate flavored," Amu managed to say as she finally got herself together.

"My favorite," I chuckled, taking a big bite out of its tail.

She smiled triumphantly and opened her box. But her smile quickly faded when she picked up a squishy pink octopus out of her bento box and looked over at me with a grin, "You did this didn't you?"

I was smirking as I nodded, then suddenly burst out laughing, "I decided to have some fun and switch your bento with one I made myself."

She pouted them smirked and threw the octopus right into my face and laughed, "Hahaha."

The octopus stuck right onto my forehead, and as I tried to rip it off it stayed stuck to my face. I tried pulling harder until I finally managed to pull it off and send it flying towards Amu.

"Ah!" She screeched as the octopus stuck onto her arm, "Get it off!"

Laughing, I carefully took it off her and placed it back into the box, "Well that was interesting," I chuckled.

"It was not!" She complained, "Those suction thingies hurt when they come off!"

I began pulling out Amu's real bento, "Ok I'm sorry, are you ok?" I moved closer to her.

Her face turned slightly red, "I-I'm fine," she snagged the box and scooted away from me and held a serious gaze down on her bento box.

I sat back against the tree trunk and sighed.

'We aren't going to get anywhere if she's so reluctant to move forward... She's probably still thinking about Tadase... I need something to get her mind off him. But what?'

We quietly ate out food in silence until the boxes were practically empty.

"That was good..." She murmured.

I nodded, "Well, why don't we go and so something more interesting?"

She blinked, "Like what?"

"How about a trip to the carnival downtown? It's the last day before it closes down for the year, why don't we check it out?" I asked.

Finally, Amu's face lightened up as she nodded fast, "Yeah! I've wanted to go there this whole week!"

I smiled, "Great, then let's get going."

Utau's P.O.V

"I'm starting to sense a pattern of the places where Ikuto is bringing her," I whispered to Rima through the bush I hid in, which was 'coincidentally' placed right below the hill where Ikuto and Amu sat moments ago.

Rima shushed me, whispering, "Shhh! They might not be gone yet!"

I heard the closing of a door and immediately popped up from my hiding place, "Ha! They're gone!"

"I sense it too," Rima nodded, "That pattern. First a green house? Quite close to the setting of the Royal Garden. And now a Carnival? I think I see what he's doing."

"You do?" I asked.

She nodded, "He must want Amu to remember those times when they were together before, and memories and such by bringing her to similar places of where their memories occurred. So it was kind of like your plan before, except you brought her directly to those places."

"So pretty much he's gradually getting Amu to remember everything to make it seem less pushy?" I asked.

"Exactly," Rima nodded again, "Your brother is a smart cookie."

I climbed out of the bush and looked around the green house. It was actually VERY similar to the Royal Garden. Walking around I definitely agreed with Rima's thoughts eve more. Ikuto really was a smart cookie.

"Alright we need to get going," I stated, "Where exactly is this Carnival?"

Rima took a look at her cell phone's GPS feature, "Not too far from here. It's placed in the middle of the big open green near the park."

"Ok," I took out a large suitcase, "Time to age 50 years."

Amu's P.O.V

It was like a smaller version of Disney Land, except it was filled with mostly teenagers and college students in their twenties. I remembered reading in the paper that it was more of a carnival for "grownups" then little kids, especially because of the attractions held there.

The rows were lined with game stands and food stands, then after every few rows there were giant rides, like a Ferris wheel, bumper cars, water rides, you name it.

"Uwah!" I squealed, "Awesome! I feel like I'm in college again!"

Ikuto laughed his usual husky-like laugh, "It's a lot bigger than I thought it'd be."

"Let's do the games!" I grabbed Ikuto's hand and pulled him towards one of the stands.

"Don't you want to go on the rides first?" He asked.

I shook my head and kept pulling him along, "No way! Games first!"

The man at the stand stood in front of 4 stands which held 3 milk bottles stacked on top of each other. We waited until the last couple left until I walked up to the man.

He gave me a crooked smile, and then spoke in a voice way too high for a man, "Welcome my friends. The rules to my game are simple, for only 3 dollars just knock down all 3 bottles on all 4 of these stands to win a prize. The more you knock down the bigger your prize!"

I eyed the blue kitten plushie in the corner of the stand and frowned when I read the card under it that read "Grand Prize".

He handed me 4 balls, "A free game for the pretty lady~," he winked.

Ikuto crossed his arms and glared at the man.

I managed to pull a fake smile and thank him before lifting my arm and throwing the ball at the first set of milk bottles, and missing terribly.

I failed to hit any of the bottles for the next two sets, but once I got to the final set, I got serious.

I pulled my clean white handkerchief out of my pocket and tied it around my forehead. Ikuto chuckled, but I kept focus on the final 3 milk bottles. I picked up my last ball and held it behind my shoulder, glaring the bottles down.

Then, as fast as lightning, the ball shot out from the palm of my hand and whooshed towards the set.

The ball barely brushed the top bottle, and suddenly, the entire thing started to wobble. It tipped slowly back and forth for what seemed like forever.

I held my breath, but sighed in grief when they returned to normal.

I growled to myself as the man pressed his oddly manicured hands to his cheeks, "Better luck next time buttercup."

Ikuto stepped in front of me and slapped 3 dollars onto the wooden stand, "My turn."

