Prologue! 

Yes short I know but it's a prologue! It's supposed to be short right?

Ok so this is a new fan fiction I'm going to write along with the already written and in progress, Confusing Love xD.

No it is not a Tadamu fan fiction, Pfft its Amuto, duh. This is just the prologue~

I know this will be a good story so just tell me what you think~ more will be coming out soon!


Konichiwa~ I'm Hinamori Amu, age 25.

And this . . . is my story:

I squeezed Tadase's hand and smiled.

'25 years old already, time really passes by quickly'

Some of you may know me as the "cool & spicy" girl from elementary and high school, well it's been a couple years; I and Tadase are still together, a happy couple. How long has it been? Well, we starter going out again senior year in high school so …about 7 years now! Wow what a long time! Maybe I've matured more the past years, but it's still me. The only thing different, is Ran, Miki, Su, and Dia are all gone. I guess over the years I finally found my true self, so I didn't need them anymore. I miss them so much, but life goes on, ne? Yaya is now a kindergarden teacher, Rima owns a HUGE comedy channel in Tokyo, Ikuto is a famous violinist, I wonder were he is now… no, no time to think about him. Let's see who else… Kukai is in the MLS and is now in America for a vacation with Utau. Nagi is Rima's Vice president; they've been married for 2 years now! Utau is still singing, and she's much more popular, since she's married to Kukai now. They have a little 7 month old girl named Lina, and she is just the cutest thing. Then there is me and Tadase. I've been working in a U.S company called food network. Yes, I decided I would stick with cooking, I learned a lot from Su. Tadase is the president of the FBI, no joke, the FBI. If he can't be ruler of the world, he says he's better off in the FBI.

"Tadase-kun?" I giggled and hugged him, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see," He kissed me on the cheek and covered my eyes, "Now close your eyes, and no peeking."

"Aw come on Tadase, tell me," I said waving my hands around.

He laughed and took his hands off my eyes, "We're here."

In front of me was a cute little house, right by the beach. Its cream wood, and light brown roof was like heaven to me.

Suddenly Tadase got on one knee and reached into his pocket.

"Huh?" I said.

Tadase pulled out a small black box, "Amu, I love you, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you, in this house, our house" He opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring, "Will you marry me?"

Tears formed into my eyes, I hugged him and nodded, "Yes! Yes Tadase! I Love you so much!"