The man raised an eyebrow and stepped out of the way after handing him 4 balls.

Ikuto picked up a ball, stared at it or a moment, then dropped it to the ground.

"Ikuto what are you-"

He quickly climbed over the counter, and stood in front of the sets.

"Sir! You aren't allowed back here!" The feminine man shouted.

Ikuto swiftly smashed his arm through all 4 sets, snagged the kitten plushie, and hopped back over the counter.


Ikuto handed me the plushie and smiled, "For you."

"E-eto," I was a bit speechless after what had happened, but accepted the plushie anyways.

We quickly walked away, as the man yelled and shouted for us to pay for the plushie, but we didn't care.

For the next hour we walked around to different games. I almost caught a fish at one stand, but the paper on my wand ripped.

At another station, Ikuto and I raced with water guns, by shooting water at a target from water guns attached to the counter. But instead of shooting at the target, I aimed it at Ikuto, getting him soaking wet. It was especially funny since everyone knows: Cats hate to get wet.

After helping him dry off, we continued to walk through the stands, my kitten still wrapped in my arms.

"ITS SO FLUFFY!" I squealed, suffocating the blue kitten in a huge hug.

Ikuto chuckled to himself and slowly took my hand in his.

I blushed, hiding my face into the fur of the kitten, "W-where to next?"

"You pick," Ikuto told me, keeping his eyes ahead, "It's your day today."

I smiled into the kitten's fur and looked up, "Let's go on the roller coaster!"

Ikuto's P.O.V


"Uhhh Amu?"


I sighed as I continued to sit on the "Turtle Coaster", a baby coaster that went about 5 mph at the most.

People stared and whispered as they walked by, their eyes trained onto Amu. She was going crazy over such a baby ride, but I guess if this is what she likes, then I don't mind all the attention.

After the ride was over, Amu brought me over to the biggest roller coaster at the Carnival, the "Galactic Storm".

A man in a white armor suit, most likely from Star Wars, stood in front of the entrance to the ride, a long dark tunnel.

Amu walked up to him and stared him right in the eyes for a full minute before slowly waving 3 fingers in front of her face while saying, "These are the not the droids you're looking for."

The man just nodded and stepped to the side, allowing us in.

Amu cheered and walked into the dark tunnel. I followed close behind.

. . .

"That…was the most boring ride… I have ever ridden," A drowsy Amu groaned as she flattened her hair, which has stuck straight up during the ride, though she didn't seem to care.

I, on the other hand, thought it was the best ride in the entire Carnival, but I guess everyone has different tastes.

As we made our way out of the coaster area, Amu gasped.

"Ikuto! Ikuto Ikuto Ikuto!"


"Let's go on that!" Amu pointed straight forward.

I followed her finger to see the giant Ferris Wheel, lit up in tons of colorful lights, sparkling in the now evening sky.

Amu's P.O.V

I could see so far out, if the sun was still shining, I could probably see my house from the height we were at.

The northern star seemed to shine even brighter than normal today. That was when I remembered what day it was. It was the anniversary of the death of a lover, from an old folk tale my mother once told me.

I've heard many stories about stars when I was young. Of course I don't remember all of them, but one in particular had got me thinking a lot lately. It was an old story about two lovers who were both born into different sides of a country. The two sides were enemies, so it was incredibly unusual for the two to be in love. But their differences didn't stop the couple from falling deeper and deeper in love. To keep their relationship, the two would meet in secrecy at night on top of a giant hill that gave a beautiful view of the stars. The man would always point at the brightest star in the sky and tell the woman, "That star shows how bright my love burns for you, my love. And if anything where to happen to me, I want you to remember me with that star." The lovers remained un-revealed for a long time until one day, an archer from the man's side of the country stumbled upon the two one dark night. Outraged by the betrayal of the man, the archer aimed his bow straight at the woman and shot. But the man heard the arrow coming, and stood right in front of his lover, allowing the arrow to shoot straight through his heart. Realizing what he had done, the archer quickly ran off into the night. As his lover weep over his slowly dying body, he pointed to the brightest star in the sky and whispered, "I'll always be with you, just look up, and you will realize that you are not alone." And with that, the man died. The star we now know as the Northern Star shines bright because of the strength of the love of the two lovers.

"You're never alone," I whispered to myself as I looked up at the northern star and closed my eyes.

"What was that Amu?" Ikuto asked me from across the Ferris Wheel cabin.

I looked over at him and shook my head, "Nothing, just an old story."

Ikuto nodded and looked out the window into the night sky, "Beautiful night isn't it?"

"Yeah," I followed his gaze out the window and let out a sigh of happiness.

It's been a really nice day today. And it's so peaceful in this little cabin.

"Amu... I-"

But Ikuto was cut off by the ring of my cell phone.

"Oh! Hold that thought for one moment Ikuto!" I told him as I dug my phone out of my pocket and opened it, not bothering to check who it was.


"How is my beautiful Fiancé on this lovely night?"

Nico: *noms on her ice-cream* Chocolate really is the best flavor isn't it ^ v ^

Luchia: *nods* Y'know, Vanilla is such a BABY FLAVOR, isn't it?

Nico: *nods* Hmm…. I feel like we're missing something important…

Luchia: Nah not re-

Ikuto: Well! We'll see you all in the next chapter of…

Utau: 31 Days!

Amu: Doki!~